roadcrash: Road crashes

roadcrashR Documentation

Road crashes


Road crashes




A list with

  • x = x-coordinates of road accidents

  • y = y-coordinates of road accidents

  • xrange = x coordinate limits of enclosing box (-774936.86,-727048.86)

  • yrange = y coordinate limits of enclosing box (-1201599.83,-1125679.83)

  • Vertices.x = x-coordinates of vertices of the linear network

  • Vertices.y = y-coordinates of vertices of the linear network

  • Edges = a 2 column matrix giving the ID (index) of the origin and destination vectices (in Vertices.x and Vertices.y)

  • Traffic = matrix of traffic volume

  • ForestDensity = matrix of forest density

  • BuildingDensity = matrix of building density


Mrkvička et al. (2023) worked with the database of road crashes reported to the Police in the Czech Republic from 1 January 2016 to 31 December 2020. The data available here is a subpattern of this full data set, included here with the permission of the Police in the Czech Republic. The full data is published as open data, see The subpattern 7700 crashes lying on a linear network with 269 vertices and 354 lines. Further average traffic volume (number of vehicles per 24 hours), forest density and building density in the cell are available in the region of the linear network.


Mrkvička, T., Kraft, S., Blažek, V. and Myllymäki, M. (2023) Hotspots detection on a linear network with presence of covariates: a case study on road crash data.


if(require("spatstat.geom", quietly = TRUE) & require("spatstat.linnet", quietly = TRUE)) {
  win <- owin(xrange = roadcrash$xrange,
              yrange = roadcrash$yrange)
  X <- ppp(x = roadcrash$x, y = roadcrash$y, window = win)
  Vertices.pp <- ppp(x = roadcrash$Vertices.x,
                     y = roadcrash$Vertices.y,
  L <- linnet(vertices=Vertices.pp,
              edges = roadcrash$Edges)
  PP <- lpp(X, L)
  z1 <- im(roadcrash$Traffic,
           xrange = roadcrash$xrange,
           yrange = roadcrash$yrange)
  z2 <- im(roadcrash$ForestDensity,
           xrange = roadcrash$xrange,
           yrange = roadcrash$yrange)
  z3 <- im(roadcrash$BuildingDensity,
           xrange = roadcrash$xrange,
           yrange = roadcrash$yrange)

myllym/GET documentation built on Dec. 7, 2024, 12:04 p.m.