#' Calibrate via particle filter grid search using time series of deaths
#' @param reporting_fraction Reporting fraction. Numeric for what proportion of
#' the total deaths the reported deaths represent. E.g. 0.5 results in
#' the model calibrating to twice the deaths provided by \code{data$deaths}
#' @param treated_deaths_only Boolean for whether likelihood is based only on
#' deaths that occur from healthcare systems, i.e. are treated. Default = FALSE,
#' which uses all deaths.
#' @param replicates Replicates to be run. Default = 100
#' @param forecast Number of days to forecast forward. Default = 0
#' @param baseline_hosp_bed_capacity The starting number of hospital beds before
#' the epidemic started. Default = NULL, which will use the hospital beds data
#' for the country provided. If no country is provided then this is 5/1000 of
#' the population
#' @param hosp_bed_capacity Number of hospital beds at each date specified in
#' \code{date_hosp_bed_capacity_change}. Must be same length as
#' \code{date_hosp_bed_capacity_change}.
#' @param baseline_ICU_bed_capacity The starting number of ICU beds before
#' the epidemic started. Default = NULL, which will use the hospital beds data
#' for the country provided. If no country is provided then this is 3/100 of
#' hospital beds
#' @param ICU_bed_capacity Number of ICU beds at each date specified in
#' \code{date_ICU_bed_capacity_change}. Must be same length as
#' \code{date_ICU_bed_capacity_change}.
#' @param baseline_contact_matrix The starting contact matrix prior to any changes
#' due to interventions or otherwise. Default = NULL, which will use the contact
#' matrix associated with the coutnry provided.
#' @param contact_matrix_set List of contact matrices to be used from the dates
#' provided in \code{date_contact_matrix_set_change}.Must be same length as
#' \code{date_contact_matrix_set_change}
#' @param Meff_min Minimum value of Meff (Movement effect size) in the search.
#' Default = 1, which is the same as \code{Meff_max}. If \code{Meff_max} and
#' \code{Meff_min} are the same then only a 2d grid search is performed based
#' on R0 and start_date
#' @param Meff_max Maximum value of Meff (Movement effect size) in the search.
#' Default = 1, which is the same as \code{Meff_min}. If \code{Meff_max} and
#' \code{Meff_min} are the same then only a 2d grid search is performed based
#' on R0 and start_date
#' @param Meff_step Step to increment Meff (Movement effect size) between min
#' and max. Default = 0.1
#' @param R0_prior Prior for R0. Default = NULL, which is a flat prior. Should be
#' provided as a list with first argument the distribution function and the second
#' the function arguments (excluding quantiles which are worked out based on
#' R0_min and R0_max), e.g. `list("func" = dnorm, args = list("mean"= 3.5, "sd"= 3))`.
#' @param ... Further aguments for the model parameter function. If using the
#' \code{\link{explicit_model}} (default) this will be
#' \code{parameters_explicit_SEEIR}.
#' @inheritParams parameters_explicit_SEEIR
#' @inheritParams scan_R0_date
#' @export
#' @return List of dated squire simulations
calibrate <- function(data,
R0_prior = NULL,
Meff_min = 1,
Meff_max = 1,
Meff_step = 0.1,
squire_model = explicit_model(),
Rt_func = function(R0_change, R0, Meff){ exp(log(R0) - Meff*(1-R0_change)) },
pars_obs = NULL,
forecast = 0,
n_particles = 100,
reporting_fraction = 1,
treated_deaths_only = FALSE,
replicates = 100,
date_R0_change = NULL,
R0_change = NULL,
date_ICU_bed_capacity_change = NULL,
baseline_ICU_bed_capacity = NULL,
ICU_bed_capacity = NULL,
date_hosp_bed_capacity_change = NULL,
baseline_hosp_bed_capacity = NULL,
hosp_bed_capacity = NULL,
date_contact_matrix_set_change = NULL,
baseline_contact_matrix = NULL,
contact_matrix_set = NULL,
country = NULL,
