

test_that("SplitwiseInfo() / ClusteringInfo() handle probabilities", {
  Tree <- function(txt) ape::read.tree(text = txt)
  tree <- Tree("((a, b)60, (c, d)60);")
  treeP <- Tree("((a, b)0.60, (c, d)0.60);")
  treeProfile <- list(Tree("((a, b), (c, d));"),
                      Tree("(a, b, c, d);"),
                      Tree("((a, d), (c, b));"))[c(1, 1, 1, 2, 3)]
  Test <- function(Expect, tree, p = NULL, ...) {
    Expect(..., SplitwiseInfo(tree, p))
    Expect(..., ClusteringInfo(tree, p))
    Expect(..., ClusteringEntropy(tree, p))
  Clust <- function(tree, ...) {
    expect_equal(ClusteringInfo(tree, ..., sum = TRUE),
                 sum(ClusteringInfo(tree, ..., sum = FALSE)))
    expect_equal(ClusteringEntropy(tree, ..., sum = TRUE),
                 sum(ClusteringEntropy(tree, ..., sum = FALSE)))
    expect_equal(ClusteringInfo(tree, ...) / NTip(tree),
                 ClusteringEntropy(tree, ...))
  Test(expect_error, tree, TRUE)
  Test(expect_null, tree = NULL)
  expect_gt(SplitwiseInfo(tree), SplitwiseInfo(tree, 100))
  expect_gt(ClusteringInfo(tree), ClusteringInfo(tree, 100))
  expect_gt(ClusteringEntropy(tree), ClusteringEntropy(tree, 100))
  expect_equal(SplitwiseInfo(tree), SplitwiseInfo(tree, p = FALSE))
  expect_equal(ClusteringInfo(tree), ClusteringInfo(tree, p = FALSE))
  expect_equal(ClusteringEntropy(tree), ClusteringEntropy(tree, p = FALSE))
  expect_equal(0, SplitwiseInfo(tree, 60 * 3),
               tolerance = sqrt(.Machine$double.eps))
  expect_equal(1 / 3, Clust(tree, 60 * 3))
  p <- 1.0 * c(1, 0, 0) + 0.0 * c(0, 1/2, 1/2)
  expect_equal(log2(3), SplitwiseInfo(tree))
  expect_equal(1, Clust(tree))
  p <- 0.6 * c(1, 0, 0) + 0.4 * c(0, 1/2, 1/2)
  expect_equal(sum(p), 1)
  expectation <- log2(3) + sum(p * log2(p))
  expect_equal(expectation, SplitwiseInfo(tree, 100))
  expect_equal(0.6, Clust(tree, 100))
  expect_equal(SplitwiseInfo(tree, 100), SplitwiseInfo(treeP, TRUE))
  expect_equal(Clust(tree, 100), Clust(treeP, TRUE))
  expect_equal(SplitwiseInfo(tree, 100), ConsensusInfo(treeProfile, "p"))
  expect_equal(ClusteringInfo(tree, 100), ConsensusInfo(treeProfile, "c"))
  expect_equal(SplitwiseInfo(Tree("(a, b, (c, (d, e)0.8)0.75);"), TRUE),
               SplitwiseInfo(Tree("(a, b, (c, d, e)0.75);"), TRUE) +
                 SplitwiseInfo(Tree("(a, b, c, (d, e)0.8);"), TRUE))
  expect_equal(Clust(Tree("(a, b, (c, (d, e)0.8)0.75);"), TRUE),
               Clust(Tree("(a, b, (c, d, e)0.75);"), TRUE) +
                 Clust(Tree("(a, b, c, (d, e)0.8);"), TRUE))
  expect_equal(SplitwiseInfo(Tree("(a, b, (c, (d, e)0.8)0.75);"), TRUE),
               SplitwiseInfo(Tree("(a, b, (c, (d, e)));"), c(0.75, 0.8)))
  expect_equal(Clust(Tree("(a, b, (c, (d, e)0.8)0.75);"), TRUE),
               Clust(Tree("(a, b, (c, (d, e)));"), c(0.75, 0.8)))
  expect_equal(SplitwiseInfo(Tree("(a, b, (c, (d, e)0.8));"), TRUE),
               SplitwiseInfo(Tree("(a, b, (c, (d, e)));"), c(1, 0.8)))
  expect_equal(Clust(Tree("(a, b, (c, (d, e)0.8));"), TRUE),
               Clust(Tree("(a, b, (c, (d, e)));"), c(1, 0.8)))
  expect_equal(SplitwiseInfo(Tree("(a, b, (c, (d, e)));")),
               SplitwiseInfo(Tree("(a, b, (c, (d, e)));"), TRUE))
  expect_equal(Clust(Tree("(a, b, (c, (d, e)));")),
               Clust(Tree("(a, b, (c, (d, e)));"), TRUE))
  expect_equal(SplitwiseInfo(Tree("(a, b, (c, (d, e)));"), TRUE),
               SplitwiseInfo(Tree("(a, b, (c, (d, e)));"), c(1, 1)))
  expect_equal(Clust(Tree("(a, b, (c, (d, e)));"), TRUE),
               Clust(Tree("(a, b, (c, (d, e)));"), c(1, 1)))

