
Defines functions getBinCounts getTrinuc vcafConstruction getVcaf annotateCn parsePurityFile parseCnaFile parseVcfFile vcfToCounts

# loadData.R
# Author: Cait Harrigan
# R functions to depricate make_corrected_vaf.py and call_scripts.R

## \code{vcfToCounts} Take an input vcf file and annotation and generate the counts data
## @rdname loadData
## @name vcfToCounts
## @param vcfFile path to variant calling format (VCF) file
## @param cnaFile path to copy number abberation (CNA) file
## @param purity sample purity percentage between 0 and 1
## @param binSize size of TrackSig timeline bins
## @param context list of mutation types and their trinucleotide context
## @param refGenome refrence genome used to create VCF file
## @param verbose show intermediate print statements
## @export
vcfToCounts <- function(vcfFile, cnaFile = NULL, purity = 1, binSize = 100,
                        context = generateContext(c("CG", "TA")),
                        nCutoff = 10000, verbose = F,
                        refGenome = BSgenome.Hsapiens.UCSC.hg19::BSgenome.Hsapiens.UCSC.hg19) {

  # input checking and path expansion
  vcfFile <- path.expand(vcfFile)

  if (!is.null(cnaFile)){
    cnaFile <- path.expand(cnaFile)

  # get vcf
  vcf <- parseVcfFile(vcfFile, nCutoff, refGenome)

  # get cna reconstruction
  cna <- parseCnaFile(cnaFile)

  # vcaf has vcf and vaf data concatenated
  vcaf <- getVcaf(vcf, purity, cna, refGenome, verbose)
  vcaf <- getTrinuc(vcaf, refGenome, verbose)

  countsPerBin <- NULL
  list[vcaf, countsPerBin] <- getBinCounts(vcaf, binSize, context, verbose)

  # clean up unecessary vcaf features
  vcaf <- vcaf[,c("chr", "pos", "cn", "mutType", "alt", "phi", "qi", "bin")]
  rownames(vcaf) <- NULL

  return( list(vcaf = vcaf, countsPerBin = countsPerBin) )


## @rdname loadData
## @name parseVcfFile

parseVcfFile <- function(vcfFile, cutoff = 10000, refGenome = BSgenome.Hsapiens.UCSC.hg19::BSgenome.Hsapiens.UCSC.hg19){

  # Use variant annotation to get just t_alt_count and t_ref_count
  vcf <- VariantAnnotation::readVcf(vcfFile, genome = GenomeInfoDb::bsgenomeName(refGenome))
  GenomeInfoDb::seqlevelsStyle(vcf) <- "UCSC"

  # remove variants with missing ref or alt counts (ri/vi)
  vcf <- vcf[!is.na(VariantAnnotation::info(vcf)$t_alt_count) &

  # TODO: remove any duplicates

  assertthat::assert_that(dim(vcf)[1] > 0, msg = "No variants with sufficient t_alt_count or t_ref_count info in VCF")
  assertthat::assert_that("t_alt_count" %in% rownames(VariantAnnotation::info(VariantAnnotation::header(vcf))),
                          msg = "Tumor alternate variant count \"t_alt_count\" was not found in the vcf header. Please check formatting\n")
  assertthat::assert_that("t_ref_count" %in% rownames(VariantAnnotation::info(VariantAnnotation::header(vcf))),
                          msg = "Tumor refrence variant count \"t_ref_count\" was not found in the vcf header. Please check formatting\n")

  # implement cutoff if too many variants present in sample
  if (dim(vcf)[1] > cutoff){
    vcf <- sample(vcf, cutoff)

  # throw warning if not enough variants
  if (dim(vcf)[1] <= 400){
    warning("For high resolution segmentation, recommend >400 mutations total\n")


## @rdname loadData
## @name parseCnaFile

parseCnaFile <- function(cnaFile){

  cnaGR <- NULL

    cnaGR <- utils::read.table(cnaFile, header = T)
    cnaGR <- GenomicRanges::GRanges(cnaGR$chromosome, IRanges::IRanges(cnaGR$start, cnaGR$end), cn = cnaGR$total_cn)


## @rdname loadData
## @name parsePurityFile

parsePurityFile <- function(purityFile){

  purities <- utils::read.table(purityFile, header = T)


