
#' Creates a \link{ml.data.frame-class} object
#' A ml.data.frame object is an abstraction layer of data stored in a MarkLogic Server database. It is created based
#' on the provided query, collection, directory and/or fiedlFilter parameters. For query and fieldFilter
#' parameters see details section. It present data in MarkLogic Server in a tabular format.
#' The ml.data.frame object enables many of the operations that can be used with a data.frame object.
#' The query parameter are using the \href{http://docs.marklogic.com/guide/search-dev/string-query}{string search grammar}
#' for searching for data, all of the syntax is supported except contstraints. This enables searches such as
#' "dog AND cat"  or "dog NEAR cat". The search is always done on all fields in the data, for a more precise search
#' use the fieldFilter.
#' fieldFilter enables filtering on a specific field using comparison operators can be used. For
#' the ">"  "<"  "!=" "<=" ">=" operators there muset exist a
#' \href{http://docs.marklogic.com/guide/admin/range_index#id_93351}{element range index}
#' on the source field or a error will be raised, element range index can be created using the \link{ml.add.index}
#' function. "==" operator will always work since it does not depend of range indexes.
#' parameter is a named list that is used to control what is returned. Valid
#' @seealso \code{\link[rfml]{as.data.frame}} for pulling data, \code{\link{as.ml.data.frame}} for uploading data, \code{\link{rm.ml.data.frame}} for delete uploaded data
#' @param conn A \link{ml.conn-class} object created by \link{ml.connect}
#' @param query The query string used to define the result, see details for more information about syntax.
#' @param fieldFilter Field level filtering. Multiple field filters are separated by , See details for limitations.
#' @param ns A character with the namespace URI to be used with fieldFilter, default is none
#' @param collection A list of collection URI:s to filter on.
#' @param directory A list of directory URI:s to filter on.
#' @param relevanceScores Deprecated use parameter instead. TRUE/FALSE. If the result attributes score, confidence and fitness should be included. Default is FALSE
#' @param docUri Deprecated use parameter instead. TRUE/FALSE. If the uri of the documents in the results should be included. Default is FALSE.
#' @param parameter object of class  \link{MLparameter-class} or named list. Used to control return.
#' @return A ml.data.frame object.
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#'  library(rfml)
#'  localConn <- ml.connect()
#'  # create a ml.data.frame based on a search
#'  mlIris <- ml.data.frame(localConn, "setosa")
#'  # using search and collection filtering
#'  mlIris <- ml.data.frame(localConn, "setosa", collection = "iris")
#'  # using field filter
#'  mlIris <- ml.data.frame(localConn, fieldFilter = "Species == setosa")
#' }
#' @export
ml.data.frame <- function (conn, query="", fieldFilter="", ns = "NA", collection = c(), directory = c(),
                            relevanceScores = FALSE, docUri = FALSE, parameter = NULL)

  if (class(conn) != "ml.conn" || missing(conn)) {
    stop("Need a valid ml.conn object. Use ml.connect to create one.")
  # get data from ML
  # we need to create a "unique" name for the frame that we use to save the resultset
  dframe <- format(Sys.time(),"%Y%m%d%H%M%S")
  # need to check that the key exits...
  key <- .rfmlEnv$key[[conn@.id]]
  password <- tryCatch(rawToChar(PKI::PKI.decrypt(conn@.password, key))
                       , error = function(err) stop("Need a valid connection. Use ml.connection to create one!"))
  username <- conn@.username

  mlHost <- paste0("http://", conn@.host, ":", conn@.port)
  mlSearchURL <- paste0(mlHost, "/v1/resources/rfml.dframe")
  nPageLength <- 30

  parameter <- as(parameter, "MLparameter")

  if (!missing(relevanceScores)) {
    warning("argument relevanceScores is deprecated; please use parameter instead.",
            call. = FALSE)
    parameter@relevanceScores <- relevanceScores
  if (!missing(docUri)) {
    warning("argument docUri is deprecated; please use parameter instead.",
            call. = FALSE)
    parameter@docUri <- docUri

