
test_that("can generate random numbers", {
  ans1 <- dust_rng$new(1)$random_real(100)
  ans2 <- dust_rng$new(1)$random_real(100)
  ans3 <- dust_rng$new(2)$random_real(100)
  expect_equal(length(ans1), 100)
  expect_identical(ans1, ans2)
  expect_false(any(ans1 == ans3))

test_that("Create interleaved rng", {
  n <- 128
  seed <- 1

  rng1 <- dust_rng$new(seed, 1L)
  rng2 <- dust_rng$new(seed, 2L)
  rng3 <- dust_rng$new(seed, 4L)
  rng4 <- dust_rng$new(seed, 8L)

  ans1 <- rng1$random_real(n)
  ans2 <- rng2$random_real(n)
  ans3 <- rng3$random_real(n)
  ans4 <- rng4$random_real(n)

  ## We can find elements from the each rng through the larger
  ## sequences:
  expect_identical(ans1, ans2[, 1])
  expect_identical(ans1, ans3[, 1])
  expect_identical(ans1, ans3[, 1])
  expect_identical(ans2, ans3[, 1:2])
  expect_identical(ans2, ans4[, 1:2])
  expect_identical(ans3, ans4[, 1:4])

  expect_equal(rng1$size(), 1)
  expect_equal(rng2$size(), 2)
  expect_equal(rng3$size(), 4)
  expect_equal(rng4$size(), 8)

test_that("run uniform random numbers", {
  ans1 <- dust_rng$new(1L)$random_real(100)
  ans2 <- dust_rng$new(1L)$random_real(100)
  ans3 <- dust_rng$new(1L)$uniform(100, 0, 1)
  ans4 <- dust_rng$new(2L)$uniform(100, 0, 1)

  expect_true(all(ans1 >= 0))
  expect_true(all(ans1 <= 1))
  expect_identical(ans1, ans2)
  expect_identical(ans1, ans3)
  expect_false(any(ans1 == ans4))

test_that("run uniform random numbers with odd bounds", {
  ans <- dust_rng$new(1L)$uniform(100, -100, 100)
  expect_true(any(ans > 0))
  expect_true(any(ans < 0))
  expect_true(all(ans >= -100))
  expect_true(all(ans <= 100))

test_that("distribution of uniform numbers", {
  m <- 100000
  a <- exp(1)
  b <- pi
  ans <- dust_rng$new(1)$uniform(m, a, b)
  expect_equal(mean(ans), (a + b) / 2, tolerance = 1e-3)
  expect_equal(var(ans), (b - a)^2 / 12, tolerance = 1e-2)

test_that("run binomial random numbers", {
  m <- 100000
  n <- 100
  p <- 0.1

  ans1 <- dust_rng$new(1)$binomial(m, n, p)
  ans2 <- dust_rng$new(1)$binomial(m, n, p)
  expect_identical(ans1, ans2)

  ## Should do this with much more statistical rigour, but this looks
  ## pretty good.
  expect_equal(mean(ans1), n * p, tolerance = 1e-3)
  expect_equal(var(ans1), n * p * (1 - p), tolerance = 1e-2)

test_that("binomial numbers run the short circuit path", {
  m <- 10000
  n <- 100
  p <- 0.1

  expect_identical(dust_rng$new(1)$binomial(m, 0, p),
                   rep(0, m))
  expect_identical(dust_rng$new(1)$binomial(m, n, 0),
                   rep(0, m))
  expect_identical(dust_rng$new(1)$binomial(m, n, 1),
                   rep(as.numeric(n), m))

test_that("binomial numbers on the 'small' path", {
  m <- 500000
  n <- 20
  p <- 0.2

  ans1 <- dust_rng$new(1)$binomial(m, n, p)
  expect_equal(mean(ans1), n * p, tolerance = 1e-3)
  expect_equal(var(ans1), n * p * (1 - p), tolerance = 1e-2)

test_that("binomial numbers and their complement are the same (np small)", {
  m <- 100
  n <- 20
  p <- 0.2

  ans1 <- dust_rng$new(1)$binomial(m, n, p)
  ans2 <- dust_rng$new(1)$binomial(m, n, 1 - p)
  expect_equal(ans1, n - ans2)

test_that("binomial numbers and their complement are the same (np large)", {
  m <- 100
  n <- 200
  p <- 0.2

  ans1 <- dust_rng$new(1)$binomial(m, n, p)
  ans2 <- dust_rng$new(1)$binomial(m, n, 1 - p)
  expect_equal(ans1, n - ans2)

test_that("Binomial random numbers prevent bad inputs", {
  skip_on_cran() # potentially system dependent
  r <- dust_rng$new(1)
  r$binomial(1, 0, 0)
    r$binomial(1, 1, -1),
    "Invalid call to binomial with n = 1, p = -1")
    r$binomial(1, 1, 0 - 1e-8),
    "Invalid call to binomial with n = 1, p = -1e-08")
    r$binomial(1, 1, 2),
    "Invalid call to binomial with n = 1, p = 2")
  ## TODO: this is not a great error here, but there's not much that
  ## can be done without a lot of faff with the underlying print
    r$binomial(1, 1, 1 + 1e-8),
    "Invalid call to binomial with n = 1, p = 1")
    r$binomial(1, -1, 0.5),
    "Invalid call to binomial with n = -1, p = 0.5")

test_that("avoid integer overflow in binomial draws with very large n", {
  r <- dust_rng$new(1, seed = 1L)
  n <- 2^33
  expect_equal(r$binomial(1, n, 0), 0)
  expect_equal(r$binomial(1, n, 1), n)

  p1 <- 2.5e-10
  m1 <- r$binomial(1000000, n, p1)
  expect_equal(mean(m1), n * p1, tolerance = 1e-3)
  mt1 <- tabulate(m1)
  expect_false(any(mt1) == 0)

  p2 <- 0.1
  m2 <- r$binomial(1000000, n, p2)
  mt2 <- tabulate(m2)
  expect_equal(mean(m2), n * p2, tolerance = 1e-3)
  expect_false(any(mt1) == 0)

test_that("poisson numbers", {
  n <- 100000
  lambda <- 5

  ans1 <- dust_rng$new(1)$poisson(n, lambda)
  ans2 <- dust_rng$new(1)$poisson(n, lambda)
  ans3 <- dust_rng$new(2)$poisson(n, lambda)
  expect_identical(ans1, ans2)
  expect_false(all(ans1 == ans3))

