
#' Generate a copy number profile by resampling
#' Generate a copy number profile by resampling input data
#' This function generates a random copy number profile of length 'length',
#' with 'nBkp' breakpoints randomly chosen. Between two breakpoints, the
#' profile is constant and taken among the different types of regions in
#' \code{regData}.
#' Elements of \code{regData[["region"]]} must be of the form \code{"(C1,C2)"},
#' where \code{C1} denotes the minor copy number and \code{C2} denotes the
#' major copy number.  For example, \describe{ \item{(1,1)}{Normal}
#' \item{(0,1)}{Hemizygous deletion} \item{(0,0)}{Homozygous deletion}
#' \item{(1,2)}{Single copy gain} \item{(0,2)}{Copy-neutral LOH}
#' \item{(2,2)}{Balanced two-copy gain} \item{(1,3)}{Unbalanced two-copy gain}
#' \item{(0,3)}{Single-copy gain with LOH} }
#' If 'connex' is set to TRUE (the default), transitions between copy number
#' regions are constrained in such a way that for any breakpoint, one of the
#' minor and the major copy number does not change.  Equivalently, this means
#' that all breakpoints can be seen in both total copy numbers and allelic
#' ratios.
#' @param length length of the profile
#' @param nBkp number of breakpoints.  If \code{NULL}, then argument \code{bkp}
#' is expected to be provided.
#' @param bkp a numeric vector of breakpoint positions that may be used to
#' bypass the breakpoint generation step.  Defaults to \code{NULL}.
#' @param regData a data.frame containing copy number data for different types
#' of copy number regions.  Columns:\describe{ \item{c}{Total copy number}
#' \item{b}{Allele B fraction (a.k.a. BAF)} \item{region}{a character value,
#' annotation label for the region. See Details.} \item{genotype}{the
#' (germline) genotype of SNPs. By definition, rows with missing genotypes are
#' interpreted as non-polymorphic loci (a.k.a. copy number probes).} }
#' @param regions a character vector of region labels that may be used to
#' bypass the region label generation step.  Defaults to \code{NULL}.
#' @param regAnnot a data.frame containing annotation data for each copy number
#' region.  Columns: \describe{ \item{region}{label of the form (must match
#' \code{regData[["region"]]}).} \item{freq}{frequency (in [0,1]) of this type
#' of region in the genome.} } If \code{NULL} (the default), frequencies of
#' regions (0,1), (0,2), (1,1) and (1,2) (the most common alterations) are set
#' to represent 90\% of the regions. \code{sum(regAnnot[["freq"]])} should be
#' 1.
#' @param minLength minimum length of region between breakpoints.  Defaults to
#' 0.
#' @param regionSize If \code{regionSize>0}, breakpoints are included by pairs,
#' where the distance within pair is set to \code{regionSize}.  \code{nBkp} is
#' then required to be an even number.
#' @param connex If \code{TRUE}, any two successive regions are constrained to
#' be connex in the (minor CN, major CN) space.  See 'Details'.
#' @return A list with elements \describe{\item{profile}{the profile (a \code{length} by \code{2} data.frame
#' containing the same fields as the input data \code{regData}.} \item{bkp}{a
#' vector of bkp positions (the last row index before a breakpoint)}}
#' \item{regions}{a character vector of region labels}
#' @author Morgane Pierre-Jean and Pierre Neuvial
#' @importFrom acnr loadCnRegionData
#' @importFrom acnr listDataSets
#' @references Pierre-Jean, M, Rigaill, G. J. and Neuvial, P. (2015). "Performance
#'   Evaluation of DNA Copy Number Segmentation Methods." *Briefings in
#'   Bioinformatics*, no. 4: 600-615.
#' @examples
#' affyDat <- acnr::loadCnRegionData(dataSet="GSE29172", tumorFraction=1)
#' sim <- getCopyNumberDataByResampling(len=1e4, nBkp=5, minLength=100, regData=affyDat)
#' plotSeg(sim$profile, sim$bkp)
#' ## another run with identical parameters
#' bkp <- sim$bkp
#' regions <- sim$regions
#' sim2 <- getCopyNumberDataByResampling(len=1e4, bkp=bkp, regData=affyDat, regions=regions)
#' plotSeg(sim2$profile, bkp)
#' ## change tumor fraction but keep same "truth"
#' affyDatC <- acnr::loadCnRegionData(dataSet="GSE29172", tumorFraction=0.5)
#' simC <- getCopyNumberDataByResampling(len=1e4, bkp=bkp, regData=affyDatC, regions=regions)
#' plotSeg(simC$profile, bkp)
#' ## restrict to only normal, single copy gain, and copy-neutral LOH
#' ## with the same bkp
#' affyDatR <- subset(affyDat, region %in% c("(1,1)", "(0,2)", "(1,2)"))
#' simR <- getCopyNumberDataByResampling(len=1e4, bkp=bkp, regData=affyDatR)
#' plotSeg(simR$profile, bkp)
#' ## Same 'truth', on another dataSet
#' regions <- simR$regions
#' illuDat <- acnr::loadCnRegionData(dataSet="GSE11976", tumorFraction=1)
#' sim <- getCopyNumberDataByResampling(len=1e4, bkp=bkp, regData=illuDat, regions=regions)
#' plotSeg(sim$profile, sim$bkp)
#' @export getCopyNumberDataByResampling
getCopyNumberDataByResampling <- function(length, nBkp=NA, bkp=NULL, regData=NULL,  regions=NULL, regAnnot=NULL, minLength=0, regionSize=0, connex=TRUE){
    ## Sanity check: lengths
    lb <- length(bkp)
    if ((lb==0) & (is.na(nBkp)) & (is.null(regions))) {
        stop("Please provide one of 'nBkp', 'bkp', or 'regions'")
    ls <- length(regions)
    if (ls>0) {  ## 'regions' is not NULL
        if (lb>0) { ## 'bkp' is not NULL
            if (lb+1!=ls) {
                stop("length(regions) should be equal to length(bkp)+1")
        } else { ## 'bkp' is NULL
            if (is.na(nBkp)) {
                nBkp <- ls-1L
            if (nBkp+1!=ls) {
                stop("length(regions) should be equal to length(bkp)+1")
    rm(ls, lb) ## not used anymore