    # These are the arguments that are common to all calls to MarkLogic
  queryComArgs <- list('rs:q'=query, 'rs:relevanceScores'=parameter@relevanceScores,
                       'rs:docUri' = parameter@docUri, 'rs:sourceFlat'= parameter@sourceFlat)

  # fieldQuery
  # operators:  "==" ">"  "<"  "!=" "<=" ">=", only == is currently supported, all the rest require Range Indexs
  if (nchar(fieldFilter) > 0) {
    # seperated by ,
    fieldExprs <- unlist(strsplit(fieldFilter, ",", fixed = TRUE))
    fieldQuery <- "{"
    for (i in 1:length(fieldExprs)) {
      # get the values on both side of the operator
      fieldExpr <- unlist(strsplit(fieldExprs[i], "==|>|<|!=", perl = TRUE))
      if (length(fieldExpr) != 2) {
        stop("Need to provide a valid expression")
      # get the operator
      opMatch <- regexpr("==|>|<|!=", fieldExprs[i],perl = TRUE)
      opIndex <- opMatch[[1]]
      opLength <- attr(opMatch, "match.length")
      op <- trimws(substr(fieldExprs[i], opIndex, opIndex+opLength-1L))
      if (i > 1) {
        fieldQuery <- paste0(fieldQuery, ',')
      fieldValue <- trimws(fieldExpr[2])
      # There might be a better way to check if the value is a number or not ...
      if (suppressWarnings(is.na(as.numeric(fieldValue)))) {
        fieldValue <- paste0('"',fieldValue, '"')
      fieldQuery <- paste0(fieldQuery, '"', trimws(fieldExpr[1]),
                          ',"operator":"', op ,'","orgPath":"","orgFormat":"","xmlns":"',
                          ns, '"}')

    fieldQuery <- paste0(fieldQuery, '}')
    queryComArgs <- c(queryComArgs,  'rs:fieldQuery'=fieldQuery)

  # Collection and/or directory filtering
  if (length(collection) > 0) {
    strColl <- '['
    for (i in 1:length(collection)) {
      if (i>1) {
        strColl <- paste0(strColl, ',')
      strColl <- paste0(strColl, '"' ,collection[i], '"')
    strColl <- paste0(strColl, ']')
    queryComArgs <- c(queryComArgs, 'rs:collection'=strColl)
  if (length(directory) > 0) {
    strDir <- '['
    for (i in 1:length(directory)) {
      if (i>1) {
        strDir <- paste0(strDir, ',')
      strDir <- paste0(strDir, '"', directory[i], '"')
    strDir <- paste0(strDir, ']')
    queryComArgs <- c(queryComArgs, 'rs:directory'=strDir)

  queryArgs <- c(queryComArgs,'rs:start'=1, 'rs:pageLength'=nPageLength, 'rs:return'="meta")
  # do a search
  response <- .curl("GET",mlSearchURL, queryArgs, username, password)

  # get the content
  rContent <- .content(response)

  if(response$status_code != 200) {
    errorMsg <- paste0("statusCode: ",
                      ", status: ", rContent$errorResponse$status,
                      ", message: ", rContent$errorResponse$message)
    stop(paste0("Ops, something went wrong.", errorMsg))
  if (rContent$nrows == 0) {
    stop("Search did not produce any result");

