
Defines functions get_placeholder_delim get_placeholder_regex replace_placeholders replace_delimiter

    generate = function(){

        if ((!is.null(params$coffee) && params$coffee) || (is.null(params$coffee) && is_coffee_installed() && file.exists(internal$file$paths$template_coffee_file))) {

        html_code <- parse_placeholders()

        writeLines(html_code, internal$file$paths$output_file)



    get_placeholders = function(){
        internal$placeholder$spec$json <<- c("{", 2)
        internal$placeholder$spec$plain <<- c("{", 3)
        internal$placeholder$spec$coffee_json <<- c("[", 3)
        internal$placeholder$spec$coffee_plain <<- c("[", 4)

        internal$placeholder$delim$json <<- get_placeholder_delim(internal$placeholder$spec$json)
        internal$placeholder$delim$plain <<- get_placeholder_delim(internal$placeholder$spec$plain)
        internal$placeholder$delim$coffee_json <<- get_placeholder_delim(internal$placeholder$spec$coffee_json)
        internal$placeholder$delim$coffee_plain <<- get_placeholder_delim(internal$placeholder$spec$coffee_plain)

        internal$placeholder$regex$json <<- get_placeholder_regex(internal$placeholder$spec$json)
        internal$placeholder$regex$plain <<- get_placeholder_regex(internal$placeholder$spec$plain)
        internal$placeholder$regex$coffee_json <<- get_placeholder_regex(internal$placeholder$spec$coffee_json)
        internal$placeholder$regex$coffee_plain <<- get_placeholder_regex(internal$placeholder$spec$coffee_plain)

    # Translate the coffeescript template into a javascript template
    # The delimiter "{{" is not valid coffeescript, so we change it to an unlikely sequence "[[[\"". When the template has been converted to JS, we replace the delimiter to "{{", the one used by plain JS templates.
    # "{{ \"4\" }}" => "[[[\" \\\"4\\\" \"]]]" => knit => "{{ \"4\" }}"
    translate_coffee_template_to_js = function() {
        if (!is_coffee_installed()) {
            stop("CoffeeScript doesn't appear to be installed. Follow installation instructions at http://coffeescript.org/\n\n", call. = FALSE)

        if (!file.exists(internal$file$paths$template_coffee_file)) {
            stop(sprintf("No coffeescript file found at:\n\t%s\n\n", internal$file$paths$template_coffee_file), call. = FALSE)

        coffee_template <- readLines(internal$file$paths$template_coffee_file, warn = FALSE)
        coffee_template <- paste(coffee_template, collapse = "\n")

        replaced_coffee_template <- replace_delimiter(coffee_template, internal$placeholder$regex$json, internal$placeholder$delim$coffee_json, deparse = TRUE)
        replaced_coffee_template <- replace_delimiter(replaced_coffee_template, internal$placeholder$regex$plain, internal$placeholder$delim$coffee_plain, deparse = TRUE)

        # output.dir needs to be set explicitly because knit_child expects to be called within knit
        opts_knit$set(output.dir = getwd())
        suppressMessages(capture.output(knit_child(text = replaced_coffee_template, output = internal$file$paths$template_file, quiet = TRUE)))

        js_template <- paste(readLines(internal$file$paths$template_file), collapse = "\n")
        replaced_js_template <- replace_delimiter(js_template, internal$placeholder$regex$coffee_json, internal$placeholder$delim$json, deparse = FALSE)
        replaced_js_template <- replace_delimiter(replaced_js_template, internal$placeholder$regex$coffee_plain, internal$placeholder$delim$plain, deparse = FALSE)

        writeLines(replaced_js_template, internal$file$paths$template_file)

    parse_placeholders = function() {

        template <- paste0(readLines(internal$file$paths$template_file, warn = FALSE), collapse = "\n")

        locations <- str_locate_all(template, internal$placeholder$regex$json)[[1]]
        if (nrow(locations) > 0){
            expressions <- str_extract_all(template, internal$placeholder$regex$json)[[1]]
            expressions <- str_replace(expressions, internal$placeholder$regex$json, "\\1")

            expressions <- paste0("clickme::to_json(", expressions, ")")

            template <- evaluate_placeholders(expressions, template, locations)

        locations <- str_locate_all(template, internal$placeholder$regex$plain)[[1]]
        if (nrow(locations) > 0){
            expressions <- str_extract_all(template, internal$placeholder$regex$plain)[[1]]
            expressions <- str_replace(expressions, internal$placeholder$regex$plain, "\\1")


            template <- evaluate_placeholders(expressions, template, locations)


    # Only actively used methods are loaded in the environment. To avoid having to
    # append .self in the template (as in {{ .self$my_method() }}) we load
    # them explicitely.
    force_use_methods = function(expressions){
        # fields (like data or params) don't need to be forced
        methods <- extract_functions(expressions)