  expect_equal(mean(ans1), lambda, tolerance = 1e-2)
  expect_equal(var(ans1), lambda, tolerance = 1e-2)

test_that("Big poisson numbers", {
  n <- 100000
  lambda <- 20

  ans1 <- dust_rng$new(1)$poisson(n, lambda)
  ans2 <- dust_rng$new(1)$poisson(n, lambda)
  ans3 <- dust_rng$new(2)$poisson(n, lambda)
  expect_identical(ans1, ans2)
  expect_false(all(ans1 == ans3))

  expect_equal(mean(ans1), lambda, tolerance = 1e-2)
  expect_equal(var(ans1), lambda, tolerance = 1e-2)

test_that("big poisson numbers at edge of transition are ok", {
  n <- 100000
  lambda_d <- 1e8 - 1
  lambda_f <- 1e4 - 1

  rng_d <- dust_rng$new(1, real_type = "double")
  rng_f <- dust_rng$new(1, real_type = "float")

  ans_d <- rng_d$poisson(n, lambda_d)
  ans_f <- rng_f$poisson(n, lambda_f)

  expect_equal(mean(ans_f), lambda_f, tolerance = 1e-2)
  expect_equal(var(ans_f), lambda_f, tolerance = 1e-2)
  expect_equal(mean(ans_d), lambda_d, tolerance = 1e-2)
  expect_equal(var(ans_d), lambda_d, tolerance = 1e-2)

test_that("Very big poisson numbers", {
  n <- 100000
  lambda <- 1e12

  ans1 <- dust_rng$new(1)$poisson(n, lambda)
  ans2 <- dust_rng$new(1)$poisson(n, lambda)
  ans3 <- dust_rng$new(2)$poisson(n, lambda)
  expect_identical(ans1, ans2)
  expect_false(all(ans1 == ans3))

  expect_equal(mean(ans1), lambda, tolerance = 1e-2)
  expect_equal(var(ans1), lambda, tolerance = 1e-2)

test_that("Very big poisson with single precision", {
  n <- 1000000
  lambda <- 1e5
  ans <- dust_rng$new(1, real_type = "float")$poisson(n, lambda)
  expect_equal(mean(ans), lambda, tolerance = 1e-2)
  expect_equal(var(ans), lambda, tolerance = 1e-2)

test_that("Poisson numbers only valid for 0 <= lambda < Inf", {
  n <- 100
  expect_error(dust_rng$new(1)$poisson(n, -1),
               "Invalid call to Poisson")
  expect_error(dust_rng$new(1)$poisson(n, Inf),
               "Invalid call to Poisson")

test_that("Short circuit exit does not update rng state", {
  rng <- dust_rng$new(1)
  s <- rng$state()
  ans <- rng$poisson(100, 0)
  expect_equal(ans, rep(0, 100))
  expect_identical(rng$state(), s)

test_that("normal (box_muller) agrees with stats::rnorm", {
  n <- 100000
  ans <- dust_rng$new(2)$random_normal(n)
  expect_equal(mean(ans), 0, tolerance = 1e-2)
  expect_equal(sd(ans), 1, tolerance = 1e-2)
  expect_gt(ks.test(ans, "pnorm")$p.value, 0.1)

test_that("normal (polar) agrees with stats::rnorm", {
  n <- 100000
  ans <- dust_rng$new(2)$random_normal(n, algorithm = "polar")
  expect_equal(mean(ans), 0, tolerance = 1e-2)
  expect_equal(sd(ans), 1, tolerance = 1e-2)
  expect_gt(ks.test(ans, "pnorm")$p.value, 0.1)

test_that("normal (ziggurat) agrees with stats::rnorm", {
  n <- 100000
  ans <- dust_rng$new(2)$random_normal(n, algorithm = "ziggurat")
  expect_equal(mean(ans), 0, tolerance = 1e-2)
  expect_equal(sd(ans), 1, tolerance = 1e-2)
  expect_gt(ks.test(ans, "pnorm")$p.value, 0.1)

test_that("normal scales draws", {
  n <- 100
  mean <- exp(1)
  sd <- pi
  rng1 <- dust_rng$new(1)
  rng2 <- dust_rng$new(1)
  expect_equal(rng1$normal(n, mean, sd),
               mean + sd * rng2$random_normal(n))
  expect_equal(rng1$normal(n, mean, sd, algorithm = "polar"),
               mean + sd * rng2$random_normal(n, algorithm = "polar"))
  expect_equal(rng1$normal(n, mean, sd, algorithm = "ziggurat"),
               mean + sd * rng2$random_normal(n, algorithm = "ziggurat"))

test_that("Prevent unknown normal algorithms", {
    dust_rng$new(2)$random_normal(10, algorithm = "monty_python"),
    "Unknown normal algorithm 'monty_python'")
    dust_rng$new(2)$normal(10, 0, 1, algorithm = "monty_python"),
    "Unknown normal algorithm 'monty_python'")

test_that("rexp agrees with stats::rexp", {
  n <- 100000
  rate <- 0.04
  ans <- dust_rng$new(2)$exponential(n, rate)
  expect_equal(mean(ans), 1 / rate, tolerance = 1e-2)
  expect_equal(var(ans), 1 / rate^2, tolerance = 1e-2)
  expect_gt(ks.test(ans, "pexp", rate)$p.value, 0.1)

test_that("continue stream", {
  rng1 <- dust_rng$new(1)
  rng2 <- dust_rng$new(1)

  y1 <- rng1$uniform(100, 0, 1)
  y2_1 <- rng2$uniform(50, 0, 1)
  y2_2 <- rng2$uniform(50, 0, 1)
  y2 <- c(y2_1, y2_2)
  expect_identical(y1, y2)

test_that("jump", {
  seed <- 1
  rng1a <- dust_rng$new(seed)
  rng1b <- dust_rng$new(seed)$jump()
  rng2 <- dust_rng$new(seed, 2L)

  r2 <- rng2$random_real(10)
  r1a <- rng1a$random_real(10)
  r1b <- rng1b$random_real(10)

  expect_equal(cbind(r1a, r1b, deparse.level = 0), r2)

test_that("long jump", {
  seed <- 1
  rng1 <- dust_rng$new(seed)
  rng2 <- dust_rng$new(seed)$jump()
  rng3 <- dust_rng$new(seed)$long_jump()
  rng4 <- dust_rng$new(seed)$long_jump()$jump()

  r1 <- rng1$random_real(20)
  r2 <- rng2$random_real(20)
  r3 <- rng3$random_real(20)
  r4 <- rng4$random_real(20)

