
#!/usr/bin/env Rscript

# nathan dot lazar at gmail dot com

# Usage: DREAM7_run.R <mode1 data> <mode2 data> <mode3 data>
#                      <response> 
#                      <mode1 fold matrix> <mode2 fold matrix>
#                      <output dir>
#                      <options...>

# The first 7 arguments must be in order
# The order of the rest of the arguments doesn't mattter and they can be absent

print('Opened file')

library(foreach)        # For parallel processing in loops
library(R6)             # For making memory efficent R6 objects
library(iterators)      # Making iterator objects for efficient parallelization
library(rTensor)        # Needed for multiplying matrices into tensors (could be removed)
library(dplyr)          # General data frame manipulation
library(ggplot2)        # Used for plotting
library(drc)            # Used for fitting logistic curves
library(preprocessCore) # Used to quantile normalize columns of input data
library(BaTFLED3D)      # Note: package must be installed from .tar file
# library(pryr)           # For monitoring memory usage
# library(microbenchmark) # For monitoring run time
# devtools::document()    # Builds BaTFLED package

print('Packages loaded')
args <- commandArgs(TRUE)

# DREAM7 dataset
# args <- list('../DREAM7/DREAM7_cl.Rdata',
#              '../DREAM7/DREAM7_dr.Rdata',
#              'none',
#              '../DREAM7/DREAM7_resp.Rdata',
#              '../DREAM7/cv_folds_cl_10.Rdata',
#              '../DREAM7/cv_folds_dr_10.Rdata',
#              'DREAM7results/test/',
#              'decomp=Tucker',
#              'row.share=F',
#              'reps=30',
#              'warm.per=0.05',
#              'seed=NA',
#              'multiplier=0',
#              'quantile=F','scale=all', 'center=F',
#              'early.stop=NA', 'plot=T', 'verbose=F',
#              'remove.per=0', 'remove.start=Inf', 
#              'm1.remove.lmt=0', 'm2.remove.lmt',
#              'R1=6', 'R2=3', 'R3=3',
#              'A1.intercept=T', 'A2.intercept=T', 'A3.intercept=F',
#              'H1.intercept=T', 'H2.intercept=T', 'H3.intercept=T',
#              'm1.alpha=1e-10', 'm2.alpha=1e-10', 'm3.alpha=1',
#              'm1.beta=1e10', 'm2.beta=1e10', 'm3.beta=1',
#              'core.0D.alpha=1', 'core.0D.beta=1',
#              'core.1D.alpha=1e-4', 'core.1D.beta=1e4',
#              'core.2D.alpha=1e-8', 'core.2D.beta=1e8',
#              'core.3D.alpha=1e-12', 'core.3D.beta=1e12',
#              'm1.sigma2=0.01', 'm2.sigma2=0.01', 'm3.sigma2=1',
#              'sigma2=1', 'parallel=T', 'cores=4',
#              'exp.var=T', 'lower.bnd=T', 'history=F', 'fold=0')


# Report arguments and summary stats of the input objects

# Read in options
m1.file <-        args[[1]]
m2.file <-        args[[2]]
m3.file <-        args[[3]]
resp.file <-      args[[4]]
m1.fold.file <-   args[[5]]
m2.fold.file <-   args[[6]]
out.dir <-        paste0(args[[7]], '/')

# Get parameters
params <- get_model_params(args[8:length(args)])

# Set some defaults 
reps <- 10; warm.per <- 0.05
multiplier <- 0; quantile=F; center=F; 
scale='cont'; squash=Inf; history=F; fold=1

# Override defaults if provided
if(sum(grepl('^reps=', args)))
  reps <- as.numeric(sub('reps=', '', args[grepl('^reps=', args)]))
if(sum(grepl('^warm.per=', args)))
  warm.per <- as.numeric(sub('warm.per=', '', args[grepl('^warm.per=', args)]))
if(sum(grepl('^multiplier=', args)))
  multiplier <- as.numeric(sub('multiplier=', '', args[grepl('^multiplier=', args)]))
if(sum(grepl('^history=', args)))
  history <- as.logical(sub('history=', '', args[grepl('^history=', args)]))
if(sum(grepl('^quantile=', args)))
  quantile <- as.logical(sub('quantile=', '', args[grepl('^quantile=', args)]))
if(sum(grepl('^center=', args)))
  center <- as.logical(sub('center=', '', args[grepl('^center=', args)]))
if(sum(grepl('^scale=', args)))
  scale <- sub('scale=', '', args[grepl('^scale=', args)])
if(sum(grepl('^squash=', args)))
  squash <- as.numeric(sub('squash=', '', args[grepl('^squash=', args)]))
if(sum(grepl('^fold=', args)))
  fold <- as.numeric(sub('fold=', '', args[grepl('^fold=', args)]))+1

if(params$parallel) {
  # Packages for registering parallel backend (depends on platform)
  if(.Platform$OS.type == "windows") {
  } else {


# If the output directory doesn't exist, create it
print(paste('Output directory:', out.dir))
if (!file.exists(out.dir)){

# Load input data
loadRData <- function(fileName){
  #loads an RData file, and returns it
  get(ls()[ls() != "fileName"])

# Load and rename input data if supplied
if(m1.file != 'none') m1.mat <- loadRData(m1.file)
if(m2.file != 'none') m2.mat <- loadRData(m2.file)
if(m3.file != 'none') m3.mat <- loadRData(m3.file)

# Load the response data
resp.tens <- loadRData(resp.file)

# Load the matrices with names for cross validation <- loadRData(m1.fold.file) <- loadRData(m2.fold.file)

# Make empty matrices if no data is present
if(m1.file == 'none') {
  m1.mat <- matrix(nrow=dim(resp.tens)[1], ncol=0)
  dimnames(m1.mat)[[1]] <- dimnames(resp.tens)[[1]]

if(m2.file == 'none') {
  m2.mat <- matrix(nrow=dim(resp.tens)[2], ncol=0)
  dimnames(m2.mat)[[1]] <- dimnames(resp.tens)[[2]]

if(m3.file == 'none') {
  m3.mat <- matrix(nrow=dim(resp.tens)[3], ncol=0)
  dimnames(m3.mat)[[1]] <- dimnames(resp.tens)[[3]]

if(multiplier != 0) {
  resp.tens <- resp.tens * multiplier

# Remove rows with no variance or NaNs
m1.mat <- m1.mat[,(apply(m1.mat, 2, sd) !=0) & !, 2, sd))]
m2.mat <- m2.mat[,(apply(m2.mat, 2, sd) !=0) & !, 2, sd))]
m3.mat <- m3.mat[,(apply(m3.mat, 2, sd) !=0) & !, 2, sd))]