        # usingMethods(methods) doesn't work because it requires naming each
        # method individually (it doesn't do anything at runtime), so we have
        # to call .self$my_method to load it explicitly (without executing it).
        sapply(methods, function(method){
            tryCatch(eval(parse(text = paste0(".self$", method))), error = function(e) e)

    # This function needs to be a method so it can eval the fields and
    # methods of the Chart.
    evaluate_placeholders = function(expressions, template, locations) {
        placeholder_values <- sapply(expressions, function(expression) {
            eval(parse(text = expression))

        template <- replace_placeholders(placeholder_values, template, locations)

    # Ensure that all the assets used by the visualization are copied to
    # the output_xxx_assets path
    export_assets = function(){

        # if the clickme shared assets folder exists, and either
        # the output shared assets folder doesn't exist, or
        # it was modified before (or after!) the clickme shared assets folder,
        # rewrite everything.
        if (file.exists(internal$file$paths$shared_assets) &&
                (!file.exists(internal$file$paths$output_shared_assets) ||
                 file.info(internal$file$paths$shared_assets)$mtime != file.info(internal$file$paths$output_shared_assets)$mtime)){
            dir.create(internal$file$paths$output_shared_assets, showWarnings = FALSE)
            file.copy(from = list.files(internal$file$paths$shared_assets, full.names = TRUE), to = internal$file$paths$output_shared_assets, overwrite = TRUE)

        if (file.exists(internal$file$paths$template_assets) &&
                (!file.exists(internal$file$paths$output_template_assets) ||
                 file.info(internal$file$paths$template_assets)$mtime != file.info(internal$file$paths$output_template_assets)$mtime)){
            dir.create(internal$file$paths$output_template_assets, showWarnings = FALSE)
            file.copy(from = list.files(internal$file$paths$template_assets, full.names = TRUE), to = internal$file$paths$output_template_assets, overwrite = TRUE)


# Borrowing heavily from Yihui Xie
#' @export
#' @keywords internal
replace_delimiter <- function(template, old_placeholder_regex, new_delimiter, deparse){
    locations <- str_locate_all(template, old_placeholder_regex)[[1]]
    if (nrow(locations) > 0){
        expressions <- str_extract_all(template, old_placeholder_regex)[[1]]
        expressions <- str_replace(expressions, old_placeholder_regex, "\\1")

        if (deparse){
            expressions <- unname(sapply(expressions, deparse))
        } else {
            expressions <- unname(sapply(expressions, function(x) eval(parse(text = x))))

        expressions <- unname(sapply(expressions, function(x) paste0(new_delimiter[1], x, new_delimiter[2])))

        template <- replace_placeholders(expressions, template, locations)


#' @export
#' @keywords internal
replace_placeholders <- function(results, template, locations) {

    num_locations <- nrow(locations)
    for(i in 1:num_locations) {
        num_chars <- nchar(template)

        str_sub(template, locations[i, 1], locations[i, 2]) <- results[i]

        if (i < num_locations) {
            locations[(i + 1):num_locations, ] <- locations[(i + 1):num_locations, ] - (num_chars - nchar(template))


#' @export
#' @keywords internal
get_placeholder_regex <- function(spec) {
    opening_symbol <- spec[1]
    num_repeats <- spec[2]

    if (opening_symbol == "{"){
        opening_symbol <- "\\{"
        closing_symbol <- "\\}"
    } else if (opening_symbol == "["){
        opening_symbol <- "\\["
        closing_symbol <- "\\]"
    } else {
        stop("Invalid opening symbol: ", opening_symbol, call. = FALSE)

    regex <- stringr::regex(paste0(
                  "(?<!", opening_symbol, ")",             # negative lookbehind
                  opening_symbol, "{", num_repeats, "}",   # match opening symbol exactly num_repeats times
                  "(?!", opening_symbol, ")",              # negative lookahead
                  "([^", opening_symbol, "]+)",            # match anything that isn't the opening symbol
                  "(?<!", closing_symbol, ")",             # negative lookbehind
                  closing_symbol, "{", num_repeats, "}",   # match opening symbol exactly num_repeats times
                  "(?!", closing_symbol, ")")              # negative lookahead


#' @export
#' @keywords internal
get_placeholder_delim <- function(spec){
    opening_symbol <- spec[1]
    num_repeats <- spec[2]

    # TODO: refactor
    if (opening_symbol == "{"){
        delim <- c(paste(rep("{", num_repeats), collapse = ""), paste(rep("}", num_repeats), collapse = ""))
    } else if (opening_symbol == "["){
        delim <- c(paste(rep("[", num_repeats), collapse = ""), paste(rep("]", num_repeats), collapse = ""))

nachocab/clickme documentation built on Nov. 11, 2023, 3:14 p.m.