  expect_true(all(r1 != r2))
  expect_true(all(r1 != r3))
  expect_true(all(r1 != r4))
  expect_true(all(r2 != r3))
  expect_true(all(r2 != r4))
  expect_true(all(r3 != r4))

test_that("get state", {
  seed <- 1
  rng1 <- dust_rng$new(seed)
  rng2 <- dust_rng$new(seed)
  rng3 <- dust_rng$new(seed, 2L)

  s1 <- rng1$state()
  expect_type(s1, "raw")
  expect_equal(length(s1), 32)

  s2 <- rng2$state()
  expect_identical(s2, s1)

  s3 <- rng3$state()
  expect_equal(length(s3), 64)
  expect_identical(s3[seq_len(32)], s1)
  expect_identical(s3[-seq_len(32)], rng2$jump()$state())

test_that("initialise single rng with binary state", {
  seed <- 42
  rng1 <- dust_rng$new(seed)
  state <- rng1$state()
  rng2 <- dust_rng$new(state)
  expect_identical(rng1$state(), rng2$state())
  r1 <- rng1$random_real(10)
  r2 <- rng2$random_real(10)
  expect_identical(r1, r2)
  expect_identical(rng1$state(), rng2$state())

test_that("initialise parallel rng with binary state", {
  seed <- 42
  rng1 <- dust_rng$new(seed, 5L)
  state <- rng1$state()
  rng2 <- dust_rng$new(state, 5L)
  r1 <- rng1$random_real(10)
  r2 <- rng2$random_real(10)
  expect_identical(r1, r2)
  expect_identical(rng1$state(), rng2$state())

test_that("initialise parallel rng with single binary state and jump", {
  seed <- 42
  rng1 <- dust_rng$new(seed, 1L)
  rng2 <- dust_rng$new(seed, 2L)
  state <- rng1$state()
  rng3 <- dust_rng$new(state, 2L)
  expect_identical(rng3$state(), rng2$state())

test_that("initialise parallel rng with binary state and drop", {
  seed <- 42
  rng10 <- dust_rng$new(seed, 10L)
  rng5 <- dust_rng$new(rng10$state(), 5L)
  len <- 5 * rng5$info$size_state_bytes
  expect_identical(rng5$state(), rng10$state()[seq_len(len)])

test_that("initialise parallel rng with binary state and drop for floats", {
  seed <- 42
  rng10 <- dust_rng$new(seed, 10L, "float")
  rng5 <- dust_rng$new(rng10$state(), 5L, "float")
  len <- 5 * rng5$info$size_state_bytes
  expect_identical(rng5$state(), rng10$state()[seq_len(len)])

test_that("require that raw vector is of sensible size", {
               "Expected raw vector of length as multiple of 32 for 'seed'")
               "Expected raw vector of length as multiple of 32 for 'seed'")
               "Expected raw vector of length as multiple of 32 for 'seed'")
  expect_error(dust_rng$new(raw(63), real_type = "float"),
               "Expected raw vector of length as multiple of 16 for 'seed'")

test_that("initialise with NULL, generating a seed from R", {
  rng1 <- dust_rng$new(NULL)
  rng2 <- dust_rng$new(NULL)
  rng3 <- dust_rng$new(NULL)
  rng4 <- dust_rng$new(NULL, real_type = "float")
  rng5 <- dust_rng$new(NULL, real_type = "float")

  expect_identical(rng2$state(), rng1$state())
  expect_false(identical(rng3$state(), rng2$state()))

  i <- rep(rep(c(TRUE, FALSE), each = 4), 4)
  expect_identical(rng4$state(), rng1$state()[i])
  expect_identical(rng5$state(), rng3$state()[i])

test_that("can't create rng with silly things", {
    "Invalid type for 'seed'")
    dust_rng$new(function(x) 2),
    "Invalid type for 'seed'")
    dust_rng$new(function(x) 2, real_type = "float"),
    "Invalid type for 'seed'")

test_that("negative seed values result in sensible state", {
  ## Don't end up with all-zero state, and treat different negative
  ## numbers as different (don't truncate to zero or anything
  ## pathalogical)
  s0 <- dust_rng$new(0)$state()
  s1 <- dust_rng$new(-1)$state()
  s10 <- dust_rng$new(-10)$state()

  expect_false(all(s0 == as.raw(0)))
  expect_false(all(s1 == as.raw(0)))
  expect_false(all(s10 == as.raw(0)))
  skip_on_os("mac") # mrc-5288 - see mcstate2 for more on this
  expect_false(identical(s0, s1))
  expect_false(identical(s0, s10))
  expect_false(identical(s1, s10))

test_that("binomial random numbers from floats have correct distribution", {
  m <- 1000000
  n <- 958
  p <- 0.004145
  yf <- dust_rng$new(1, real_type = "float")$binomial(m, n, p)
  expect_equal(mean(yf), n * p, tolerance = 1e-3)
  expect_equal(var(yf), n * p * (1 - p), tolerance = 1e-2)

test_that("special case", {
  ## This has been fairly carefully selected; with this set of
  ## parameters we get one infinite loop in dust 0.9.7
  m <- 1000000
  n <- 6
  p <- 0.449999988
  yf <- dust_rng$new(1, real_type = "float")$binomial(m, n, p)

  expect_equal(mean(yf), n * p, tolerance = 1e-3)
  expect_equal(var(yf), n * p * (1 - p), tolerance = 1e-2)

test_that("binomial random numbers from floats have correct distribution", {
  m <- 100000
  n <- 100
  p <- 0.1
  yf <- dust_rng$new(1, real_type = "float")$binomial(m, n, p)
  expect_equal(mean(yf), n * p, tolerance = 1e-2)
  expect_equal(var(yf), n * p * (1 - p), tolerance = 1e-2)

test_that("float/double binom identical behaviour in corner cases", {
  rng_f <- dust_rng$new(1, real_type = "float")

  ## Short circuiting does not advance rng:
  s <- rng_f$state()
  expect_equal(rng_f$binomial(100, 0, 0.1), rep(0, 100))
  expect_equal(rng_f$binomial(100, 5, 0), rep(0, 100))
  expect_equal(rng_f$binomial(100, 5, 1), rep(5, 100))
  expect_identical(rng_f$state(), s)

  ## ...nor does an error
    rng_f$binomial(100, -1, 0.5),
    "Invalid call to binomial with n = -1, p = 0.5")
  expect_identical(rng_f$state(), s)