population = NULL,
dt = 0.1,
...) {
# Asserts on arguments
assert_custom_class(squire_model, "squire_model")
assert_bounded(reporting_fraction, 0, 1, inclusive_left = FALSE, inclusive_right = TRUE)
assert_in("date", names(data))
assert_in("deaths", names(data))
assert_same_length(R0_change, date_R0_change)
if(!is.null(contact_matrix_set)) {
assert_same_length(contact_matrix_set, date_contact_matrix_set_change)
assert_same_length(ICU_bed_capacity, date_ICU_bed_capacity_change)
assert_same_length(hosp_bed_capacity, date_hosp_bed_capacity_change)
if ( ((1/dt) %% 1) != 0) {
stop("1 / dt must result in an integer for calibration to work")
# check grid params are okay
if (as.Date(last_start_date) >= as.Date(data$date[1])-1) {
stop("'last_start_date' must be at least 2 days before the first date in data")
if (as.Date(first_start_date) >= as.Date(last_start_date)) {
stop("'last_start_date' must be greater than 'first_start_date'")
if (R0_max < R0_min) {
stop("'R0_max' must be greater 'R0_min'")
if (Meff_max < Meff_min) {
stop("'Meff_max' must be greater 'Meff_min'")
# handle contact matrix changes
if(!is.null(date_contact_matrix_set_change)) {
if(is.null(baseline_contact_matrix)) {
stop("baseline_contact_matrix can't be NULL if date_contact_matrix_set_change is provided")
if(as.Date(tail(date_contact_matrix_set_change,1)) > as.Date(tail(data$date, 1))) {
stop("Last date in date_contact_matrix_set_change is greater than the last date in data")
# Get in correct format
if(is.matrix(baseline_contact_matrix)) {
baseline_contact_matrix <- list(baseline_contact_matrix)
tt_contact_matrix <- c(0, seq_len(length(date_contact_matrix_set_change)))
contact_matrix_set <- append(baseline_contact_matrix, contact_matrix_set)
} else {
tt_contact_matrix <- 0
contact_matrix_set <- baseline_contact_matrix
# handle ICU changes
if(!is.null(date_ICU_bed_capacity_change)) {
if(is.null(baseline_ICU_bed_capacity)) {
stop("baseline_ICU_bed_capacity can't be NULL if date_ICU_bed_capacity_change is provided")
if(as.Date(tail(date_ICU_bed_capacity_change,1)) > as.Date(tail(data$date, 1))) {
stop("Last date in date_ICU_bed_capacity_change is greater than the last date in data")
tt_ICU_beds <- c(0, seq_len(length(date_ICU_bed_capacity_change)))
ICU_bed_capacity <- c(baseline_ICU_bed_capacity, ICU_bed_capacity)
} else {
tt_ICU_beds <- 0
ICU_bed_capacity <- baseline_ICU_bed_capacity
# handle hosp bed changed
if(!is.null(date_hosp_bed_capacity_change)) {
if(is.null(baseline_hosp_bed_capacity)) {
stop("baseline_hosp_bed_capacity can't be NULL if date_hosp_bed_capacity_change is provided")
if(as.Date(tail(date_hosp_bed_capacity_change,1)) > as.Date(tail(data$date, 1))) {
stop("Last date in date_hosp_bed_capacity_change is greater than the last date in data")
tt_hosp_beds <- c(0, seq_len(length(date_hosp_bed_capacity_change)))
hosp_bed_capacity <- c(baseline_hosp_bed_capacity, hosp_bed_capacity)
} else {
tt_hosp_beds <- 0
hosp_bed_capacity <- baseline_hosp_bed_capacity
# make the date definitely a date
data$date <- as.Date(as.character(data$date))
# build model parameters
model_params <- squire_model$parameter_func(country = country,
population = population,
contact_matrix_set = contact_matrix_set,
tt_contact_matrix = tt_contact_matrix,
hosp_bed_capacity = hosp_bed_capacity,
tt_hosp_beds = tt_hosp_beds,
ICU_bed_capacity = ICU_bed_capacity,
tt_ICU_beds = tt_ICU_beds,
dt = dt,
# intervention list for later
interventions <- list(R0_change = R0_change,
date_R0_change = date_R0_change,
date_contact_matrix_set_change = date_contact_matrix_set_change,
contact_matrix_set = contact_matrix_set,
date_ICU_bed_capacity_change = date_ICU_bed_capacity_change,
ICU_bed_capacity = ICU_bed_capacity,
date_hosp_bed_capacity_change = date_hosp_bed_capacity_change,
hosp_bed_capacity = hosp_bed_capacity)
