
#' FMM Segmentation
#' A finite mixture modeling (FMM) segmentation approach with possibilities for
#' specifying prior constraints. These prior constraints include the
#' specification of a prior label image, prior probability images (one for each
#' class), and/or an MRF prior to enforce spatial smoothing of the labels.
#' Similar algorithms include FAST and SPM.  atropos can also perform
#' multivariate segmentation if you pass a list of images in: e.g.
#' \code{a=c(img1,img2)}.
#' @param a One or more scalar images to segment. If priors are not used, the intensities
#' of the first image are used to order the classes in the segmentation output, from lowest
#' to highest intensity. Otherwise the order of the classes is dictated by the order of the prior
#' images.
#' @param x mask image.
#' @param i initialization usually \code{KMeans[N]} for N classes or a list of N prior probability images.
#' See Atropos in ANTs for full set of options.
#' @param m mrf parameters as a string, usually \code{"[smoothingFactor,radius]"} where \code{smoothingFactor}
#' determines the amount of smoothing and radius determines the MRF neighborhood, as an ANTs style neighborhood
#' vector eg "1x1x1" for a 3D image. The radius must match the dimensionality of the image, eg 1x1 for 2D and
#' The default in ANTs is \code{smoothingFactor=0.3} and \code{radius=1}. See Atropos for more options.
#' @param c convergence parameters, \code{"[numberOfIterations,convergenceThreshold]"}. A threshold of 0 runs
#' the full \code{numberOfIterations}, otherwise Atropos tests convergence by comparing the mean maximum posterior
#' probability over the whole region of interest defined by the mask \code{x}.
#' @param priorweight usually 0 (priors used for initialization only), 0.25 or 0.5.
#' @param verbose boolean
#' @param use_random_seed Initialize internal random number generator with a random seed. 
#' Otherwise, initialize with a constant seed number.  If this is \code{TRUE},
#' the results are not fully reproducible.
#' @param ... more parameters, see Atropos help in ANTs
#' @return 0 -- Success\cr 1 -- Failure
#' @author Shrinidhi KL, B Avants
#' @examples
#' img <- antsImageRead( getANTsRData("r16") , 2 )
#' img <- resampleImage( img, c(64,64), 1, 0 )
#' mask <- getMask(img)
#' segs1 <- atropos( a = img, m = '[0.2,1x1]',
#'    c = '[2,0]',  i = 'kmeans[3]', x = mask )
#' # Use probabilities from k-means seg as priors
#' segs2 <- atropos( a = img, m = '[0.2,1x1]',
#'    c = '[2,0]',  i = segs1$probabilityimages, x = mask )
#' feats <- list(img, iMath(img,"Laplacian"), iMath(img,"Grad") )
#' segs3 <- atropos( a = feats, m = '[0.2,1x1]',
#'    c = '[2,0]',  i = segs1$probabilityimages, x = mask )
#' @export atropos
atropos <- function( a, x,
  i = "KMeans[3]",
  m = "[0.2,1x1]",
  c = "[5,0]",
  priorweight = 0.25,
  verbose = FALSE,
  use_random_seed = FALSE,
  ...) {
  if ( missing(x)) {
    .Call("Atropos", .int_antsProcessArguments(c(a)), PACKAGE = "atropos")
  use_random_seed = as.integer(as.logical(use_random_seed))
  verbose = as.numeric( verbose )
  # define the output temp files
  if (getRversion() <= "3.5.0") { ## work around missing feature
    tdir <- tempdir( )
    if (!dir.exists(tdir)) {
      dir.create(tdir, showWarnings = TRUE, recursive = TRUE)
  } else {
    tdir <- tempdir( check = TRUE )
  probs <- tempfile(pattern = "antsr", tmpdir = tdir, fileext = "prob%02d.nii.gz")
  probsbase <- basename(probs)
  searchpattern <- sub("%02d", "*", probsbase)
  # categorize the initialization type - kmeans or spatial priors
  ct <- 1
  if (length(i) > 1) {
    # then spatial priors

    while (ct <= length(i)) {
      probchar <- paste(ct, sep = "")
      if (ct < 10)
        probchar <- paste("0", probchar, sep = "")
      tempfn <- sub("%02d", probchar, probs)
      antsImageWrite(i[[ct]], tempfn)
      ct <- ct + 1
    i <- paste("PriorProbabilityImages[", length(i), ",", probs, ",", priorweight,
      "]", sep = "")
  if (typeof(a) == "list")
    outimg <- antsImageClone(a[[1]], "unsigned int") else outimg <- antsImageClone(a, "unsigned int")
  mydim <- as.numeric(outimg@dimension)
  outs <- paste("[", antsrGetPointerName(outimg), ",", probs, "]", sep = "")
  mymask <- antsImageClone(x, "unsigned int")
  if (length(a) == 1)
    myargs <- list(d = mydim, a = a, m = m, o = outs, c = c, m = m, i = i, x = mymask, v = verbose,
                   r = use_random_seed,
  if (length(a) == 2)
    myargs <- list(d = mydim, a = a[[1]], a = a[[2]], m = m, o = outs, c = c, m = m,
      i = i, x = mymask,  v = verbose, 
      r = use_random_seed,
  if (length(a) == 3)
    myargs <- list(d = mydim, a = a[[1]], a = a[[2]], a = a[[3]], m = m, o = outs,
      c = c, m = m, i = i, x = mymask, v = verbose,  
      r = use_random_seed,
  if (length(a) == 4) {
    myargs <- list(d = mydim, a = a[[1]], a = a[[2]], a = a[[3]],
      a = a[[4]], m = m, o = outs,
      c = c, m = m, i = i, x = mymask, v = verbose,  
      r = use_random_seed,
  if (length(a) == 5) {
    myargs <- list(d = mydim, a = a[[1]], a = a[[2]], a = a[[3]],
      a = a[[4]], a = a[[5]], m = m, o = outs,
      c = c, m = m, i = i, x = mymask, v = verbose,  
      r = use_random_seed,
  if (length(a) >= 6) {
    myargs <- list(d = mydim, a = a[[1]], a = a[[2]], a = a[[3]],
      a = a[[4]], a = a[[5]], a = a[[6]], m = m, o = outs,
      c = c, m = m, i = i, x = mymask, v = verbose, 
      r = use_random_seed,
  if ( length(a) > 6)
    stop(" more than 6 input images not really supported, using first 6 ")
  .Call("Atropos", .int_antsProcessArguments(c(myargs)), PACKAGE = "atropos")
  probsout <- list.files(path = tdir,
    pattern = utils::glob2rx(searchpattern), full.names = TRUE,
    recursive = FALSE)
  pimg <- antsImageRead(probsout[1], mydim)
  probimgs <- c(pimg)
  for (x in c(2:length(probsout))) {
    probimgs <- c(probimgs, antsImageRead(probsout[x], mydim))
  outimg=antsImageClone( outimg, 'float' )
  return(list( segmentation = outimg, probabilityimages = probimgs ))
muschellij2/atropos documentation built on May 4, 2019, 3:17 p.m.