
#' @name googleCite
#' @title Workhorse function to extract information from google
#' citations page
#' @description This function takes in the url from a person's Google Citation
#' page and returns a data.frame of all the information from that page
#' @param theurl URL of the google Citation page to be analyzed
#' @param citations (logical) Obsolete
#' @param plotIt Plot the Author/Paper wordcloud
#' @param pdfname (NULL) filename of plot (if plotIt = TRUE)
#' @param dlpdfs (logical) Beta - download pdfs
#' @param dlfolder (file path) folder to download pdf (default getwd())
#' @param ... parameters to be passed to makeAuthorCloud, makePaperCloud
#' @import plyr
#' @import XML
#' @export
#' @return A \code{data.frame} of the citations per year, authors names, 
#' and indicators of authorship with attributes of \code{auth_pat} and 
#' \code{splitter} for word clouds to be plotted later.
googleCite <-
function(theurl, citations=FALSE, plotIt = FALSE,
         pdfname=NULL, dlpdfs=FALSE, dlfolder=NULL, ...) {

  fillin = function(x){
    if (length(x) == 0) return(NA)
  theurl = strsplit(theurl,"&hl")[[1]][1]
  bibpage <- paste(theurl, "&view_op=export_citations", sep="")

  alldata = list()
  author = getAuthor(paste(theurl,"&view_op=list_works&pagesize=100&cstart=",0,sep=""))
	user.cpy <- getCitePerYear(theurl)
  ipage = 0
  for (ipage in 0:100){
	checker <- ipage * 100
	page = paste(theurl, "&view_op=list_works&pagesize=100&cstart=", checker, sep="")
	alldata[[ipage+1]]  = getPapers(page)
	# cpy  = getCitePerYear(page)
	if(length(alldata[[ipage+1]]) == 0) break
	allPapers = unlist(alldata)
	thePath = "http://scholar.google.com"


	cols <- c("Title","Authors","Publication date", 
	          "Journal name", "Volume","Issue","Total citations")
	npap <- length(allPapers)
	allCitations <- matrix(NA, nrow=npap, ncol=length(cols))
	paper.cpy <- vector("list", length=npap)
	zz <- paste(thePath, allPapers, sep = "/")
	destfiles = sapply(allPapers, function(x) {
	  tempfile(fileext = ".html")
	dls = mapply(function(x, y){
	  download.file(x, y, quiet = TRUE)
	}, zz, destfiles)
# 	cit = paste(thePath,zz, sep="/")
	pb = txtProgressBar(min = 0, max = npap, style = 3)
	for (irow in 1:npap){
# 		zz <- allPapers[irow]
# 		cit = paste(thePath,zz, sep="/")
# 		x <- htmlTreeParse(cit, isURL=TRUE, 
# 		                   useInternalNodes=TRUE, addFinalizer=TRUE)
	  cit = destfiles[irow]
	  x <- htmlTreeParse(cit, isURL=FALSE, 
	                     useInternalNodes=TRUE, addFinalizer=TRUE)		
		tmp_all<- xpathSApply(x, "//div[@id='gsc_ccl']")
		title<- xpathSApply(x, "//div[@id='gsc_ccl']//div[@id = 'gsc_title']", xmlValue)
		title<- xpathSApply(x, "//div[@id='gsc_ccl']//div[@id = 'gsc_title']", 
		scl = xpathApply(x, 
    scl = lapply(scl, xmlChildren)
		scl = lapply(scl, function(v){
      vnames = names(v)
      keep = vnames == "div"
      v = v[keep]
      classes = sapply(v, xmlGetAttr, "class")
      keep_fields = which(classes %in% c('gsc_field'))
      keep_values = which(classes %in% c('gsc_value'))
      stopifnot(length(keep_fields) == length(keep_values))
      fields = v[keep_fields]
      values = v[keep_values]
      fields = lapply(fields, xmlValue)
      fields = unlist(lapply(fields, fillin))
      values = lapply(values, function(vv) {
        child.div = xmlChildren(vv)
        val = xmlValue(child.div[[1]])
        val = fillin(val)
      values = unlist(lapply(values, fillin))
      names(values) = fields
    scl = unlist(scl)
    scl = c(Title=title, scl)
    scl = plyr::rename(scl, c("Journal" = "Journal name"), warn_missing = FALSE)

		this.year <- as.numeric(format(Sys.time(), "%Y"))
		year <- as.numeric(strsplit(scl["Publication date"], split="/", fixed=TRUE)[[1]][1])
		if (!is.na(year)) {
      cpy <- getCitePerYear(x, year=year, url=FALSE, this.year=this.year, 
                            pagegraph = TRUE)
		} else {
      cpy <- cbind(Year=this.year, Citations=0)
		colnames(cpy) <- c("Year", "Citations")
		paper.cpy[[irow]] <- cpy
		#### match so there are a known number of columns
		allCitations[irow,] <- scl[match(cols, names(scl))]
		# ret <- as.data.frame(ret, stringsAsFactors=FALSE)
		setTxtProgressBar(pb, value = irow)
	# })

