
test_that("create walk, stepping for one step", {
  res <- dust_example("walk")
  obj <- res$new(list(sd = 1), 0, 10, seed = 1L)

  y <- obj$run(1)
  cmp <- dust_rng$new(1, 10)$normal(1, 0, 1)
  expect_identical(y, cmp)

test_that("walk agrees with random number stream", {
  res <- dust_example("walk")
  obj <- res$new(list(sd = 1), 0, 10, seed = 1L)
  y <- obj$run(5)

  cmp <- dust_rng$new(1, 10)$normal(5, 0, 1)
  expect_equal(drop(y), colSums(cmp))
  expect_identical(obj$state(), y)

test_that("Update particle state and resume continues with rng", {
  res <- dust_example("walk")
  sd1 <- 2
  sd2 <- 4

  obj <- res$new(list(sd = sd1), 0, 10, seed = 1L)

  y1 <- obj$run(5)
  expect_equal(obj$time(), 5)

  obj$update_state(pars = list(sd = sd2), time = 0)

  expect_equal(obj$time(), 0)
  y2 <- obj$run(5)
  expect_equal(obj$time(), 5)

  ## Then draw the random numbers:
  cmp <- dust_rng$new(1, 10)$normal(10, 0, 1)
  m1 <- cmp[1:5, ]
  m2 <- cmp[6:10, ]

  expect_equal(drop(y1), colSums(m1) * sd1)
  expect_equal(drop(y2), colSums(m2) * sd2)

test_that("Basic sir model", {
  res <- dust_example("sir")

  obj <- res$new(list(), 0, 100, seed = 1L)

  ans <- vector("list", 150)
  for (i in seq_along(ans)) {
    value <- obj$run(i * 4)
    ans[[i]] <- list(value = value, state = obj$state(), time = obj$time())

  time <- vapply(ans, function(x) x$time, numeric(1))
  state_s <- t(vapply(ans, function(x) x$state[1, ], numeric(100)))
  state_i <- t(vapply(ans, function(x) x$state[2, ], numeric(100)))
  state_r <- t(vapply(ans, function(x) x$state[3, ], numeric(100)))
  state_cum <- t(vapply(ans, function(x) x$state[4, ], numeric(100)))
  state_inc <- t(vapply(ans, function(x) x$state[5, ], numeric(100)))
  value <- t(vapply(ans, function(x) drop(x$value), numeric(100)))

  n <- nrow(state_s)
  expect_true(all(state_s[-n, ] - state_s[-1, ] >= 0))
  expect_true(all(state_r[-n, ] - state_r[-1, ] <= 0))
  expect_false(all(state_i[-n, ] - state_i[-1, ] <= 0))
  expect_false(all(state_i[-n, ] - state_i[-1, ] >= 0))
  expect_identical(value, state_s)
  expect_equal(time, seq(4, by = 4, length.out = n))

  expect_equal(state_cum, 1000 - state_s)
  expect_equal(state_inc[-1, ], diff(state_cum))

  s <- ans[[150]]$state
  expect_equal(obj$state(), s)
  expect_equal(obj$state(1L), s[1, , drop = FALSE])
  expect_equal(obj$state(3:1), s[3:1, , drop = FALSE])
  expect_equal(obj$state(c(2L, 2L)), s[c(2, 2), , drop = FALSE])
               "All elements of 'index' must lie in [1, 5]",
               fixed = TRUE)
               "All elements of 'index' must lie in [1, 5]",
               fixed = TRUE)

test_that("set index", {
  res <- dust_example("variable")
  mod <- res$new(list(len = 10), 0, 1, seed = 1L)
  expect_equal(mod$state(), matrix(1:10))
  expect_equal(mod$run(0), matrix(1:10, nrow = 10, ncol = 1))

  expect_equal(mod$run(0), matrix(2:4))

  y <- mod$run(1)
  expect_equal(y, mod$state(2:4))
  expect_equal(y, mod$state()[2:4, , drop = FALSE])

  expect_equal(mod$run(1), matrix(numeric(0), nrow = 0, ncol = 1))

test_that("update_state with pars does not clear the index", {
  res <- dust_example("variable")
  mod <- res$new(list(len = 10), 0, 1, seed = 1L)
  expect_equal(mod$run(0), matrix(2:4))
  mod$update_state(pars = list(len = 10), time = 0)
  expect_equal(mod$run(0), matrix(2:4))

