##' Compare aggregated district ART inputs + spectrum totals
##' Compare aggregated subnational ART inputs + spectrum totals for comparison table
##' @param art Path to file containing ART data or ART data object
##' @param shape Path to file containing geojson areas data or areas data object
##' @param pjnz Path to zip file containing spectrum pjnz file/s
##' @keywords internal
prepare_art_spectrum_comparison <- function(art, shape, pjnz) {
## Check if shape is object or file path
if(!inherits(shape, "sf")) {
shape <- read_area_merged(shape) }
## Check if art is object or file path
if(!inherits(art, c("spec_tbl_df","tbl_df","tbl","data.frame" ))) {
art <- read_art_number(art, all_columns = TRUE)}
## PJNZ either object or file path
if (!inherits(pjnz, "spec_program_data")) {
pjnz <- extract_pjnz_program_data(pjnz) }
## If user has uploaded multiple calendar quarters within a year, we
## only want to return 1 value. The last one within the year.
art_single_cq <- art |>
dplyr::mutate(year = calendar_quarter_to_year(calendar_quarter)) |>
dplyr::group_by(area_id, sex, age_group, year) |>
dplyr::mutate(quarter_id = calendar_quarter_to_quarter_id(calendar_quarter)) |>
dplyr::filter(quarter_id == max(quarter_id)) |>
## Aggregate ART data
art_agreggated <- art_single_cq |>
dplyr::mutate(year = calendar_quarter_to_year(calendar_quarter)) |>
dplyr::left_join(shape, by = "area_id") |>
dplyr::count(spectrum_region_code, year, sex, age_group,
wt = art_current, name = "value_naomi")
if(identical(unique(art_single_cq$sex), c("both"))) {
# If no sex aggregated data present in ART data, aggregate Spectrum by age
spec <- pjnz$art_dec31 |>
dplyr::group_by(spectrum_region_code, year, age_group) |>
value_spectrum_reported = round(sum(art_dec31_reported)),
art_dec31_attend = round(sum(art_dec31_attend)),
art_dec31_reside = round(sum(art_dec31_reside)),
.groups = "drop") |>
dplyr::mutate(sex = "both")
} else {
# If sex aggregated data present in ART data, aggregate Spectrum by age and sex
spec <- pjnz$art_dec31 |>
dplyr::select(value_spectrum_reported = art_dec31_reported, dplyr::everything())
spec_aggreagted <- spec |>
value_spectrum_adjusted = art_dec31_attend,
value_spectrum_reallocated = art_dec31_reside - art_dec31_attend ) |>
dplyr::select(spectrum_region_code, year, age_group, sex, value_spectrum_reported,
value_spectrum_adjusted, value_spectrum_reallocated)
# Get spectrum level to select correct area names
spectrum_region_code <- unique(shape$spectrum_region_code)
spectrum_level <- as.integer(length(spectrum_region_code) > 1)
dat <- dplyr::left_join(art_agreggated, spec_aggreagted,
by = c("spectrum_region_code", "year",
"sex", "age_group")) |>
dplyr::left_join(shape |>
dplyr::filter(area_level == spectrum_level) |>
dplyr::select(area_name, spectrum_region_code),
by = "spectrum_region_code")
# Return data formatted for comparison table
dat |>
indicator = "number_on_art",
group = dplyr::if_else(age_group == "Y000_014",
"art_children", paste0("art_adult_", sex))) |>
dplyr::select(indicator, area_name, year, group,
value_spectrum_reported, value_spectrum_adjusted,
value_naomi, value_spectrum_reallocated)
##' Compare aggregated subnational ART inputs + spectrum totals for comparison table
##' @param art Path to file containing ART data or ART data object
##' @param shape Path to file containing geojson areas data or areas data object
##' @param pjnz Path to zip file containing spectrum pjnz file/s
##' @keywords internal
prepare_anc_spectrum_comparison <- function(anc, shape, pjnz) {
## Check if shape is object or file path
if(!inherits(shape, "sf")) {
shape <- read_area_merged(shape) }
## Check if anc is object or file path
if(!inherits(anc, c("spec_tbl_df","tbl_df","tbl","data.frame" ))) {
anc <- read_anc_testing(anc)
## PJNZ either object or file path
if (!inherits(pjnz, "spec_program_data")) {
pjnz <- extract_pjnz_program_data(pjnz) }
## Aggregate ART data
anc_agreggated <- anc |>
dplyr::left_join(shape, by = "area_id") |>
names_to = "indicator",
values_to = "value_naomi") |>
dplyr::count(spectrum_region_code, age_group, year, indicator,
wt = value_naomi, name = "value_naomi")
## Aggregate Spectrum data
spec_aggregated <- pjnz$anc_testing |>
dplyr::rename("value_spectrum" = "value")
# Get spectrum level to select correct area names
spectrum_region_code <- unique(shape$spectrum_region_code)
if(length(spectrum_region_code) > 1){spectrum_level <- 1}else{spectrum_level <- 0}
dat <- dplyr::left_join(anc_agreggated, spec_aggregated,
by = c("spectrum_region_code", "year", "indicator")) |>
dplyr::left_join(shape |>
dplyr::filter(area_level == spectrum_level) |>
dplyr::select(area_name, spectrum_region_code),
by = "spectrum_region_code") |>
dplyr::filter(indicator %in% unique(pjnz$anc_testing$indicator))
# Return data formatted for comparison table
dat |>
sex = "female", age_group = "Y015_049",
group = "anc_adult_female") |>
dplyr::select(indicator, area_name, year, group,
value_spectrum, value_naomi)
##' Compare aggregated subnational Naomi + spectrum totals for comparison table
##' @param art Path to file containing ART data or ART data object
##' @param anc Path to file containing ART data or ART data object
##' @param shape Path to file containing geojson areas data or areas data object
##' @param pjnz Path to zip file containing spectrum pjnz file/s
##' @export
prepare_spectrum_naomi_comparison <- function(art, anc, shape, pjnz){
if(is.null(art) & is.null(anc) ){
# Empty data frame if no programme data
comparison_table <- list(art = NULL, anc = NULL)
} else {
## Check if shape is object or file path
if(!inherits(shape, "sf")) {
shape <- read_area_merged(shape) }
## PJNZ either object or file path
if (!inherits(pjnz, "spec_program_data")) {
pjnz <- extract_pjnz_program_data(pjnz) }
# Create ART comparison or empty data frame if no ART supplied
if (!is.null(art)) {
art_comparison <- prepare_art_spectrum_comparison(art, shape, pjnz)
} else {
art_comparison <- NULL
# Create ANC comparison or empty data frame if no ART supplied
if (!is.null(anc)) {
anc_comparison <- prepare_anc_spectrum_comparison(anc, shape, pjnz)
} else {
anc_comparison <- NULL
comparison_table <- list(art = art_comparison,
anc = anc_comparison)
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