	for(i in seq(along=x)) x[[i]] = data.frame(x[[i]])
	# x2 <- x
	# for(i in seq(along=x2)) x2[[i]]$ID <- i
	# xx = do.call("rbind",x2)
	# x2 <- reshape(xx, direction="wide", timevar="Year", idvar="ID")
	# colnames(x2) <- gsub(x=colnames(x2), pattern="Citations.", replacement="", fixed=TRUE)
	xx = do.call("rbind",x)
	years <- min(xx$Year):max(xx$Year) 
	y = data.frame(matrix(ncol = length(years),
		nrow = length(x)))
	names(y) = years
	minYear = min(xx$Year)
	for(i in seq(along=x)) {
		ind = x[[i]]$Year-minYear+1
		y[i,ind] = x[[i]]$Citations
	for(i in 1:nrow(y)) {
		ind = which(!is.na(y[i,]))
		ind= max(ind)
		if(ind < ncol(y)) y[i,(ind+1):ncol(y)] = rep(0)

	# rownames(allCitations) <- 1:nrow(allCitations)
	### tried to make a function to download pdfs
	if (dlpdfs){
		allPdfs <- colnames(allCitations)
		allPdfs = sapply(allPapers, function(zz) {
			cit = paste(thePath,zz, sep="/")
			x <- htmlTreeParse(cit, isURL=T, useInternalNodes=T, addFinalizer=T)
			tmp_all<- xpathSApply(x, "//div[@class='cit-dd']")
			pname <- sapply(tmp_all, function(x)xmlChildren(x)$div)
			pname <- pname[sapply(pname, function(x) !is.null(x))]
			pname <- sapply(pname, function(x) xmlChildren(x)$a)
			pname <- pname[sapply(pname, function(x) !is.null(x))]
			pname <- sapply(pname, xmlGetAttr, "href")
		names(allPdfs) <- NULL
		old_dir <- getwd()
    outdir <- old_dir
		if (!is.null(dlfolder)) outdir <- dlfolder
		for (iname in 1:length(allPdfs)) system(sprintf('wget %s -A "*.pdf"', allPdfs[iname]))

#	allCitations = do.call("rbind",allCitations)
	#allCitations = t(allCitations)
	rownames(allCitations) = 1:nrow(allCitations)
	allCitations = data.frame(allCitations, stringsAsFactors= FALSE)
	names(allCitations) <- cols
	names(allCitations)[7] = "Citations"
	allCitations$Citations = sapply(strsplit(allCitations$Citations, " by "), function(x) x[2])
	# y$Title <- allCitations$Title

  	splitter <- ", "

  alldata <- allCitations
  alldata$Entry <- NULL
  alldata$"First Author" <- NA
  alldata$"Second Author" <- NA
  alldata$"Last Author" <- NA
  alldata$"N Authors" <- NA
  alldata$Author <- str_trim(alldata$Author)
  for(irow in 1:nrow(alldata)){
    tmp = strsplit(alldata$Author[irow], splitter)[[1]]
    if (length(tmp) ==  0) next;
    if (tmp == "" | is.na(tmp)) next;
    alldata$"First Author"[irow] <- tmp[1]
    alldata$"Second Author"[irow] <- ifelse(length(tmp) > 1, tmp[2], NA)
    alldata$"Last Author"[irow] <- tmp[length(tmp)]
    alldata$"N Authors"[irow] <- length(tmp)
  ln <- strsplit(author, " ")[[1]]
  lastname <- ln[length(ln)]
  firstname <- ln[1]
  first.init <- substr(firstname, 1, 1)
#   ln <- gsub("\\.", "", ln)
#   lln <- length(ln)
# #   if (lln > 2) ln <- paste(ln[c(2, lln)], collapse=" ")
#   ln <- paste(ln[2:length(ln)], collapse=" ")
  ## may be add out 2013Sep3
#   ln <- ln[length(ln)]
 	auth_pat <- tolower(paste(first.init, ".* ", lastname, sep=""))
  alldata$Is_First <- grepl(tolower(alldata$"First Author"), 
  alldata$Is_Second <- grepl(tolower(alldata$"Second Author"),
  alldata$Is_Last <- grepl(tolower(alldata$"Last Author"),

  #alldata$"First Author" <- NULL
  #alldata$"Second Author" <- NULL
  #alldata$"Last Author" <- NULL
  alldata$Author <- alldata$Authors
  if(plotIt) {
    if (!is.null(pdfname)) pdf(pdfname, height = 6, width = 12)
    par(mfrow = c(1,2))
    makeAuthorCloud(alldata, splitter, auth_pat, ...)
    makePaperCloud(alldata, ...)
    if (!is.null(pdfname)) dev.off()
  alldata$Author <- NULL
	alldata$Year <- as.numeric(sapply(strsplit(alldata[, "Publication date"], split="/", fixed=TRUE), function(x) return(x[1])))
  alldata <- cbind(alldata, y)
  attr(alldata, "auth_pat") = auth_pat
  attr(alldata, "splitter") = splitter
muschellij2/googleCite documentation built on May 23, 2019, 9:36 a.m.