  ## and a draw and its complement are the same
  n <- 20
  ans1 <- dust_rng$new(1, real_type = "float")$binomial(100, n, 0.2)
  ans2 <- dust_rng$new(1, real_type = "float")$binomial(100, n, 0.8)
  expect_equal(ans1, n - ans2)

test_that("poisson random numbers from floats have correct distribution", {
  n <- 100000
  lambda <- 10
  yf <- dust_rng$new(1, real_type = "float")$poisson(n, lambda)
  expect_equal(mean(yf), lambda, tolerance = 1e-3)
  expect_equal(var(yf), lambda, tolerance = 5e-3)

test_that("uniform random numbers from floats have correct distribution", {
  n <- 100000
  min <- -2
  max <- 4
  yf <- dust_rng$new(1, real_type = "float")$uniform(n, min, max)
  expect_equal(mean(yf), (min + max) / 2, tolerance = 1e-2)
  expect_equal(var(yf), (max - min)^2 / 12, tolerance = 1e-2)

test_that("normal random numbers from floats have correct distribution", {
  n <- 100000
  y <- dust_rng$new(1, real_type = "float")$random_normal(n)
  expect_equal(mean(y), 0, tolerance = 1e-2)
  expect_equal(sd(y), 1, tolerance = 1e-2)
  expect_gt(suppressWarnings(ks.test(y, "pnorm")$p.value), 0.1)

  m <- 200
  mu <- exp(1)
  sd <- pi
    dust_rng$new(1, real_type = "float")$normal(m, mu, sd),
    mu + sd * y[seq_len(m)],
    tolerance = 1e-5)

test_that("normal draws from floats have correct distribution (polar)", {
  n <- 100000
  r <- dust_rng$new(1, real_type = "float")
  y <- r$random_normal(n, algorithm = "polar")
  expect_equal(mean(y), 0, tolerance = 1e-2)
  expect_equal(sd(y), 1, tolerance = 1e-2)
  expect_gt(suppressWarnings(ks.test(y, "pnorm")$p.value), 0.1)

  cmp <- dust_rng$new(1, real_type = "float")
  m <- 200
  mu <- exp(1)
  sd <- pi
    cmp$normal(m, mu, sd, algorithm = "polar"),
    mu + sd * y[seq_len(m)],
    tolerance = 1e-5)

test_that("normal random numbers from floats have correct distribution (zig)", {
  ## Reordering the two draws used in the ziggrat algorithm here
  ## created a mild failure that is not sytematic (p value of 0.04);
  ## however the subsequent set of draws were not failures so this is
  ## likely fine.
  n <- 100000
  r <- dust_rng$new(2, real_type = "float")
  y <- r$random_normal(n, algorithm = "ziggurat")
  expect_equal(mean(y), 0, tolerance = 1e-2)
  expect_equal(sd(y), 1, tolerance = 1e-2)
  expect_gt(suppressWarnings(ks.test(y, "pnorm")$p.value), 0.1)

  cmp <- dust_rng$new(2, real_type = "float")
  m <- 200
  mu <- exp(1)
  sd <- pi
    cmp$normal(m, mu, sd, algorithm = "ziggurat"),
    mu + sd * y[seq_len(m)],
    tolerance = 1e-5)

test_that("std uniform random numbers from floats have correct distribution", {
  n <- 100000
  yf <- dust_rng$new(42, real_type = "float")$random_real(n)
  expect_equal(mean(yf), 0.5, tolerance = 1e-3)
  expect_equal(var(yf), 1 / 12, tolerance = 1e-2)

test_that("exponential random numbers from floats have correct distribution", {
  n <- 100000
  rate <- 4
  yf <- dust_rng$new(1, real_type = "float")$exponential(n, rate)
  expect_equal(mean(yf), 1 / rate, tolerance = 1e-2)
  expect_equal(var(yf), 1 / rate^2, tolerance = 5e-2)
  expect_gt(suppressWarnings(ks.test(yf, "pexp", rate)$p.value), 0.1)

test_that("multinomial algorithm is correct", {
  prob <- runif(10)
  prob <- prob / sum(prob)
  size <- 20
  n <- 5

  res <- dust_rng$new(1, seed = 1L)$multinomial(n, size, prob)

  ## Separate implementation of the core algorithm:
  cmp_multinomial <- function(rng, size, prob) {
    p <- prob / (1 - cumsum(c(0, prob[-length(prob)])))
    ret <- numeric(length(prob))
    for (i in seq_len(length(prob) - 1L)) {
      ret[i] <- rng$binomial(1, size, p[i])
      size <- size - ret[i]
    ret[length(ret)] <- size

  rng2 <- dust_rng$new(1, seed = 1L)
  cmp <- replicate(n, cmp_multinomial(rng2, size, prob))
  expect_equal(res, cmp)

test_that("multinomial expectation is correct", {
  p <- runif(10)
  p <- p / sum(p)
  n <- 10000
  res <- dust_rng$new(1, seed = 1L)$multinomial(n, 100, p)
  expect_equal(dim(res), c(10, n))
  expect_equal(colSums(res), rep(100, n))
  expect_equal(rowMeans(res), p * 100, tolerance = 1e-2)

test_that("multinomial allows zero probs", {
  p <- runif(10)
  p[4] <- 0
  p <- p / sum(p)
  n <- 500
  size <- 100
  res <- dust_rng$new(1, seed = 1L)$multinomial(n, size, p)

  expect_equal(res[4, ], rep(0, n))
  expect_equal(colSums(res), rep(size, n))

test_that("multinomial allows non-normalised prob", {
  p <- runif(10, 0, 10)
  n <- 50
  res1 <- dust_rng$new(1, seed = 1L)$multinomial(n, 100, p)
  res2 <- dust_rng$new(1, seed = 1L)$multinomial(n, 100, p / sum(p))
  expect_equal(res1, res2)

test_that("Invalid prob throws an error", {
  r <- dust_rng$new(1, seed = 1L)
    r$multinomial(1, 10, c(0, 0, 0)),
    "No positive prob in call to multinomial")
    r$multinomial(1, 10, c(-0.1, 0.6, 0.5)),
    "Negative prob passed to multinomial")

test_that("Can vary parameters for multinomial, single generator", {
  np <- 7L
  ng <- 1L
  size <- 13
  n <- 17L
  prob <- matrix(runif(np * n), np, n)
  prob <- prob / rep(colSums(prob), each = np)

