
#' # Optimizing Code {#optimizing}

#' In this chapter, we will study how to be more e
#' However, before we start, you need to understan
#' ## Optimizing your Programming Time
#' The first topic you must consider when thinking
#' DRY (don't repeat yourself)
#' : Whenever you find yourself writing similar co
#' KISS (keep it simple and _stunning_)
#' : The simplest and most-straightforward your co
#' Folder structure
#' : Organize all elements of the scripts in relat
#' Comments are your timeless friend
#' : Even when writing just to yourself, keep comm
#' Keep a clear notation
#' : Code notation is the personal touch you bring
#' **Filenames and paths:** Names and paths of fil
## -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
my_f <- '01_Run_Research.R'
my_f <- '02_Import_and_Clean_Data.R'
my_f <- 'data/gdp.rds'
my_f <- 'fcts/report_functions.R'

my_f <- 'functions.R'
my_f <- 'R/script.R'
my_f <- 'New folder/script_ver_03.R'
my_f <- 'New folder/script_ver_03_with_clean_data.R'

#' **Sections of code**: Use dashes within the scr
## -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Import data ----

# Clean data ----

# Estimate models ----

#' **Variable and function names**: Use these guid
#' - Give preference to lowercase characters when 
#' - Keep names short, concise and intuitive (easi
#' - Use the first few words to identify the class
#' - Avoid the use of dots (`.`) when connecting w
## ---- eval=FALSE----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
## # GOOD
## my_seq <- 1:100 # simple and clean
## df_prices <- tibble()  # for sure it is a dataframe with prices!
## fct_plot_prices <- function() # I know what it does before executing it!
##   l_args <- list() # also nice and clean
## # BAD
## DF <- tibble() # all uppercase and generic
## DataFrame <- tibble() # camel case and same name as object
## list <- list() # Same name as constructor. Does it even work?
##                # It does..
## Prices_of_Facebook <- tibble() # very informative,
##                                # but too long!
## DATAFRAME_WITH_SPECIAL_DATA <- tibble() # too long!
##                                         # Why SHOUT in code?
##                                         # be nice
## df.prices <- tibble() # use of dots

#' **Other code conventions**:
#' - Always put a space around operators (`=`, `>`
## -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
x <- 10
flag <- (x > 0)


#' - Always set a space after using comma, just li
## ---- eval = FALSE--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
## # GOOD
## my_fct(1, 2, 3)
## my_x <- c(1, 2, 3)
## # BAD
## my_fct(1,2,3)
## my_x <- c(1,2,3)

#' These are simple and important rules you can fo
#' ## Optimizing Code Speed
#' For most R users, code execution time is not mu
#' Moreover, time can also be abundant. For exampl
#' The execution time becomes an issue when the R 
## The `shiny` technology allows R programmers to develop dynamic websites based on R code. This means that you can, for example, have a website where the user enters any parameter, such as a stock ticker, and the page presents  an updated price chart. This is an advanced topic, beyond the scope of the book. For more details about  `shiny`, see the [official website](^[].

#' Back to the code, optimizing speed in R scripts
#' ### Profiling Code
#' There are different routes to profile an R code
#' As an example, I'll first write a function that
## -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
my_bench_fct <- function() {
  message('01-Set parameters')
  my_n <- 1000000
  message('02-Build variables')
  x <- runif(my_n)
  y <- x + rnorm(my_n)
  message('03-Pause for a while -- the bottleneck')
  message('04-Estimate a linear model')
  lm_model <- lm(data = tibble(x = x, y = y), 
                 formula = y ~ x)

out <- my_bench_fct()

#' Whenever you make a call to function `my_bench_
#' For complex and extensive code, however, using 
#' Function `base::Rprof` works by first calling i
## ---- results='hold'------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# set temporary file for results
profiling_file <-  tempfile(pattern = 'profiling_example', 
                            fileext = '.out')

# initialize profiling
Rprof(filename = profiling_file)

message('01-Set parameters')
my_n <- 1000000

message('02-Build variables')
x <- runif(my_n)
y <- x + rnorm(my_n)

message('03-Pause for a while -- the bottleneck')

message('04-Estimate a linear model')
lm_model <- lm(data = tibble(x = x, y = y), 
               formula = y ~ x)

# stop profiling

#' The actual results can be imported with `base::
## -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# check results
df_res <- summaryRprof(profiling_file)$