# Determine which predictors are binary
m1.bin <- apply(m1.mat, 2, function(x) identical(range(x), c(0,1)))
m2.bin <- apply(m2.mat, 2, function(x) identical(range(x), c(0,1)))
m3.bin <- apply(m3.mat, 2, function(x) identical(range(x), c(0,1)))

# Center non-binary columns
if(center) {
  # Center non-binary columns of the predictor matrices
  m1.mat[,!m1.bin] <- scale(m1.mat[,!m1.bin], scale=F, center=T)
  m2.mat[,!m2.bin] <- scale(m2.mat[,!m2.bin], scale=F, center=T)
  m3.mat[,!m3.bin] <- scale(m3.mat[,!m3.bin], scale=F, center=T)

# Scale non-binary columns
if(scale=='all') {
  # scale all columns of the predictor matrices. 
  m1.mat <- scale(m1.mat, center=F, scale=apply(m1.mat, 2, sd, na.rm=T))
  m2.mat <- scale(m2.mat, center=F, scale=apply(m2.mat, 2, sd, na.rm=T))
  m3.mat <- scale(m3.mat, center=F, scale=apply(m3.mat, 2, sd, na.rm=T))
  } else if(scale=='cont') {
    # Scale only continuous (non-binary variables)
    m1.mat[,!m1.bin] <- scale(m1.mat[,!m1.bin], center=F, 
                              scale=apply(m1.mat[,!m1.bin], 2, sd, na.rm=T))
    m2.mat[,!m2.bin] <- scale(m2.mat[,!m2.bin], center=F, 
                              scale=apply(m2.mat[,!m2.bin], 2, sd, na.rm=T))
    m3.mat[,!m3.bin] <- scale(m3.mat[,!m3.bin], center=F, 
                              scale=apply(m3.mat[,!m3.bin], 2, sd, na.rm=T))

# squash outliers more than <squash> s.d.
if(squash) {
  m1.mat[m1.mat < -squash] <- -squash
  m1.mat[m1.mat > squash] <- squash
  m2.mat[m2.mat < -squash] <- -squash
  m2.mat[m2.mat > squash] <- squash

# quantile normalize non-binary columns (treat gex and cnv separately)
if(quantile) {
  m1.cnv <- grepl('cnv', colnames(m1.mat))
  m1.gex <- grepl('gex', colnames(m1.mat))
  if(ncol(m1.mat)) m1.mat[,m1.cnv] <- normalize.quantiles(t(m1.mat[,m1.cnv]))
  if(ncol(m1.mat)) m1.mat[,m1.gex] <- normalize.quantiles(t(m1.mat[,m1.gex]))
  # if(ncol(m1.mat)) m1.mat[,!m1.bin] <- normalize.quantiles(t(m1.mat[,!m1.bin]))
  if(ncol(m2.mat)) m2.mat[,!m2.bin] <- normalize.quantiles(t(m2.mat[,!m2.bin]))
  if(ncol(m3.mat)) m3.mat[,!m3.bin] <- normalize.quantiles(t(m3.mat[,!m3.bin]))

# Remove the mode 1 and mode 2 for this cross validation fold to be test
# data for this run and make object.
test.m1 <-[fold,]
test.m1.mat <- m1.mat[row.names(m1.mat) %in% test.m1,,drop=F]
train.m1.mat <- m1.mat[!(row.names(m1.mat) %in% test.m1),,drop=F]

test.m2 <-[fold,]
test.m2.mat <- m2.mat[row.names(m2.mat) %in% test.m2,,drop=F]
train.m2.mat <- m2.mat[!(row.names(m2.mat) %in% test.m2),,drop=F]

# Remove predictors that have no variance in the training data
# or have only one non-zero value (leaves -?- columns)
train.m1.mat <- train.m1.mat[,apply(train.m1.mat, 2, function(x) sd(x) > 0)] <- apply(train.m1.mat, 2, function(x) sum(x==1)==1) &
  apply(train.m1.mat, 2, function(x) sum(x==0)==(nrow(train.m1.mat)-1))
train.m1.mat <- train.m1.mat[,!]
# Also remove these predictors from testing data
test.m1.mat <- test.m1.mat[,match(dimnames(train.m1.mat)[[2]], dimnames(test.m1.mat)[[2]])]

# Same for mode 2
train.m2.mat <- train.m2.mat[,apply(train.m2.mat, 2, function(x) sd(x) > 0)] <- apply(train.m2.mat, 2, function(x) sum(x==1)==1) &
  apply(train.m2.mat, 2, function(x) sum(x==0)==(nrow(train.m2.mat)-1))
train.m2.mat <- train.m2.mat[,!]
# Also remove these predictors from testing data
test.m2.mat <- test.m2.mat[,match(dimnames(train.m2.mat)[[2]], dimnames(test.m2.mat)[[2]])]

# Clean up
# rm(,

resp.train <- resp.tens[dimnames(resp.tens)[[1]] %in% row.names(train.m1.mat),
                        dimnames(resp.tens)[[2]] %in% row.names(train.m2.mat),,drop=F]
resp.test.m1 <- resp.tens[dimnames(resp.tens)[[1]] %in% test.m1,
                          dimnames(resp.tens)[[2]] %in% row.names(train.m2.mat),,drop=F]
resp.test.m2 <- resp.tens[dimnames(resp.tens)[[1]] %in% row.names(train.m1.mat),
                          dimnames(resp.tens)[[2]] %in% test.m2,,drop=F]
resp.test.m1m2 <- resp.tens[dimnames(resp.tens)[[1]] %in% test.m1,
                            dimnames(resp.tens)[[2]] %in% test.m2,,drop=F]