  res <- new("ml.data.frame")
  res@.name <- dframe
  res@.conn <- conn
  res@.queryArgs <- queryComArgs
  res@.nrows <- as.integer(rContent$nrows)
  res@.start <- 1L
  fieldList <- rContent$dataFrameFields
  fieldNames <- c()
  fieldTypes <- c()
  fieldOrgNames <- c()
  fieldOrgXPaths <- c()
  fieldFormat <- c()
  fieldXmlns <- c()
  for (i in 1:length(fieldList)) {
    fieldNames[i] <-  as.character(attributes(fieldList[i]))
    fieldTypes[i] <- fieldList[[i]]$fieldType
    fieldOrgNames[i] <- fieldList[[i]]$orgField
    fieldOrgXPaths[i] <- fieldList[[i]]$orgPath
    fieldFormat[i] <- fieldList[[i]]$orgFormat
    if (!is.null(fieldList[[i]]$xmlns)) {
      fieldXmlns[i] <- fieldList[[i]]$xmlns
  res@.col.name <- fieldNames
  res@.col.data_type <- fieldTypes
  res@.col.org_name <- fieldOrgNames
  res@.col.org_xpath <- fieldOrgXPaths
  res@.col.format <- fieldFormat
  if (!is.null(fieldXmlns)) {
    res@.col.xmlns <- fieldXmlns
  res@.col.defs <- list()


################ Generic methods for upload and download of data ############################

################ as.data.frame ############################
#' Pull data from MarkLogic server based on a \link{ml.data.frame} object and return it as a data.frame.
#' @param x a  \link{ml.data.frame} object
#' @param max.rows maximum rows to return. Default all rows.
#' @param ... Not used.
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#'  library(rfml)
#'  localConn <- ml.connect()
#'  # create a ml.data.frame based on a search
#'  mlIris <- ml.data.frame(localConn, "setosa")
#'  lIris <- as.data.frame(mlIris)
#'  }
#' @aliases as.data.frame
#' @seealso \code{\link{ml.data.frame}}, \code{\link{as.ml.data.frame}} for uploading data, \code{\link{rm.ml.data.frame}} for delete uploaded data
#' @concept array
#' @export
setMethod("as.data.frame", signature(x="ml.data.frame"),
          function (x, max.rows=NULL, ...) {
            if (is.null(max.rows)) {
              max.rows <- 0
            result <- return(.get.ml.data(x,max.rows))
#' Upload data in a data.frame object or create data based on a \link{ml.data.frame} object
#' The function will upload the data within a data.frame object or create data in MarkLogic Server
#' based on a \link{ml.data.frame} object. Data created based on \link{ml.data.frame} will be flat and
#' fields will have the same names as in the .col.name slot. See details for more information about how
#' data is created.
#' When data is uploaded or created it will be stored as json documents default, the format parameter controls, and
#' Document URIs, the identifier of a document, is generated based on the string "rfml", the rowname if a data.frame
#' or a counter if it is a ml.data.frame, the loged in username and the name parameter, for example /rfml/admin/iris/.
#' The documents will also belong to a collection named after tne name parameter.
#' @param conn A ml.conn object that has a valid connection to a MarkLogic Server
#' @param x a Data Frame or ml.data.frame object.
#' @param name The name of the object.
#' @param format The format od the documents that is created, json or XML. Default is json
#' @param directory The directory to save the documents, needs to start and end with a /. Default saved to /rfml/[username]/[name]/
#' @return A ml.data.frame object.
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#'  library(rfml)
#'  ml.connect()
#'  # create a ml.data.frame based on the iris data set
#'  mlIris <- as.ml.data.frame(iris, "iris")
#' }
#' @seealso \code{\link{ml.data.frame}}, \code{\link[rfml]{as.data.frame}} for pulling data, \code{\link{rm.ml.data.frame}} for delete uploaded data
#' @concept array
#' @export
as.ml.data.frame <- function (conn, x, name, format = "json", directory = "") {

  if (is.data.frame(x)) {
    if (class(conn) != "ml.conn" || missing(conn)) {
      stop("Need a valid ml.conn object. Use ml.connect to create one.")
    suppressWarnings(rfmlCollection <- .insert.ml.data(conn, x, name, format, directory))
  } else if (is.ml.data.frame(x)) {
    #stop("Only objects of ml.data.frame type are supported!")
    rfmlCollection <- .save.ml.data(x, name, directory)
    conn <- x@.conn
  } else {
    stop("Only objects of data.frame or ml.data.frame type are supported!")
  if (format == "json") {
    flat <- TRUE
  } else {
    flat <- FALSE
  # create a ml.data.frame object based on a collection search
  return(ml.data.frame(conn, collection=c(rfmlCollection), parameter = list(sourceFlat = flat)));

