
#' Classifies a time series based on the defined ts taxonomy features.
#' This is a function to calculate the different (statistical) features
#' from the defined time series taxonomy. The taxonomy can be applied to
#' classify univariate and multivariate time series based on it.
#' As input for \code{ts} is only required an object from the classes
#' time series, data.frame or vector. Each of them should represent an
#' time series. Otherwise the function returns an error message. Also, for
#' \code{na_option} is only required the string 'mean' or'kalman'
#' allowed. This means, that all na values are either replaced by the mean,
#' or kalman imputation of the ts.
#' The standard value of \code{na_option} is 'mean'. The paramter
#' \code{taxonomy_type} defines whether the overall 24 features or a ligther
#' version of 15 features based on feature selection is applied. 'v1' the basic
#' taxonomy contains the following features:"number_of_observations",
#' "coefficient of determination", "durbin watson test", "mean", "periodicity",
#' "chaos", "entropy", "selfsimilarity", "dynamic time warping (DTW) distance ",
#' "percentage of turning points", "variance", "percentage of outliers",
#' "percentage of step changes", "quartile distribition", "standard deviation",
#' "percentage of peaks", "trend", "seasonality", "autocorrelation",
#' "partial autocorrelation", "skewness", "kurtosis", "non linearity"
#' "number_of_attributes". The ligther version 'v2' contains the following 15
#' features: "coefficient of determination", "durbin watson test",
#' "periodicity", "chaos", "entropy", "percentage of turning points",
#' "percentage of outliers", "percentage of step changes",
#' "quartile distribition", "percentage of peaks", "trend", "seasonality",
#' "autocorrelation", "partial autocorrelation", "number_of_attributes".
#' @param ts Either a vector, time series or data.frame object representing
#' a time series is allowed.
#' @param na_option A string value containing either 'mean'
#' or'kalman'; Standard values is 'mean'.
#' @param taxonomy_type Either 'v1' or 'v2'. v1 uses the basic time series
#' taxonomy containing the overall 24 features and v2 the feature selected ts
#' taxonomy containing 15 features. Standard values is 'v1'.
#' @return The final list, containing all scaled feature factor values.
#' If the input \code{ts} is not a vector, ts or data.frame object
#' an error message is returned.
#' @examples
#' ts_vector = c(1,4,6,1,24,5,1)
#' df = multi_ts_list$`M-TS-1`$data
#' ts = datasets::BJsales
#' classify_ts(ts = ts_vector_object)
#' classify_ts(ts = df, na_option = "kalman")
#' classify_ts(ts = ts, na_option = "mean")
#' @export
classify_ts <- function(ts, na_option = "mean", taxonomy_type = "v1"){

  # Check input data and transform it into ts object ---------------------------

  if (!taxonomy_type %in% c("v1","v2")){
    stop("As 'taxonomy_type' is either 'v1' or 'v2' allowed")

  list_ts <- list()
  # If else clause to check the 'ts' input parameter
  if (is.ts(ts)) {
  # If ts is a ts object, add it to the list_ts list
    if (length(unique(na.omit(ts))) < 2 ) {
      stop("the vector requires more than one unique value")
    # Handle missing observations
    if (length(na.omit(as.numeric(ts))) != (length(as.numeric(ts)))) {
      ts <- predict_missing_observations(ts, na_option = na_option)
    list_ts[["ts"]] <- ts
    quartile_index <- c(1)

  } else if (is.vector(ts)) {
  # If ts is a vector object, transfrom it to ts & add it to the list_ts list
    # character and factor cols are transformed to numeric cols
    if ((is.Date(ts) || is.POSIXt(ts)) &
        length(unique(na.omit(ts))) < 2 ) {
      stop("the vector requires class numeric or character and
           more than one unique value")
    if (is.character(ts) || is.factor(ts)) {
      ts = as.factor(ts)
      ts = as.numeric(ts)
    } else {
      quartile_index <- c(1)
    # Handle missing observations
    if (length(na.omit(as.numeric(ts))) != (length(as.numeric(ts)))) {
      ts <- predict_missing_observations(ts, na_option = na_option)
    # Find out the frequency of the data
    freq <- get_ts_frequency(ts)
    # Transform ts into a ts
    ts <- ts(ts, f = freq)
    list_ts[["ts"]] <- ts
  } else if (is.data.frame(ts)) {
  # If ts is a data.frane object, transfrom each data col to a ts object
  # and add each ts object to the list_ts list
    quartile_index_count <- 1
    quartile_index <- c()
    for (col in 1:ncol(ts)) {
      # The date col is cutted out
      if ((!is.Date(ts[,col]) || !is.POSIXt(ts[,col])) &
          length(unique(na.omit(ts[,col]))) > 1 & !str_detect(colnames(ts)[col],
                                      regex("date", ignore_case = TRUE))) {
        # character and factor cols are transformed to numeric cols
        if (is.character(ts[,col]) || is.factor(ts[,col])) {
          ts[,col] = as.factor(ts[,col])
          ts[,col] = as.numeric(ts[,col])
        } else {
          quartile_index <- append(quartile_index, quartile_index_count)
          quartile_index_count <- quartile_index_count + 1
        # Handle missing observations
        if (length(na.omit(as.numeric(ts[,col]))) != (length(as.numeric(ts[,col])))) {
          ts[,col] <- predict_missing_observations(ts[,col], na_option = na_option)
        # Find out the frequency of the data
        freq <- get_ts_frequency(ts[,col])
        # Transform tsinto a ts object
        transform_ts <- ts(ts[,col], f = freq)
        list_ts[[as.character(col)]] = transform_ts
  } else {
    # if the input data has a wrong class, print a error message
    stop("ERROR: input parameter 'ts' has to be of class
              vector, ts or data.frame")

  for (elem in list_ts) {
    if (length(elem) < 10) {
      stop("ERROR: the inputed ts has to have a length at least of 10")

  if(length(list_ts) == 0) {
    stop("ERROR: the ts data is not useful, bad structure and types")

  # Generate the feature values and scale [0,1] them ---------------------------

  # Vector to store the feature results
  ts_vector <- c()

  if (taxonomy_type == "v1") {
    # Feature NumberOfObservations
    number_of_observations <-
    # Scaling
    number_of_observations <- scale_feature(x = number_of_observations
                                            , min = 13, max = 52584)
    # Add scaled result to the ts_vector
    ts_vector <- append(ts_vector, number_of_observations)

