
Defines functions traverse_list assign_reference get_object_spec unlist_objects resolve_references process_json check_request_result create_request_handle check_default_result create_default_handle do_requests_parallel do_requests_serial make_request make_requests

Documented in do_requests_parallel do_requests_serial make_request make_requests process_json resolve_references

#' Construct and issue JSON-RPC requests
#' The functions powering all HTTP requests to openBIS are
#' `do_requests_serial()` for sequential calls and `do_requests_parallel()`
#' for asynchronous calls. Constructing requests for the JSON-RPC API of
#' openBIS is done with the helper function `make_requests()` and a wrapper
#' for single requests is available as `make_request()`. This convenience
#' function calls `make_requests()` and returns the first element of the
#' resulting list of length 1.
#' Both `do_requests_serial()` and `do_requests_parallel()` take as `urls`
#' argument a set of urls, either as character vector or list of unevaluated
#' function calls which will be evaluated using [base::eval()] shortly before
#' being used (this is used for urls that are only valid for a limited amount
#' of time). The behavior of `do_requests_*()` can be customized with the
#' three functions passed as arguments `create_handle`, `check` and `finally`
#' together with the vector (of the same length as `urls`) passed as argument
#' `bodies`.
#' The function passed as `create_handle` receives one entry at the time of
#' the `bodies` object and is expected to return a curl handle created by
#' [curl::new_handle()]. The `check` function receives as first argument
#' the response of a single curl request alongside the corresponding entry of
#' the `bodies` object. This function should check whether the request was
#' successful or not, e.g. check the HTTP status code, size of the downloaded
#' file, etc. In case of failure it should return a `simpleError` error object,
#' created by [base::simpleError()] and in case of success it should return
#' the response data, e.g. the `content` entry of a curl response. The third
#' function, `finally`, is applied to the object returned by the `check`
#' function (in case of success) and can be used to parse JSON, read a binary
#' file, etc.
#' Both `do_requests_serial()` and `do_requests_parallel()` have the option of
#' retrying failed requests and the number of allowed retries can be controlled
#' with the argument `n_try`. Furthermore, `do_requests_parallel()` offers
#' control over the number of simultaneous connections using the argument
#' `n_con`. Only `n_con` requests are initially added to the curl multi handle
#' and for each successful one an additional request is added. This
#' implementation helps with urls that have a limited lifetime.
#' The function `make_requests()` is used to construct JSON-RPC requests. The
#' arguments `methods`, `params`, `ids` and `version` are combined into one
#' or several request objects according to the JSON-RPC specification which in
#' turn are passed to `do_requests_*()`. The objects passed as `methods` and
#' `params` should all be of the same length but in case any are of length 1,
#' they will be [base::rep()]'ed to the required length. Care has to be taken
#' that the list passed as `params` has the correct degree of nesting. As
#' `make_requests()` iterates over the topmost list level, a single request
#' should be wrapped in a list such that the topmost list level is of unit
#' length. The function `make_request()` is a wrapper around `make_requests()`
#' that does exactly this.
#' As part of the `process_json()` function, which is the default value passed
#' as `finally` argument in `make_requests()`, `@type` fields are converted
#' to `json_class` attributes, using [as_json_class()]. Additionally, `@id`
#' fields, which may be referenced if an object is used multiple times, are
#' recursively resolved using [resolve_references()] such that each object is
#' self-contained.
#' @param url,urls Destination url(s), the request is sent to.
#' @param method,methods The API method name(s).