test_that("set model state", {
  res <- dust_example("variable")
  mod <- res$new(list(len = 10), 0, 1, seed = 1L)
  expect_equal(mod$state(), matrix(1:10))
  x <- runif(10)
  mod$update_state(state = x)
  expect_equal(mod$state(), matrix(x))
    mod$update_state(state = 1),
    "Expected a vector of length 10 for 'state'")
  expect_equal(mod$state(), matrix(x))

test_that("set model state into multiple particles", {
  res <- dust_example("variable")
  mod <- res$new(list(len = 10), 0, 20, seed = 1L)
  expect_equal(mod$state(), matrix(1:10, 10, 20))
  x <- runif(10)
  mod$update_state(state = x)
  expect_equal(mod$state(), matrix(x, 10, 20))
    mod$update_state(state = 1),
    "Expected a vector of length 10 for 'state'")
  expect_equal(mod$state(), matrix(x, 10, 20))

test_that("set model state with a matrix", {
  res <- dust_example("variable")
  mod <- res$new(list(len = 10), 0, 2, seed = 1L)
  m <- matrix(runif(20), 10, 2)
  mod$update_state(state = m)

  expect_equal(mod$state(), m)
    mod$update_state(state = m[, c(1, 1, 2, 2)]),
    "Expected a matrix with 2 cols for 'state' but given 4")
    mod$update_state(state = m[1:5, ]),
    "Expected a matrix with 10 rows for 'state' but given 5")
  expect_equal(mod$state(), m)

test_that("set model state with an index", {
  res <- dust_example("variable")
  mod <- res$new(list(len = 10), 0, n_particles = 2, seed = 1L)
  y <- mod$state()
  index <- c(2, 5, 8)
  s <- runif(3)
  mod$update_state(state = s, index = index)
  cmp <- y
  cmp[index, ] <- s
  expect_equal(mod$state(), cmp)

test_that("set model state as a matrix with an index", {
  res <- dust_example("variable")
  mod <- res$new(list(len = 10), 0, n_particles = 2, seed = 1L)
  y <- mod$state()
  index <- c(2, 5, 8)
  s <- matrix(runif(6), 3, 2)
  mod$update_state(state = s, index = index)
  cmp <- y
  cmp[index, ] <- s
  expect_equal(mod$state(), cmp)

test_that("reorder", {
  res <- dust_example("walk")

  obj <- res$new(list(sd = 1), 0, 10, seed = 1L)
  y1 <- obj$run(5)

  ## Simplest permutation:
  index <- rev(seq_along(y1))

  y2 <- obj$state()
  expect_equal(drop(y2), rev(y1))

  y3 <- obj$run(10)

  cmp <- dust_rng$new(1, 10)$normal(10, 0, 1)
  m1 <- cmp[1:5, ]
  m2 <- m1[, index]
  m3 <- cmp[6:10, ]

  expect_equal(drop(y1), colSums(m1))
  expect_equal(drop(y2), colSums(m2))
  expect_equal(drop(y3), colSums(rbind(m2, m3)))

test_that("reorder and duplicate", {
  res <- dust_example("walk")

  obj <- res$new(list(sd = 1), 0, 10, seed = 1L)
  y1 <- obj$run(5)

  index <- c(1L, 4L, 9L, 7L, 7L, 2L, 5L, 9L, 9L, 5L)

  y2 <- obj$state()
  expect_equal(drop(y2), y1[index])

  y3 <- obj$run(10)

  cmp <- dust_rng$new(1, 10)$normal(10, 0, 1)
  m1 <- cmp[1:5, ]
  m2 <- m1[, index]
  m3 <- cmp[6:10, ]

  expect_equal(drop(y1), colSums(m1))
  expect_equal(drop(y2), colSums(m2))
  expect_equal(drop(y3), colSums(rbind(m2, m3)))

test_that("validate reorder vector is correct length", {
  res <- dust_example("walk")
  obj <- res$new(list(sd = 1), 0, 10, seed = 1L)
               "Expected a vector of length 10 for 'index'")
  expect_error(obj$reorder(rep(1L, 100)),
               "Expected a vector of length 10 for 'index'")
               "Expected a vector for 'index'")

test_that("validate reorder vector is in correct range", {
  res <- dust_example("walk")
  obj <- res$new(list(sd = 1), 0, 10, seed = 1L)
  index <- seq_len(10)
  msg <- "All elements of 'index' must lie in [1, 10]"

  index[5] <- 0L
  expect_error(obj$reorder(index), msg, fixed = TRUE)