# Remove warm.per percent of training responses for warm prediction
# Note: 12.75% of training responses are already missing due to incomplete data
all.resp.train <- resp.train   # Stores responses before warms removed
if(warm.per > 0) {
  mask <- sample(prod(dim(resp.train)[1:2]), round(warm.per*prod(dim(resp.train)[1:2])))
  for(i in 1:dim(resp.train)[3]) {
    resp.train[,,i][mask] <- NA

m1.means <- apply(resp.train, c(2,3), mean, na.rm=T)
m1.sds <- apply(resp.train, c(2,3), sd, na.rm=T)
m2.means <- apply(resp.train, c(1,3), mean, na.rm=T)
m2.sds <- apply(resp.train, c(1,3), sd, na.rm=T)
m3.means <- apply(resp.train, c(1,2), mean, na.rm=T)
m3.sds <- apply(resp.train, c(1,2), sd, na.rm=T)

# Clean up

print(paste0(round(sum(*100, 2),
            "% of responses are missing, ",
            round(sum( & !*100,2),
            "% are used for warm predictions"))

# Make the training data object (input_data_3d): <- input_data$new(mode1.X=train.m1.mat,

# Make the testing data objects (input_data_3d): <- input_data$new(mode1.X=test.m1.mat,
                               resp=resp.test.m1) <- input_data$new(mode1.X=train.m1.mat,
                               resp=resp.test.m2) <- input_data$new(mode1.X=test.m1.mat,

# Clean up:
rm(train.m1.mat, train.m2.mat, test.m1.mat, test.m2.mat, resp.train, 
   resp.test.m1, resp.test.m2, resp.test.m1m2, m1.mat, m2.mat, m3.mat)

print(sprintf('BaTFLED is being trained with %d mode1, %d mode2 and %d mode3 values.',
              dim($resp)[1], dim($resp)[2], dim($resp)[3]))
print(sprintf('Cold start predictions will be made for %d mode1 %d mode2 and %d mode3 values,',
              dim($resp)[1], dim($resp)[2], dim($resp)[3]))
print(sprintf('using %d mode 1 predictors, %d mode 2 and %d mode3 predictors.',
              dim($mode1.X)[2], dim($mode2.X)[2], dim($mode3.X)[2]))

# Make the factorization model object (either CP or Tucker)
if(params$decomp=='CP') model <- CP_model$new(, params=params)
if(params$decomp=='Tucker') model <- Tucker_model$new(, params=params)

# Initialize the model with random values in the A and H matrices

################## Train model and explore results #####################

# Open a connection to store results while training if history == T
if(history) out <- file(paste0(out.dir, 'training_models.serialize'), "w")

# Set up backend for parallel execution
if(params$parallel) {
  if(.Platform$OS.type == "windows") {
    clust <- makeCluster(params$cores)
  } else {

# Data frame to store RMSEs & explained variances while training 
# (filled in by cold_results function)
test.results <- numeric(0)

# Calculate warm resposes
warm.resp <- all.resp.train[$resp)]

trained <- model$clone()

for(i in (trained$iter+1):reps) {
  train(, m=trained, new.iter=1, params=params)
  # write out a serialized version of the trained model
  if(history) {print('writing out model'); serialize(trained, out)}
  # Get cold results
  test.results <- test_results(m=trained,, test.results=test.results,
  # Save every 10 iterations
  if((i %% 10) ==0) save.image(paste0(out.dir, 'image.Rdata'))

# Stop cluster (if using parallel package)
if(params$parallel) {
  if(.Platform$OS.type == "windows") stopCluster(clust)

# close the connection to the serialized data file
if(history) close(out)

save.image(paste0(out.dir, 'image.Rdata'))

# Make a tensor of the means for each value of mode2 & mode3 for comparisons
train.means <-$resp
for(i in 1:dim($resp)[1]) train.means[i,,] <- m1.means
m1.test.means <-$resp
for(i in 1:dim($resp)[1]) m1.test.means[i,,] <- m1.means
m2.test.means <-$resp
for(j in 1:dim($resp)[2]) m2.test.means[,j,] <- m2.means
m1m2.test.means <- array(0, dim=dim($resp))
m1m2.means <- apply($resp, 3, mean, na.rm=T)
for(i in 1:dim($resp)[1]) 
  for(j in 1:dim($resp)[2]) 
    m1m2.test.means[i,j,] <- m1m2.means

# Calculate predictions
warm.preds <- trained$resp[$resp)]
warm.resp <- all.resp.train[$resp)]
warm.mean.preds <- train.means[$resp)]
warm.mean.exp.var <- exp_var(warm.resp, warm.mean.preds)
warm.mean.RMSE <- sqrt(mean((warm.resp-warm.mean.preds)^2, na.rm=T))/sd($resp, na.rm=T)

m1.cold.preds <- test(, m=trained)
m1.mean.RMSE <- sqrt(mean(($resp-m1.test.means)^2, na.rm=T))/sd($resp, na.rm=T)
m1.mean.exp.var <- exp_var($resp, m1.test.means)
m2.cold.preds <- test(, m=trained)
m2.mean.RMSE <- sqrt(mean(($resp-m2.test.means)^2, na.rm=T))/sd($resp, na.rm=T)
m2.mean.exp.var <- exp_var($resp, m2.test.means)
m1m2.cold.preds <- test(, m=trained)
m1m2.mean.RMSE <- sqrt(mean(($resp-m1m2.test.means)^2, na.rm=T))/sd($resp, na.rm=T)
m1m2.mean.exp.var <- exp_var($resp, m1m2.test.means)
warm.mean.exp.var <- exp_var(warm.resp, warm.mean.preds)