    ## Sanity check: consistent region names
    regNames <- unique(regData[["region"]])
    if (!is.null(regions)) {
        mm <- match(regions, regNames)
        if (any(is.na(mm))) {
            warning("Regions in argument 'regions' not found in 'regData[[\"region\"]]'\nSetting argument 'regions' to NULL")
            regions <- NULL
    if (is.null(regAnnot)) {
        commonReg <- intersect(c("(0,1)", "(0,2)", "(1,1)", "(1,2)"), regNames)
        nCommonReg <- length(commonReg)
        ## check if common region are in regDat
        if (nCommonReg>0) {
            freqC <- rep(0.90/nCommonReg, nCommonReg)
            otherReg <- setdiff(regNames, commonReg)
            nOtherRef <- length(otherReg)
            freqO <- rep(0.10/nOtherRef, nOtherRef)
            regAnnot <- data.frame(region=c(commonReg, otherReg),
                                   freq=c(freqC, freqO),
        } else {
            regAnnot <- data.frame(region=regNames,
    } else {
        mm <- match(regNames, regAnnot[["region"]])
        if (any(is.na(mm))) {
            stop("Annotation not found for: ", regNames[which(is.na(mm))])
        freq <- regAnnot[["freq"]]
        if (min(freq)<0 || max(freq)>1) {
            stop("Elements of regAnnot[[\"freq\"]] should be in [0,1]")
        if (sum(freq)>1) {
            stop("Elements of regAnnot[[\"freq\"]] should sum up to 1")

    ## Sanity check: regions
    if (!is.null(regions)) {
        mm <- match(regNames, regAnnot[["region"]])
    ## Order regAnnot as regNames
    o <- order(regAnnot$region)
    regAnnot <- regAnnot[o,]
    pattern <- "\\(([0-9]),([0-9])\\)"
    regAnnot$C1 <- as.numeric(gsub(pattern, "\\1", regNames))
    regAnnot$C2 <- as.numeric(gsub(pattern, "\\2", regNames))
    ww <- which(is.na(regAnnot$C1) | is.na(regAnnot$C2))
    if (length(ww)==length(regNames)) {
        stop("Could not retrieve minor and major CNs from regData[[\"region\"]]\nSee ?getCopyNumberDataByResampling")
    } else if (length(ww)) {
        warning("Could not retrieve region for: ", regNames[ww], "\nDropping these regions'")
        regNames <- regNames[-ww]
        regAnnot <- regAnnot[-ww, ]
    names(regNames) <- regNames