  index[5] <- 11
  expect_error(obj$reorder(index), msg, fixed = TRUE)

  index[5] <- -1L
  expect_error(obj$reorder(index), msg, fixed = TRUE)

test_that("run in float mode", {
  res <- dust(dust_file("examples/walk.cpp"), real_type = "float",
              quiet = TRUE)

  obj <- res$new(list(sd = 10), 0, 5, seed = 1L)
  expect_equal(obj$real_size(), 32)
  expect_equal(obj$rng_algorithm(), "xoshiro128plus")

  cmp <- dust_example("walk")
  expect_equal(cmp$public_methods$real_size(), 64)
  expect_equal(cmp$public_methods$rng_algorithm(), "xoshiro256plus")

  y <- drop(obj$simulate(1:7))

  cmp <- dust_rng$new(1L, 5, "float")$normal(7, 0, 10)
  expect_equal(y, t(apply(cmp, 2, cumsum)), tolerance = 1e-5)

test_that("update_state with pars changes info", {
  res <- dust_example("sir")
  obj <- res$new(list(), 0, 100, seed = 1L)
               list(vars = c("S", "I", "R", "cases_cumul", "cases_inc"),
                    pars = list(beta = 0.2, gamma = 0.1)))
  obj$update_state(pars = list(beta = 0.1), time = 0)
               list(vars = c("S", "I", "R", "cases_cumul", "cases_inc"),
                    pars = list(beta = 0.1, gamma = 0.1)))

test_that("Basic threading test", {
  res <- dust(dust_file("examples/parallel.cpp"), quiet = TRUE)

  obj <- res$new(list(sd = 1), 0, 10, n_threads = 2L, seed = 1L)
  y0 <- obj$state()
  y22_1 <- obj$run(5)
  y22_2 <- obj$state()

  ## And again without parallel
  obj <- res$new(list(sd = 1), 0, 10, n_threads = 1L, seed = 1L)
  y12_1 <- obj$run(5)
  y12_2 <- obj$state()

  ## Quick easy check:
  expect_equal(y22_1[1, ], y22_2[1, ])
  expect_equal(y12_1[1, ], y12_2[1, ])

  if (obj$has_openmp() && y0[2, 1] == 1) {
    ## OMP is enabled (note: this relies on implementation details of
    ## openmp and we'd need to change this for a CRAN release - what
    ## we'd expect to see is that 0 and 1 are both present, but as
    ## we're leaving it up to the compiler to set the schedule I
    ## believe this is not reliable theoretically, even though it is
    ## empirically)
    expect_equal(y22_2[2, ], rep(0:1, each = 5))
  } else {
    expect_equal(y22_2[2, ], rep(-1, 10))

  expect_equal(y22_1, y12_1)

## It's quite hard to test the cache well; we might wrap it up a bit
## nicer than it is. The trick is we can't safely unload things
## (because the finalisers might run) and we can't easily purge the
## cache and show that it *would* compile either. And we can't just
## compile and load the same thing twice because the names of the dlls
## will clash.
## This at least shows that on the second time round we don't compile
## and we get the right data out.
test_that("cache hits do not compile", {
  cmp <- dust(dust_file("examples/walk.cpp"), quiet = TRUE)
    res <- dust(dust_file("examples/walk.cpp"), quiet = FALSE),
    "Using cached model")
  ## Same object
  expect_identical(res, cmp)

test_that("set model state and time, can't vary time", {
  res <- dust_example("variable")
  mod <- res$new(list(len = 10), 0, 2, seed = 1L)
  m <- matrix(rep(as.numeric(1:2), each = 10), 10, 2)
  time <- 0:1
  expect_error(mod$update_state(state = m, time = time),
               "Expected 'time' to be scalar")

test_that("set model state and time, constant time", {
  res <- dust_example("variable")
  mod <- res$new(list(len = 10), 0, 2, seed = 1L)
  m <- matrix(runif(20), 10, 2)
  time <- 10L
  mod$update_state(state = m, time = time)

  state <- mod$state()
  expect_equal(mod$time(), 10)
  expect_equal(state, m)

test_that("set model time but not state", {
  res <- dust_example("variable")
  mod <- res$new(list(len = 10), 0, 2, seed = 1L)
  expect_null(mod$update_state(state = NULL, time = NULL))
  expect_equal(mod$time(), 0)
  expect_equal(mod$state(), matrix(1:10, 10, 2))