#' Remove the data of a ml.data.frame object in MarkLogic server database.
#' Removes the data that whas saved to MarkLogic server database using the \link{as.ml.data.frame} function.
#' If using a directory parameter it that call the same value needs to be provided for this function.
#' The function will also delete the x object form tne R environment.
#' @param x a ml.data.frame object.
#' @param directory Optional. The directory where the data is stored, needs to start and end with a /.
#' @return A ml.data.frame object.
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#'  rm.ml.data.frame(mlIris)
#' }
#' @seealso \code{\link{ml.data.frame}}, \code{\link{as.ml.data.frame}} for uploading data, \code{\link[rfml]{as.data.frame}} for pulling data
#' @concept array
#' @export
rm.ml.data.frame <- function(x, directory = "" ){
  if (!is.ml.data.frame(x)) {
    stop("Only objects of ml.data.frame type are supported!")
  call <- match.call()
  if(.delete.ml.data(x, directory)) {
    retMsg <- paste0("Data for ", call$x, " has been deleted")
  } else {
    retMsg <- paste0("Could not delete data for ", call$x)

################ [ ############################
#' Extract subsets of a ml.data.frame
#' Extract subset of columns and/or rows of a ml.data.frame. When extracting rows a ml.col.def
#' referense can be used or a search text, see \link{ml.data.frame} for query string grammar.
#' See details for limitations when using a reference.
#' The row filtering will be used togheter with the existing query of the ml.data.frame
#' When extracting rows using ml.col.def comparison operators can be used. For
#' the ">"  "<"  "!=" "<=" ">=" operators there muset exist a
#' \href{http://docs.marklogic.com/guide/admin/range_index#id_93351}{element range index}
#' on the source field or a error will be raised, element range index can be created using the \link{ml.add.index}
#' function. "==" operator will always work since it does not depend of range indexes.
#' @param x a ml.data.frame from which to extract element(s).
#' @param i hmmmm
#' @param j Integer vector,
#' @param ... can be used to specify a groupBy field. Is only used when j is a aggregation.
#' @param drop not used.
#' @return A \link{ml.data.frame-class} object is returned
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#'  library(rfml)
#'  localConn <- ml.connect()
#'  # create a ml.data.frame based on the iris data set
#'  mlIris <- as.ml.data.frame(localConn, iris, "iris")
#'  # select first three columns
#'  mlIris2 <- mlIris[1:3]
#'  # same
#'  mlIris2 <- mlIris[,1:3]
#'  # same
#'  mlIris2 <- mlIris[,c("Sepal.Length","Sepal.Width","Petal.Length")]
#'  # select first three columns for all rows with Spieces = setosa
#'  mlIris2 <- mlIris[Species=="setosa", 1:3]
#'  # select all columns for all rows with Spieces = setosa
#'  mlIris2 <- mlIris[Species=="setosa",]
#'  # select all columns for all rows with "setosa" in any column
#'  mlIris2 <- mlIris["setosa",]
#'  # get max value for Sepal.Length
#'  mlIris2 <- mlIris[,max(Sepal.Length)]
#'  # get max value for Sepal.Length where Spieces = setosa
#'  mlIris2 <- mlIris[Species=="setosa",,max(Sepal.Length)]
#'  # get max, min and mean value for Sepal.Length
#'  mlIris2 <- mlIris[,c(max(Sepal.Length), min(Sepal.Length), mean(Sepal.Length))]
#' }
#' @concept array
#' @aliases [,ml.data.frame-method
#' @export
setMethod("[", c(x = "ml.data.frame", i="ANY", j="ANY"), function(x, i, j, ...)
  #get the by argument...
  colArg <- NULL
  rowArg <- NULL
  groupBy <- NULL
  # allowed aggregation functions (currently missing"length)
  # only those in aggFuncs are allowed.
  aggFuncs = c("max", "min", "mean", "sum", "median",
               "sd", "sd.pop", "var", "var.pop")
  cols <- c()
  n <- nargs()