#' @param params A list structure holding the arguments which, converted to
#' JSON, will be used to call the supplied method. The `@type` entries will be
#' generated from `json_class` attributes.
#' @param ids Identifier(s) for the JSON-RPC request (defaults to a random
#' string of length 7). Can be usually be ignored, as only single JSON-RPC
#' requests are issued per HTTP request.
#' @param version JSON-RPC protocol version to be used (defaults to `"2.0"`.
#' @param n_con The number of simultaneous connections.
#' @param finally A function that is applied to the `result` entry of a
#' successful JSON RPC request.
#' @rdname request
#' @family utility functions
#' @return The return type of `make_request()`/`make_requests()` and
#' `do_requests_serial()`/`do_requests_parallel()` depends on the callback
#' functions passed as `check` and `finally` arguments. At default,
#' `make_request()`/`make_requests()` return either a [`json_class`] (single
#' object) or a [`json_vec`] (multiple objects), dependent on the number of
#' resulting objects, while `do_requests_serial()`/`do_requests_parallel()`
#' return a list of raw vectors, one per request.
#' @examples
#' \donttest{
#'   tok <- login_openbis()
#'   # the function list_projects() is implemented as follows
#'   projects <- make_request(api_url(api_endpoint = "gis"),
#'                            "listProjects",
#'                            list(tok))
#'   print(projects[[1L]])
#'   # alternatively, using make_requests(), the params argument has to be a
#'   # list per request and the first entry of the returned list has to be
#'   # selected
#'   proj <- make_requests(api_url(api_endpoint = "gis"),
#'                         "listProjects",
#'                         list(list(tok)))
#'   identical(proj[[1L]][[1L]],
#'             projects[[1]])
#'   # without using make_request(), one can achieve the same result by
#'   # calling do_requests_serial() directly
#'   proj <- do_requests_serial(api_url(api_endpoint = "gis"),
#'                              list(
#'                                list(
#'                                  id = "foobar",
#'                                  jsonrpc = "2.0",
#'                                  method = "listProjects",
#'                                  params = list(tok)
#'                                )
#'                              ),
#'                              create_handle = infx:::create_request_handle,
#'                              check = infx:::check_request_result,
#'                              finally = process_json)
#'   identical(proj[[1L]][[1L]],
#'             projects[[1]])
#'   # the do_requests_*() functions can be used for any HTTP request
#'   req <- do_requests_serial("https://httpbin.org/headers")
#'   is.raw(req[[1L]])
#'   # in order to read the returned binary data, a function can be supplied
#'   # to do_requests_*() as finally argument
#'   process_json <- function(x) 
#'     jsonlite::prettify(rawToChar(x))
#'   req <- do_requests_serial("https://httpbin.org/headers",
#'                             finally = process_json)
#'   req[[1L]]
#'   # to customize the curl handle, a function can be supplied to
#'   # do_requests_*() as create_handle argument
#'   post_handle <- function(x)
#'     curl::handle_setheaders(
#'       curl::new_handle(postfields = charToRaw(jsonlite::toJSON(x))),
#'       "Content-Type" = "application/json"
#'     )
#'   process_json <- function(x) 
#'     jsonlite::fromJSON(rawToChar(x), simplifyDataFrame = FALSE)$json
#'   data <- list(a = "foo",
#'                b = "bar")
#'   req <- do_requests_serial("https://httpbin.org/post",
#'                             list(data),
#'                             create_handle = post_handle,
#'                             finally = process_json)
#'   # httpbin returns POST data, therefore
#'   identical(data, req[[1L]])
#'   logout_openbis(tok)
#' }
#' @export
make_requests <- function(urls,
                          ids = NULL,
                          version = "2.0",
                          n_con = 5L,
                          finally = process_json,
                          ...) {