  # Feature NumberOfAttributes
  if (is.data.frame(ts)) {
    number_of_attributes = calculate_attributenumber(as.data.frame(list_ts))
  } else {
    number_of_attributes <- 1
  # Add result to vector
  ts_vector <- append(ts_vector, number_of_attributes)

  # Feature R2 fits only for multivaritae ts, else the value is -1
  if (number_of_attributes > 1) {
    ts_colnames <- colnames(as.data.frame(list_ts))
    r2 <-
      calculate_determination_coefficient(df = as.data.frame(list_ts),
                                          targetcol = ts_colnames[1])
    # Scaling
    r2 <- scale_feature(x = r2, min = 0, max = 1)
  } else {
    r2 <- -1
  # Add result to the ts_vector
  ts_vector <- append(ts_vector, r2)

  # DurbinWatsonTest fits only for multi ts, else the value -1
  if (number_of_attributes > 1) {
    ts_colnames <- colnames(as.data.frame(list_ts))
    dw = calculate_durbin_watson_test(df = as.data.frame(list_ts),
                                      targetcol = ts_colnames[1])
  } else {
    dw = -1
  # Add result to the ts_vector
  ts_vector <- append(ts_vector, dw)

  if (taxonomy_type == "v1") {
    # Assigning the feature names to the above generated values
    names(ts_vector) <- c("number_of_observations", "number_of_attributes"
                          , "r2", "dw")

    # Generate a feature matrix to store the results for the following for loop
    temp_taxonomy <- matrix(NA, nrow = length(list_ts), ncol = 35)
    colnames(temp_taxonomy) <- c("feature_mean", "feature_periodicity",
                                 "feature_chaos", "feature_entropy",
                                 "feature_selfsimilarity", "feature_dtw1",
                                 "feature_dtw2", "feature_dtw3", "feature_dtw4",
                                 "feature_dtw5", "feature_dtw6", "feature_dtw7",
                                 "feature_dtw8", "feature_dtw9", "feature_dtw10",
                                 "feature_dtw11", "feature_dtw12",
                                 "feature_dtw13", "feature_tp",
                                 "feature_outlier", "feature_stepchange",
                                 "QUARTILE1", "QUARTILE2", "QUARTILE3",
                                 "QUARTILE4", "feature_sd", "feature_peak",
                                 "feature_trend", "feature_season",
                                 "feature_autocor", "feature_partial_autocor",
                                 "feature_skewness", "feature_kurtosis",
  } else {
    # Assigning the feature names to the above generated values
    names(ts_vector) <- c("number_of_attributes"
                          , "r2", "dw")

    # Generate a feature matrix to store the results for the following for loop
    temp_taxonomy <- matrix(NA, nrow = length(list_ts), ncol = 15)
    colnames(temp_taxonomy) <- c("feature_periodicity",
                                 "feature_chaos", "feature_entropy",
                                 "feature_outlier", "feature_stepchange",
                                 "QUARTILE1", "QUARTILE2", "QUARTILE3",
                                 "QUARTILE4", "feature_peak",
                                 "feature_trend", "feature_season",
                                 "feature_autocor", "feature_partial_autocor")

  # Count for the following for-loop
  ts_count <- 1

  # For each ts object in the list_ts list generate all following features
  for(elem in list_ts){

    # A vector that contains all feature values within the for loop
    temp_vector <- c()

    # The following features are generated on raw data -----------------------

    if (taxonomy_type == "v1") {
      # Feature mean
      feature_mean <- calculate_mean(elem)
      # Scaling
      feature_mean <- scale_feature(feature_mean, min = 0.08, max = 0.73)
      # Add scaled result to the temp_vector
      temp_vector <- append(temp_vector, feature_mean)

    # Feature periodicity
    feature_periodicity <- calculate_periodicity(elem)
    # Scaling
    feature_periodicity <- scale_feature(feature_periodicity, min = 0, max = 1)
    # Add scaled result to the temp_vector
    temp_vector <- append(temp_vector, feature_periodicity)

    # Feature chaos
    feature_chaos <- calculate_chaos(elem)
    # Scaling
    feature_chaos <- scale_feature(feature_chaos, min = 0, max = 1)
    # Add scaled result to the temp_vector
    temp_vector <- append(temp_vector, feature_chaos)

    # Feature entropy
    feature_entropy <- calculate_entropy(elem)
    # Scaling
    feature_entropy <- scale_feature(feature_entropy, min = -0.08, max = 0.98)
    # Add scaled result to the temp_vector
    temp_vector <- append(temp_vector, feature_entropy)

    if (taxonomy_type == "v1") {
      # Feature self-similarity
      feature_selfsimilarity <- calculate_selfsimilarity(elem)
      # Scaling
      feature_selfsimilarity <- scale_feature(feature_selfsimilarity
                                              , min = 0.5, max = 1)
      # Add scaled result to the temp_vector
      temp_vector <- append(temp_vector, feature_selfsimilarity)

    if (taxonomy_type == "v1") {
      # Feature dtw
      feature_dtw <- calculate_dtw_blockdistance(elem)
      # Scaling
      tmp_feature_dtw <- c()
      tmp_min = c(2876.91, 113078.1, 2442235, 117426.2, 246412, 123634.1,
                  719995.2, 428939.3, 570058.6, 78383.39, 1216.94, 927905600,
      tmp_max = c(2403157000, 3160719000, 7390375000, 3375461000
                  , 4528558000, 3167553000, 4527233000, 4321836000
                  , 4322218000, 3123604000, 2393432000,  3862347000
                  , 2369047000)
      for(i in 1:13){
        tmp_feature_dtw <- append(tmp_feature_dtw,scale_feature(feature_dtw[i]
                           , min = tmp_min[i], max = tmp_max[i]))
      feature_dtw <- tmp_feature_dtw
      # Add scaled result to the temp_vector
      temp_vector <- append(temp_vector, feature_dtw)

