
Defines functions plotHeatmap define_breaks

Documented in plotHeatmap

########################### plotHeatmap.R ###########################
# function to generate heatmap with cutoff and colormap scale function

# A color blind palette
#                Green      Orange    Sky Blue    Blue      Vermillion  Purple    Yellow      Black
cbbPalette <- c("#009E73", "#e79f00", "#9ad0f3", "#0072B2", "#D55E00", "#CC79A7", "#F0E442", "#000000")

#' Plot a customized heatmap with a symmetrical scale that is not stretched by extreme values
#' @param mat a numeric matrix that should be plotted
#' @param lim a single number indicating the maximal range [-lim lim] for the color map
#' @param fixedRange logical indicating whether the range of lim should at all means be kept (ensures comparability with other heatmaps)
#' @param stripOut numeric between [0 1] to determine the range of colors (excluding outliers from distorting the colormap) 
#' @param main a character string representing the title to be passed
#' @param col colorRampPalette object indicating the colormap
#' @param textCol string denoting the color of inset text
#' @param sig_numbers number of significant parameters to display in the heatmap
#' @param show_values Whether the values should be printed in the heatmap boxes or not.
#' @param scale_rows Transforms color code to show differences between columns by formula: x-rowmean/abs(rowmean)
#' @return Nothing
#' @export
#' @author Bertram Klinger \email{bertram.klinger@@charite.de}
plotHeatmap <- function(mat,main = "",lim = Inf,fixedRange = FALSE, stripOut=0.05,col = colorRampPalette(c("deepskyblue","white","red1")),textCol = "gray10", sig_numbers=2, show_values=TRUE,scale_rows=FALSE){
  # helper functions to generate the breaks. When data contain only one sign: 0...+-limit, otherwise -limit...+limit 
  lim = abs(lim) # Must be positive
  mat[is.infinite(as.matrix(mat))] = NA
  # cutoff and transformation of colour
  if (scale_rows){
    m=sweep(m,1,apply(mat,1,function(x) abs(mean(x,na.rm=T))),"/")
  if (stripOut >= 0.5) { stop("Cannot strip more than 50% of the data to generate the color scale") } 
  if (!is.numeric(lim)) {stop("lim should be numeric")}
  if (!fixedRange) {
      lowLim = max(-lim,quantile(m,stripOut, na.rm=T))
      upLim = min(lim,quantile(m,1-stripOut, na.rm=T))
  } else {
      lowLim = -lim
      upLim = lim
  m[m < lowLim] = lowLim
  m[m > upLim] = upLim
  # linearized matrix order (1,1) (2,1) (3,1) (4,1)... for text inset
  # Generate heatmap with textual inset
  if (show_values) {
    panel_function <- function(...){
                      panel.levelplot(arg$x, arg$y, is.na(arg$z), subscripts=which(is.na(arg$z)), col.regions="grey")
                      panel.text(arg$x, arg$y,
                                 col = textCol,
                                 cex = 0.8)}
  } else {
  panel_function <- function(...){
                      panel.levelplot(arg$x, arg$y, is.na(arg$z), subscripts=which(is.na(arg$z)), col.regions="grey")
  p<- levelplot(x = t(as.matrix(m[nrow(m):1,])),
                col.regions = col,
                at = breaks,
                colorkey = list(space = "left"),
                aspect = "fill",
                xlab = "",
                ylab = "",
                main = main,
                scales = list(alternating = 2,tck = c(0,1),x = list(rot = 90, cex=2), y=list(cex=1.1)),
  print(p) # Plot the heatmap

define_breaks <- function(m,lim = Inf,fixedRange = FALSE) {
  if (!fixedRange) {
    if (min(m,na.rm=T)==max(m,na.rm=T)){
      limit = min(lim,(max(abs(m),na.rm = T)))
  } else {
      if (is.infinite(lim) || is.nan(lim) || is.na(lim)) {
          stop("'lim' is invalid, cannot generate breaks within a fixed range")
molsysbio/STASNet documentation built on May 29, 2019, 5:45 a.m.