
Defines functions .projects .file .files .s3_chr .buckets available

Documented in available

.DSS_URL <- "https://dss.data.humancellatlas.org/v1"

.AZUL_SERVICE_URL <- "https://service.explore.data.humancellatlas.org"


.AZUL_BUCKET <- "https://data.humancellatlas.org/"

.projects <-
    function(max = 1000L)
    query <- paste0(.AZUL_SERVICE_URL, "/repository/projects?size=", max)
    response <- GET(query)

    pagination <- content(response)$pagination
    if (pagination$count != pagination$total)
        stop("[internal] too many projects available, contact maintainer")

    hits <- content(response)$hits
    entryId <- vapply(hits, `[[`, character(1), "entryId")
    projectTitle <-
        vapply(hits, function(x) x$projects[[1]]$projectTitle, character(1))
    tibble(projectTitle, entryId, hits)

#' @importFrom dplyr bind_cols bind_rows select distinct pull
#' @importFrom rlang enquo
#' @importFrom purrr discard keep modify_if
#' @importFrom jsonlite fromJSON
.file <-
    function(uuid, verbose = FALSE)
    !verbose || .message(uuid)
    query <- paste0(.DSS_URL, "/files/", uuid, "?replica=", replica())
    path <- bfcrpath(BiocFileCache(), query)
    content <- fromJSON(path)

    kv = discard(content, is.data.frame) %>% unlist() %>% bind_rows()
    tbls = keep(kv, is.data.frame) %>% modify_if(is.data.frame, as_tibble)
    tbls <- Map(function(tbl, nm) {
        setNames(tibble(list(tbl)), nm)
    }, tbls, names(tbls))
    do.call(bind_cols, c(list(kv), tbls))

.files <-
    function(.data, field, verbose = FALSE)
    field <- enquo(field)
    values <- select(.data, !!field) %>% distinct()
    uuids <- pull(values, !!field)
    responses <- lapply(uuids, .file, verbose = verbose)
    responses <- do.call(bind_rows, responses)
    responses <- bind_cols(values, responses)
        left_join(select(.data, !!field), responses)

.s3_chr <-
    function(xml, elt)
    xpath <- paste0(
        "//d1:Key[text() != 'blacklist']/parent::d1:Contents/d1:",
    nodeset <- xml_find_all(xml, xpath)

.buckets <-
    response <- GET(.S3_BUCKET)

    xml <- content(response, encoding = "UTF-8")

    elt <- as.character(xml_find_all(xml, "//d1:IsTruncated/text()"))
    truncated <- !identical(elt, "false")
    ## FIXME: deal with truncated list

    key <- .s3_chr(xml, "Key")
    last_modified <- as.POSIXct(.s3_chr(xml, "LastModified"))
    etag <- .s3_chr(xml, "ETag")
    size <- as.numeric(.s3_chr(xml, "Size"))
    storage_class <- .s3_chr(xml, "StorageClass")

    file <- basename(key)
    re <- "^([^.]+).(.*)$"

        entryId = sub(re, "\\1", file),
        fileFormat = sub(re, "\\2", file),
        path = paste0(.AZUL_BUCKET, key),

#' Discover projects with pre-computed HCA files
#' @param type `character(1)` type of archive to import. One of
#'     `"loom"` (default) or `"mtx.zip"`.
#' @details This function visits
#'     \url{https://data.humancellatlas.org/explore/projects} and
#'     identifies projects for which the 'Matrix' file icon indicates
#'     that a matrix is available for download. The return value is a
#'     `tibble` that can be subset to a single project, and then the
#'     data retrieved to R using `import_loom()` or `import_mtxzip()`.
#' @return A `tibble` describing available projects and the full path
#'     to the archive.
#' @examples
#' dd <- available("mtx.zip")
#' dd
#' dd %>% select(projectTitle)
#' dd %>%
#'     filter(grepl("^A single-cell reference", projectTitle))
#' path <- dd %>%
#'     filter(row_number() == which.min(size)) %>%
#'     pull(path)
#' sce <- import_mtxzip(path)
#' @importFrom httr GET stop_for_status content
#' @importFrom xml2 xml_find_all
#' @importFrom dplyr "%>%" filter left_join
#' @importFrom tibble tibble as_tibble
#' @export
available <-
    function(type = c("loom", "mtx.zip"))
    type <- match.arg(type)
    fileFormat <- NULL                  # pacify R CMD check

    projects <- .projects()
    buckets <- .buckets()
    suppressMessages(left_join(projects, buckets)) %>%
        filter(fileFormat %in% type) %>%
mtmorgan/HCAmtxzip documentation built on Nov. 24, 2019, 12:26 p.m.