# Examine the fit.
pdf(paste0(out.dir, 'training_plots.pdf'), height=7*2, width=7*2)
plot(trained$RMSE, main='Training RMSE')
plot(trained$lower.bnd, main=paste('Lower bound: max at', which.max(trained$lower.bnd)))
  print('Lower bounds are monotonically increasing')
plot(trained$times, main='Time for each iteration')
plot(trained$exp.var, main='Explained variance', ylim=c(0,1))

pdf(paste0(out.dir, 'training_RMSEs.pdf'))
plot_test_RMSE(test.results, main="Test RMSEs", mean=T)
abline(h=warm.mean.RMSE, col='red', lty=2, lwd=2)
abline(h=m1.mean.RMSE, col='blue', lty=2, lwd=2)
abline(h=m2.mean.RMSE, col='green', lty=2, lwd=2)
abline(h=m1m2.mean.RMSE, col='purple', lty=2, lwd=2)

pdf(paste0(out.dir, 'training_exp_var.pdf'))
plot_test_exp_var(test.results, mean=T,
     main=sprintf('Warm max at %.0f, cold mode 1 max at %d \n Cold mode 2 max at %d Both cold max at %d',
                  which.max(test.results$warm.exp.var), which.max(test.results$m1.exp.var),
                  which.max(test.results$m2.exp.var), which.max(test.results$m1m2.exp.var)))
abline(h=warm.mean.exp.var, col='red', lty=2, lwd=2)
abline(h=m1.mean.exp.var, col='blue', lty=2, lwd=2)
abline(h=m2.mean.exp.var, col='green', lty=2, lwd=2)
abline(h=m1m2.mean.exp.var, col='purple', lty=2, lwd=2)

# Predictors
# Plot the number of predictors at each iteration
# pdf(paste0(out.dir, 'num_preds.pdf'))
# par(mfrow=c(1,2))
# plot(sapply(m1.preds.list, length), pch=20)
# plot(sapply(m2.preds.list, length), pch=20)

pdf(paste0(out.dir, 'mode1.matrices.pdf'), height=7, width=7)
if(ncol(trained$mode1.A.mean)) im_mat(trained$mode1.A.mean, scale=T,
                                      main=paste("Mode 1 A matrix\n", nrow(trained$mode1.A.mean), "predictors"))
im_mat(trained$mode1.H.mean, main="H matrix")

pdf(paste0(out.dir, 'mode2.matrices.pdf'), height=7, width=7)
if(ncol(trained$mode2.A.mean)) im_mat(trained$mode2.A.mean, scale=T,
                                      main=paste("Mode 2 A matrix\n", nrow(trained$mode2.A.mean), "predictors"))
im_mat(trained$mode2.H.mean, main="H matrix")

pdf(paste0(out.dir, 'mode3.matrices.pdf'), height=7, width=7)
if(nrow(trained$mode3.A.mean)) im_mat(trained$mode3.A.mean, scale=T,
                                      main=paste("Mode 3 A matrix\n", nrow(trained$mode3.A.mean), "predictors"))
im_mat(trained$mode3.H.mean, main="H matrix")

# Predictions

# Plot warm start predictions ####################################################
pdf(paste0(out.dir, 'warm_preds.pdf'))
           main=sprintf('Warm Start: RMSE: preds: %.3f, mean:%.3f \n Explained variance: pred: %.3f mean: %.3f',
                        test.results$warm.RMSE[reps], warm.mean.RMSE, 
                        test.results$warm.exp.var[reps], warm.mean.exp.var))
points(warm.resp, warm.mean.preds, col='green')
points(warm.resp, warm.preds, col='red')
legend(x='topleft', legend=c('Preds', 'Mean'), text.col=c('red', 'green'), bty='n')
abline(a=0, b=1, lwd=2)

# Plot cold start predictions ####################################################
pdf(paste0(out.dir, 'm1_cold_preds.pdf'))
plot($resp, m1.cold.preds, 
     main=sprintf('Mode 1 cold Start: \nRMSE: preds: %.3f, mean: %.3f\nExp. var.: preds: %.3f, mean %.3f',
                  test.results$m1.RMSE[trained$iter], m1.mean.RMSE, 
                  test.results$m1.exp.var[trained$iter], m1.mean.exp.var),
     col='red',  xlab='True responses', ylab='Predicted responses', pch=20,
     ylim=range(m1.cold.preds, m1.test.means, na.rm=T))
points($resp, m1.test.means, col='blue', pch=20)
legend(x='topleft', legend=c('Preds', 'Mean'), text.col=c('red', 'blue'), bty='n')
abline(a=0, b=1, lwd=2)

pdf(paste0(out.dir, 'm2_cold_preds.pdf'))
plot($resp, m2.cold.preds, 
     main=sprintf('Mode 2 cold Start: \nRMSE: preds: %.3f, mean: %.3f\nExp. var.: preds: %.3f, mean %.3f',
                  test.results$m2.RMSE[trained$iter], m2.mean.RMSE, 
                  test.results$m2.exp.var[trained$iter], m2.mean.exp.var),
     col='red', xlab='True responses', ylab='Predicted responses', pch=20,
     ylim=range(m2.cold.preds, m2.test.means))
points($resp, m2.test.means, col='blue', pch=20)
legend(x='topleft', legend=c('Preds', 'Mean'), text.col=c('red', 'blue'), bty='n')
abline(a=0, b=1, lwd=2)

pdf(paste0(out.dir, 'm1m2_cold_preds.pdf'))
plot($resp, m1m2.cold.preds, 
     main=sprintf('Mode 1&2 cold Start: \nRMSE: preds: %.3f, mean: %.3f\nExp. var.: preds: %.3f, mean %.3f',
                  test.results$m1m2.RMSE[trained$iter], m1m2.mean.RMSE, 
                  test.results$m1m2.exp.var[trained$iter], m1m2.mean.exp.var), 
     col='red', xlab='True responses', ylab='Predicted responses', pch=20,
     ylim=range(m1m2.cold.preds, m1m2.test.means))
points($resp, m1m2.test.means, col='blue', pch=20)
legend(x='topleft', legend=c('Preds', 'Mean'), text.col=c('red', 'blue'), bty='n')
abline(a=0, b=1, col='blue', lwd=2)

# Which predictors are being used?
# which(apply(trained$mode1.A.mean, 1, sd) > 1)
# sum(apply(trained$mode1.A.mean, 1, sd) > 1)
# which(apply(trained$mode2.A.mean, 1, sd) > 1)
# sum(apply(trained$mode2.A.mean, 1, sd) > 1)

