
Defines functions get_full_indicators embed_series add_ratios get_st_indicators get_st_indicator get_all_neib_vals get_st_neighbours get_time_dist_mat get_spatial_dist_mat df2site_sf

Documented in add_ratios df2site_sf embed_series get_all_neib_vals get_full_indicators get_spatial_dist_mat get_st_indicator get_st_indicators get_st_neighbours get_time_dist_mat

#' Create an sf object of available sites
#' Extracts the location information from a data frame
#' and transforms into a \code{sf} object.
#' @param df a data frame of the data set
#' @param site_id the name of the column containing location IDs
#' @param lon the name of the column containing the location's longitude
#' @param lat the name of the column containing the location's latitude
#' @param crs the code for the Coordinate Reference System
#' @return a sf object, containing the geographic information for
#' each location in \code{df}
#' @seealso \code{\link[sf]{st_as_sf}}
#' @export
df2site_sf <- function(df, site_id, lon, lat, crs){
  # not sf class
  if(!("sf" %in% class(df))){
    assertthat::assert_that(is.numeric(df[[lon]])) #, all(df[[lon]] > -180), all(df[[lon]] < 180),
                            #msg = "variable 'lon' must be numeric between -180 and 180")
    assertthat::assert_that(is.numeric(df[[lat]]))#, all(df[[lat]] > -180), all(df[[lon]] < 180),
                            #msg = "variable 'lon' must be numeric between -180 and 180")
    # create dataset for locations
    sites_df <- df[which(!duplicated(df[[site_id]])), c(site_id, lon, lat)]
    sites_sf <- sf::st_as_sf(sites_df, coords=c(lon, lat), crs=crs)
    sites_sf <- df[which(!duplicated(df[[site_id]])), site_id]

#' Calculate spatial distance matrix
#' A function that calculates the geographical distance
#' matrix between the locations of an \code{sf} object. 
#' @param sites_sf an \code{sf} object with the geograhic
#' information of the locations (as returned by \code{df2site_sf})
#' @param site_id the column name of the location ID
#' @return a matrix of distances. Row and column names
#' are a concatenation of "SITE_" and the location IDs.
#' @seealso \code{\link{df2site_sf}}
#' @importFrom lwgeom st_geod_distance
#' @importFrom sf st_distance
#' @export
get_spatial_dist_mat <- function(sites_sf, site_id){
  assertthat::assert_that(any("sf" %in% class(sites_sf)))
  # unique location ids
  sids <- sites_sf[[site_id]]
  # calculate distance matrix using st_distance
  dists <- st_distance(sites_sf, sites_sf)
  dists <- apply(dists, 2, as.numeric)
  colnames(dists) <- paste0("SITE_", sids)  
  rownames(dists) <- paste0("SITE_", sids)
  assertthat::assert_that(all(!is.na(dists)), all(dists>=0))

#' Calculate temporal distance matrix
#' A function that calculates a distance matrix of time-stamps
#' @param times A vector of time-stamps
#' @param origin A date to use as origin for \code{difftime}
#' @return a matrix of distances. Row and column names
#' are a concatenation of "TIME_" and the time-stamp.
#' @export
get_time_dist_mat <- function(times, origin=min(times)){
  # unique timestamps
  times <- sort(unique(times))
  timz <- difftime(times, origin)
  dists <- as.matrix(stats::dist(timz, diag=TRUE, upper=TRUE))
  #dists[upper.tri(dists)] <- Inf
  rownames(dists) <- paste0("TIME_", times)
  colnames(dists) <- paste0("TIME_", times)