  #if (n == 1) {
  #  stop("Argument is missing!")
  if (missing(i) && missing(j)) {
    stop("i and/or j argument is needed!")
  # Maybe looking at arguments instead of the numbers?
  # mlDf[1]/mlDf[1:4]/mlDf["column"]/mlDf[c("col1","col2")] -> only i
  #  mlDf[, 1:2] -> i missing and j has value
  # mlDf[1:2,]  -> i value and j missing
  # mlDf[1:2,1:4] or mlDf[1:2,sum(mlIris$Sepal.Length)] -> both has values
  # i can bee col or row depending on if it is the only argument or not...
  if(!missing(i)) {
    if (n == 2L) {
      colArg <- substitute(i)
    } else {
      rowArg <- substitute(i)
  # j is always a col argument
  if(!missing(j)) {
    # colArg <- j
    # we need to use the substitute function so aggregation functions is not executed...
    colArg <- substitute(j)
  dots <- as.list(substitute(list(...)))[-1L]

  # if not doing any aggregation we should just do a exraction...

  # rows selection
  if (!is.null(rowArg)) {
    newQueryArgs <- x@.queryArgs
    if (is.numeric(rowArg)) {
      stop("row numbering is not allowed")
    }else if (rowArg[[1]] == '=='){
     # browser()
      if ('$' %in% as.character(rowArg[[2]])){
        rowArg <- eval(rowArg, parent.frame())
      } else {
        # for some reason
        if (is.character(rowArg[[3]])) {
          val <- paste0('"', rowArg[[3]], '"')
        } else {
          val <-rowArg[[3]]
        evalStr <- paste0('x$', rowArg[[2]],rowArg[[1]], val)
        rowArg <- eval(parse(text=evalStr), NULL)
      if(rowArg@.type!='logical' && validate(toJSON(rowArg@.expr))) {
        stop("Column expression must resolve into a boolean value for row selection.")
      newQueryArgs <- c(newQueryArgs, 'rs:fieldQuery'=rowArg@.expr)
      # we should update the row count since we are changing the definition...
      # need a estimate function....
      #x@.nrows <- NA
    } else if (is.character(rowArg)) {
      qText <- newQueryArgs$`rs:q`
      if (nchar(qText) > 0) {
        qText <- paste0(qText, " AND ")
      qText <- paste0(qText, rowArg)
      newQueryArgs$`rs:q` <- qText
    } else {
      stop("row object does not specify a subset")
    x@.queryArgs <- newQueryArgs
    # need to re execute to get rows...
    x@.nrows <- .get.ml.rowcount(x)

  # column selection.
  # Test if we have a aggregation function as colArg
  # colAggr -> sum(Sepal.Length) or c(sum(Sepal.Length), min(Sepal.Length))
  if (!is.null(colArg) && ((as.character(colArg[[1L]]) %in% aggFuncs) || (as.character(colArg[[2L]][[1L]]) %in% aggFuncs))) {
    #   colAggr <- TRUE
    # if we do not have a rowArg we will aggregate all rows
    # and missing a groupBy
    if (length(dots) > 0L) {
      # check for groupBy
      if ("groupBy" %in% names(dots)) {
        groupBy <- as.character(dots$groupBy)
    # maybe we should create a table for the return?
    # now it is just a vector...
    aggVals <- c()
    if (colArg[[1L]] == "c" && length(colArg) > 1L) {
      colArgL <- as.list.default(colArg) # generate a list of all values in
      for (n in 2:length(colArgL)) {
        # This is not optimal since there is one call for each function,
        # should be done as one call instead
        # if we have
        # need to use x$ so c(sum(Sepal.Length), max(Sepal.Length))
        # becomes c(sum(x$Sepal.Length), max(x$Sepal.Length))
        if (is.null(groupBy)) {
          # not the best way ...
          evalStr <- paste0(colArgL[[n]][[1]], '(x$', colArgL[[n]][[2]], ')')
          if (is.null(aggVals)) {
            aggVals <- c(eval(parse(text=evalStr), NULL))
          } else {
            aggVals <- c(aggVals, eval(parse(text=evalStr), NULL))
        } else {
          # how to handle group by...