              all(vapply(params, is.list, logical(1L))),

  max_len <- max(length(urls), length(methods), length(params))

  if (max_len > 1L) {
    if (length(urls) == 1L)
      urls <- rep(urls, max_len)
    if (length(methods) == 1L)
      methods <- rep(methods, max_len)
    if (length(params) == 1L)
      params <- rep(params, max_len)

  assert_that(length(urls) == max_len,
              length(methods) == max_len,
              length(params) == max_len)

  if (is.null(ids))
    ids <- replicate(max_len, paste(sample(c(letters, LETTERS, 0:9), 7),
                                    collapse = ""))
              length(unique(ids)) == max_len)

  bodies <- mapply(list,
                   id = ids,
                   jsonrpc = rep(version, max_len),
                   method = methods,
                   params = rm_json_class(params),
                   SIMPLIFY = FALSE)

  if (length(urls) > 1L && n_con > 1L)
    do_requests_parallel(urls, bodies, n_con,
                         create_handle = create_request_handle,
                         check = check_request_result, finally = finally, ...)
    do_requests_serial(urls, bodies, create_handle = create_request_handle,
                        check = check_request_result, finally = finally, ...)

#' @param ... Further arguments to `make_request()` are passed to
#' `make_requests()` and from `make_requests()` to `do_requests_serial()` or
#' `do_requests_parallel()`.
#' @rdname request
#' @export
make_request <- function(url,
                         ...) {

  assert_that(is.string(url), is.string(method))

  make_requests(url, method, list(params), n_con = 1L, ...)[[1L]]

#' @param bodies Request bodies: a list where each entry is a list with slots
#' `id`, `jsonrpc`, `method` and `params`.
#' @param n_try Number of tries each request is performed in case of failed
#' requests.
#' @param create_handle A function that will receive a single entry of the
#' `bodies` list at the time and should return a curl handle created by
#' [curl::new_handle()].
#' @param check A function that receives both the result of a request and the
#' corresponding entry of the `bodies` list. Is expected to return NULL in
#' which case the request is retried or a list with an entry named `result`.
#' @rdname request
#' @export
do_requests_serial <- function(urls,
                               bodies = vector("list", length(urls)),
                               n_try = 2L,
                               create_handle = create_default_handle,
                               check = check_default_result,
                               finally = identity,
                               ...) {

  add_request <- function(i, tries, errors = NULL) {

    if (tries <= 0L) {
      reasons <- if (is.null(errors))
        paste("\n  ", paste0(seq_along(errors), ". ", errors,
                             collapse = "\n  "))
      warning("could not carry out request within ", n_try, " tries.",

    res <- curl::curl_fetch_memory(
      handle = create_handle(bodies[[i]])

    res <- check(res, bodies[[i]])

    if (inherits(res, "simpleError"))
      add_request(i, tries - 1L, c(errors, conditionMessage(res)))
    else {
      res <- finally(res)
      if (length(urls) > 1L)

  assert_that(is.character(urls) || all(vapply(urls, is.call, logical(1L))),
              length(urls) == length(bodies),

  if (length(urls) > 1L) {
    pb <- progress::progress_bar$new(
      format = paste0("querying [:bar] :percent in :elapsed"),
      total = length(urls))

  lapply(seq_along(urls), add_request, n_try)

#' @rdname request
#' @export
do_requests_parallel <- function(urls,
                                 bodies = vector("list", length(urls)),
                                 n_con = 5L,
                                 n_try = 2L,
                                 create_handle = create_default_handle,
                                 check = check_default_result,
                                 finally = identity,
                                 ...) {

  add_request <- function(i, tries) {

    if (i < 1L || i > length(urls))

    if (tries <= 0L) {
      reasons <- if (is.null(errors[[i]]))
        paste("\n  ", paste0(seq_along(errors[[i]]), ". ", errors[[i]],
                             collapse = "\n  "))
      warning("could not carry out request within ", n_try, " tries.",

      url = as.character(eval(urls[[i]])),
      handle = create_handle(bodies[[i]]),
      pool = pool,
      done = function(x) {

        resp <- check(x, bodies[[i]])

        if (inherits(resp, "simpleError")) {
          errors[[i]] <<- c(errors[[i]], conditionMessage(resp))
          add_request(i, tries - 1L)
        } else {
          add_request(i + n_con, n_try)
          res[[i]] <<- finally(resp)
          if (length(urls) > 1L)
      fail = function(x) add_request(i, tries - 1L)