# construct pars_obs for the user
if (is.null(pars_obs)) {
pars_obs <- list(phi_cases = reporting_fraction,
k_cases = 2,
phi_death = reporting_fraction,
k_death = 2,
exp_noise = 1e6)
pars_obs$phi_cases <- reporting_fraction
pars_obs$phi_death <- reporting_fraction
pars_obs$treated_deaths_only <- treated_deaths_only
# construct scan
if (Meff_min == Meff_max) {
scan_results <- scan_R0_date(R0_min = R0_min,
R0_max = R0_max,
R0_step = R0_step,
R0_prior = R0_prior,
first_start_date = first_start_date,
last_start_date = last_start_date,
day_step = day_step,
data = data,
Rt_func = Rt_func,
model_params = model_params,
R0_change = R0_change,
date_R0_change = date_R0_change,
date_contact_matrix_set_change = date_contact_matrix_set_change,
date_ICU_bed_capacity_change = date_ICU_bed_capacity_change,
date_hosp_bed_capacity_change = date_hosp_bed_capacity_change,
squire_model = squire_model,
pars_obs = pars_obs,
n_particles = n_particles)
} else {
scan_results <- scan_R0_date_Meff(R0_min = R0_min,
R0_max = R0_max,
R0_step = R0_step,
R0_prior = R0_prior,
first_start_date = first_start_date,
last_start_date = last_start_date,
day_step = day_step,
Meff_min = Meff_min,
Meff_max = Meff_max,
Meff_step = Meff_step,
data = data,
Rt_func = Rt_func,
model_params = model_params,
R0_change = R0_change,
date_R0_change = date_R0_change,
date_contact_matrix_set_change = date_contact_matrix_set_change,
date_ICU_bed_capacity_change = date_ICU_bed_capacity_change,
date_hosp_bed_capacity_change = date_hosp_bed_capacity_change,
squire_model = squire_model,
pars_obs = pars_obs,
n_particles = n_particles)
# carry out sims drawn from the grid
if (Meff_min == Meff_max) {
res <- sample_grid_scan(scan_results = scan_results,
n_sample_pairs = replicates,
n_particles = n_particles,
forecast_days = forecast ,
full_output = TRUE)
} else {
res <- sample_3d_grid_scan(scan_results = scan_results,
n_sample_pairs = replicates,
n_particles = n_particles,
forecast_days = forecast ,
full_output = TRUE)
# recreate model output for each type of model
# create a fake run object and fill in the required elements
r <- squire_model$run_func(country = country,
contact_matrix_set = contact_matrix_set,
tt_contact_matrix = tt_contact_matrix,
hosp_bed_capacity = hosp_bed_capacity,
tt_hosp_beds = tt_hosp_beds,
ICU_bed_capacity = ICU_bed_capacity,
tt_ICU_beds = tt_ICU_beds,
day_return = TRUE,
population = population,
replicates = 1,
time_period = nrow(res$trajectories),
# first let's create the output
names(res)[names(res) == "trajectories"] <- "output"
dimnames(res$output) <- list(dimnames(res$output)[[1]], dimnames(r$output)[[2]], NULL)
r$output <- res$output
# and adjust the time as before
full_row <- match(0, apply(r$output[,"time",],2,function(x) { sum(is.na(x)) }))
saved_full <- r$output[,"time",full_row]
for(i in seq_len(replicates)) {
na_pos <- which(is.na(r$output[,"time",i]))
full_to_place <- saved_full - which(rownames(r$output) == as.Date(max(data$date))) + 1L
if(length(na_pos) > 0) {
full_to_place[na_pos] <- NA
r$output[,"time",i] <- full_to_place
# second let's recreate the output
r$model <- res$inputs$squire_model$odin_model(
user = res$inputs$model_params, unused_user_action = "ignore"
# we will add the interventions here so that we now what times are needed for projection
r$interventions <- interventions
# as well as adding the scan_results so it's easy to draw from the scan again in the future
r$scan_results <- scan_results
# and add the parameters that changed between each simulation, i.e. drawn from gris
r$replicate_parameters <- res$param_grid
# and fix the replicates
r$parameters$replicates <- replicates
r$parameters$time_period <- as.numeric(diff(as.Date(range(rownames(r$output)))))
r$parameters$dt <- model_params$dt
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