    regTypes <- lapply(regNames, FUN=function(reg) {

    if (is.null(bkp)) {
        ## Choose the breakpoints
        interval <- 1:(length-1)
        u <- numeric(0)
        if (regionSize==0){
            while (length(u)<nBkp) {
                j <- sample(x=interval, size=1 , replace=FALSE)
                jend <- j
                u <- c(u, j)
                b.inf <- max(1, j-minLength)
                b.sup <- min(length, j+minLength)
                v <- b.inf:b.sup
                interval <- setdiff(interval,v)
        } else {
            interval <-1:(length-regionSize-1)
            while (length(u)<nBkp) {
                j <- sample(x=interval, size=1, replace=FALSE)
                jend <- j+regionSize
                u <- c(u, j)
                if (length(u)<nBkp) {  ## add the other member of the pair
                    u <- c(u, jend)
                    b.inf <- max(1, j-minLength-regionSize)
                    b.sup <- min(length, jend+minLength)
                    v <- b.inf:b.sup
                    interval <- setdiff(interval, v)
        ## u <- sample(length-1, nBkp, replace=FALSE);
        bkp <- sort(u);
    bkpB <- c(0, bkp, length);

    candidateRegions <- function(regName) {
        if (is.null(regName)) return(regAnnot);
        reg <- subset(regAnnot, region==regName)
        d1 <- regAnnot[, "C1"]-reg[, "C1"]
        d2 <- regAnnot[, "C2"]-reg[, "C2"]
        ## todo: make sure that all regions are connex...
        if (connex){
            ww <- which((d1 & !d2) | (!d1 & d2))
            if (!length(ww)) {
                stop("No candidate region found !")
        } else {
            ww <- which(regAnnot$region!=regName)
        regAnnot[ww, ]

    ## Add the random piecewise linear profile
    idxs <- NULL
    regs <- NULL
    region <- NULL
    for (ii in 1:(length(bkp)+1)) {
        n <- bkpB[ii+1]-bkpB[ii]
        ##meanII <- matrix(rnorm(dim), length(idxsII), dim, byrow=TRUE)
        if (is.null(regions)) {
            candReg <- candidateRegions(region)
            probs <- candReg[["freq"]]/sum(candReg[["freq"]])
            region <- sample(x=candReg[["region"]], prob=probs, size=1)
        } else {
            region <- regions[ii]
        idxsII <- sample(x=regTypes[[region]], size=n, replace=TRUE)
        idxs <- c(idxs, idxsII)
        regs <- c(regs, region)
    profile <- regData[idxs, ]
    return(list(bkp=bkp, profile=profile, regions=regs))

## 2014-07-16
## Now, if 'regAnnot' is NULL (the default), frequencies of regions
## (0,1), (0,2), (1,1) and (1,2) (the most common alterations) are set
## to represent 90% of the regions.
## 2013-02-27
## o Added parameter 'connex' that forces adjacent regions to be connex if connex = TRUE
## 2013-01-23
## o Removed field 'position' from output.
## 2013-01-22
## o Added more sanity checks.
## 2013-01-16
## o Added arguments 'bkp' and 'regions' to allow for bypassing the breakpoint generation step.
## o Added argument 'regAnnot', through which theoretical frequencies
## for each CN regions can be specified.
## o Made the constraints on CN transitions more generic.
## 2013-01-09
## o Replaced all 'jumps' by 'bkp'.
## 2012-12-20
## o Added new argument 'regionSize'.
## 2012-12-01
## o Added example data files and script based on public data set GSE19539.
## 2012-11-25
## o Now adapts to the set of candidate regions provided as input data.
## o Renamed to 'getCopyNumberDataByResampling'.
## o Updated documentation
## o Added an example (requires non-public data for now).
## o Some code cleanups.
## 2012-10-19
## o Added some sanity checks for arguments.
## 2012-10-16
## o Created from randomProfile.R.
mpierrejean/jointSeg-1 documentation built on May 23, 2019, 6:29 a.m.