  expect_null(mod$update_state(state = NULL, time = 10L))
  expect_equal(mod$time(), 10)
  expect_equal(mod$state(), matrix(1:10, 10, 2))

test_that("NULL state leaves state untouched", {
  res <- dust_example("variable")
  mod <- res$new(list(len = 10), 0, 2, seed = 1L)
  m <- matrix(runif(20), 10, 2)
  mod$update_state(state = m, time = NULL)
  expect_equal(mod$state(), m)
  expect_equal(mod$time(), 0)

  mod$update_state(state = NULL, time = 10L)
  expect_equal(mod$state(), m)
  expect_equal(mod$time(), 10)

  mod$update_state(state = NULL, time = NULL)
  expect_equal(mod$state(), m)
  expect_equal(mod$time(), 10)

test_that("type coersion in setting index", {
  res <- dust_example("sir")
  obj <- res$new(list(), 0, 100, seed = 1L)
    "All elements of 'index' must be integer-like",
    fixed = TRUE)
    "Expected a numeric vector for 'index'",
    fixed = TRUE)

test_that("can't load invalid example", {
  expect_error(dust_example("asdf"), "Unknown example 'asdf'")

test_that("can run volatility example", {
  res <- dust_example("volatility")
  obj <- res$new(list(), 0, 5000, seed = 1L)
  y <- drop(obj$simulate(0:100))
  expect_lt(diff(range(colMeans(y))), 0.5)

test_that("has_openmp can be called statically and normally", {
  res <- dust_example("volatility")
  expected <- openmp_info()$has_openmp
  expect_equal(res$public_methods$has_openmp(), expected)
  expect_equal(res$new(list(), 0, 1)$has_openmp(), expected)

test_that("Sensible behaviour of compare_data if not implemented", {
  res <- dust_example("walk")
  mod <- res$new(list(sd = 1), 0, 1, seed = 1L)
    mod$set_data(list(list(1, list()))),
    "The 'set_data' method is not supported for this class")
    "The 'set_data' method is not supported for this class")
    "The 'compare_data' method is not supported for this class")
    "The 'filter' method is not supported for this class")

test_that("Can run compare_data", {
  res <- dust_example("sir")

  np <- 10
  end <- 150 * 4
  times <- seq(0, end, by = 4)
  ans <- res$new(list(), 0, np, seed = 1L)$simulate(times)

  ## Confirm the incidence calculation is correct:
    rowSums(ans[5, , ]),
    1000 - ans[1, , length(times)])
    t(apply(ans[5, , ], 1, cumsum)),
    ans[4, , ])

  d <- dust_data(data.frame(time = times, incidence = ans[5, 1, ]))

  ## Use Inf for exp_noise as that gives us deterministic results
  mod <- res$new(list(exp_noise = Inf), 0, np, seed = 1L)

  x <- mod$compare_data()
  expect_length(x, np)

  ## Need to compute manually our probability and check against the
  ## computed version:
  modelled <- drop(mod$state(5))
  expect_equal(dpois(d[[10]][[2]]$incidence, modelled, log = TRUE), x)

test_that("example compare data copes with missing data", {
  res <- dust_example("sir")

  data <- data_frame(
    time = seq(0, 50, by = 4),
    incidence = c(0, 1, 0, 3, 5, 2, NA, 3, 7, 2, 1, 1, 1))

  ## Confirm the incidence calculation is correct:
  ## Use Inf for exp_noise as that gives us deterministic results
  np <- 10
  mod <- res$new(list(exp_noise = Inf), 0, np, seed = 1L)
  y <- mod$run(20)
    dpois(data$incidence[[6]], drop(y), log = TRUE))
  y <- mod$run(24)
    rep(0, np))

test_that("fetch model size", {
  res <- dust_example("variable")
  mod <- res$new(list(len = 10), 0, 7, seed = 1L)
  expect_equal(mod$n_particles(), 7)
  expect_equal(mod$n_state(), 10)
  mod$set_index(c(3, 5, 7))
  expect_equal(mod$n_state(), 10)

test_that("resample", {
  res <- dust_example("variable")
  obj <- res$new(list(len = 5), 0, 7, seed = 1L)
  m <- matrix(as.numeric(1:35), 5, 7)
  obj$update_state(state = m)
  rng <- dust_rng$new(obj$rng_state(last_only = TRUE))
  u <- rng$random_real(1)
  w <- runif(obj$n_particles())

  idx <- obj$resample(w)
  expect_equal(idx, resample_index(w, u))
  expect_equal(obj$state(), m[, idx])

test_that("resample error cases", {
  res <- dust_example("variable")
  obj <- res$new(list(len = 5), 0, 7, seed = 1L)
  m <- matrix(as.numeric(1:35), 5, 7)
  obj$update_state(state = m)
  rng <- dust_rng$new(obj$rng_state(last_only = TRUE))
  u <- rng$random_real(1)
  w <- runif(obj$n_particles())