#' Get spatio-temporal neighbourhood
#' A function that calculates the observations that
#' are within a spatio-temporal neighbourhood of a 
#' certain radius of a time and location. 
#' @details The spatio-temporal distance is defined as
#' \deqn{D_{i,j} = d_{i,j} x \alpha + t_{i,j}
#' x (1-\alpha)}
#' where d_{i,j} is the spatial distance between
#' locations, {t_{i,j}} is the temporal distance
#' between time-stapms and \eqn{\alpha} is a weighting factor.
#' @param site a location ID
#' @param time a time-stamp
#' @param radius a radius of spatio-temporal distance
#' @param t_dist_mat a matrix of normalized temporal distances
#' between time-stamps (rownames and colnames should be
#' a concatenation of "TIME_" and the time-stamp)
#' @param s_dist_mat a matrix of normalized spatial distances
#' between locations (rownames and colnames should be
#' a concatenation of "SITE_" and the location IDs)
#' @param alpha a weighting factor for the spatio-temporal distance
#' @param time_id the name to give to the column
#' of time-stamps (Default: time)
#' @param site_id the name to give to the column
#' of location IDs (Default: site_id)
#' @details Note that \code{radius} should always be a number between
#' zero and \code{min(alpha, alpha-1)}.
#' Also note that if \code{alpha} is set to 1, then instead of a cone, 
#' the neighbourhood will have the shape of a cylinder.
#' @return A data frame where each row describes a neighbour,
#' with the first two columns containing the location ID and
#' time-stamp of the central observation, followed by two
#' columns with the neighbouring location ID and time-stamp,
#' and a final colunm containing the spatio-temporal distance
#' between the two.
#' @references Ohashi, Orlando, and Luis Torgo. "Wind speed forecasting using spatio-temporal indicators." ECAI. 2012.
#' @import dplyr
get_st_neighbours <- function(site, time, radius, t_dist_mat, s_dist_mat, 
                              alpha, time_id="time", site_id="site_id"){
  # assertions about radius given alpha
  assertthat::assert_that(alpha>0, alpha<1, radius>0, radius<min(alpha, 1-alpha))
  #assertthat::assert_that(all(s_dist_mat<=1), all(s_dist_mat>=0),
  #            all(ifelse(t_dist_mat<=1, t_dist_mat>=0, t_dist_mat==Inf)))
  #if(time=="2010-02-01" & site=="12") browser()
  # find site and time indices in distance matrices
  site_i <- which(paste0("SITE_",site)==rownames(s_dist_mat))
  time_i <- which(paste0("TIME_",time)==rownames(t_dist_mat))

  neib_sites <- s_dist_mat[site_i, which(s_dist_mat[site_i,] <= radius / alpha), drop=F]
  neib_sites <- as.data.frame(t(neib_sites))

  neib_times <- t_dist_mat[time_i, which(t_dist_mat[time_i,] <= radius / (1 - alpha)), drop=F]
  neib_times <- as.data.frame(t(neib_times))
  if(nrow(neib_times) == 0 | nrow(neib_sites) == 0)
    colnames(neib_sites) <- "s_dist"
    neib_sites$site <- as.factor(rownames(neib_sites))

    colnames(neib_times) <- "t_dist"
    neib_times$time <- as.factor(rownames(neib_times))

    combns <- expand.grid(rownames(neib_sites), rownames(neib_times))
    colnames(combns) <- c("site", "time")
    combns <- combns %>%
      dplyr::left_join(neib_times, by="time") %>%
      dplyr::left_join(neib_sites, by="site") %>%
      dplyr::mutate(st_dist = s_dist*alpha + t_dist*(1-alpha)) %>%
      dplyr::filter(st_dist <= radius) %>%
      dplyr::select(site, time, st_dist) %>%
    combns$site <- gsub("^SITE\\_", "", combns$site)
    combns$time <- gsub("^TIME\\_", "", combns$time)
    colnames(combns) <- c(paste0("neib_", c(site_id, time_id)), "st_dist")
    combns[[time_id]] <- as.character(time)
    combns[[site_id]] <- as.character(site)
    return(combns[,c(site_id, time_id, paste0("neib_", c(site_id, time_id)), "st_dist")])