    } else {
      # not the best way ...
      evalStr <- paste0(colArg[[1]], '(x$', colArg[[2]], ')')
      if (is.null(aggVals)) {
        aggVals <- c(eval(parse(text=evalStr), NULL))
      }else {
        aggVals <- c(aggVals, eval(parse(text=evalStr), NULL))
  # must verify that we handle added columns as well.
  # need to check if we are doing column selection or using an aggregation function ....
  if (!is.null(colArg)) {
    # if colArg = 1:2
    if (is.call(colArg) && length(colArg) == 3L && colArg[[1L]] == ":") {
      # using  x[1:2]
      colInt <- eval(colArg, parent.frame(), parent.frame())
      cols <- c(cols,as.integer(colInt))
    } else if (colArg[[1L]] == "c" && length(colArg) > 1L) {
      # This could be either c(columnname1, columnname2, ...)
      #  or c(sum(column1), avg(column2), ...)
       # browser()
        aggVals <- c()
        colArgL <- as.list.default(colArg) # generate a list of all values in
        for (n in 2:length(colArgL)) {
            # get the index of columnname, if it is a valid columnname
            if (colArgL[n] %in% names(x)) {
              cols <- c(cols, which(names(x)==colArgL[n]))
            } else {
              stop("Not an existing column!")
    } else if (colArg %in% names(x)) {
      # selection of a column...

    if (!is.null(x@.col.name) ) {
      x@.col.name <- x@.col.name[cols]
      x@.col.data_type <- x@.col.data_type[cols]
      x@.col.org_name <- x@.col.org_name[cols]
      x@.col.org_xpath <- x@.col.org_xpath[cols]
      x@.col.format <- x@.col.format[cols]
      x@.col.xmlns <- x@.col.xmlns[cols]
      # need to check if selected column is part of .col.defs
      colDefs <- list()
      if (length(x@.col.defs) > 0) {
        for (i in 1:length(x@.col.name)) {
          if (!is.null(x@.col.defs[[x@.col.name[i]]])) {
            colDefs <- c(colDefs, x@.col.defs[x@.col.name[i]])
      x@.col.defs <- colDefs
      x@.extracted <- TRUE

################ $ ############################
#' Returns a \link{ml.data.frame} field as a \link{ml.col.def-class}
#' @param x an \link{ml.data.frame} object
#' @param name field name
#' @return \link{ml.col.def-class} object
#' @export
setMethod("$", signature(x = "ml.data.frame"),
          function(x, name) {
            if(!(name %in% x@.col.name)) {
              stop("Column not found in ml.data.frame.")
            # pickup the data type
            i <- which(x@.col.name %in% name)
            dataType <- x@.col.data_type[i]
            orgName <- x@.col.org_name[i]
            orgXpath <- x@.col.org_xpath[i]
            colFormat <- x@.col.format[i]

            # check if the column are a added or already existing
            if(is.null(x@.col.defs[[name]])) {
              return(new(Class="ml.col.def",.expr=paste0("rfmlResult[\'",name, "\']"),
                         .name=name,.data_type=dataType, .org_name=orgName, .org_xpath=orgXpath,
            } else {