               "Expected a vector of length 7 for 'weights'")
  expect_error(obj$resample(c(w[-1], -1)),
               "All weights must be positive")
  expect_identical(obj$state(), m)

test_that("resample a vector of zeros does nothing", {
  res <- dust_example("variable")
  np <- 31
  obj <- res$new(list(len = 5), 0, np, seed = 1L)
  m <- matrix(as.numeric(seq_len(np * 5)), 5, np)
  obj$update_state(state = m)
  rng <- dust_rng$new(obj$rng_state(last_only = TRUE))
  expect_equal(obj$resample(rep(0, np)), seq_len(np))
  expect_equal(obj$state(), m)

  ## RNG state is the same after drawing one sample:
  expect_identical(obj$rng_state(last_only = TRUE), rng$state())

test_that("volality compare is correct", {
  dat <- example_volatility()
  pars <- dat$pars

  np <- 400L
  mod <- volatility$new(pars, 0, np, seed = 1L)

  y <- mod$run(1)
               dat$compare(y, dat$data[1, ], pars))

  f <- function() {
    mod$update_state(pars = pars, time = 0L)
  ll <- replicate(200, f())

  ll_true <- dat$kalman_filter(pars, dat$data)
  expect_lt(min(ll), ll_true)
  expect_gt(max(ll), ll_true)
  expect_equal(mean(ll), ll_true, tolerance = 0.01)

test_that("can simulate, respecting index", {
  res <- dust_example("sir")

  times <- seq(0, 100, by = 10)
  np <- 20
  mod <- res$new(list(), 0, np, seed = 1L)
  y <- mod$simulate(times)
  expect_equal(dim(y), c(5, np, length(times)))

  mod2 <- res$new(list(), 0, np, seed = 1L)
  expect_identical(mod2$simulate(times), y[5, , , drop = FALSE])

test_that("validate simulate times", {
  res <- dust_example("sir")

  np <- 20
  mod <- res$new(list(len = 5), 10, np, seed = 1L)
  y <- matrix(runif(np * 5), 5, np)
  mod$update_state(state = y)

    "'time_end' must have at least one element")
    "'time_end[1]' must be at least 10", fixed = TRUE)
    "'time_end' must be non-decreasing (error on element 2)", fixed = TRUE)
    mod$simulate(c(10, 20, 30, 20, 50)),
    "'time_end' must be non-decreasing (error on element 4)", fixed = TRUE)

  ## Unchanged
  expect_equal(mod$time(), 10)
  expect_equal(mod$state(), y)

test_that("no device info by default", {
  no_cuda <- list(has_cuda = FALSE,
                  cuda_version = NULL,
                  devices = data.frame(id = integer(0),
                                       name = character(0),
                                       memory = numeric(0),
                                       version = integer(0),
                                       stringsAsFactors = FALSE))
  res <- dust_example("sir")
  expect_equal(res$public_methods$gpu_info(), no_cuda)

  mod <- res$new(list(), 0, 1)
  expect_equal(mod$gpu_info(), no_cuda)

test_that("throw when triggering invalid binomials", {
  res <- dust_example("sir")
  mod <- res$new(list(), 0, 10)
  s <- mod$state()
  s[2, c(4, 9)] <- c(-1, -10)
  mod$update_state(state = s)

  err <- expect_error(
    "2 particles reported errors")
    "- 4: Invalid call to binomial with n = -1, p =")
    "- 9: Invalid call to binomial with n = -10, p =")
  expect_equal(mod$state()[, c(4, 9)], s[, c(4, 9)])
  expect_error(mod$time(), "Errors pending; reset required")
  expect_error(mod$run(10), "Errors pending; reset required")
  expect_error(mod$simulate(10:20), "Errors pending; reset required")
  expect_error(mod$compare_data(), "Errors pending; reset required")
  expect_error(mod$filter(), "Errors pending; reset required")