#' Get the spatio-temporal neighbourhoods of
#' all observations 
#' @param df a data frame of observations
#' @param time_id the name of the column containing time-stamps
#' @param site_id the name of the column containing location IDs
#' @param max_radius the maximum spatio-temporal distance
#' allowed to be included in a neighbourhood
#' @inheritParams get_st_neighbours
#' @param parallel Boolean indicating whether the code should
#' run in parallel. Default is FALSE
#' @param nsplits Number of subsets of rows to split the data 
#' frame into so they can be processed in parallel
#' @param vars Vector of character strings indicating the columns
#' whose values should be retrieved
#' @return A data frame where each row describes a neighbour,
#' with the first two columns containing the location ID and
#' time-stamp of the central observation, followed by two
#' columns with the neighbouring location ID and time-stamp,
#' a colunm containing the spatio-temporal distance between 
#' the two, and a final column containing the values of 
#' the variables in df at the neighbouring time and location.
#' @details The spatio-temporal distance is defined as
#' \deqn{D_{i,j} = d_{i,j} x \alpha + t_{i,j}
#' x (1-\alpha)}
#' where d_{i,j} is the spatial distance between
#' locations, {t_{i,j}} is the temporal distance
#' between time-stapms and \eqn{\alpha} is a weighting factor.
#' Note that the \code{radius} should always be a number between
#' zero and \code{min(alpha, alpha-1)}.
#' Also note that if \code{alpha} is set to 1, then instead of a cone, 
#' the neighbourhood will have the shape of a cylinder.
#' @references Ohashi, Orlando, and Luis Torgo. "Wind speed forecasting using spatio-temporal indicators." ECAI. 2012.
#' @seealso \code{\link{get_st_neighbours}}
#' @import dplyr
#' @import stringr
get_all_neib_vals <- function(df, max_radius,
                              t_dist_mat, s_dist_mat, alpha, vars, 
                              time_id, site_id, parallel=FALSE, nsplits=4){

    neib_df <- foreach::foreach(i=0:(nsplits-1), .combine='rbind',
      .packages = c("dplyr", "stringr")) %dopar%{
      nrows <- nrow(df)
      subdf <- df[seq(i*ceiling(nrows/nsplits)+1,
        min(nrows, (i+1)*ceiling(nrows/nsplits))),]
      dplyr::bind_rows(apply(subdf, 1, function(x) get_st_neighbours(site=x[site_id], 
    neib_df <- dplyr::bind_rows(apply(df, 1, function(x) get_st_neighbours(site=x[site_id], 

  cols <- c(site_id, time_id, vars)
  neib_df <- neib_df %>% dplyr::left_join(df %>% dplyr::select(one_of(cols)), 
                                   by=stats::setNames(c(site_id, time_id),
                                   paste0("neib_", c(site_id, time_id)) ))

#' Get a spatio-temporal indicator from neighbourhood
#' data frame
#' Calculate a spatio-temporal indicator of a certain
#' variable within a spatio-temporal neighborhood of a 
#' certain radius.
#' @param all_neib_vals a data frame containing
#' information on observations spatio-temporal distance
#' to neighbours and variable values at the neighbouring
#' locations and times.
#' @param stat the name of a function that calculates a
#' statistic (e.g., "mean"). If the stat is "weighted.mean"
#' then the inverse of the spatio-temporal distance is used 
#' to weight the values of observations in the spatio-temporal 
#' neighbourhood
#' @param radius a value defining the maximum spatio-temporal
#' distance allowed for an observation to be considered
#' within a spatio-temporal neighbourhood
#' @param ind_name the name of the indicator column
#' @param var the name of the variable to summarize into 
#' an indicator
#' @param time_id the name of the column containing 
#' time-stamps
#' @param site_id the name of the column containing 
#' location IDs
#' @return A data frame that contains a summary statistic
#' of the values found within the spatio-temporal neighbourhood
#' of a certain radius of each pair (location ID, time-stamp) in
#' \code{all_neib_vals}
#' @details The spatio-temporal distance is defined as
#' \deqn{D_{i,j} = d_{i,j} x \alpha + t_{i,j}
#' x (1-\alpha)}
#' where d_{i,j} is the spatial distance between
#' locations, {t_{i,j}} is the temporal distance
#' between time-stapms and \eqn{\alpha} is a weighting factor.
#' Note that \code{radius} should always be a number between
#' zero and \code{min(alpha, alpha-1)}, so the border conditions apply.
#' Also note that if \code{alpha} is set to 1, then instead of a cone, 
#' the neighbourhood will have the shape of a cylinder.
#' @references Ohashi, Orlando, and Luis Torgo. "Wind speed forecasting using spatio-temporal indicators." ECAI. 2012.
#' @import dplyr
get_st_indicator <- function(all_neib_vals, stat, radius, 
                             ind_name, var,
                             time_id="time", site_id="site"){

