residual: Residual form of the functions

View source: R/residual.r

residualR Documentation

Residual form of the functions


Subtract the theoretical function S_{H_0} or the mean of the functions in the curve set. If the curve_set object contains already residuals T_i(r) - T_0(r), use_theo ignored and the same object returned.


residual(curve_set, use_theo = TRUE)



A curve_set object, or an envelope object of spatstat. If an envelope object is given, it must contain the summary functions from the simulated patterns which can be achieved by setting savefuns = TRUE when calling the envelope function.


Whether to use the theoretical summary function or the mean of the functions in the curve_set.


The mean of the functions in the curve_set is the mean of all functions. If use_theo = TRUE, but the component theo does not exist in the curve_set, the mean of the functions is used silently.


A curve set object containing residual summary functions. theo is no longer included.

myllym/GET documentation built on Dec. 7, 2024, 12:04 p.m.