  ## This will clear the errors:
  mod$update_state(state = abs(s), time = 0)
  ## And we can run again:
  expect_equal(mod$time(), 10)

test_that("Truncate errors past certain point", {
  res <- dust_example("sir")
  mod <- res$new(list(), 0, 10)
  s <- mod$state()
  s[2, ] <- -10
  mod$update_state(state = s)
  err <- expect_error(
    "10 particles reported errors")
    "(and 6 more)", fixed = TRUE)

test_that("more binomial errors", {
  res <- dust_example("sir")
  gamma <- runif(100, max = 0.1)
  gamma[c(10, 20, 30)] <- -gamma[c(10, 20, 30)]
  par <- apply(cbind(beta = 0.15, gamma = gamma), 1, as.list)
  mod <- res$new(par, 0, NULL, seed = 1L, pars_multi = TRUE)
  err <- expect_error(mod$run(10),
                      "3 particles reported errors")
  expect_match(err$message, "10: Invalid call to binomial")

test_that("times must not be negative", {
  res <- dust_example("sir")
  y0 <- matrix(1, 1, 5)
  pars <- rep(list(list(sd = 1)), 5)

  mod <- res$new(list(), 0, 1)
    mod$simulate(c(0:10, -5)),
    "All elements of 'time_end' must be non-negative")

test_that("run random walk deterministically", {
  res <- dust_example("walk")
  obj <- res$new(list(sd = 1), 0, 100, seed = 1L, deterministic = TRUE)
  rng_state <- obj$rng_state()
  m <- obj$state()
  m[] <- runif(length(m))
  obj$update_state(state = m)
  expect_equal(obj$run(10), m)
  expect_equal(obj$rng_state(), rng_state)

test_that("run simulate deterministically", {
  res <- dust_example("walk")
  obj <- res$new(list(sd = 1), 0, 100, seed = 1L, deterministic = TRUE)
  rng_state <- obj$rng_state()
  m <- obj$state()
  m[] <- runif(length(m))
  obj$update_state(state = m)
  res <- obj$simulate(0:10)
               array(rep(m, 11), c(1, 100, 11)))
  expect_equal(obj$rng_state(), rng_state)

test_that("update_state controls initial state", {
  gen <- dust_example("sir")
  mod <- gen$new(list(I0 = 1), 0, 1)
  expect_equal(mod$state(), rbind(1000, 1, 0, 0, 0))

  ## By default, update state when pars and time given
  mod$update_state(list(I0 = 2), time = 0)
  expect_equal(mod$state(), rbind(1000, 2, 0, 0, 0))

  ## Allow turning this behaviour off:
  mod$update_state(list(I0 = 3, time = 0), set_initial_state = FALSE)
  expect_equal(mod$state(), rbind(1000, 2, 0, 0, 0))

  ## Not changed when given just pars
  mod$update_state(list(I0 = 4))
  expect_equal(mod$state(), rbind(1000, 2, 0, 0, 0))

  ## Unless we ask for it
  mod$update_state(list(I0 = 5), set_initial_state = TRUE)
  expect_equal(mod$state(), rbind(1000, 5, 0, 0, 0))

  ## Take state from 'state' value
  mod$update_state(list(I0 = 6), c(1000, 7, 0, 0, 0))
  expect_equal(mod$state(), rbind(1000, 7, 0, 0, 0))

  ## Prevent conflicting state definitions:
    mod$update_state(list(I0 = 8), c(1000, 9, 0, 0, 0),
                     set_initial_state = TRUE),
    "Can't use both 'set_initial_state' and provide 'state'")
  expect_equal(mod$pars(), list(I0 = 6))
  expect_equal(mod$state(), rbind(1000, 7, 0, 0, 0))

    mod$update_state(state = c(1000, 10, 0, 0, 0), set_initial_state = TRUE),
    "Can't use 'set_initial_state' without providing 'pars'")
  expect_equal(mod$pars(), list(I0 = 6))
  expect_equal(mod$state(), rbind(1000, 7, 0, 0, 0))

test_that("sirs model has gpu support", {
  gen <- dust_example("sirs")

  mod1 <- gen$new(list(), 0, 1, gpu_config = NULL)

  mod2 <- gen$new(list(), 0, 1, gpu_config = 0L)

test_that("variable model includes info", {
  gen <- dust_example("variable")
  model <- gen$new(list(len = 10, sd = 1), 0, 10)
  expect_equal(model$info(), list(len = 10))
mrc-ide/dust documentation built on May 11, 2024, 1:08 p.m.