# Look at predictions during training
# Which iteration gives the smallest cold start RMSE?
print(sprintf('Warm RMSE min at iteration: %d of %.2f', 
              which.min(test.results$warm.RMSE), min(test.results$warm.RMSE, na.rm=T)))
print(sprintf('Cold mode 1 RMSE min at iteration: %d of %.2f', 
              which.min(test.results$m1.RMSE), min(test.results$m1.RMSE, na.rm=T)))
print(sprintf('Cold mode 2 RMSE min at iteration: %d of %.2f', 
              which.min(test.results$m2.RMSE), min(test.results$m2.RMSE, na.rm=T)))
print(sprintf('Cold mode 1/mode 2 combination RMSE min at iteration: %d of %.2f', 
              which.min(test.results$m1m2.RMSE), min(test.results$m1m2.RMSE, na.rm=T)))

# Which iteration gives the Largest explained variances?
print(sprintf('Warm explained variance max at iteration: %d of %.2f',
              which.max(test.results$warm.exp.var), max(test.results$warm.exp.var, na.rm=T)))
print(sprintf('Cold mode 1 explained variance max at iteration: %d of %.2f',
              which.max(test.results$m1.exp.var), max(test.results$m1.exp.var, na.rm=T)))
print(sprintf('Cold mode 2 explained variance max at iteration: %d of %.2f',
              which.max(test.results$m2.exp.var), max(test.results$m2.exp.var, na.rm=T)))
print(sprintf('Cold mode 1 & 2 combination explained variance max at iteration: %d of %.2f',
              which.max(test.results$m1m2.exp.var), max(test.results$m1m2.exp.var, na.rm=T)))

# Plot some response curves for left out mode 1
pdf(paste0(out.dir, 'cl_resp_curves.pdf'), height=6, width=6*1.62)
for(n in 1:6) {
  i <- sample(1:dim($resp)[[1]], 1)
  j <- sample(1:dim($resp)[[2]], 1)
  # Unnormalize data
  if(multiplier != 0) {
    obs <-$resp[i,j,] / multiplier
    pred <- m1.cold.preds[i,j,] / multiplier
  } else {
    obs <-$resp[i,j,]
    pred <- m1.cold.preds[i,j,]
  ylim=range(obs, pred, na.rm=T)
  plot(obs, pch=20, col='blue', ylim=ylim,
       main=sprintf("Mode 1: %s Drug: %s",
  points(pred, pch=20, col='red')

# Plot some response curves for left out mode 2
pdf(paste0(out.dir, 'dr_resp_curves.pdf'), height=6, width=6*1.62)
for(n in 1:6) {
  i <- sample(1:dim($resp)[[1]], 1)
  j <- sample(1:dim($resp)[[2]], 1)
  # Unnormalize data
  if(multiplier != 0) {
    obs <-$resp[i,j,] / multiplier
    pred <- m2.cold.preds[i,j,] / multiplier
  } else {
    obs <-$resp[i,j,]
    pred <- m2.cold.preds[i,j,]
  ylim=range(obs, pred, na.rm=T)
  plot(obs, pch=20, col='blue', ylim=ylim,
       main=sprintf("Mode 1: %s Drug: %s",
  points(pred, pch=20, col='red')

# Plot some response curves for left out mode 1 and mode 2
pdf(paste0(out.dir, 'm1m2_resp_curves.pdf'), height=6, width=6*1.62)
for(n in 1:6) {
  i <- sample(1:dim($resp)[[1]], 1)
  j <- sample(1:dim($resp)[[2]], 1)
  # Unnormalize data
  if(multiplier != 0) {
    obs <-$resp[i,j,] / multiplier
    pred <- m1m2.cold.preds[i,j,] / multiplier
  } else {
    obs <-$resp[i,j,]
    pred <- m1m2.cold.preds[i,j,]
  ylim=range(obs, pred, na.rm=T)
  plot(obs, pch=20, col='blue', ylim=ylim,
       main=sprintf("Mode 1: %s Drug: %s",
  points(pred, pch=20, col='red')