  rng <- dust_rng$new(1, seed = 1L)
  cmp <- vapply(seq_len(n), function(i) rng$multinomial(1, size, prob[, i]),
  res <- dust_rng$new(1, seed = 1L)$multinomial(n, size, prob)
  expect_equal(res, cmp)

    dust_rng$new(1, seed = 1L)$multinomial(n, size, prob[, -5]),
    "If 'prob' is a matrix, it must have 17 columns")
    dust_rng$new(1, seed = 1L)$multinomial(n, size, prob[0, ]),
    "Input parameters imply length of 'prob' of only 0 (< 2)",
    fixed = TRUE)
    dust_rng$new(1, seed = 1L)$multinomial(n, size, prob[1, , drop = FALSE]),
    "Input parameters imply length of 'prob' of only 1 (< 2)",
    fixed = TRUE)

test_that("Can vary parameters by generator for multinomial", {
  np <- 7L
  ng <- 3L
  size <- 13
  n <- 17L

  prob <- array(runif(np * ng), c(np, 1, ng))
  prob <- prob / rep(colSums(prob), each = np)

  state <- matrix(dust_rng$new(ng, seed = 1L)$state(), ncol = ng)
  cmp <- vapply(seq_len(ng), function(i) {
    dust_rng$new(1, seed = state[, i])$multinomial(n, size, prob[, , i])
  }, matrix(numeric(), np, n))

  res <- dust_rng$new(ng, seed = 1L)$multinomial(n, size, prob)
  expect_equal(res, cmp)

test_that("Can vary parameters for multinomial, multiple generators", {
  np <- 7L
  ng <- 3L
  size <- 13
  n <- 17L
  prob <- array(runif(np * n * ng), c(np, n, ng))
  prob <- prob / rep(colSums(prob), each = np)

  ## Setting up the expectation here is not easy, we need a set of
  ## generators. This test exploits the fact that we alredy worked out
  ## we could vary a parameter over draws with a single generator.
  state <- matrix(dust_rng$new(ng, seed = 1L)$state(), ncol = ng)
  cmp <- vapply(seq_len(ng), function(i) {
    dust_rng$new(1, seed = state[, i])$multinomial(n, size, prob[, , i])
  }, matrix(numeric(), np, n))

  res <- dust_rng$new(ng, seed = 1L)$multinomial(n, size, prob)
  expect_equal(res, cmp)

    dust_rng$new(ng, seed = 1L)$multinomial(n, size, prob[, -5, ]),
    "If 'prob' is a 3d array, it must have 1 or 17 columns")
    dust_rng$new(ng, seed = 1L)$multinomial(n, size, prob[, , -1]),
    "If 'prob' is a 3d array, it must have 3 layers")
    dust_rng$new(ng, seed = 1L)$multinomial(n, size, prob[0, , ]),
    "Input parameters imply length of 'prob' of only 0 (< 2)",
    fixed = TRUE)
  ## Final bad inputs:
  p4 <- array(prob, c(dim(prob), 1))
    dust_rng$new(ng, seed = 1L)$multinomial(n, size, p4),
    "'prob' must be a vector, matrix or 3d array")

test_that("multinomial random numbers from floats have correct distribution", {
  n <- 100000
  prob <- runif(7)
  prob <- prob / sum(prob)
  size <- 13
  yf <- dust_rng$new(1, real_type = "float")$multinomial(n, size, prob)
  expect_equal(dim(yf), c(length(prob), n))
  expect_equal(colSums(yf), rep(size, n))
  expect_equal(rowMeans(yf), size * prob,
               tolerance = 1e-2)

test_that("long jump", {
  seed <- 1
  rng1 <- dust_rng$new(seed, real_type = "float")
  rng2 <- dust_rng$new(seed, real_type = "float")$jump()
  rng3 <- dust_rng$new(seed, real_type = "float")$long_jump()
  rng4 <- dust_rng$new(seed, real_type = "float")$long_jump()$jump()

  r1 <- rng1$random_real(20)
  r2 <- rng2$random_real(20)
  r3 <- rng3$random_real(20)
  r4 <- rng4$random_real(20)

  expect_true(all(r1 != r2))
  expect_true(all(r1 != r3))
  expect_true(all(r1 != r4))
  expect_true(all(r2 != r3))
  expect_true(all(r2 != r4))
  expect_true(all(r3 != r4))

test_that("Require double or float", {
    dust_rng$new(1, 5, "binary16"),
    "Invalid value for 'real_type': must be 'double' or 'float'")

test_that("deterministic rbinom returns mean", {
  m <- 10
  n <- as.numeric(sample(10, m, replace = TRUE))
  p <- runif(m)

  rng_f <- dust_rng$new(1, real_type = "float", deterministic = TRUE)
  rng_d <- dust_rng$new(1, real_type = "double", deterministic = TRUE)
  state_f <- rng_f$state()
  state_d <- rng_d$state()

  expect_equal(rng_f$binomial(m, n, p), n * p, tolerance = 1e-6)
  expect_equal(rng_d$binomial(m, n, p), n * p)

  expect_equal(rng_f$state(), state_f)
  expect_equal(rng_d$state(), state_d)

test_that("deterministic rbinom accepts non-integer size", {
  m <- 10
  n <- runif(m, 0, 10)
  p <- runif(m)
  rng_f <- dust_rng$new(1, real_type = "float", deterministic = TRUE)
  rng_d <- dust_rng$new(1, real_type = "double", deterministic = TRUE)
  state_f <- rng_f$state()
  state_d <- rng_d$state()
  expect_equal(rng_f$binomial(m, n, p), n * p, tolerance = 1e-6)
  expect_equal(rng_d$binomial(m, n, p), n * p)
  expect_equal(rng_f$state(), state_f)
  expect_equal(rng_d$state(), state_d)

test_that("deterministic rbinom allow small negative innacuracies", {
  m <- 10
  n <- runif(m, 0, 10)
  p <- runif(m)
  rng_f <- dust_rng$new(1, real_type = "float", deterministic = TRUE)
  rng_d <- dust_rng$new(1, real_type = "double", deterministic = TRUE)

  eps_d <- .Machine$double.eps
  eps_f <- 2^-23

  expect_identical(rng_f$binomial(1, 0, 0.5), 0.0)
  expect_identical(rng_d$binomial(1, 0, 0.5), 0.0)
  expect_identical(rng_f$binomial(1, -eps_f, 0.5), 0.0)
  expect_identical(rng_d$binomial(1, -eps_d, 0.5), 0.0)