# print it

#' In this `dataframe` we see the top 5 lines of c
#' Another solution for profiling is package `prof
## ---- eval=FALSE----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
## library(profvis)
## # use profvis
## profiling <- profvis(expr = {
##   require(tidyverse)
##   message('01-Set parameters')
##   my_n <- 1000000
##   message('02-Build variables')
##   x <- runif(my_n)
##   y <- x + rnorm(my_n)
##   message('03-Pause for a while -- the bottleneck')
##   profvis::pause(1)
##   message('04-Estimate a linear model')
##   lm_model <- lm(data = tibble(x = x, y = y),
##                  formula = y ~ x)
## })
## # create visualization
## htmlwidgets::saveWidget(profiling , "profile.html")
## # Can open in browser from R
## browseURL("profile.html")

#' The result will be similar to Figure \@ref(fig:

#' Again we find the same result -- line 13 (`prof
#' ### Simple Strategies to Improve Code Speed
#' Once you identify the bottleneck in your code, 
#' #### Use Vector Operations
#' Whenever you are working with atomic vectors in
#' As an example, let's look at the case of buildi
## ---- results='hold'------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
library(tictoc, quietly = TRUE)

N <- 10000000
x <- 1:N

tic('Using loops without preallocation') # start timer
y <- numeric()
for (i in seq_along(x)) {
  y[i] <- x[i] + 1
toc() # end timer

tic('Using loops with preallocation') # start timer
y <- numeric(length = N)
for (i in seq_along(x)) {
  y[i] <- x[i] + 1
toc() # end timer

tic('Using vectors') # start timer
y <- x + 10
toc() # end timer

#' In the first version with loop, we set `y <- nu
#' The lesson here is: **always seek vectorized ve
#' #### Repetitive binding of `dataframes`
#' Another common mistake when it comes to R code 
#' For that, let's explore an example with some ra
## ---- results='hold'------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

n_dfs <- 1000 # number of dataframes to bind
n_obs <- 1000 # number of observations in each dataframe

tic('Binding dataframes within the loop')
my_df <- tibble()
for (i in 1:n_dfs) {
  temp_df <- tibble(x = runif(n_obs),
                    y = rnorm(n_obs))
  my_df <- bind_rows(my_df, temp_df)

tic('Using lists within the loop, bind it later')
my_l <- list()
for (i in 1:n_dfs) {
  temp_df <- tibble(x = runif(n_obs),
                    y = rnorm(n_obs))
  my_l <- c(my_l, list(temp_df))

my_df <- bind_rows(my_l)

#' As you can see, the difference is significant. 
#' ### Using C++ code (package `Rcpp`)
#' Package `Rcpp` [@R-Rcpp] is a great example of 
#' Have a look in the next example, where we write
## -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

sum_R_looped <- function(x) {
  total <- 0
  for (i in seq_along(x)) {
    total <- total + x[i]

sum_R_vector <- function(x) {
  total <- sum(x)

cppFunction('double sum_C(NumericVector x) {
  int n = x.size();
  double total = 0;
  for(int i = 0; i < n; ++i) {
    total += x[i];
  return total;

#' Using `cppFunction` is straightforward. Its inp
#' Now, let's test all three functions with a larg
## ---- results='hold'------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

x <- 1:5000000

tic('Sum with R loops')
out1 <- sum_R_looped(x)

tic('Sum with R (vectorized)')
out2 <- sum_R_vector(x)

tic('Sum with C++ (rcpp)')
out3 <- sum_C(x)

#' The results are as expected. The case with the 
#' Whenever you have a numerical bottleneck in you
#' ### Using cache (package `memoise`)
#' A very underestimated feature of R is the use o
#' Moreover, caching works perfectly with determin
#' Particularly, caching works very well in the im
#' While you can write your own caching system by 
## -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
sleeping_beauty <- function(arg1, arg2) {
  # Simple example function that will sleep for one second
  # ARGS: arg1 - anything 
  #       arg2 - anything
  # RETURNS: A list
  return(list(arg1, arg2))

#' The first step in using `memoise` is setting th
## Be aware that, when using the filesystem as a storage location for cache files, the `memoise` memory will persist between sessions. If you use the `memoise::cache_memory`  alternative, the memory will only exist for the current session of R and, if you restart the session, you will lose all previously saved cache information.