  stat_df <- all_neib_vals %>% 
    dplyr::filter(st_dist <= radius) %>%
    dplyr::group_by_(time_id, site_id)
    stat_df <- stat_df %>%  
      dplyr::summarize_(value=paste0(stat, "(",var,", w=1/st_dist, na.rm=T)")) %>%
      dplyr::rename_(.dots=stats::setNames("value", ind_name))  
    stat_df <- stat_df %>%  
      dplyr::summarize_(value=paste0(stat, "(",var,", na.rm=T)")) %>%
      dplyr::rename_(.dots=stats::setNames("value", ind_name))

#' Get spatio-temporal indicators from a data frame
#' containing spatio-temporal information
#' Calculate spatio-temporal indicators of one or more
#' variables within a spatio-temporal neighborhood of one 
#' or more maximum radius (in terms of spatio-temporal 
#' distance).
#' @param df A data frame containing spatio-temporal
#' information
#' @param stations_sf An \code{sf} object containing
#' geographical information on the location of \code{df}
#' @param stats A vector containing the names of functions
#' that are to be used to calculate summarizing statistics
#' @param radiuses A vector of values defining the maximum
#' spatio-temporal distance allowed for an observation to be considered
#' within a spatio-temporal neighbourhood
#' @param vars The name of the variables to summarize into 
#' indicators
#' @param neib_type the type of neighborhood to consider.
#' Can be
#' \itemize{
#' \item \code{cone} (default) - a cone with the center of its base at 
#' the observation (spatial radius growing with time)
#' \item \code{reversed} - a cone with its peak at the observation
#' (spatial radius shrinking with time)
#' }
#' @param time_id The name of the column containing 
#' time-stamps in \code{df}
#' @param site_id The name of the column containing 
#' location IDs in \code{df}
#' @inheritParams get_all_neib_vals
#' @return A data frame that contains summary statistics
#' of the values of \code{vars} found within the spatio-temporal 
#' neighbourhoods of the one or more \code{radiuses} of each pair
#'  (location ID, time-stamp) in \code{df}
#' @details The spatio-temporal distance is defined as
#' \deqn{D_{i,j} = d_{i,j} x \alpha + t_{i,j}
#' x (1-\alpha)}
#' where d_{i,j} is the spatial distance between
#' locations, {t_{i,j}} is the temporal distance
#' between time-stapms and \eqn{\alpha} is a weighting factor.
#' @references Ohashi, Orlando, and Luis Torgo. "Wind speed forecasting using spatio-temporal indicators." ECAI. 2012.
#' @import dplyr
get_st_indicators <- function(df, stations_sf, radiuses = c(0.1), 
                           stats = c("mean", "sd"), alpha=0.5, neib_type="cone",
                           time_id="time", site_id="site_id",
                           vars=c("value"), parallel=FALSE, nsplits=4){

