
Defines functions available_datasets check_dataset neuprint_list2df neuprint_error_check neuprint_fetch

Documented in neuprint_list2df

# hidden
neuprint_fetch <- function(path, body = NULL, conn = NULL, parse.json = TRUE,
                           include_headers = TRUE, simplifyVector = FALSE, ...){
  path = gsub("\\/$|^\\/","",path)
  conn = neuprint_login(conn)
  server = sub("\\/$", "", conn$server) # you cannot have double / in any part of path
  req <-
    if (is.null(body)) {
      httr::GET(url = file.path(server, path, fsep = "/"),
                config = conn$config,  ...)
    } else {
      httr::POST(url = file.path(server, path, fsep = "/"),
           body = body, config = conn$config, ...)
  if (parse.json) {
    parsed = neuprint_parse_json(req, simplifyVector = simplifyVector)
    # Has a return value like this ever been seen in the wild?
    if (length(parsed) == 2 && isTRUE(names(parsed)[2] =="error")) {
      stop("neuPrint error: ", parsed$error)
    if (include_headers) {
      fields_to_include = c("url", "headers")
      attributes(parsed) = c(attributes(parsed), req[fields_to_include])
  else req

neuprint_fetch_memo <- memoise::memoise(neuprint_fetch, ~memoise::timeout(3600))

# hidden
neuprint_parse_json <- function (req, simplifyVector = FALSE, ...) {
  text <- httr::content(req, as = "text", encoding = "UTF-8")
  if (identical(text, ""))
    stop("No output to parse", call. = FALSE)
  jsonlite::fromJSON(text, simplifyVector = simplifyVector, ...)

# hidden
neuprint_error_check <- function(req) {
  if(isTRUE(httr::status_code(req) %in% c(400L, 500L))) {
    stop("neuPrint error: ", msg, call. = F)

#' Parse neuprint return list to a data frame
#' @details A low level function tailored to the standard neuprint list return
#'   format. Should handle those times when jsonlite's simplification doesn't
#'   work. The normal return value of \code{\link{neuprint_fetch_custom}} is a
#'   list formatted as follows: \itemize{
#'   \item{columns}{ List of column names}
#'   \item{data}{ Nested list of data, with each row formatted as a single
#'   sublist}
#'   \item{debug }{ Character vector containing query}}
#'   If \code{neuprint_list2df} receives such a list it will use the
#'   \code{columns} to define the names for a data.frame constructed from the
#'   \code{data} field.
#' @param x A list returned by \code{\link{neuprint_fetch_custom}}
#' @param cols Character vector specifying which columns to include (by default
#'   all of those named in \code{x}, see details).
#' @param return_empty_df Return a zero row data frame when there is no result.
#' @param stringsAsFactors Whether to return character vector columns as
#'   factors. Note that the default of \code{FALSE} differs from
#'   \code{\link{data.frame}} and friends.
#' @param check.names Whether to convert column names into R friendly form. This
#'   is not necessary but would be the default for \code{\link{data.frame}} were
#'   we not to set it ourselves. See \code{\link{as.data.frame}} for details.
#' @param ... Additional arguments passed to \code{\link{as.data.frame}}
#' @export
neuprint_list2df <- function(x, cols=NULL, return_empty_df=FALSE,
                             stringsAsFactors=FALSE, ...) {

  if(length(x)>=2 && all(c("columns", "data") %in% names(x))) {
    if(is.null(cols)) cols=unlist(x$columns)
    colidxs=match(cols, cols)
  } else {

  if(!length(x)) {
      as.data.frame(structure(replicate(length(cols), logical(0)), .Names=cols), check.names=check.names)
    } else NULL)

  for(i in seq_along(cols)) {
    raw_col=if(is.list(firstrec) && !is.null(firstrec$coordinates)) {
      # special case coordinates
      lapply(x, function(r) r[[colidx]][['coordinates']])
    } else lapply(x, "[[", colidx)
    if(all(sublens%in% 0:1)) {
    } else raw_col=sapply(raw_col, paste, collapse=',')
  as.data.frame(l, stringsAsFactors=stringsAsFactors, check.names=check.names, ...)

#' @importFrom memoise memoise
neuprint_name_field <- memoise(function(conn=NULL, dataset = NULL) {
  if (is.null(conn))
      "You must do\n  conn = neuprint_login(conn)\n",
      "before using neuprint_name_field(conn) in your function!",
      call. = FALSE
  q = "MATCH (n :Neuron) WHERE exists(n.instance) RETURN count(n)"
  n=unlist(neuprint_fetch_custom(q, conn = conn, dataset = dataset,
  return(ifelse(n>0, "instance", "name"))

# hidden
neuprint_dataset_prefix <- memoise(function(dataset, conn=NULL) {
  if (is.null(conn))
      "You must do\n  conn = neuprint_login(conn)\n",
      "before using neuprint_dataset_prefix(conn) in your function!",
      call. = FALSE
  # q=sprintf("MATCH (n:`%s_Segment`) RETURN count(n)", dataset)
  # n=unlist(neuprint_fetch_custom(q, dataset = dataset, include_headers=F)[['data']])
  #paste0(dataset, ifelse(n>0, "_", "-")) # I think we no longer need to specify the dataset. Might be good to keep this function in place though, in case situation changes

# hidden
#' @importFrom httr parse_url
check_dataset <-
  function(dataset = NULL, conn = NULL) {
    # login if NULL

    # use the default in the connection object if no argument specified
    if(is.null(dataset)) dataset=conn$dataset

    # see what datasets are available for this connection
    datasets4conn <- available_datasets(conn)

    if (is.null(dataset)) {
      # check if there is a default dataset from environment variable
      # but don't use if there is a default server set that is different from the one
      # specified in the connection object
      if(is.null(defaultServer) ||
          isTRUE(all.equal(parse_url(conn$server), parse_url(defaultServer))))
        dataset = unlist(getenvoroption("dataset"))
      if (is.null(dataset) || nchar(dataset)<1) {
        if (length(datasets4conn) == 0)
            "I'm sorry I can't find a default dataset for your current neuPrint connection.\n",
            "Please supply a `dataset` argument or set a default one using the ",
            "neuprint_dataset environment variable!\nSee ?neuprint_login for details."
        dataset = datasets4conn[1]
        if (length(datasets4conn) > 1) {
            "Please supply a `dataset` argument or set a default one at login or using the ",
            "neuprint_dataset environment variable! See ?neuprint_login for details.",
            " For now we will use '",
    if(length(datasets4conn) && !dataset %in% datasets4conn){
      stop("Specified dataset: `", dataset, "` does not match those provided by your ",
      "neuPrint connection:\n  ", paste(datasets4conn, collapse=", "),
      "\nSee ?neuprint_login for details.")

# return available datasets sorted my descending modification time
# i.e. newest first
available_datasets <- function(conn=NULL, ...) {
  ds=neuprint_datasets_memo(conn=conn, ...)
  if(length(ds)==0) return(NULL)
  # find last modification times, filling missing values with na
  lastmod = sapply(ds, function(x) {
    lm = x[["last-mod"]]
    if (nzchar(lm)) lm else NA_character_
  # sort to return newest first
  lastmod=sort(lastmod, na.last = TRUE, decreasing = TRUE)
natverse/neuprintr documentation built on Sept. 15, 2023, 6:59 a.m.