    # Feature turning points
    if(length(unique(elem)) > 2){
      feature_tp <- calculate_turningpoint_percentage(elem)
    } else {
      feature_tp <- 0
    # Scaling
    feature_tp <- scale_feature(feature_tp, min = 0, max = 0.25)
    # Add scaled result to the temp_vector
    temp_vector <- append(temp_vector, feature_tp)

    if (taxonomy_type == "v1") {
      # Feature variance
      feature_variance <- calculate_variance(elem)
      # Scaling
      feature_variance <- scale_feature(feature_variance, min = 0.03
                                        , max = 4.775906e+14)
      # Add scaled result to the temp_vector
      temp_vector <- append(temp_vector, feature_variance)

    # Feature outliers
    feature_outlier <- calculate_outlier_percentage(elem)
    # Scaling
    feature_outlier <- scale_feature(feature_outlier, min = 0, max = 0.14)
    # Add scaled result to the temp_vector
    temp_vector <- append(temp_vector, feature_outlier)

    # Feature step changes
    feature_stepchange <- calculate_stepchange_percentage(elem)
    # Scaling
    feature_stepchange <- scale_feature(feature_stepchange, min = 0, max = 0.85)
    # Add scaled result to the temp_vector
    temp_vector <- append(temp_vector, feature_stepchange)

    # Feature quartile distribution
    if (length(quartile_index) == 0) {
      feature_quartiles <- c(-1,-1,-1,-1)
    } else {
      # It is calculated only for numeric time series!
      if(ts_count %in% quartile_index){
        feature_quartiles <- calculate_quartile_distribution(elem)
    # Scaling
    tmp_quartiles <- c()
    tmp_min <- c(0.02, 0.03, 0.05, 0.04)
    tmp_max <- c(0.75, 0.45, 0.56, 0.82)
    for(i in 1:4){
      tmp_quartiles <- append(tmp_quartiles,scale_feature(feature_quartiles[i]
                                        , min = tmp_min[i], max = tmp_max[i]))
    feature_quartiles <- tmp_quartiles
    # Add scaled result to the temp_vector
    temp_vector <- append(temp_vector, feature_quartiles)

    # Decompose the raw data for the following features -----------------------
    decomp_ts <- decompose_ts(elem)
    detrended_and_deseason_ts <- decomp_ts[["remainder"]]
    detrended_ts <- decomp_ts[["ts"]] - decomp_ts[["trend"]]

    # The next features are generated on detrended data -----------------------

    if (taxonomy_type == "v1") {
      # Feature sd
      feature_sd <- calculate_sd(detrended_ts)
      # Scaling
      feature_sd <- scale_feature(feature_sd, min = 0, max = 26217230000)
      # Add scaled result to the temp_vector
      temp_vector <- append(temp_vector, feature_sd)

    # Feature peaks
    feature_peak <- calculate_peak_percentage(detrended_ts)
    # Scaling
    feature_peak <- scale_feature(feature_peak, min = 0, max = 0.44)
    # Add scaled result to the temp_vector
    temp_vector <- append(temp_vector, feature_peak)

    # The next features are generated on detrended_and_deseason_ts data
    # but they require a ts object and transfrom it within the fucntion ------

    # Feature trend
    feature_trend <- calculate_trend(elem)
    # Scaling
    feature_trend <- scale_feature(feature_trend, min = 0, max = 1)
    # Add scaled result to the temp_vector
    temp_vector <- append(temp_vector, feature_trend)

    # Feature seasonality
    feature_season <- calculate_seasonality(elem)
    # Scaling
    feature_season <- scale_feature(feature_season, min = 0, max = 1)
    # Add scaled result to the temp_vector
    temp_vector <- append(temp_vector, feature_season)

    ### Autocor, PartialAutocor, skew, kurto, non-linearity on all 3!

    # The next features are generated on detrended_and_deseason_ts,
    # detrended and deseasonalized data ------------------------------

    decomp_ts_list <- list(detrended_and_deseason_ts,
                           detrended_ts, decomp_ts[["ts"]])

    # Feature autocorrelation
    feature_autocor <- 0
    for(data in decomp_ts_list){
      feature_autocor <- feature_autocor + calculate_autocorrelation(data)
    # Scaling
    feature_autocor <- scale_feature(feature_autocor/3, min = -0.01, max = 0.65)
    # Add scaled result to the temp_vector
    temp_vector <- append(temp_vector, feature_autocor)

    # Feature partial autocorrelation
    feature_partial_autocor <- 0
    for(data in decomp_ts_list){
      feature_partial_autocor <- feature_partial_autocor +
    # Scaling
    feature_partial_autocor <- scale_feature(feature_partial_autocor/3
                                             , min = -0.57, max = 0.15)
    # Add scaled result to the temp_vector
    temp_vector <- append(temp_vector, feature_partial_autocor)

    if (taxonomy_type == "v1") {
      # Feature skewness
      feature_skewness <- 0
      for(data in decomp_ts_list){
        feature_skewness <- feature_skewness + calculate_skewness(data)
      # Scaling
      feature_skewness <- scale_feature(feature_skewness/3
                                        , min = -1.54, max = 1.29)
      # Add scaled result to the temp_vector
      temp_vector <- append(temp_vector, feature_skewness)

      # Feature kurtosis
      feature_kurtosis <- 0
      for(data in decomp_ts_list){
        feature_kurtosis <- feature_kurtosis + calculate_kurtosis(data)
      # Scaling
      feature_kurtosis = scale_feature(feature_kurtosis/3
                                       , min = -1.23, max = 25.77)
      # Add scaled result to the temp_vector
      temp_vector <- append(temp_vector, feature_kurtosis)

      # Feature non linearity
      feature_non_linearity <- 0
      for(data in decomp_ts_list){
        feature_non_linearity <- feature_non_linearity +
      # Scaling
      feature_non_linearity <- scale_feature(feature_non_linearity/3,
                                             min = 0.22, max = 160.82)
      # Add scaled result to the temp_vector
      temp_vector <- append(temp_vector, feature_non_linearity)

    # Add the feature vector to the appropriate row of the temp_taxonomy matrix
    temp_taxonomy[ts_count,] <- temp_vector
    ts_count <- ts_count + 1