# Save everything again
save.image(paste0(out.dir, 'image.Rdata'))


# Examine the fit.
# Fit logistic curves to the predicted responses and get GI50 values
# ndoses <- dim($resp)[[3]]
# # Create empty matrices to store computed gi50s
# train.obs.gi50s <- matrix(NA, dim($resp)[[1]], dim($resp)[[2]],
#                           dimnames=dimnames($resp)[1:2])
# train.mean.gi50s <- train.obs.gi50s
# train.pred.gi50s <- train.obs.gi50s
# test.m1.obs.gi50s <- matrix(NA, dim($resp)[[1]], dim($resp)[[2]],
#                             dimnames=dimnames($resp)[1:2])
# test.m1.pred.gi50s <- test.m1.obs.gi50s
# test.m1.mean.gi50s <- test.m1.obs.gi50s
# test.m2.obs.gi50s <- matrix(NA, dim($resp)[[1]], dim($resp)[[2]],
#                             dimnames=dimnames($resp)[1:2])
# test.m2.pred.gi50s <- test.m2.obs.gi50s
# test.m2.mean.gi50s <- test.m2.obs.gi50s
# test.m1m2.obs.gi50s <- matrix(NA, dim($resp)[[1]], dim($resp)[[2]],
#                               dimnames=dimnames($resp)[1:2])
# test.m1m2.pred.gi50s <- test.m1m2.obs.gi50s
# test.m1m2.mean.gi50s <- test.m1m2.obs.gi50s
# # Get observed and predicted GI50s for training data
# for(i in 1:nrow(train.obs.gi50s))
#   for(j in 1:ncol(train.obs.gi50s)) {
#     # Just using 1...16 as doses now.
#     # TODO: Get actual doses
#     obs <- data.frame(dose=1:ndoses,$resp[i,j,])
#     pred <- data.frame(dose=1:ndoses, resp=trained$resp[i,j,])
#     me <- data.frame(dose=1:ndoses, resp=train.means[i,j,])
#     # Fit a 4 parameter logistic curves
# <- try(drm(resp~dose, data=obs, fct = LL.4(), type="continuous"), T)
# <- try(drm(resp~dose, data=pred, fct = LL.4(), type="continuous"), T)
# <- try(drm(resp~dose, data=me, fct = LL.4(), type="continuous"), T)
#     # Add gi50s to matrices and plot curves if plot=T
#     if(plot) {
#       cl <- dimnames(train.obs.gi50s)[[1]][i]
#       dr <- dimnames(train.obs.gi50s)[[2]][j]
#       par(mfrow=c(1,3))
#     }
#     if(length( > 1) if($fit$convergence) {
#         train.obs.gi50s[i,j] <- ifelse($coefficients[4] < max(obs$dose),
#                        $coefficients[4], max(obs$dose))
#         if(plot) {
#           plot(, pch=20, col='blue',
#                       main=sprintf("Observed C.L.: %s \n Drug: %s Fit: %.2f",
#                                              cl, dr,$fit$value))
#           abline(v=train.obs.gi50s[i,j], lty=2, lwd=2)
#         }
#     }
#     if(length( > 1) if($fit$convergence) {
#       train.pred.gi50s[i,j] <- ifelse($coefficients[4] < max(obs$dose),
#                         $coefficients[4], max(obs$dose))
#       if(plot) {
#         plot(, pch=20, col='red',
#              main=sprintf("Predicted C.L.: %s \n Drug: %s Fit: %.2f",
#                                    cl, dr,$fit$value))
#         abline(v=train.pred.gi50s[i,j], lty=2, lwd=2)
#       }
#     }
#     if(length( > 1) if($fit$convergence) {
#       train.mean.gi50s[i,j] <- ifelse($coefficients[4] < max(obs$dose),
#                             $coefficients[4], max(obs$dose))
#       if(plot) {
#         plot(, pch=20,
#              main=sprintf("Mean C.L.: %s \n Drug: %s Fit: %.2f",
#                           cl, dr,$fit$value))
#         abline(v=train.mean.gi50s[i,j], lty=2, lwd=2)
#       }
#     }
# }
# # Get observed and predicted GI50s for mode 1 test data
# for(i in 1:nrow(test.m1.obs.gi50s))
#   for(j in 1:ncol(test.m1.obs.gi50s)) {
#     # Just using 1...16 as doses now.
#     # TODO: Get actual doses
#     obs <- data.frame(dose=1:ndoses,$resp[i,j,])
#     pred <- data.frame(dose=1:ndoses, resp=m1.cold.preds[i,j,])
#     me <- data.frame(dose=1:ndoses, resp=m1.test.means[i,j,])
#     # Fit a 4 parameter logistic curves
# <- try(drm(resp~dose, data=obs, fct = LL.4(), type="continuous"), T)
# <- try(drm(resp~dose, data=pred, fct = LL.4(), type="continuous"), T)
# <- try(drm(resp~dose, data=me, fct = LL.4(), type="continuous"), T)
#     # Add gi50s to matrices and plot curves if plot=T
#     if(plot) {
#       par(mfrow=c(1,3))
#       cl <- dimnames(test.m1.obs.gi50s)[[1]][i]
#       dr <- dimnames(test.m1.obs.gi50s)[[2]][j]
#     }
#     if(length( > 1) if($fit$convergence) {
#       test.m1.obs.gi50s[i,j] <- ifelse($coefficients[4] < max(obs$dose),
#                            $coefficients[4], max(obs$dose))
#       if(plot) {
#         plot(, pch=20, col='blue',
#              main=sprintf("Observed C.L.: %s \n Drug: %s Fit: %.2f",
#                           cl, dr,$fit$value))
#         abline(v=test.m1.obs.gi50s[i,j], lty=2, lwd=2)
#       }
#     }
#     if(length( > 1) if($fit$convergence) {
#       test.m1.pred.gi50s[i,j] <- ifelse($coefficients[4] < max(obs$dose),
#                             $coefficients[4], max(obs$dose))
#       if(plot) {
#         plot(, pch=20, col='red',
#              main=sprintf("Predicted C.L.: %s \n Drug: %s Fit: %.2f",
#                           cl, dr,$fit$value))
#         abline(v=test.m1.pred.gi50s[i,j], lty=2, lwd=2)
#       }
#     }
#     if(length( > 1) if($fit$convergence) {
#       test.m1.mean.gi50s[i,j] <- ifelse($coefficients[4] < max(obs$dose),
#                             $coefficients[4], max(obs$dose))
#       if(plot) {
#         plot(, pch=20,
#              main=sprintf("Mean C.L.: %s \n Drug: %s Fit: %.2f",
#                           cl, dr,$fit$value))
#         abline(v=test.m1.mean.gi50s[i,j], lty=2, lwd=2)
#       }
#     }
# }
# # Get observed and predicted GI50s for mode 2 test data
# for(i in 1:nrow(test.m2.obs.gi50s))
#   for(j in 1:ncol(test.m2.obs.gi50s)) {
#     # Just using 1...16 as doses now.