  df[[site_id]] <- as.character(df[[site_id]])
  df[[time_id]] <- as.character(df[[time_id]])
  # get values within spatio-temporal neighbourhood of each observation
  inds_df <- df[,c(site_id, time_id)]
  # get space distance matrix
  s_dist_mat <- get_spatial_dist_mat(stations_sf, site_id)
  s_dist_mat <- norm_scale(s_dist_mat)
  # get time distance matrix
  t_dist_mat <- get_time_dist_mat(df[[time_id]])
  t_dist_mat <- norm_scale(t_dist_mat)
  t_dist_mat[upper.tri(t_dist_mat, diag=T)] <- Inf
  assertthat::assert_that(all(s_dist_mat<=1), all(s_dist_mat>=0),
              all(ifelse(t_dist_mat<=1, t_dist_mat>=0, t_dist_mat==Inf)))
  for(radius in radiuses){
    # reverse cone
    if(neib_type == "reversed"){
      new_t_dist_mat <- ifelse(t_dist_mat==Inf, Inf, radius/(1-alpha) - t_dist_mat)
      new_t_dist_mat <- ifelse(new_t_dist_mat<0, Inf, new_t_dist_mat)
      new_t_dist_mat <- t_dist_mat
    neib_vals <- get_all_neib_vals(df=df, max_radius=radius, 
                                   t_dist_mat=new_t_dist_mat, s_dist_mat=s_dist_mat,
                                   alpha=alpha, vars=vars, 
                                   time_id=time_id, site_id=site_id,
                                   parallel=parallel, nsplits=nsplits)
    for(stat in stats){
      for(var in vars){
        ind_name <- paste0(var, "_", stat, "_", radius)
        inds_df <- inds_df %>% dplyr::left_join(get_st_indicator(neib_vals, 
                                                          stat = as.character(stat), 
                                                          radius = as.numeric(radius),
                                                          ind_name = ind_name,
                                                          time_id=time_id, site_id=site_id),
                                         by=c(site_id, time_id))

#' Add ratios between spatio-temporal neighborhood indicators
#' @param df  A data frame of spatio-temporal indicators. 
#' Column names should be of type <variable name>_<indStat>_<radius>.
#' @param var A character string with the name of the variable
#' with indicators to add ratios
#' @param indStat The name of the summarizing stat that was used
#' to calculate the indicators
#' @return A data frame including the original data of \code{df} 
#' and additional ratios between the indicators of subsequent radiuses.
#' @seealso \code{\link{get_st_indicators}}
add_ratios <- function(df, var, indStat="mean"){
  idxs <- grep(paste0(var,"_", indStat,"\\_[0-9]\\.[0-9]+$"), colnames(df))
  betas <- sort(sapply(idxs, function(i) as.numeric(gsub(paste0("^",var, "\\_", indStat,"_"), "", colnames(df)[i]))))

  nratios <- length(betas)
  for(j in seq(nratios,2,-1)){
    nm <- paste0(var,"_",indStat,"_r_", betas[j],"_", betas[j-1])
    n1 <- paste0(var,"_",indStat,"_", betas[j-1])
    n2 <- paste0(var,"_",indStat,"_", betas[j])
    df[[nm]] <- df[,n2] / df[,n1]
    df[[nm]] <- ifelse(df[,n1]==0, 0, df[[nm]])

#' Embed each time series in a spatio-temporal data set
#' @param df data frame
#' @param var a character string, the name of the variable to embed
#' @param k a numeric, the embed size
#' @param time a character string, the column name identifying
#' the time of observation
#' @param station_id a character string, the column name
#' identifying the location of observation
#' @return A data frame with extra columns var_Tm1, var_Tm2, ...,
#' var_Tm\(k-1\)
#' @import dplyr
embed_series <- function(df, var, k, time="time", station_id="station") {

  df <- as.data.frame(df)
  time_ids <- unique(df[[time]])

