
Defines functions interp_input_par interp_matrix_list_constant interp_vector_constant get_asymptomatic get_country get_population get_squire_parameters

Documented in get_asymptomatic get_population get_squire_parameters interp_input_par

#' @title Get parameters from squire model
#' @param iso3c Character for country iso3c
#' @param population Population vector (for each age group). Default = NULL, which will cause population to be sourced from country
#' @param contact_matrix_set Contact matrices used in simulation. Default = NULL, which will generate this based on the country.
#' @param time_period length of simulation (in days)
#' @param max_age the maximum age for humans
#' @param lambda_external a vector of length equal to \code{time_period} giving an additional additive term contributing to the force of infection.
#' Models infectious contacts the population has with external (unmodeled) populations.
#' @param dt size of time step
#' @param ... Other parameters for [squire::parameters_explicit_SEEIR]
#' @importFrom squire parameters_explicit_SEEIR get_mixing_matrix
#' @importFrom utils tail
#' @return squire model parameters
#' @export
get_squire_parameters <- function(iso3c = NULL,
                           population = NULL,
                           contact_matrix_set = NULL,
                           time_period = 365,
                           max_age = 100,
                           lambda_external = NULL,
                           ...) {

  stopifnot(is.finite(dt) & dt > 0)

  # if missing a contact matrix but have iso3c then use that
  if (!is.null(iso3c) && is.null(contact_matrix_set)) {
    contact_matrix_set <- get_mixing_matrix(iso3c = iso3c)

  country <- get_country(iso3c)

  # Get squire parameters
  pars <- parameters_explicit_SEEIR(
    population = population,
    country = country,
    contact_matrix_set = contact_matrix_set,
    dt = 1, # we only want to interpolate things to nearest day
    time_period = time_period,

  pars$dt <- dt
  pars$time_steps <- as.integer(time_period / dt)

  # create list of asymptomatic parameters
  asymp_list <- get_asymptomatic()

  # make final list
  pars <- append(pars, asymp_list)
  pars <- append(pars, list(
    time_period = time_period,
    max_age = max_age

  # remove all non integer and double class objects as not compatible
  pars <- remove_non_numerics(pars)

  # extend all time varying parameters to fill time steps
  pars$beta_set <- interp_input_par(
    c(pars$tt_beta, time_period),
    c(pars$beta_set, tail(pars$beta_set, 1L))

  pars$country <- country

  # external FoI term
  if (!is.null(lambda_external)) {
    stopifnot(length(lambda_external) == time_period)
    stopifnot(all(lambda_external >= 0))
    pars$lambda_external <- as.numeric(lambda_external)
  } else {
    pars$lambda_external <- 0



#' @title Get population from SQUIRE model
#' @description rounds population sizes to discrete numbers
#' @param iso3c three letter code for your country of interest
#' @importFrom squire get_population
#' @export
get_population <- function(iso3c) {
  squire::get_population(iso3c = iso3c, simple_SEIR = FALSE)

#' @noRd
get_country <- function(iso3c) {
  squire::population[squire::population$iso3c == iso3c, "country"][[1]]

#' @title Function to add asymptomatic information
#' @importFrom squire default_durations
#' @return list of asymptomatic parameters
get_asymptomatic <- function() {

  # Temporary values just for testing purposes. Literature derived values
  # will be supplied later
  prob_asymp <- c(0.3, 0.3, rep(0.2, 15))
  IAsymp_0 <- c(rep(0L, 17))
  dur_IAsymp <- default_durations()$dur_IMild

    prob_asymp = prob_asymp,
    IAsymp_0 = IAsymp_0,
    dur_IAsymp = dur_IAsymp


#' @importFrom stats approx
#' @importFrom utils tail
#' @noRd
interp_vector_constant <- function(x, y, by = 1, end = max(x)) {

  # create the time series
  xout <- seq(min(x), end, 1)

  # constant interpolation
  yout <- approx(x,
                 xout = xout,
                 method = "constant",
                 yright = tail(y, 1L),
                 ties = "ordered")



#' @noRd
interp_matrix_list_constant <- function(x, y, by = 1, end = max(x) + 1) {

  # create the time series
  x_all <- c(x, end)
  xout <- seq(min(x), end, 1)

  # build array from matrix list
  rep_mats <- Map(rep, y, diff(x_all))
  yout <- array(unlist(rep_mats), dim = c(dim(y[[1]]), length(xout)))



#' @title Interpolate input parameters
#' @details Constant interpolation of time changing parameters
#' @param x Time points for \code{y} changing
#' @param y Object to be interpolated
#' @param by Time steps to interpolate at. Default = 1
#' @param end End time point for interpoation. Default = \code{max(x)}
interp_input_par <- function(x, y, by = 1, end = max(x)) {

  # check lengths
  stopifnot(length(x) == length(y))

  # match input class
  if (inherits(y, "numeric")) {

    ret <- interp_vector_constant(x, y, by = by, end = end)

  } else if (inherits(y, "list") && inherits(y[[1]], "matrix")) {

    ret <- interp_matrix_list_constant(x, y, by = by, end = end)

  } else {

    stop("No interpolation for object y with class ", class(y))


mrc-ide/safir2 documentation built on Jan. 14, 2022, 9:37 p.m.