  expect_error(rng_f$binomial(1, -sqrt(eps_f * 1.1), 0.5),
               "Invalid call to binomial with n = -")
  expect_error(rng_d$binomial(1, -sqrt(eps_d * 1.1), 0.5),
               "Invalid call to binomial with n = -")

test_that("deterministic rpois returns mean", {
  m <- 10
  ## numbers from all three regimes:
  lambda <- c(
    runif(m, 0, 10),
    runif(m, 10, 1000),
    runif(m, 1e10, 1e12))
  rng_f <- dust_rng$new(1, real_type = "float", deterministic = TRUE)
  rng_d <- dust_rng$new(1, real_type = "double", deterministic = TRUE)
  state_f <- rng_f$state()
  state_d <- rng_d$state()
  expect_equal(rng_f$poisson(3 * m, lambda), lambda, tolerance = 1e-6)
  expect_equal(rng_d$poisson(3 * m, lambda), lambda)
  expect_equal(rng_f$state(), state_f)
  expect_equal(rng_d$state(), state_d)

test_that("deterministic runif returns mean", {
  m <- 10
  l <- runif(m, -10, 10)
  u <- l + runif(m, 0, 10)
  rng_f <- dust_rng$new(1, real_type = "float", deterministic = TRUE)
  rng_d <- dust_rng$new(1, real_type = "double", deterministic = TRUE)
  state_f <- rng_f$state()
  state_d <- rng_d$state()
  expect_equal(rng_f$uniform(m, l, u), (l + u) / 2, tolerance = 1e-6)
  expect_equal(rng_d$uniform(m, l, u), (l + u) / 2)
  expect_equal(rng_f$state(), state_f)
  expect_equal(rng_d$state(), state_d)

test_that("deterministic rexp returns mean", {
  m <- 10
  rate <- runif(m, 0, 10)
  rng_f <- dust_rng$new(1, real_type = "float", deterministic = TRUE)
  rng_d <- dust_rng$new(1, real_type = "double", deterministic = TRUE)
  state_f <- rng_f$state()
  state_d <- rng_d$state()
  expect_equal(rng_f$exponential(m, rate), 1 / rate, tolerance = 1e-6)
  expect_equal(rng_d$exponential(m, rate), 1 / rate)
  expect_equal(rng_f$state(), state_f)
  expect_equal(rng_d$state(), state_d)

test_that("deterministic rnorm returns mean", {
  m <- 10
  mu <- runif(m, -10, 10)
  sd <- runif(m, 0, 10)
  rng_f <- dust_rng$new(1, real_type = "float", deterministic = TRUE)
  rng_d <- dust_rng$new(1, real_type = "double", deterministic = TRUE)
  state_f <- rng_f$state()
  state_d <- rng_d$state()
  expect_equal(rng_f$normal(m, mu, sd), mu, tolerance = 1e-6)
  expect_equal(rng_d$normal(m, mu, sd), mu)
  expect_equal(rng_f$state(), state_f)
  expect_equal(rng_d$state(), state_d)

test_that("Parameter expansion", {
  rng <- dust_rng$new(1, 10)

  m <- matrix(as.numeric(1:30), 3, 10)
  rng <- dust_rng$new(1, 10)
  expect_equal(floor(rng$uniform(3, m, m + 1)), m)

  expect_equal(floor(rng$uniform(3, m[, 1], m[, 1] + 1)),
               matrix(as.numeric(1:3), 3, 10))
  expect_equal(floor(rng$uniform(3, 1, 2)),
               matrix(1, 3, 10))
  m1 <- m[1, , drop = FALSE]
  expect_equal(floor(rng$uniform(3, m1, m1 + 1)),
               m1[c(1, 1, 1), ])

    rng$uniform(3, c(1, 2, 3, 4), 10),
    "If 'min' is a vector, it must have 1 or 3 elements")
    rng$uniform(3, m[, 1:2], 10),
    "If 'min' is a matrix, it must have 10 columns")
    rng$uniform(3, m[1:2, ], 10),
    "If 'min' is a matrix, it must have 1 or 3 rows")

test_that("We can load the example rng package", {

  path_src <- dust_file("random/package")
  tmp <- tempfile()
  copy_directory(path_src, tmp)
  cpp11::cpp_register(tmp, quiet = TRUE)

  pkg <- pkgload::load_all(tmp, export_all = FALSE, quiet = TRUE)
  ans <- pkg$env$random_normal(10, 0, 1, 42)
  cmp <- dust_rng$new(42)$normal(10, 0, 1)
  expect_equal(ans, cmp)

  unlink(tmp, recursive = TRUE)

test_that("We can compile the standalone program", {

  path_src <- dust_file("random/openmp")
  tmp <- tempfile()
  copy_directory(path_src, tmp)

  args <- c(dirname(dust_file("include")), "--no-openmp")

  code <- withr::with_dir(
    system2("./configure", args, stdout = FALSE, stderr = FALSE))
  expect_equal(code, 0)
  code <- withr::with_dir(
    system2("make", stdout = FALSE, stderr = FALSE))
  expect_equal(code, 0)

  res <- system2(file.path(tmp, "rnguse"), c("10", "5", "42"),
                 stdout = TRUE)
  ans <- as.numeric(sub("[0-9]: ", "", res))

  cmp <- colSums(dust_rng$new(42, 5)$uniform(10, 0, 1))
  expect_equal(ans, cmp)

## Testing for the hypergeometric is a little different to above as it
## turns out that despite the very different underlying
## implementations, the algorithm in the paper
## (https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/abs/10.1080/00949658508810839) has
## been followed pretty exactly. So if we were willing to assume that
## the R version is correct we can just check that the stream of
## numbers is exactly the same.
## We do this twice - once between R's rhyper and a direct
## reimplementation of the Rust code in R (within helper-rng) using
## R's RNG stream, then again between our R reimplementation and
## dust's idiomatic C++ version.
test_that("hypergeometric reference implementation agrees with R", {
  testthat::skip_on_cran() # subject to change beyond our control
  hypergeometric <- hypergeometric_r(function() runif(1))

  ## There are three branches to consider:
  ## Case 1, use HIP (inversion) algorithm
  m <- 7
  n <- 10
  k <- 8

  r1 <- rhyper(500, m, n, k)
  r2 <- replicate(500, hypergeometric(m, n, k))
  expect_equal(r1, r2)