  # Collect and combine all feature results -----------------------

  # Generate taxonomy vector for the sum of the temp_taxonomy matrix values
  ts_taxonomy <- c()
  for(i in 1:ncol(temp_taxonomy)){
    ts_taxonomy <- append(ts_taxonomy, mean(temp_taxonomy[,i], na.rm = TRUE))
  names(ts_taxonomy) <- colnames(temp_taxonomy)

  # Add additional features from above the for loop from the ts_vector
  ts_taxonomy <- append(ts_taxonomy, ts_vector)

  # Based on the defined ts taxonomy intervals
  # assign to the feature values from ts_taxonomy factor values --------------

  # final list with all taxonomy values (factor values)
  ts_taxonomy_list <- list()

  if (taxonomy_type == "v1") {
    # Feature skewness
    factor_levels <- c("very low", "low", "medium", "high", "very high")
    if (ts_taxonomy[["feature_skewness"]] > 0.8) {
      ts_taxonomy_list[["Skewness"]] <-
        factor("very high", levels = factor_levels)
    } else if (ts_taxonomy[["feature_skewness"]]  > 0.6) {
      ts_taxonomy_list[["Skewness"]] <-
        factor("high", levels = factor_levels)
    } else if (ts_taxonomy[["feature_skewness"]]  > 0.4) {
      ts_taxonomy_list[["Skewness"]] <-
        factor("medium", levels = factor_levels)
    } else if (ts_taxonomy[["feature_skewness"]]  > 0.2) {
      ts_taxonomy_list[["Skewness"]] <-
        factor("low", levels = factor_levels)
    } else {
      ts_taxonomy_list[["Skewness"]] <-
        factor("very low", levels = factor_levels)

    # Feature kurtosis
    factor_levels = c("very low", "low", "medium", "high", "very high")
    if (ts_taxonomy[["feature_kurtosis"]] > 0.8) {
      ts_taxonomy_list[["Kurtosis"]] <-
        factor("very high", levels = factor_levels)
    } else if (ts_taxonomy[["feature_kurtosis"]]  > 0.6) {
      ts_taxonomy_list[["Kurtosis"]] <-
        factor("high", levels = factor_levels)
    } else if (ts_taxonomy[["feature_kurtosis"]]  > 0.4) {
      ts_taxonomy_list[["Kurtosis"]] <-
        factor("medium", levels = factor_levels)
    } else if (ts_taxonomy[["feature_kurtosis"]]  > 0.2) {
      ts_taxonomy_list[["Kurtosis"]] <-
        factor("low", levels = factor_levels)
    } else {
      ts_taxonomy_list[["Kurtosis"]] <-
        factor("very low", levels = factor_levels)

  # Feature trend
  factor_levels = c("very low", "low", "medium", "high", "very high")
  if (ts_taxonomy[["feature_trend"]] > 0.8) {
    ts_taxonomy_list[["Trend"]] <-
      factor("very high", levels = factor_levels)
  } else if (ts_taxonomy[["feature_trend"]]  > 0.6) {
    ts_taxonomy_list[["Trend"]] <-
      factor("high", levels = factor_levels)
  } else if (ts_taxonomy[["feature_trend"]]  > 0.4) {
    ts_taxonomy_list[["Trend"]] <-
      factor("medium", levels = factor_levels)
  } else if (ts_taxonomy[["feature_trend"]]  > 0.2) {
    ts_taxonomy_list[["Trend"]] <-
      factor("low", levels = factor_levels)
  } else {
    ts_taxonomy_list[["Trend"]] <-
      factor("very low", levels = factor_levels)

  # Feature autocorrelation
  factor_levels = c("very low", "low", "medium", "high", "very high")
  if (ts_taxonomy[["feature_autocor"]] > 0.8) {
    ts_taxonomy_list[["Autocorrelation"]] <-
      factor("very high", levels = factor_levels)
  } else if (ts_taxonomy[["feature_autocor"]]  > 0.6) {
    ts_taxonomy_list[["Autocorrelation"]] <-
      factor("high", levels = factor_levels)
  } else if (ts_taxonomy[["feature_autocor"]]  > 0.4) {
    ts_taxonomy_list[["Autocorrelation"]] <-
      factor("medium", levels = factor_levels)
  } else if (ts_taxonomy[["feature_autocor"]]  > 0.2) {
    ts_taxonomy_list[["Autocorrelation"]] <-
      factor("low", levels = factor_levels)
  } else {
    ts_taxonomy_list[["Autocorrelation"]] <-
      factor("very low", levels = factor_levels)

  if (taxonomy_type == "v1") {
    # Feature mean
    factor_levels <- c("very low", "low", "medium", "high","very high")
    if (ts_taxonomy[["feature_mean"]] > 0.8) {
      ts_taxonomy_list[["Mean"]] <-
        factor("very high", levels = factor_levels)
    } else if (ts_taxonomy[["feature_mean"]]  > 0.6) {
      ts_taxonomy_list[["Mean"]] <-
        factor("high", levels = factor_levels)
    } else if (ts_taxonomy[["feature_mean"]]  > 0.4) {
      ts_taxonomy_list[["Mean"]] <-
        factor("medium", levels = factor_levels)
    } else if (ts_taxonomy[["feature_mean"]]  > 0.2) {
      ts_taxonomy_list[["Mean"]] <-
        factor("low", levels = factor_levels)
    } else {
      ts_taxonomy_list[["Mean"]] <-
        factor("very low", levels = factor_levels)

    #Feature sd
    factor_levels <- c("very low", "low", "medium", "high", "very high")
    if (ts_taxonomy[["feature_sd"]] > 0.8) {
      ts_taxonomy_list[["StandardDeviation"]] <-
        factor("very high", levels = factor_levels)
    } else if (ts_taxonomy[["feature_sd"]]  > 0.6){
      ts_taxonomy_list[["StandardDeviation"]] <-
        factor("high", levels = factor_levels)
    } else if (ts_taxonomy[["feature_sd"]]  > 0.4){
      ts_taxonomy_list[["StandardDeviation"]] <-
        factor("medium", levels = factor_levels)
    } else if (ts_taxonomy[["feature_sd"]]  > 0.2){
      ts_taxonomy_list[["StandardDeviation"]] <-
        factor("low", levels = factor_levels)
    } else {
      ts_taxonomy_list[["StandardDeviation"]] <-
        factor("very low", levels = factor_levels)

