
#' Builds a parser to analyze SEER data.
#' Datasets downloaded from SEER website (after the request process) come in
#' a compressed file containing, among other things, a .sas file with
#' instructions on data fields (fields width) to parse the text files and also
#' one sentence explanation for every field. One can also obtain data from SEER
#' through the SEER*Stat software. In this case, the text file may come in
#' different ways that are explained in a dictionary file (.dic).
#' @param file_path A path to the .sas file or .dic file.
#' @param file_source If it is a dictionary file from SEER*Stat the option is
#'   "seerstat". Otherwise the option is "download".
#' @return A list with parsing instructions for \link{readSEER}.
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' instr <- buildSEERParser(file_path = "read.seer.research.nov17.sas",
#'                          file_source = "download")}
#' @import readr dplyr stringr
#' @importFrom rlang .data
#' @export
buildSEERParser <- function(file_path, file_source) {
  if (file_source == "download") {
    options(warn = -1)
    sas.raw <- readr::read_lines(file_path)
    sas.df <- dplyr::tibble(raw = sas.raw) %>%
      # remove first few rows by insisting an @ that defines the start index
      # of that field
      dplyr::filter(stringr::str_detect(raw, "@")) %>%
        # extract out the start, width and column name+description fields
        dplyr::mutate(start = stringr::str_replace(
          stringr::str_extract(raw, "@ [[:digit:]]{1,3}"), "@ ", ""),
                      width = stringr::str_replace(
                                             "\\$char", ""),
                      col_name = stringr::str_extract(
                        raw, "[[:upper:]]+[[:upper:][:digit:][:punct:]]+"),
                      col_desc = stringr::str_trim(
                                               "\\/\\*", ""),
                                               "" )) ) %>%
      # coerce to integers
      dplyr::mutate_at(dplyr::vars(.data$start, .data$width),
                       dplyr::funs(as.integer)) %>%
      # calculate the end position
      dplyr::mutate(end = .data$start + .data$width - 1)

    column_mapping <- sas.df %>%
      dplyr::select(.data$col_name, .data$col_desc)
    options(warn = 0)
    instructions <- list("download", sas.df)
  } else if (file_source == "seerstat") {
    con <- file(file_path, "r")
    column_labels <- NULL
    while (TRUE) {
      line <- readLines(con, n = 1)
      if (length(line) == 0) {
      if (grepl("^Var[0-9]*Name=", line)) {
        column_labels <- cbind(column_labels, gsub("Var[0-9]*Name=", "", line))
      if (grepl("^Field delimiter=", line)) {
        separator <- gsub("^Field delimiter=", "", line)
      if (grepl("^Variable names included=", line)) {
        col_names <- gsub("Variable names included=", "", line)
        if (col_names == "true") {
          col_names <- TRUE
        } else {
          col_names <- FALSE
    instructions <- list("seerstat", as.vector(column_labels),
                         separator, col_names)
  } else {
    stop(paste("Error: Option for file_source parameter not recognized.",
               "You must choose either \"download\" or \"seerstat\".",
               sep = " "))
mribeirodantas/vidente documentation built on May 15, 2019, 4:47 p.m.