  ## Case 1a, HIP but sample exactly half
  m <- 5
  n <- 5
  k <- 5
  r1 <- rhyper(5000, m, n, k)
  r2 <- replicate(5000, hypergeometric(m, n, k))
  ## Here, we differ only because of the sign but as black and white
  ## are exchangeable here this is equivalent.
  expect_equal(r1, 5 - r2)

  ## Case 2, use H2PE algorithm, simple exit
  m <- 70
  n <- 100
  k <- 80
  r1 <- rhyper(500, m, n, k)
  r2 <- replicate(500, hypergeometric(m, n, k))
  expect_equal(r1, r2)

  ## Case 3, use H2PE algorithm, squeezing exit
  m <- 700
  n <- 1000
  k <- 800
  r1 <- rhyper(500, m, n, k)
  r2 <- replicate(500, hypergeometric(m, n, k))
  expect_equal(r1, r2)

## Found by Charlie, this overflowed and generated garbage answers
## below 0.14.x
test_that("avoid integer overflow", {
  r1 <- dust::dust_rng$new(seed = 1)
  r2 <- dust::dust_rng$new(seed = 1)
  hypergeometric <- hypergeometric_r(function() r1$random_real(1))
  n1 <- 4334282
  n2 <- 5665718
  size <- 750
  ans1 <- replicate(100, hypergeometric(n1, n2, size))
  ans2 <- r2$hypergeometric(100, n1, n2, size)
  expect_equal(ans1, ans2)

test_that("dust agrees with hypergeometric reference implementation", {
  rng1 <- dust_rng$new(seed = 1L)
  rng2 <- dust_rng$new(seed = 1L)
  hypergeometric <- hypergeometric_r(function() rng1$random_real(1))

  ## Same three cases as above:
  ## Case 1, use HIP (inversion) algorithm
  m <- 7
  n <- 10
  k <- 8
  r1 <- replicate(500, hypergeometric(m, n, k))
  r2 <- rng2$hypergeometric(500, m, n, k)
  expect_equal(r1, r2)

  ## Case 1a, HIP but sample exactly half
  m <- 5
  n <- 5
  k <- 5
  r1 <- replicate(500, hypergeometric(m, n, k))
  r2 <- rng2$hypergeometric(500, m, n, k)
  expect_equal(r1, r2)

  ## Case 2, use H2PE algorithm, simple exit
  m <- 70
  n <- 100
  k <- 80
  r1 <- replicate(500, hypergeometric(m, n, k))
  r2 <- rng2$hypergeometric(500, m, n, k)
  expect_equal(r1, r2)

  ## Case 3, use H2PE algorithm, squeezing exit
  m <- 700
  n <- 1000
  k <- 800
  r1 <- replicate(500, hypergeometric(m, n, k))
  r2 <- rng2$hypergeometric(500, m, n, k)
  expect_equal(r1, r2)

test_that("symmetry property around n1/n2 and k holds", {
  n1 <- 7
  n2 <- 15
  k <- 5
  n <- n1 + n2
  r1 <- dust_rng$new(seed = 1L)$hypergeometric(500, n1, n2, k)
  r2 <- dust_rng$new(seed = 1L)$hypergeometric(500, n2, n1, k)
  r3 <- dust_rng$new(seed = 1L)$hypergeometric(500, n1, n2, n - k)
  r4 <- dust_rng$new(seed = 1L)$hypergeometric(500, n2, n1, n - k)
  expect_equal(r2, k - r1)
  expect_equal(r3, n1 - r1)
  expect_equal(r4, r1 + n2 - k)

test_that("deterministic hypergeometric returns mean", {
  n_reps <- 10
  n1 <- as.numeric(sample(10, n_reps, replace = TRUE))
  n2 <- as.numeric(sample(10, n_reps, replace = TRUE))
  n <- n1 + n2
  k <- floor(runif(n_reps, 0, n))

  rng_f <- dust_rng$new(1, real_type = "float", deterministic = TRUE)
  rng_d <- dust_rng$new(1, real_type = "double", deterministic = TRUE)
  state_f <- rng_f$state()
  state_d <- rng_d$state()

  expect_equal(rng_f$hypergeometric(n_reps, n1, n2, k), k * n1 / n,
               tolerance = 1e-6)
  expect_equal(rng_d$hypergeometric(n_reps, n1, n2, k), k * n1 / n)

  expect_equal(rng_f$state(), state_f)
  expect_equal(rng_d$state(), state_d)

test_that("hypergeometric random numbers prevent bad inputs", {
  r <- dust_rng$new(1)
  expect_equal(r$hypergeometric(1, 0, 0, 0), 0)

    r$hypergeometric(1, -1, 5, 2),
    "Invalid call to hypergeometric with n1 = -1, n2 = 5, k = 2")
    r$hypergeometric(1, 5, -1, 2),
    "Invalid call to hypergeometric with n1 = 5, n2 = -1, k = 2")
    r$hypergeometric(1, 5, 3, -2),
    "Invalid call to hypergeometric with n1 = 5, n2 = 3, k = -2")
    r$hypergeometric(1, 5, 3, 10),
    "Invalid call to hypergeometric with n1 = 5, n2 = 3, k = 10")

test_that("fast exits do not draw random numbers", {
  r <- dust_rng$new(1)
  s <- r$state()

  ## If there's nothing sampled from nothing, return nothing
  expect_equal(r$hypergeometric(1, 0, 0, 0), 0)
  ## If there's nothing sampled from something, return nothing
  expect_equal(r$hypergeometric(1, 10, 5, 0), 0)
  ## If there's nothing to choose from, take the only option
  expect_equal(r$hypergeometric(1, 10, 0, 2), 2)
  expect_equal(r$hypergeometric(1, 0, 10, 2), 0)
  ## If we select everything, return everything
  expect_equal(r$hypergeometric(1, 10, 5, 15), 10)
  expect_equal(r$hypergeometric(1, 5, 10, 15), 5)

  expect_identical(r$state(), s)

test_that("numbers on different streams behave as expected", {
  r <- dust_rng$new(2, seed = 1)
  m <- 9
  n <- 3
  k <- 7
  res <- r$hypergeometric(10, m, n, k)
  expect_equal(dim(res), c(10, 2))
  expect_equal(res[, 1],
               dust_rng$new(1, seed = 1)$hypergeometric(10, m, n, k))
  expect_equal(res[, 2],
               dust_rng$new(1, seed = 1)$jump()$hypergeometric(10, m, n, k))

test_that("gamma for a = 1 is the same as exponential", {
  rng1 <- dust_rng$new(seed = 1L)
  rng2 <- dust_rng$new(seed = 1L)

  n <- 10
  b <- 3

  gamma <- rng1$gamma(n, 1, b)
  exp <- rng2$exponential(n, 1 / b)

  expect_equal(gamma, exp)

test_that("can draw gamma random numbers", {
  ## when a > 1
  a <- 5
  b <- 3
  n <- 10000000

  ans1 <- dust_rng$new(1)$gamma(n, a, b)
  ans2 <- dust_rng$new(1)$gamma(n, a, b)
  expect_identical(ans1, ans2)

  expect_equal(mean(ans1), a * b, tolerance = 1e-3)
  expect_equal(var(ans1), a * b^2, tolerance = 1e-3)

  ans_f <- dust_rng$new(1, real_type = "float")$gamma(n, a, b)
  expect_equal(mean(ans_f), a * b, tolerance = 1e-3)
  expect_equal(var(ans_f), a * b^2, tolerance = 1e-3)

