
loadModule("cmq_master", TRUE) # CMQMaster C++ class

#' Class for basic queuing system functions
#' Provides the basic functions needed to communicate between machines
#' This should abstract most functions of rZMQ so the scheduler
#' implementations can rely on the higher level functionality
#' @keywords internal
QSys = R6::R6Class("QSys",
    public = list(
        # Create a class instance
        # Initializes ZeroMQ and sets and sets up our primary communication socket
        # @param addr    Vector of possible addresses to bind
        # @param bind    Whether to bind 'addr' or just refer to it
        initialize = function(addr, master, template=NULL) {
            private$master = master
            private$addr = addr
            private$port = as.integer(sub(".*:", "", addr))

            if (!is.null(template)) {
                if (!file.exists(template))
                    template = system.file(paste0(template, ".tmpl"),
                                           package="clustermq", mustWork=TRUE)
                if (file.exists(template)) {
                    private$template_file = template
                    private$template = readChar(template, file.info(template)$size)
                } else
                    stop("Template file does not exist: ", sQuote(template))
            private$defaults = getOption("clustermq.defaults", list())

        cleanup = function(success, timeout) TRUE,

        n = function() private$workers_total

    private = list(
        master = NULL,
        addr = NULL,
        port = NULL,
        template = NULL,
        template_file = NULL,
        workers_total = NULL,
        defaults = list(),
        is_cleaned_up = NULL,

        fill_options = function(...) {
            values = utils::modifyList(private$defaults, list(...))
            values$master = private$addr
            if (grepl("CMQ_AUTH", private$template)) {
                # note: auth will be obligatory in the future and this check will
                #   be removed (i.e., filling will fail if no field in template)
                values$auth = paste(sample(letters, 5, TRUE), collapse="")
            } else {
                values$auth = NULL
                warning("Add 'CMQ_AUTH={{ auth }}' to template to enable socket authentication",
            if (!"job_name" %in% names(values))
                values$job_name = paste0("cmq", private$port)
            private$workers_total = values$n_jobs

        template_error = function(scheduler, status, filled) {
            message("\nThe filled ", scheduler, " template ", sQuote(private$template_file),
                    " was:\n", '"""', "\n", filled, '"""', "\n")
            message("see: https://mschubert.github.io/clustermq/articles/userguide.html#scheduler-setup\n")
            stop("Job submission failed with error code ", status, call.=FALSE)

    cloneable = FALSE
mschubert/clustermq documentation built on Aug. 21, 2024, 9:32 p.m.