    # Feature number of observations
    factor_levels <- c("very short", "short", "medium", "long", "very long")
    if (ts_taxonomy[["number_of_observations"]] > 0.8) {
      ts_taxonomy_list[["NumberOfObservations"]] <-
        factor("very long", levels = factor_levels)
    } else if (ts_taxonomy[["number_of_observations"]]  > 0.6) {
      ts_taxonomy_list[["NumberOfObservations"]] <-
        factor("long", levels = factor_levels)
    } else if (ts_taxonomy[["number_of_observations"]]  > 0.4) {
      ts_taxonomy_list[["NumberOfObservations"]] <-
        factor("medium", levels = factor_levels)
    } else if (ts_taxonomy[["number_of_observations"]]  > 0.2) {
      ts_taxonomy_list[["NumberOfObservations"]] <-
        factor("short", levels = factor_levels)
    } else {
      ts_taxonomy_list[["NumberOfObservations"]] <-
        factor("very short", levels = factor_levels)

    #Feature non linearity
    factor_levels <- c("very low", "low", "medium", "high","very high")
    if (ts_taxonomy[["feature_non_linearity"]] > 0.8) {
      ts_taxonomy_list[["NonLinearity"]] <-
        factor("very high", levels = factor_levels)
    } else if (ts_taxonomy[["feature_non_linearity"]]  > 0.6) {
      ts_taxonomy_list[["NonLinearity"]] <-
        factor("high", levels = factor_levels)
    } else if (ts_taxonomy[["feature_non_linearity"]]  > 0.4) {
      ts_taxonomy_list[["NonLinearity"]] <-
        factor("medium", levels = factor_levels)
    } else if (ts_taxonomy[["feature_non_linearity"]]  > 0.2) {
      ts_taxonomy_list[["NonLinearity"]] <-
        factor("low", levels = factor_levels)
    } else {
      ts_taxonomy_list[["NonLinearity"]] <-
        factor("very low", levels = factor_levels)


  # Feature seasonality
  factor_levels <- c("none seasonality","very low", "low", "medium",
                     "high", "very high")
  if (ts_taxonomy[["feature_season"]] > 0.8) {
    ts_taxonomy_list[["Seasonality"]] <-
      factor("very high", levels = factor_levels)
  } else if (ts_taxonomy[["feature_season"]]  > 0.6) {
    ts_taxonomy_list[["Seasonality"]] <-
      factor("high", levels = factor_levels)
  } else if (ts_taxonomy[["feature_season"]]  > 0.4) {
    ts_taxonomy_list[["Seasonality"]] <-
      factor("medium", levels= factor_levels)
  } else if (ts_taxonomy[["feature_season"]]  > 0.2) {
    ts_taxonomy_list[["Seasonality"]] <-
      factor("low", levels = factor_levels)
  } else if (ts_taxonomy[["feature_season"]] == 0) {
    ts_taxonomy_list[["Seasonality"]] <-
      factor("none seasonality", levels = factor_levels)
  } else {
    ts_taxonomy_list[["Seasonality"]] <-
      factor("very low", levels = factor_levels)

  # Feature periodicity
  factor_levels <- c("none periodicity","very low", "low", "medium",
                     "high", "very high")
  if (ts_taxonomy[["feature_periodicity"]] > 0.8) {
    ts_taxonomy_list[["Periodicity"]] <-
      factor("very high", levels = factor_levels)
  } else if (ts_taxonomy[["feature_periodicity"]]  > 0.6) {
    ts_taxonomy_list[["Periodicity"]] <-
      factor("high", levels = factor_levels)
  } else if (ts_taxonomy[["feature_periodicity"]]  > 0.4) {
    ts_taxonomy_list[["Periodicity"]] <-
      factor("medium", levels = factor_levels)
  } else if (ts_taxonomy[["feature_periodicity"]]  > 0.2) {
    ts_taxonomy_list[["Periodicity"]] <-
      factor("low", levels = factor_levels)
  } else if (ts_taxonomy[["feature_periodicity"]] == 0) {
    ts_taxonomy_list[["Periodicity"]] <-
      factor("none periodicity", levels = factor_levels)
  } else {
    ts_taxonomy_list[["Periodicity"]] <-
      factor("very low", levels = factor_levels)

  # Feature chaos
  factor_levels <- c("very low", "low", "medium", "high","very high")
  if (ts_taxonomy[["feature_chaos"]] > 0.8) {
    ts_taxonomy_list[["Chaos"]] <-
      factor("very high", levels = factor_levels)
  } else if (ts_taxonomy[["feature_chaos"]]  > 0.6) {
    ts_taxonomy_list[["Chaos"]] <-
      factor("high", levels = factor_levels)
  } else if (ts_taxonomy[["feature_chaos"]]  > 0.4) {
    ts_taxonomy_list[["Chaos"]] <-
      factor("medium", levels = factor_levels)
  } else if (ts_taxonomy[["feature_chaos"]]  > 0.2) {
    ts_taxonomy_list[["Chaos"]] <-
      factor("low", levels = factor_levels)
  } else {
    ts_taxonomy_list[["Chaos"]] <-
      factor("very low", levels = factor_levels)

  # Feature entropy
  factor_levels <- c("very low", "low", "medium", "high", "very high")
  if (ts_taxonomy[["feature_entropy"]] > 0.8) {
    ts_taxonomy_list[["Entropy"]] <-
      factor("very high", levels = factor_levels)
  } else if (ts_taxonomy[["feature_entropy"]]  > 0.6) {
    ts_taxonomy_list[["Entropy"]] <-
      factor("high", levels = factor_levels)
  } else if (ts_taxonomy[["feature_entropy"]]  > 0.4) {
    ts_taxonomy_list[["Entropy"]] <-
      factor("medium", levels = factor_levels)
  } else if (ts_taxonomy[["feature_entropy"]]  > 0.2) {
    ts_taxonomy_list[["Entropy"]] <-
      factor("low", levels = factor_levels)
  } else {
    ts_taxonomy_list[["Entropy"]] <-
      factor("very low", levels = factor_levels)

  if (taxonomy_type == "v1") {
    # Feature selfsimilarity
    factor_levels <- c("very low", "low", "medium", "high","very high")
    if (ts_taxonomy[["feature_selfsimilarity"]] > 0.8) {
      ts_taxonomy_list[["SelfSimilarity"]] <-
        factor("very high", levels = factor_levels)
    } else if (ts_taxonomy[["feature_selfsimilarity"]]  > 0.6) {
      ts_taxonomy_list[["SelfSimilarity"]] <-
        factor("high", levels = factor_levels)
    } else if (ts_taxonomy[["feature_selfsimilarity"]]  > 0.4) {
      ts_taxonomy_list[["SelfSimilarity"]] <-
        factor("medium", levels = factor_levels)
    } else if (ts_taxonomy[["feature_selfsimilarity"]]  > 0.2) {
      ts_taxonomy_list[["SelfSimilarity"]] <-
        factor("low", levels = factor_levels)
    } else {
      ts_taxonomy_list[["SelfSimilarity"]] <-
        factor("very low", levels = factor_levels)