## @rdname loadData
## @name annotateCn

annotateCn <- function(vcf, cnaGR = NULL){

  vcfGR <- SummarizedExperiment::rowRanges(vcf)

  # input type checking, cnaGR colname checking
  assertthat::assert_that(class(vcfGR) == "GRanges")
  if( !is.null(cnaGR) ){
    assertthat::assert_that(class(cnaGR) == "GRanges")
    if (is.null(cnaGR$cn)){ stop("cnaGR$cn not found. Please assure that cnaGR$cn is a valid indexing of cnaGR") }

  # set all cn to 2
  # conveinent to use the GRanges object here for overlaps,
  # however vcf object itself is not modified until return
  vcfGR$cn <- 2

  # if cn reconstruction available, add cna metadata to vcf
  if (!is.null(cnaGR)){

    # look up cna for vcf regions
    overlaps <- GenomicRanges::findOverlaps(vcfGR, cnaGR)

    vcfGR$cn[S4Vectors::to(overlaps)] <- cnaGR$cn[S4Vectors::from(overlaps)]

  # update header information with cn
  cnInfoHeader <- data.frame(row.names = c("cn"), Number = 1, Type = "Integer",
                             Description = "Locus copy number as provided to TrackSig",
                             stringsAsFactors = F)
  VariantAnnotation::info(VariantAnnotation::header(vcf)) <- rbind(VariantAnnotation::info(VariantAnnotation::header(vcf)), cnInfoHeader)

  VariantAnnotation::info(vcf)$cn <- vcfGR$cn



## \code{getVcaf} Take an input vcf file and annotation and make vaf data
## @rdname loadData
## @name getVcaf
## @param vcf CollapsedVCF object
## @param purity sample purity percentage between 0 and 1
## @param cna GRanges object with cna information for the sample
## @param refGenome reference BSgenome to use
## @return A vcaf dataframe that has vcf and vaf data concatenated

getVcaf <- function(vcf, purity, cna, refGenome, verbose = F){
  #replaces make_corrected_vaf.py

  # annotate the vcf with copy number
  vcf <- annotateCn(vcf, cna)

  # prelim formatting check
  vcaf <- vcafConstruction(vcf, refGenome, verbose = verbose)

  # calculate phi
  phat <- stats::rbeta(dim(vcaf)[1], vcaf$vi + 1, vcaf$ri + 1)
  vcaf$phi <- (2 + purity * (vcaf$cn - 2)) * phat   #phi = ccf * purity

  # re-sample phat to make qi's, and cut at qi = 1
  # TODO: will the chop cause problems in the distribution when there is high CNA?
  vcaf$qi <- stats::rbeta(dim(vcaf)[1], vcaf$vi + 1, vcaf$ri + 1)
  vcaf$qi <- unlist(lapply(vcaf$qi, 1, FUN = min))

  # sort on phi
  vcaf <- vcaf[order(vcaf$phi, decreasing = T), ]


## \code{checkVcaf} Perform some shallow input checks on a vcaf data frame. \cr
## Check for SNP criteria, and remove instances where reference allele matches alt allele.\cr
## Check chromosome and position is valid in reference genome.
## @rdname loadData
## @name checkVcaf
## @param vcaf vcaf data frame
## @param refGenome reference BSgenome to use
## @return A vcaf dataframe that has vcf and vaf data concatenated

vcafConstruction <- function(vcf, refGenome, verbose = F){
  # some VCF formatting checks, filter for SNP's
  # no read quality filtering performed.

  if(verbose){ print("Parsing VCF...") }

  # input checking
  assertthat::assert_that(class(refGenome) == "BSgenome")
  assertthat::assert_that(class(vcf) == "CollapsedVCF")
  assertthat::assert_that("REF" %in% colnames(VariantAnnotation::fixed(vcf)))
  assertthat::assert_that("ALT" %in% colnames(VariantAnnotation::fixed(vcf)))

  # mutations in vcf should be SNPs => one ref, one alt allele
  # drop those that are not SNPs
  rmSel <- !VariantAnnotation::isSNV(vcf, singleAltOnly = F)

  if (sum(rmSel) > 0){
    warning( sprintf("%s mutations dropped for not meeting SNP cirteria\n" , sum(rmSel) ) )
    vcf <- vcf[!rmSel,]