## ---- include=FALSE-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
my_dir <- 'mem_cache'
if (dir.exists(my_dir)) fs::dir_delete(my_dir)

## -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
library(memoise, quietly = TRUE)

my_cache_folder <- cache_filesystem(path = 'mem_cache')

#' The next step is telling `memoise` that we have
## -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
mem_sleeping_beauty <- memoise(f = sleeping_beauty, 
                               cache = my_cache_folder)

#' Now, let's call the function with different arg
## ---- results='hold'------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

tic('    sleeping_beauty:\t arg1 = 1, arg2 = 2')
out1 <- sleeping_beauty(1, 2)

tic('mem_sleeping_beauty:\t arg1 = 1, arg2 = 2')
out1 <- mem_sleeping_beauty(1, 2)

tic('    sleeping_beauty:\t arg1 = 1, arg2 = 2')
out1 <- sleeping_beauty(1, 2)

tic('mem_sleeping_beauty:\t arg1 = 1, arg2 = 2')
out1 <- mem_sleeping_beauty(1, 2)

#' Function `sleeping_beauty` is the original code
#' Going further, if we change the arguments of `m
## ---- results='hold'------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
tic('mem_sleeping_beauty:\t arg1 = 2, arg2 = 2')
out1 <- mem_sleeping_beauty(2, 2)

tic('mem_sleeping_beauty:\t arg1 = 2, arg2 = 2')
out2 <- mem_sleeping_beauty(2, 2)

tic('mem_sleeping_beauty:\t arg1 = 5, arg2 = 1')
out3 <- mem_sleeping_beauty(5, 1)

#' Looking at folder `mem_cache` we find the actua
## -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
mem_files <- list.files('mem_cache/')


#' These are just _rds_ files with the content of 
#' **Caching is one of the most cost-effective tec
#' #### Using parallel processing (package `furrr`
#' Whenever you are running an R script, a single 
#' Parallel processing relates to using more than 
#' Before we start, understand that not every prob
#' First, let's write a function that will create 
## -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
create_file <- function(n_obs, folder_to_save) {
  # Create files in the computer
  # ARGS: n_obs - Number of observations in dataframe
  #       folder_to_save - Where to save files
  # RETURNS: True, if successful
  temp_df <- tibble(x = runif(n_obs),
                    y = rnorm(n_obs))
  temp_file <- tempfile(pattern = 'file', tmpdir = folder_to_save, 
                        fileext = '.csv')
            file = temp_file)

#' So, with the function completed, its time to ca
## -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

n_files <- 1000
n_obs <- 10000
folder_to_save <- file.path(tempdir(), 'many files')


l_out <- pmap(.l = list(n_obs = rep(n_obs, n_files), 
                        folder_to_save = rep(folder_to_save, 
              .f =  create_file)

#' Now we read back those files with two strategie
#' Before we start, we need to set up our machine 
## -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
n_cores_available <- future::availableCores()


#' The machine in which the book was compiled has 
#' For the actual parallization, we will use packa
## -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

# get files
my_files <- list.files(path = folder_to_save, 
                       full.names = TRUE)

# setup for multicore
n_cores <- 10

# set the number of cores and type of parallel
plan(strategy = multisession, workers = n_cores)

tic('Sequential with pmap (1 core)')
l_out_1 <- pmap(
  .l = list(file = my_files, 
            col_types = rep(list(cols()), 
                            length(my_files)) ), 
  .f = readr::read_csv

tic(paste0('Parallel with future_pmap (', 
           n_cores, ' cores)'))
l_out_2 <- future_pmap(
  .l = list(file = my_files,
            col_types = rep(list(cols()), 
                            length(my_files)) ), 
  .f = readr::read_csv

identical(l_out_1, l_out_2)

#' Notice the gain in speed is not tenfold. When c
#' In conclusion, parallel computing works better 
## An important issue that must also be taken into account when parallelizing R code is the increased use of your computer's RAM memory. Be aware that, when using parallel code, R makes copies of the objects for each core and stores them in the machine's RAM memory. If your tables are large and the memory is limited, R will not be able to create copies of the objects and an error about the lack of memory will be shown on the screen. As a solution to this problem, try to decrease the number of used cores in the parallel code or install more RAM memory on your computer.

## In the same topic, be aware that the `furrr` package limits the used RAM memory per computer core to 500MB. This is more than enough for the vast majority of cases however, if you are having problems with insufficient RAM in running parallelized code, you can increase the limit with the command `options('future.globals.maxSize' = 1014*1024 ^2)`. After executing the previous command, the limit will be increased to 1GB per core.

#' ## Exercises
## ---- echo=FALSE, results='asis'------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
f_in <- list.files('../02-EOCE-Rmd/Chapter13-Optimizing-Code/', 
                   full.names = TRUE)

compile_eoc_exercises(f_in, type_doc = my_engine)

msperlin/afedR documentation built on Sept. 11, 2022, 9:49 a.m.