#     # TODO: Get actual doses
#     obs <- data.frame(dose=1:ndoses,$resp[i,j,])
#     pred <- data.frame(dose=1:ndoses, resp=m2.cold.preds[i,j,])
#     me <- data.frame(dose=1:ndoses, resp=m2.test.means[i,j,])
#     # Fit a 4 parameter logistic curves
# <- try(drm(resp~dose, data=obs, fct = LL.4(), type="continuous"), T)
# <- try(drm(resp~dose, data=pred, fct = LL.4(), type="continuous"), T)
# <- try(drm(resp~dose, data=me, fct = LL.4(), type="continuous"), T)
#     # Add gi50s to matrices and plot curves if plot=T
#     if(plot) {
#       par(mfrow=c(1,3))
#       cl <- dimnames(test.m2.obs.gi50s)[[1]][i]
#       dr <- dimnames(test.m2.obs.gi50s)[[2]][j]
#     }
#     if(length( > 1) if($fit$convergence) {
#       test.m2.obs.gi50s[i,j] <- ifelse($coefficients[4] < max(obs$dose),
#                              $coefficients[4], max(obs$dose))
#       if(plot) {
#         plot(, pch=20, col='blue',
#              main=sprintf("Observed C.L.: %s \n Drug: %s Fit: %.2f",
#                           cl, dr,$fit$value))
#         abline(v=test.m2.obs.gi50s[i,j], lty=2, lwd=2)
#       }
#     }
#     if(length( > 1) if($fit$convergence) {
#       test.m2.pred.gi50s[i,j] <- ifelse($coefficients[4] < max(obs$dose),
#                               $coefficients[4], max(obs$dose))
#       if(plot) {
#         plot(, pch=20, col='red',
#              main=sprintf("Predicted C.L.: %s \n Drug: %s Fit: %.2f",
#                           cl, dr,$fit$value))
#         abline(v=test.m2.pred.gi50s[i,j], lty=2, lwd=2)
#       }
#     }
#     if(length( > 1) if($fit$convergence) {
#       test.m2.mean.gi50s[i,j] <- ifelse($coefficients[4] < max(obs$dose),
#                               $coefficients[4], max(obs$dose))
#       if(plot) {
#         plot(, pch=20,
#              main=sprintf("Mean C.L.: %s \n Drug: %s Fit: %.2f",
#                           cl, dr,$fit$value))
#         abline(v=test.m2.mean.gi50s[i,j], lty=2, lwd=2)
#       }
#     }
# }
# # Get observed and predicted GI50s for simultaneous mode 1 and mode 2 test data
# for(i in 1:nrow(test.m1m2.obs.gi50s))
#   for(j in 1:ncol(test.m1m2.obs.gi50s)) {
#     # Just using 1...16 as doses now.
#     # TODO: Get actual doses
#     obs <- data.frame(dose=1:ndoses,$resp[i,j,])
#     pred <- data.frame(dose=1:ndoses, resp=m1m2.cold.preds[i,j,])
#     me <- data.frame(dose=1:ndoses, resp=m1m2.test.means[i,j,])
#     # Fit a 4 parameter logistic curves
# <- try(drm(resp~dose, data=obs, fct = LL.4(), type="continuous"), T)
# <- try(drm(resp~dose, data=pred, fct = LL.4(), type="continuous"), T)
# <- try(drm(resp~dose, data=me, fct = LL.4(), type="continuous"), T)
#     # Add gi50s to matrices and plot curves if plot=T
#     if(plot) {
#       par(mfrow=c(1,3))
#       cl <- dimnames(test.m1m2.obs.gi50s)[[1]][i]
#       dr <- dimnames(test.m1m2.obs.gi50s)[[2]][j]
#     }
#     if(length( > 1) if($fit$convergence) {
#       test.m1m2.obs.gi50s[i,j] <- ifelse($coefficients[4] < max(obs$dose),
#                                $coefficients[4], max(obs$dose))
#       if(plot) {
#         plot(, pch=20, col='blue',
#              main=sprintf("Observed C.L.: %s \n Drug: %s Fit: %.2f",
#                           cl, dr,$fit$value))
#         abline(v=test.m1m2.obs.gi50s[i,j], lty=2, lwd=2)
#       }
#     }
#     if(length( > 1) if($fit$convergence) {
#       test.m1m2.pred.gi50s[i,j] <- ifelse($coefficients[4] < max(obs$dose),
#                                 $coefficients[4], max(obs$dose))
#       if(plot) {
#         plot(, pch=20, col='red',
#              main=sprintf("Predicted C.L.: %s \n Drug: %s Fit: %.2f",
#                           cl, dr,$fit$value))
#         abline(v=test.m1m2.pred.gi50s[i,j], lty=2, lwd=2)
#       }
#     }
#     if(length( > 1) if($fit$convergence) {
#       test.m1m2.mean.gi50s[i,j] <- ifelse($coefficients[4] < max(obs$dose),
#                                 $coefficients[4], max(obs$dose))
#       if(plot) {
#         plot(, pch=20,
#              main=sprintf("Mean C.L.: %s \n Drug: %s Fit: %.2f",
#                           cl, dr,$fit$value))
#         abline(v=test.m1m2.mean.gi50s[i,j], lty=2, lwd=2)
#       }
#     }
# }
# # Get RMSE and correlation between observed & predicted responses
# train.gi50.rmse <- sqrt(mean((train.obs.gi50s - train.pred.gi50s)^2, na.rm=T))
# train.gi50.cor <- cor(as.vector(train.obs.gi50s[!]),
#                       as.vector(train.pred.gi50s[!]))
# test.m1.gi50.rmse <- sqrt(mean((test.m1.obs.gi50s - test.m1.pred.gi50s)^2, na.rm=T))
# test.m1.gi50.cor <- cor(as.vector(test.m1.obs.gi50s[!]),
#                       as.vector(test.m1.pred.gi50s[!]))
# test.m2.gi50.rmse <- sqrt(mean((test.m2.obs.gi50s - test.m2.pred.gi50s)^2, na.rm=T))
# test.m2.gi50.cor <- cor(as.vector(test.m2.obs.gi50s[!]),
#                         as.vector(test.m2.pred.gi50s[!]))
# test.m1m2.gi50.rmse <- sqrt(mean((test.m1m2.obs.gi50s - test.m1m2.pred.gi50s)^2, na.rm=T))
# test.m1m2.gi50.cor <- cor(as.vector(test.m1m2.obs.gi50s[!]),
#                         as.vector(test.m1m2.pred.gi50s[!]))