  # formatting vcaf - vcf and vaf concatenated
  # using CharacterList for alt, ref is 400x faster than casting CollapsedVCF object directly
  # subset with [0,] to avoid casting metadata columns
  vcaf <- as.data.frame(SummarizedExperiment::rowRanges(vcf)[,0])[c("seqnames", "start")]
  colnames(vcaf) <- c("chr", "pos")
  vcaf$ref <- unlist(IRanges::CharacterList(list(SummarizedExperiment::rowRanges(vcf)$REF)))

  # add back any extra mutation-wise data that the vcf contains
  extras <- setdiff(colnames(VariantAnnotation::info(vcf)), c("t_alt_count", "t_ref_count", "cn"))
  vcaf <- base::as.data.frame(base::cbind(vcaf, VariantAnnotation::info(vcf)[,extras]))

  # drop secondary alleles in multiallelic alt hits
  allAlts <- IRanges::CharacterList(SummarizedExperiment::rowRanges(vcf)$ALT)
  vcaf$alt <- unlist(lapply(allAlts, function(x){return(x[[1]][1])}))

  # check - names and dimenions should match
  assertthat::assert_that( all( vcaf$chr == SummarizedExperiment::seqnames(vcf) ) )
  assertthat::assert_that( dim(vcaf)[1] == dim(VariantAnnotation::info(vcf))[1] )

  # get copy number for all loci
  vcaf$cn <- VariantAnnotation::info(vcf)$cn

  # get alt and ref counts for all loci
  # TODO: vcf formats may provide vi and depth, rather than vi and ri
  vcaf$vi <- VariantAnnotation::info(vcf)$t_alt_count
  vcaf$ri <- VariantAnnotation::info(vcf)$t_ref_count

  # check - ref should not match alt in a mutation
  rmSel <- vcaf$ref == vcaf$alt
  if (sum(rmSel) > 0){
    warning(sprintf("%s mutations dropped for refrence allele matching alt\n", sum(rmSel)))
    vcaf <- vcaf[!rmSel,]

  # check - mutations should be SNP
  rmSet <- c()

  # check - chromosome should be valid in refrence genome
  # don't load genome - use BSgenome preview accessing
  rmSet <- union(rmSet, which(!(vcaf$chr %in% SummarizedExperiment::seqnames(refGenome))))

  # postition should be valid in refrence genome
  # not less than 1
  rmSet <- union(rmSet, which( vcaf$pos < 1 ) )
  #and less than the maximum for that chromosome
  rmSet <- union(rmSet, which ( ! ( vcaf$pos < GenomeInfoDb::seqlengths(refGenome)[paste0("chr", vcaf$chr)] ) ))

  if (length(rmSet) > 0){
    warning( sprintf("%s mutations dropped for not appearing in reference genome\n" , length(rmSet) ) )
    vcaf <- vcaf[-rmSet,]

  # strip "chr" for downstream
  vcaf$chr <- as.character(vcaf$chr)
  vcaf$chr <- unlist(strsplit(vcaf$chr, "chr"))[c(F, T)]

  return ( vcaf )

## \code{getTrinuc} Get the trinucleotide context for each mutation in a vcaf data frame
## @rdname loadData
## @name getTrinuc
## @param vcaf vcaf data frame
## @param refGenome reference BSgenome to use
## @param intermediateFile file where to save intermediate results if saveIntermediate is True
## @return An updated vcaf data frame with trinucleotide context added for each mutation
getTrinuc <- function(vcaf, refGenome, verbose = F){
  # replaces getMutationTypes.pl

  if(verbose){ print("Making mutation types...") }

  # input checking
  assertthat::assert_that(class(refGenome) == "BSgenome")

  # get trinucleotide context in refrence
  # strandedness should be forward
  # concat to GRanges object
  mutRanges <- GenomicRanges::GRanges( paste0("chr", vcaf$chr, ":", vcaf$pos - 1, "-", vcaf$pos + 1, ":+") )

  # look up trinucleotide context
  triNuc <- Biostrings::getSeq(refGenome, mutRanges)
  vcaf$mutType <- as.character(triNuc)