test_that("SplitwiseInfo() / ClusteringInfo(sum = FALSE)", {
  splits <- as.Splits(BalancedTree(8))
  Test <- function(x) {
    expect_equal(length(x), length(splits))
    expect_equal(names(x), names(splits))
  p <- c(1, 1, 0.5, 0.6, 0.7)
  Test(SplitwiseInfo(BalancedTree(8), sum = FALSE))
  Test(SplitwiseInfo(BalancedTree(8), p = p, sum = FALSE))
  Test(ClusteringInfo(BalancedTree(8), sum = FALSE))
  Test(ClusteringInfo(BalancedTree(8), p = p, sum = FALSE))

test_that("SplitwiseInfo() can't be improved by dropping resolved tip", {
  # Test arguably redundant, but a useful reminder of a closed optimization
  # possibility
  b8With <- as.Splits(c(T, T, T, T, F, F, F, F))
  b8Without <- as.Splits(c(T, T, T, F, F, F, F))
  i8With <- as.Splits(c(T, T, T, T, T, T, F, F))
  i8Without <- as.Splits(c(T, T, T, T, T, F, F))
  expect_lt(SplitwiseInfo(b8With, p = 0.5), SplitwiseInfo(b8Without))
  expect_lt(SplitwiseInfo(i8With, p = 0.5), SplitwiseInfo(i8Without))
  balancedWithout <- BalancedTree(32)
  balancedWith <- AddTip(balancedWithout, 32)
  p <- double(30) + 1
  p[c(58, 62, 64, 65) - 35] <- 0.5
  expect_lt(SplitwiseInfo(balancedWith, p = p), SplitwiseInfo(balancedWithout))

test_that("ClusteringInfo() method works", {
  trees <- list(BalancedTree(8), PectinateTree(8))
  expect_equal(vapply(trees, ClusteringInfo, 0),
               ClusteringInfo(structure(trees, class = "multiPhylo")))
  expect_equal(vapply(trees, ClusteringInfo, 0),
  # Recall: Trees are read in backwards.
  trees <- list(RandomTree(8), BalancedTree(8), PectinateTree(8))
  # Consensus assumes trees are rooted (!)
  cons <- consensus(lapply(trees, RootTree, 1), p = 0.5)
  p <- SplitFrequency(cons, trees) / length(trees)
  expect_equal(SplitwiseInfo(cons, p), ConsensusInfo(trees, "spic"))
  expect_equal(ClusteringInfo(cons, p), ConsensusInfo(trees, "scic"))

test_that("ConsensusInfo() is robust", {
  trees <- list(ape::read.tree(text = "(a, (b, (c, (d, (e, X)))));"),
                ape::read.tree(text = "((a, X), (b, (c, (d, e))));"))
  expect_equal(0, ConsensusInfo(trees, "cl"))
  expect_error(ConsensusInfo(trees, "ERROR"))
  # multiPhylo vs phylo
  expect_equal(ConsensusInfo(trees[1]), ConsensusInfo(trees[[1]]))

test_that("ConsensusInfo() generates correct value", {
  trees <- list(ape::read.tree(text = "((a, b), (c, d));"),
                ape::read.tree(text = "((a, c), (b, d));"),
                ape::read.tree(text = "((a, d), (c, b));"))
  expect_equal(0, ConsensusInfo(trees))
  expect_equal(0, ConsensusInfo(trees, "cl"))
  expect_equal(log2(3), ConsensusInfo(trees[1]))
  expect_equal(4, ConsensusInfo(trees[1], "cl"))
  expect_equal(log2(3), ConsensusInfo(trees[c(1, 1)]))
  expect_equal(4, ConsensusInfo(trees[c(1, 1)], "cl"))
  expect_equal(Entropy(c(1, 1, 1) / 3) - Entropy(c(1/2, 1/2, 9)/10),
               ConsensusInfo(trees[c(rep(1, 9), 2)]))
ms609/TreeDist documentation built on June 30, 2024, 7:18 p.m.