  xs <- list()
  for(i in 1:length(unique(df[[station_id]]))){
    s <- unique(df[[station_id]])[i]
    x <- df[which(df[[station_id]]==s),]
    all_ids <- expand.grid(s, time_ids)
    colnames(all_ids) <- c(station_id, time)
    x <- dplyr::left_join(all_ids, x, by=c(station_id, time))
    x <- x[order(x[[time]]),]
    ts.index  <- x[[time]][-(1:(k-1))]
    ts.embed  <- stats::embed(x[,var], dimension = k)
    colnames(ts.embed) <- c(var, paste0(var,'_Tm', 1:(k-1)))
    ts.embed <- cbind(station=s, time=ts.index,as.data.frame(ts.embed))
    colnames(ts.embed)[1:2] <- c(station_id, time)
    ts.embed <- ts.embed[which(!is.na(ts.embed[,var])),]
    xs[[i]] <- ts.embed
  xs <- dplyr::bind_rows(xs)
  df <- df %>% dplyr::left_join(xs, by=c(station_id, time, var))
  df <- df[which(!is.na(df[,var])),]
  df <- df[order(df[[station_id]], df[[time]]),]
  df <- df[which(!(df[,time] %in% sort(time_ids)[1:(k-1)])),]


#' Get time series embeds and spatio-temporal indicators
#' @param var The name of the variable to summarize into indicators
#' @param stations An \code{sf} object containing
#' geographical information on the location of \code{df}
#' @param betas A vector of values defining the maximum
#' spatio-temporal distance allowed for an observation to be considered
#' within a spatio-temporal neighbourhood
#' @param k A numeric indicating the temporal embed size \(number\)
#' @param ratios2add A vector of Boolean values indicating, for each
#' statistic in \code{stats} whether ratios between neighorhoods of 
#' subsequent sizes should be included as extra columns
#' @inheritParams get_st_indicators
#' @return A data frame that contains extra columns <var>_Tm1, <var>_Tm2, 
#' ..., <var>_Tm<k-1> with previous observations for each location,
#' summary statistics of the values of \code{var} found within the 
#' spatio-temporal neighbourhoods of the one or more \code{radiuses} 
#' of each pair (location ID, time-stamp) and ratios between them
#' @export
#' @import dplyr
get_full_indicators <- function(df, stations, k, 
                               betas, alpha=0.5, var="value",
                               stats = c("mean", "weighted.mean", "sd"), 
                               ratios2add = c(TRUE,TRUE,FALSE),
                               parallel=FALSE, nsplits=1,
                               time_id="time", site_id="station"){

  cat("Embedding series...\t")
  emb_df <- embed_series(df, var, k=k)
  cat("Calculating spatio-temporal indicators...\n")
  # get spatio-temporal indicators
  ind_df <- get_st_indicators(df,
                               stations_sf = stations,
                               radiuses = betas, 
                               stats = stats, 
                               time_id=time_id, site_id=site_id,
                               vars=var, parallel=parallel, nsplits=nsplits)
  cat("Adding indicator ratios\n")
  # Add indicator ratios...
  # create ratio variables
  for(i in 1:length(stats)){
      ind_df <- add_ratios(ind_df, var, indStat=stats[i])
  # Join with original data set
  df[[time_id]] <- as.character(df[[time_id]])
  df[[site_id]] <- as.character(df[[site_id]])

  ind_df[[time_id]] <- as.character(ind_df[[time_id]])
  ind_df[[site_id]] <- as.character(ind_df[[site_id]])

  emb_df[[time_id]] <- as.character(emb_df[[time_id]])
  emb_df[[site_id]] <- as.character(emb_df[[site_id]])
  ind_df <- dplyr::left_join(emb_df, ind_df, by=c(site_id, time_id)) %>%
  ind_df <- dplyr::left_join(ind_df, df, by=c(site_id, time_id, var))


mrfoliveira/Evaluation-procedures-for-forecasting-with-spatio-temporal-data documentation built on April 11, 2021, 10:50 a.m.