    # Feature dtw distance
    feature_dtwvector <- c()
    factor_levels <- c("Block1 high", "Block1 medium", "Block1 low",
                       "Block2 high", "Block2 medium", "Block2 low",
                       "Block3 high", "Block3 medium", "Block3 low",
                       "Block4 high", "Block4 medium", "Block4 low",
                       "Block5 high", "Block5 medium", "Block5 low",
                       "Block6 high", "Block6 medium", "Block6 low",
                       "Block7 high", "Block7 medium", "Block7 low",
                       "Block8 high", "Block8 medium", "Block8 low",
                       "Block9 high", "Block9 medium", "Block9 low",
                       "Block10 high", "Block10 medium", "Block10 low",
                       "Block11 high", "Block11 medium", "Block11 low",
                       "Block12 high", "Block12 medium", "Block12 low",
                       "Block13 high", "Block13 medium", "Block13 low")
    if (ts_taxonomy[["feature_dtw1"]] > 0.66) {
      feature_dtwvector <- append(feature_dtwvector, "Block1 high")
    } else if (ts_taxonomy[["feature_dtw1"]]  > 0.33) {
      feature_dtwvector <- append(feature_dtwvector, "Block1 medium")
    } else {
      feature_dtwvector <- append(feature_dtwvector, "Block1 low")
    if(ts_taxonomy[["feature_dtw2"]] > 0.66) {
      feature_dtwvector <- append(feature_dtwvector, "Block2 high")
    } else if (ts_taxonomy[["feature_dtw2"]]  > 0.33) {
      feature_dtwvector <- append(feature_dtwvector, "Block2 medium")
    } else {
      feature_dtwvector <- append(feature_dtwvector, "Block2 low")
    if(ts_taxonomy[["feature_dtw3"]] > 0.66){
      feature_dtwvector <- append(feature_dtwvector, "Block3 high")
    } else if (ts_taxonomy[["feature_dtw3"]]  > 0.33){
      feature_dtwvector <- append(feature_dtwvector, "Block3 medium")
    } else {
      feature_dtwvector <- append(feature_dtwvector, "Block3 low")
    if (ts_taxonomy[["feature_dtw4"]] > 0.66) {
      feature_dtwvector <- append(feature_dtwvector, "Block4 high")
    } else if (ts_taxonomy[["feature_dtw4"]]  > 0.33) {
      feature_dtwvector <- append(feature_dtwvector, "Block4 medium")
    } else {
      feature_dtwvector <- append(feature_dtwvector, "Block4 low")
    if (ts_taxonomy[["feature_dtw5"]] > 0.66) {
      feature_dtwvector <- append(feature_dtwvector, "Block5 high")
    } else if (ts_taxonomy[["feature_dtw5"]]  > 0.33) {
      feature_dtwvector <- append(feature_dtwvector, "Block5 medium")
    } else {
      feature_dtwvector <- append(feature_dtwvector, "Block5 low")
    if (ts_taxonomy[["feature_dtw6"]] > 0.66) {
      feature_dtwvector <- append(feature_dtwvector, "Block6 high")
    } else if (ts_taxonomy[["feature_dtw6"]]  > 0.33) {
      feature_dtwvector <- append(feature_dtwvector, "Block6 medium")
    } else {
      feature_dtwvector <- append(feature_dtwvector, "Block6 low")
    if (ts_taxonomy[["feature_dtw7"]] > 0.66) {
      feature_dtwvector <- append(feature_dtwvector, "Block7 high")
    } else if (ts_taxonomy[["feature_dtw7"]]  > 0.33) {
      feature_dtwvector <- append(feature_dtwvector, "Block7 medium")
    } else {
      feature_dtwvector <- append(feature_dtwvector, "Block7 low")
    if (ts_taxonomy[["feature_dtw8"]] > 0.66) {
      feature_dtwvector <- append(feature_dtwvector, "Block8 high")
    } else if (ts_taxonomy[["feature_dtw8"]]  > 0.33) {
      feature_dtwvector <- append(feature_dtwvector, "Block8 medium")
    } else {
      feature_dtwvector <- append(feature_dtwvector, "Block8 low")
    if (ts_taxonomy[["feature_dtw9"]] > 0.66) {
      feature_dtwvector <- append(feature_dtwvector, "Block9 high")
    } else if (ts_taxonomy[["feature_dtw9"]]  > 0.33) {
      feature_dtwvector <- append(feature_dtwvector, "Block9 medium")
    } else {
      feature_dtwvector <- append(feature_dtwvector, "Block9 low")
    if (ts_taxonomy[["feature_dtw10"]] > 0.66) {
      feature_dtwvector <- append(feature_dtwvector, "Block10 high")
    } else if (ts_taxonomy[["feature_dtw10"]]  > 0.33) {
      feature_dtwvector <- append(feature_dtwvector, "Block10 medium")
    } else {
      feature_dtwvector <- append(feature_dtwvector, "Block10 low")
    if (ts_taxonomy[["feature_dtw11"]] > 0.66) {
      feature_dtwvector <- append(feature_dtwvector, "Block11 high")
    } else if (ts_taxonomy[["feature_dtw10"]]  > 0.33) {
      feature_dtwvector <- append(feature_dtwvector, "Block11 medium")
    } else {
      feature_dtwvector <- append(feature_dtwvector, "Block11 low")
    if (ts_taxonomy[["feature_dtw12"]] > 0.66) {
      feature_dtwvector <- append(feature_dtwvector, "Block12 high")
    } else if (ts_taxonomy[["feature_dtw10"]]  > 0.33) {
      feature_dtwvector <- append(feature_dtwvector, "Block12 medium")
    } else {
      feature_dtwvector <- append(feature_dtwvector, "Block12 low")
    if (ts_taxonomy[["feature_dtw13"]] > 0.66) {
      feature_dtwvector <- append(feature_dtwvector, "Block13 high")
    } else if (ts_taxonomy[["feature_dtw10"]]  > 0.33) {
      feature_dtwvector <- append(feature_dtwvector, "Block13 medium")
    } else {
      feature_dtwvector <- append(feature_dtwvector, "Block13 low")
    # Final feature_dtw factor
    ts_taxonomy_list[["feature_dtwdistance"]] <-
      factor(x = feature_dtwvector, levels = factor_levels)