  ## when a < 1
  a <- 0.5

  ans3 <- dust_rng$new(1)$gamma(n, a, b)
  ans4 <- dust_rng$new(1)$gamma(n, a, b)
  expect_identical(ans3, ans4)

  expect_equal(mean(ans3), a * b, tolerance = 1e-3)
  expect_equal(var(ans3), a * b^2, tolerance = 1e-3)

  ans_f <- dust_rng$new(1, real_type = "float")$gamma(n, a, b)
  expect_equal(mean(ans_f), a * b, tolerance = 1e-3)
  expect_equal(var(ans_f), a * b^2, tolerance = 1e-3)

test_that("deterministic gamma returns mean", {
  n_reps <- 10
  a <- as.numeric(sample(10, n_reps, replace = TRUE))
  b <- as.numeric(sample(10, n_reps, replace = TRUE))

  rng_f <- dust_rng$new(1, real_type = "float", deterministic = TRUE)
  rng_d <- dust_rng$new(1, real_type = "double", deterministic = TRUE)
  state_f <- rng_f$state()
  state_d <- rng_d$state()

  expect_equal(rng_f$gamma(n_reps, a, b), a * b,
               tolerance = 1e-6)
  expect_equal(rng_d$gamma(n_reps, a, b), a * b)

  expect_equal(rng_f$state(), state_f)
  expect_equal(rng_d$state(), state_d)

test_that("gamma random numbers prevent bad inputs", {
  r <- dust_rng$new(1)
  expect_equal(r$gamma(1, 0, 0), 0)
  expect_equal(r$gamma(1, Inf, Inf), Inf)

    r$gamma(1, -1.1, 5.1),
    "Invalid call to gamma with shape = -1.1, scale = 5.1")
    r$gamma(1, 5.1, -1.1),
    "Invalid call to gamma with shape = 5.1, scale = -1.1")

test_that("can generate negative binomial numbers", {
  m <- 1000000
  n <- 958
  p <- 0.004145
  yf <- dust_rng$new(1)$nbinomial(m, n, p)

  expect_equal(mean(yf), (1 - p) * n / p, tolerance = 1e-3)
  expect_equal(var(yf), ((1 - p) * n) / p^2, tolerance = 1e-2)

test_that("deterministic negative binomial returns mean", {
  m <- 100
  p <- as.numeric(sample(10, m, replace = TRUE)) / 10
  n <- as.numeric(sample(10, m, replace = TRUE))

  rng_f <- dust_rng$new(1, real_type = "float", deterministic = TRUE)
  rng_d <- dust_rng$new(1, real_type = "double", deterministic = TRUE)

  expect_equal(rng_f$nbinomial(m, n, p), (1 - p) * n / p, tolerance = 1e-6)
  expect_equal(rng_d$nbinomial(m, n, p), (1 - p) * n / p)

test_that("negative binomial prevents bad inputs", {
  expect_error(dust_rng$new(1)$nbinomial(1, 10, 0),
               "Invalid call to nbinomial with size = 10, prob = 0")
  expect_error(dust_rng$new(1)$nbinomial(1, 0, 0.5),
               "Invalid call to nbinomial with size = 0, prob = 0.5")
  expect_error(dust_rng$new(1)$nbinomial(1, 10, 1.5),
               "Invalid call to nbinomial with size = 10, prob = 1.5")
  expect_error(dust_rng$new(1)$nbinomial(1, 10, Inf),
               "Invalid call to nbinomial with size = 10, prob = inf")
  expect_error(dust_rng$new(1)$nbinomial(1, Inf, 0.4),
               "Invalid call to nbinomial with size = inf, prob = 0.4")

test_that("can generate samples from the cauchy distribution", {
  ## This one is really hard to validate because the cauchy does not
  ## have any finite moments...
  n <- 100000
  ans_f <- dust_rng$new(2, real_type = "float")$cauchy(n, 0, 1)
  ans_d <- dust_rng$new(2, real_type = "double")$cauchy(n, 0, 1)
  expect_gt(suppressWarnings(ks.test(ans_f, "pcauchy"))$p.value, 0.3)
  expect_gt(ks.test(ans_d, "pcauchy")$p.value, 0.3)
  expect_equal(median(ans_f), 0, tolerance = 0.01)
  expect_equal(median(ans_d), 0, tolerance = 0.01)

test_that("deterministic cauchy throws", {
  rng_f <- dust_rng$new(1, real_type = "float", deterministic = TRUE)
  rng_d <- dust_rng$new(1, real_type = "float", deterministic = TRUE)
    rng_f$cauchy(1, 0, 1),
    "Can't use Cauchy distribution deterministically; it has no mean")
    rng_d$cauchy(1, 0, 1),
    "Can't use Cauchy distribution deterministically; it has no mean")

test_that("regression tests of binomial issues", {
  rng <- dust_rng$new(1, seed = 42)
  ## all values 0..n represented:
  expect_setequal(rng$binomial(10000, 1, 0.5), 0:1)
  expect_setequal(rng$binomial(10000, 4, 0.2), 0:4)
  expect_setequal(rng$binomial(10000, 10, 0.5), 0:10)

test_that("Very big poisson with single precision now work", {
  n <- 1000000
  lambda <- 1e8
  ans <- dust_rng$new(1, real_type = "float")$poisson(n, lambda)
  expect_equal(mean(ans), lambda, tolerance = 1e-2)
  expect_equal(var(ans), lambda, tolerance = 1e-2)
mrc-ide/dust documentation built on May 11, 2024, 1:08 p.m.