  # context matches ref?
  # perl script ignored this and grabbed trinuc context regardless.
  # Here will do the same, but throw warning
  mismatchedRef <- which(!(vcaf$ref == substr(vcaf$mutType, 2, 2)))

  if (length(mismatchedRef) > 0){

    # drop rows with mismatch
    #warning( sprintf("%s mutations dropped for vcf refrence allele not matching the selected reference genome" , length(mismatchedRef) ) )
    #vcaf <- vcaf[-mismatchedRef,]
    #context <- context[-mismatchedRef]

    warning( sprintf("%s (of %s) mutations have vcf refrence allele mismatch with the selected reference genome\n" , length(mismatchedRef), dim(vcaf)[1] ) )
    substr(vcaf$mutType, 2, 2) <- vcaf$ref

  # remove mutations with "N" in reference context
  rmSet <- !sapply(triNuc, FUN = Biostrings::hasOnlyBaseLetters)
  if (sum(rmSet) > 0){

    warning( sprintf("%s (of %s) mutations dropped for uncertain identity in reference genome\n" , sum(rmSet), dim(vcaf)[1]) )
    vcaf <- vcaf[!rmSet,]

  # take reverse complement of ref purines for context format
  complementSel <- (vcaf$ref == "G" | vcaf$ref == "A")
  vcaf$mutType[complementSel] <- as.character(Biostrings::reverseComplement(Biostrings::DNAStringSet(vcaf$mutType))[complementSel])

  # complement alt and ref where ref is a purine
  vcaf$alt[vcaf$ref == "G"] <- as.character(Biostrings::complement(Biostrings::DNAStringSet(vcaf$alt[vcaf$ref == "G"])))
  vcaf$alt[vcaf$ref == "A"] <- as.character(Biostrings::complement(Biostrings::DNAStringSet(vcaf$alt[vcaf$ref == "A"])))
  vcaf$ref[vcaf$ref == "G"] <- "C"
  vcaf$ref[vcaf$ref == "A"] <- "T"

  return (vcaf)

## \code{getBinCounts} Get the mutation type counts data for a vcaf dataframe
## @rdname loadData
## @name getBinCounts
## @param vcaf vcaf data frame
## @param binSize number of mutations per bin
## @param context trinucleotide combinations possible
## @return A data frame of summary statistics and mutation type counts for each bin.
#' @importFrom magrittr "%>%"
getBinCounts <- function(vcaf, binSize, context, verbose = F){
  # replaces make_hundreds.py script

  if(verbose){ print("Making counts...") }

  nMut <- dim(vcaf)[1]
  assertthat::assert_that(nMut >= binSize, msg = "number of mutations may not be less than specified binSize\n")
  assertthat::assert_that(dim(unique(vcaf[c("ref","alt","mutType")]))[1] <= dim(context)[1], msg = sprintf("too many mutation types (%s) for context (%s)\n",
                                                                                                           dim(unique(vcaf[c("ref","alt","mutType")]))[1],  dim(context)[1]) )

  # populate all possible bins, up to one possible remaining partial bin
  nFullBins <- floor( (nMut / binSize) )
  sizePartialBin <- round(((nMut / binSize) %% 1) * binSize)

  vcaf$bin <- c(rep(1:nFullBins, each = binSize), rep( (nFullBins + 1) , times = sizePartialBin))

  # get count of each mutation type for each bin
  vcaf %>%
    dplyr::mutate(cat = paste(.data$ref, .data$alt, .data$mutType, sep = "_")) %>%
    dplyr::group_by(.data$bin, .data$cat) %>% dplyr::summarize(sum = sum(.data$bin)) %>%
    tidyr::spread(cat, sum) -> binCounts

  # replace NAs with 0
  binCounts[is.na(binCounts)] <- 0

  # check that all mutation types have a count
  missingTypes <- setdiff(paste(context$V1, context$V2, context$V3, sep = "_"), names(binCounts))
  for (col in missingTypes){
    binCounts[col] <- 0

  # order by reference definition
  binCounts <- binCounts[,paste(context$V1, context$V2, context$V3, sep = "_")]

  return ( list(vcaf = vcaf, countsPerBin = t(binCounts)) )


# [END]
morrislab/TrackSigFreq documentation built on July 5, 2021, 6:33 a.m.