  # Feature turning points
  factor_levels <- c("very steady", "more steady", "medium",
                     "more oscillating", "very oscillating")
  if (ts_taxonomy[["feature_tp"]] > 0.8) {
    ts_taxonomy_list[["TurningPoints"]] <-
      factor("very oscillating", levels = factor_levels)
  } else if (ts_taxonomy[["feature_tp"]] > 0.6) {
    ts_taxonomy_list[["TurningPoints"]] <-
      factor("more oscillating", levels = factor_levels)
  } else if (ts_taxonomy[["feature_tp"]] > 0.4) {
    ts_taxonomy_list[["TurningPoints"]] <-
      factor("medium", levels = factor_levels)
  } else if (ts_taxonomy[["feature_tp"]] > 0.2) {
    ts_taxonomy_list[["TurningPoints"]] <-
      factor("more steady", levels = factor_levels)
  } else {
    ts_taxonomy_list[["TurningPoints"]] <-
      factor("very steady", levels = factor_levels)

  # Feature partial autocorrelation
  factor_levels <- c("very low", "low", "medium", "high", "very high")
  if (ts_taxonomy[["feature_partial_autocor"]] > 0.8) {
    ts_taxonomy_list[["PartialAutocorrelation"]] <-
      factor("very high", levels = factor_levels)
  } else if (ts_taxonomy[["feature_partial_autocor"]]  > 0.6) {
    ts_taxonomy_list[["PartialAutocorrelation"]] <-
      factor("high", levels = factor_levels)
  } else if (ts_taxonomy[["feature_partial_autocor"]]  > 0.4) {
    ts_taxonomy_list[["PartialAutocorrelation"]] <-
      factor("medium", levels = factor_levels)
  } else if (ts_taxonomy[["feature_partial_autocor"]]  > 0.2) {
    ts_taxonomy_list[["PartialAutocorrelation"]] <-
      factor("low", levels = factor_levels)
  } else {
    ts_taxonomy_list[["PartialAutocorrelation"]] <-
      factor("very low", levels = factor_levels)

  if (taxonomy_type == "v1") {
    #Feature variance
    factor_levels <- c("very low", "low", "medium", "high", "very high")
    if (ts_taxonomy[["feature_variance"]] > 0.8) {
      ts_taxonomy_list[["Variance"]] <-
        factor("very high", levels = factor_levels)
    } else if (ts_taxonomy[["feature_variance"]]  > 0.6) {
      ts_taxonomy_list[["Variance"]] <-
        factor("high", levels = factor_levels)
    } else if (ts_taxonomy[["feature_variance"]]  > 0.4) {
      ts_taxonomy_list[["Variance"]] <-
        factor("medium", levels = factor_levels)
    } else if (ts_taxonomy[["feature_variance"]]  > 0.2) {
      ts_taxonomy_list[["Variance"]] <-
        factor("low", levels = factor_levels)
    } else {
      ts_taxonomy_list[["Variance"]] <-
        factor("very low", levels = factor_levels)

  # Feature outliers
  factor_levels <- c("very low", "low", "medium", "high", "very high")
  if (ts_taxonomy[["feature_outlier"]] > 0.8) {
    ts_taxonomy_list[["Outliers"]] <-
      factor("very high", levels = factor_levels)
  } else if (ts_taxonomy[["feature_outlier"]]  > 0.6) {
    ts_taxonomy_list[["Outliers"]] <-
      factor("high", levels = factor_levels)
  } else if (ts_taxonomy[["feature_outlier"]]  > 0.4) {
    ts_taxonomy_list[["Outliers"]] <-
      factor("medium", levels = factor_levels)
  } else if (ts_taxonomy[["feature_outlier"]]  > 0.2) {
    ts_taxonomy_list[["Outliers"]] <-
      factor("low", levels = factor_levels)
  } else {
    ts_taxonomy_list[["Outliers"]] <-
      factor("very low", levels = factor_levels)

  # Feature step changes
  factor_levels <- c("very less abrupt changes", "less abrupt changes",
                     "medium", "many abrupt changes",
                     "great many abrupt changes")
  if (ts_taxonomy[["feature_stepchange"]] > 0.8) {
    ts_taxonomy_list[["StepChanges"]] <-
      factor("great many abrupt changes", levels = factor_levels)
  } else if (ts_taxonomy[["feature_stepchange"]]  > 0.6) {
    ts_taxonomy_list[["StepChanges"]] <-
      factor("many abrupt changes", levels = factor_levels)
  } else if (ts_taxonomy[["feature_stepchange"]]  > 0.4) {
    ts_taxonomy_list[["StepChanges"]] <-
      factor("medium", levels = factor_levels)
  } else if (ts_taxonomy[["feature_stepchange"]]  > 0.2) {
    ts_taxonomy_list[["StepChanges"]] <-
      factor("less abrupt changes", levels = factor_levels)
  } else {
    ts_taxonomy_list[["StepChanges"]] <-
      factor("very less abrupt changes", levels = factor_levels)