                         .org_name=orgName, .org_xpath=orgXpath, .format=colFormat,


################ $<- ############################
#' Adds a new ml.data.frame field as a \link{ml.col.def-class}
#' The fields  only exists within the object and are not created at the database side.
#' @param x A ml.data.frame object
#' @param name Name of the new field
#' @param value The value for the new field. Typical a expression
#' @return \link{ml.col.def-class} object
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#'  library(rfml)
#'  locConn <- ml.connect()
#'  # create a ml.data.frame based on the iris data set
#'  mlIris <- as.ml.data.frame(locConn, iris, "iris")
#'  # create a field based on an existing
#'  mlIris$newField <- mlIris$Petal.Width
#'  # create a field based calculation on existing
#'  mlIris$newField2 <- mlIris$Petal.Width + mlIris$Petal.Length
#'  # create a field based on an previous created
#'  mlIris$newField3 <- mlIris$Petal.Width + 10
#'  mlIris$abs_width <- abs(mlIris$Petal.Width)
#' }
#' @export
setMethod("$<-", signature(x = "ml.data.frame"),
          function(x, name,value) {
             if(is.null(value)) {
               #remove col def
               if(!is.null(x@.col.defs[[name]])) {
                 x@.col.defs[[name]] <- NULL;
               x@.col.name <- setdiff(x@.col.name,name)
             } else {
                 stop("Column definition is not valid for a ml.data.frame, please refer to the documentation of ml.data.frame for details on usage.")
               if(((value@.parent)@.name != x@.name))
                stop("Column defintions are only allowed on the same ml.data.frame.");

               if(value@.aggType!='none') {
                 stop("Cannot add column that contains aggregation term to ml.data.frame.")
               # if we are refering an existing column ie x$field
               # then value is the defenition of that field.
               if(!(name %in% x@.col.name)) {
                 x@.col.data_type<-c(x@.col.data_type, value@.data_type)


#' Check if an object is of type ml.data.frame
#' This function checks if the input is of type \link{ml.data.frame}.
#' @param x The input can be of any type.
#' @return True if it is a ml.data.frame object. False otherwise.
#' @export
is.ml.data.frame <-
  function(x) {
    return(inherits(x, "ml.data.frame"))
################ dim ############################
#' Dimensions of an \link{ml.data.frame} object
#' @param x an ml.data.frame object
#' @export
setMethod("dim", signature(x="ml.data.frame"),
          function(x) {
              return(c(x@.nrows, length(x@.col.name)))
################ colnames ############################
#' Column Names of an \link{ml.data.frame} object
#' @param x an ml.data.frame object
#' @export
setMethod("colnames", signature(x="ml.data.frame"),
          function(x) { x@.col.name }
################ head ############################
#' Return the First Part of an \link{ml.data.frame}
#' @param x an ml.data.frame object
#' @param n a single integer. The number of rows to return, default is 6
#' @param ... not used
#' @export
setMethod("head", signature(x="ml.data.frame"),
          function(x, n = 6, ...) {
            #if (length(x@.conn) != 4) {
            #  stop("Need create a connection object. Use ml.connect first.")
            if (n >= 0) {
            } else {
              nr <- nrow(x)
              n <- abs(n)
              #ans <- idaQuery(idadf.query(x), " FETCH FIRST ", format(nr - n, scientific = FALSE), " ROWS ONLY")

              #if ((nr-n) != 0) rownames(ans) <- 1:(nr-n);

################ Basic ml.data.frame functions and methods ############################
################ print ############################
#' Prints information of a \link{ml.data.frame} object
#' @param x an ml.data.frame object
#' @export
setMethod("print", signature(x="ml.data.frame"),
          function (x) {
################ show ############################
#' Prints information of a \link{ml.data.frame} object
#' @param object an ml.data.frame object
#' @export
setMethod("show", signature(object="ml.data.frame"),
          function (object) {

################ names ############################
#' Shows field names of a \link{ml.data.frame} object
#' @param x an ml.data.frame object
#' @export
setMethod("names", signature(x="ml.data.frame"),
          function(x) { return(x@.col.name) }
mstellwa/rfml documentation built on May 23, 2019, 8:16 a.m.