# # Compare to predicting the mean response at each mode 3
# train.mean.gi50.rmse <- sqrt(mean((train.obs.gi50s - train.mean.gi50s)^2, na.rm=T))
# train.mean.gi50.cor <- cor(as.vector(train.obs.gi50s[!]),
#                       as.vector(train.mean.gi50s[!]))
# test.m1.mean.gi50.rmse <- sqrt(mean((test.m1.obs.gi50s - test.m1.mean.gi50s)^2, na.rm=T))
# test.m1.mean.gi50.cor <- cor(as.vector(test.m1.obs.gi50s[!]),
#                       as.vector(test.m1.mean.gi50s[!]))
# test.m2.mean.gi50.rmse <- sqrt(mean((test.m2.obs.gi50s - test.m2.mean.gi50s)^2, na.rm=T))
# test.m2.mean.gi50.cor <- cor(as.vector(test.m2.obs.gi50s[!]),
#                         as.vector(test.m2.mean.gi50s[!]))
# test.m1m2.mean.gi50.rmse <- sqrt(mean((test.m1m2.obs.gi50s - test.m1m2.mean.gi50s)^2, na.rm=T))
# test.m1m2.mean.gi50.cor <- cor(as.vector(test.m1m2.obs.gi50s[!]),
#                         as.vector(test.m1m2.mean.gi50s[!]))
# rmse.results <- data.frame(predicted_RMSE=c(train.gi50.rmse, test.m1.gi50.rmse,
#                                        test.m2.gi50.rmse, test.m1m2.gi50.rmse),
#                            mean_RMSE=c(train.mean.gi50.rmse, test.m1.mean.gi50.rmse,
#                                        test.m2.mean.gi50.rmse, test.m1m2.mean.gi50.rmse),
#                            predicted_cor=c(train.gi50.cor, test.m1.gi50.cor,
#                                            test.m2.gi50.cor, test.m1m2.gi50.cor),
#                            mean_cor=c(train.mean.gi50.cor, test.m1.mean.gi50.cor,
#                                       test.m2.mean.gi50.cor, test.m1m2.mean.gi50.cor))
# rownames(rmse.results) <- c('train', 'test.m1', 'test.m2', 'test.m1m2')
# print(rmse.results)
# ## TODO: Add warm test results? ##
# pdf('train_GI50_predictions.pdf')
# plot(train.obs.gi50s, train.pred.gi50s, pch=20, xlab="Observed", ylab="Predicted",
#      main=sprintf("Training GI50s \nPredictions RMSE : %.2f corr: %.3f \n RMSE for mean: %.2f, corr: %.3f",
#                   train.gi50.rmse, train.gi50.cor, train.mean.gi50.rmse, train.mean.gi50.cor))
# abline(a=0, b=1, col='blue', lwd=2)
# points(train.obs.gi50s, train.mean.gi50s, pch=20, xlab="Observed", ylab="Mean",
#        col='green')
# legend(x='bottomright', legend = c('predictions', 'mean'),
#        col = c('black', 'green'),  bty='n', pch=20)
# pdf('test_cl_GI50_predictions.pdf')
# plot(test.m1.obs.gi50s, test.m1.pred.gi50s, pch=20, xlab="Observed", ylab="Predicted",
#      main=sprintf("Mode 1 test GI50s \nPredictions RMSE : %.2f corr: %.3f \n RMSE for mean: %.2f, corr: %.3f",
#                   test.m1.gi50.rmse, test.m1.gi50.cor, test.m1.mean.gi50.rmse, test.m1.mean.gi50.cor))
# abline(a=0, b=1, col='blue', lwd=2)
# points(test.m1.obs.gi50s, test.m1.mean.gi50s, pch=20, xlab="Observed", ylab="Mean",
#        col='green')
# legend(x='bottomright', legend = c('predictions', 'mean'),
#        col = c('black', 'green'),  bty='n', pch=20)
# pdf('test_dr_GI50_predictions.pdf')
# plot(test.m2.obs.gi50s, test.m2.pred.gi50s, pch=20, xlab="Observed", ylab="Predicted",
#      main=sprintf("Drug test GI50s \nPredictions RMSE : %.2f corr: %.3f \n RMSE for mean: %.2f, corr: %.3f",
#                   test.m2.gi50.rmse, test.m2.gi50.cor, test.m2.mean.gi50.rmse, test.m2.mean.gi50.cor))
# abline(a=0, b=1, col='blue', lwd=2)
# points(test.m2.obs.gi50s, test.m2.mean.gi50s, pch=20, xlab="Observed", ylab="Mean",
#        col='green')
# legend(x='bottomright', legend = c('predictions', 'mean'),
#        col = c('black', 'green'),  bty='n', pch=20)
# pdf('test_m1m2_GI50_predictions.pdf')
# plot(test.m1m2.obs.gi50s, test.m1m2.pred.gi50s, pch=20, xlab="Observed", ylab="Predicted",
#      main=sprintf("Mode 1 and mode 2 test GI50s \nPredictions RMSE : %.2f corr: %.3f \n RMSE for mean: %.2f, corr: %.3f",
#                   test.m1m2.gi50.rmse, test.m1m2.gi50.cor, test.m1m2.mean.gi50.rmse, test.m1m2.mean.gi50.cor))
# abline(a=0, b=1, col='blue', lwd=2)
# points(test.m1m2.obs.gi50s, test.m1m2.mean.gi50s, pch=20, xlab="Observed", ylab="Mean",
#        col='green')
# legend(x='bottomright', legend = c('predictions', 'mean'),
#        col = c('black', 'green'),  bty='n', pch=20)
# pdf('train_GI50_matrices.pdf')
# par(mfrow=c(2,2))
# im_mat(train.obs.gi50s, main='Training observed')
# im_mat(train.pred.gi50s, main='Training predicted')
# im_mat(train.mean.gi50s, main='Predicting mean response')
# pdf('test_cl_GI50_matrices.pdf')
# par(mfrow=c(2,2))
# im_mat(test.m1.obs.gi50s, main='Mode 1 Test observed')
# im_mat(test.m1.pred.gi50s, main='Mode 1 Test predicted')
# im_mat(test.m1.mean.gi50s, main='Predicting mean response')
# pdf('test_dr_GI50_matrices.pdf')
# par(mfrow=c(2,2))
# im_mat(test.m2.obs.gi50s, main='Drug test observed')
# im_mat(test.m2.pred.gi50s, main='Drug test predicted')
# im_mat(test.m2.mean.gi50s, main='Predict mean response')
# pdf('test_m1m2_GI50_matrices.pdf')
# par(mfrow=c(2,2))
# im_mat(test.m1m2.obs.gi50s, main='C.L. & mode 2 test observed')
# im_mat(test.m1m2.pred.gi50s, main='C.L. & mode 2 test predicted')
# im_mat(test.m1m2.mean.gi50s, main='Predicting mean response')
# # Save everything again
# ###################################################################################
# save.image(paste0(out.dir, 'image.Rdata'))
nathanlazar/BaTFLED3D documentation built on May 23, 2019, 12:19 p.m.