  # Feature peaks
  factor_levels <- c("very low", "low", "medium", "high", "very high")
  if (ts_taxonomy[["feature_peak"]] > 0.8) {
    ts_taxonomy_list[["Peaks"]] <- factor("very high", levels = factor_levels)
  } else if (ts_taxonomy[["feature_peak"]]  > 0.6) {
    ts_taxonomy_list[["Peaks"]] <- factor("high", levels = factor_levels)
  } else if (ts_taxonomy[["feature_peak"]]  > 0.4) {
    ts_taxonomy_list[["Peaks"]] <- factor("medium", levels = factor_levels)
  } else if (ts_taxonomy[["feature_peak"]]  > 0.2) {
    ts_taxonomy_list[["Peaks"]] <- factor("low", levels = factor_levels)
  } else {
    ts_taxonomy_list[["Peaks"]] <- factor("very low", levels = factor_levels)

  # Feature durbin watson test
  factor_levels <- c("positive autocorrelation", "none autocorrelation",
                     "negative autocorrelation", "none because univariate")
  if(ts_taxonomy[["dw"]] > 2){
    ts_taxonomy_list[["DurbinWatsonTest"]] <-
      factor("negative autocorrelation", levels = factor_levels)
  } else if (ts_taxonomy[["dw"]]  == 2){
    ts_taxonomy_list[["DurbinWatsonTest"]] <-
      factor("none autocorrelation", levels = factor_levels)
  } else if (ts_taxonomy[["dw"]]  == -1){
    ts_taxonomy_list[["DurbinWatsonTest"]] <-
      factor("none because univariate", levels = factor_levels)
  } else {
    ts_taxonomy_list[["DurbinWatsonTest"]] <-
      factor("positive autocorrelation", levels = factor_levels)

  # Feature quartile distribution
  feature_distribution_vector <- c()
  factor_levels <- c("Quartile1 less", "Quartile1 medium", "Quartile1 many",
                     "Quartile2 less", "Quartile2 medium", "Quartile2 many",
                     "Quartile3 less", "Quartile3 medium", "Quartile3 many",
                     "Quartile4 less", "Quartile4 medium", "Quartile4 many",
                     "None numeric TS data")
  if (ts_taxonomy[["QUARTILE1"]] == -1) {
    feature_distribution_vector <-
      append(feature_distribution_vector, "None numeric TS data")
  } else if (ts_taxonomy[["QUARTILE1"]] > 0.66) {
    feature_distribution_vector <-
      append(feature_distribution_vector, "Quartile1 many")
  } else if (ts_taxonomy[["QUARTILE1"]]  > 0.33) {
    feature_distribution_vector <-
      append(feature_distribution_vector, "Quartile1 medium")
  } else {
    feature_distribution_vector <-
      append(feature_distribution_vector, "Quartile1 less")
  if (ts_taxonomy[["QUARTILE2"]] == -1) {
    feature_distribution_vector <-
      append(feature_distribution_vector, "None numeric TS data")
  } else if (ts_taxonomy[["QUARTILE2"]] > 0.66) {
    feature_distribution_vector <-
      append(feature_distribution_vector, "Quartile2 many")
  } else if (ts_taxonomy[["QUARTILE2"]]  > 0.33) {
    feature_distribution_vector <-
      append(feature_distribution_vector, "Quartile2 medium")
  } else {
    feature_distribution_vector <-
      append(feature_distribution_vector, "Quartile2 less")
  if (ts_taxonomy[["QUARTILE3"]] == -1) {
    feature_distribution_vector <-
      append(feature_distribution_vector, "None numeric TS data")
  } else if (ts_taxonomy[["QUARTILE3"]] > 0.66) {
    feature_distribution_vector <-
      append(feature_distribution_vector, "Quartile3 many")
  } else if (ts_taxonomy[["QUARTILE3"]]  > 0.33) {
    feature_distribution_vector <-
      append(feature_distribution_vector, "Quartile3 medium")
  } else {
    feature_distribution_vector <-
      append(feature_distribution_vector, "Quartile3 less")
  if (ts_taxonomy[["QUARTILE4"]] == -1) {
    feature_distribution_vector <-
      append(feature_distribution_vector, "None numeric TS data")
  } else if (ts_taxonomy[["QUARTILE4"]] > 0.66) {
    feature_distribution_vector <-
      append(feature_distribution_vector, "Quartile4 many")
  } else if (ts_taxonomy[["QUARTILE4"]]  > 0.33) {
    feature_distribution_vector <-
      append(feature_distribution_vector, "Quartile4 medium")
  } else {
    feature_distribution_vector <-
      append(feature_distribution_vector, "Quartile4 less")
  # Final quartile factor
  ts_taxonomy_list[["QuartileDistribution"]] <-
    factor(x = feature_distribution_vector, levels = factor_levels)

  # Feature determination coefficient r2
  factor_levels <- c("none because univariate TS","very low", "low", "medium",
                     "high", "very high")
  if (ts_taxonomy[["r2"]] > 0.8) {
    ts_taxonomy_list[["calculate_determination_coefficient"]] <-
      factor("very high", levels = factor_levels)
  } else if (ts_taxonomy[["r2"]]  > 0.6) {
    ts_taxonomy_list[["calculate_determination_coefficient"]] <-
      factor("high", levels = factor_levels)
  } else if (ts_taxonomy[["r2"]]  > 0.4) {
    ts_taxonomy_list[["calculate_determination_coefficient"]] <-
      factor("medium", levels = factor_levels)
  } else if (ts_taxonomy[["r2"]]  > 0.2) {
    ts_taxonomy_list[["calculate_determination_coefficient"]] <-
      factor("low", levels = factor_levels)
  } else if (ts_taxonomy[["r2"]] == -1) {
    ts_taxonomy_list[["calculate_determination_coefficient"]] <-
      factor("none because univariate TS", levels = factor_levels)
  } else {
    ts_taxonomy_list[["calculate_determination_coefficient"]] <-
      factor("very low", levels = factor_levels)

  # Feature number of attributes
  factor_levels <- c("univariate TS", "multivariate TS")
  if (ts_taxonomy[["number_of_attributes"]] > 1) {
    ts_taxonomy_list[["NumberOfAttributes"]] <-
      factor("multivariate TS", levels = factor_levels)
  } else {
    ts_taxonomy_list[["NumberOfAttributes"]] <-
      factor("univariate TS", levels = factor_levels)

  # Return final list with all feature factors

mowomoyela/tstaxonomyr documentation built on May 15, 2019, 4:47 p.m.