  assert_that(is.character(urls) || all(vapply(urls, is.call, logical(1L))),
              length(urls) == length(bodies),

  n_con <- min(n_con, length(urls))

  if (length(urls) > 1L) {
    pb <- progress::progress_bar$new(
      format = paste0("querying [:bar] :percent in :elapsed"),
      total = length(urls))

  res <- vector("list", length(urls))
  errors <- vector("list", length(urls))

  pool <- curl::new_pool(total_con = n_con, host_con = n_con)
  lapply(seq_len(n_con), add_request, n_try)
  curl::multi_run(pool = pool)


create_default_handle <- function(...) {

  handle <- curl::new_handle()

    "User-Agent" = paste(.packageName, getNamespaceVersion(.packageName))

check_default_result <- function(resp, ...) {

  if (resp$status_code != 200)
    simpleError(paste0("request returned with code ", resp$status_code))

create_request_handle <- function(body) {

  body_raw <- charToRaw(jsonlite::toJSON(body, auto_unbox = TRUE))

  handle <- curl::new_handle(post = TRUE,
                             postfieldsize = length(body_raw),
                             postfields = body_raw)

    "User-Agent" = paste(.packageName, getNamespaceVersion(.packageName)),
    "Content-Type" = "application/json"

check_request_result <- function(resp, body) {

  if (resp$status_code != 200) {

    simpleError(paste0("request returned with code ", resp$status_code))

  } else {

    resp <- tryCatch(
      jsonlite::fromJSON(rawToChar(resp$content), simplifyVector = FALSE),
      error = function(e) simpleError(conditionMessage(e))

    if (inherits(resp, "simpleError")) {
    } else if (resp$id != body$id) {

      simpleError(paste0("request id (", body$id, ") does no match with ",
                         "response id (", resp$id, ")"))

    } else if (!is.null(resp$error)) {

      data <- resp$error$data[!grepl("^@", names(resp$error$data))]
      if (is.null(data))
        data <- list(message = resp$error$message)
      stop("\nerror with code ", resp$error$code, ":\n",
           paste(strwrap(paste(names(data), data, sep = ": "),
                         indent = 2L, exdent = 4L), collapse = "\n"))

    } else

#' @param x A (possibly nested) list structure for which all `@type` fields
#' are turned into class attributes and `@id` fields are recursively removed.
#' @rdname request
#' @export
process_json <- function(x) {
  x <- x$result
  if (is.null(x))
    warning("an api call returned NULL.")
  x <- as_json_class(x, force = TRUE)
  x <- resolve_references(x)
  as_json_vec(x, recursive = TRUE, force = TRUE, simplify = TRUE)

#' @rdname request
#' @export
resolve_references <- function(x) {
  lookup <- unlist_objects(x)
  traverse_list(x, get_object_spec(lookup), lookup)

unlist_objects <- function(x) {

  gather_objs <- function(obj) {
    if (is.list(obj)) {
      if (is_json_class(obj))
        objects <<- c(objects, list(obj))
      lapply(obj, gather_objs)

  objects <- list()



get_object_spec <- function(x) {

              all(vapply(x, is_json_class, logical(1L))))

  all_classes <- unique(vapply(x, get_subclass, character(1L)))
  obj_spec <- stats::setNames(vector(mode = "list",
                                     length = length(all_classes)),

  lapply(x, function(obj) {
    old <- obj_spec[[get_subclass(obj)]]
    new <- lapply(obj, class)
    all <- union(names(old), names(new))
    obj_spec[[get_subclass(obj)]] <<- stats::setNames(
      lapply(all, function(nme) unique(c(old[[nme]], new[[nme]]))), all)


assign_reference <- function(obj, spec, objects) {
  res <- Map(function(x, y) {
    if (isTRUE(class(x) == "integer") && "json_class" %in% y) {
      z <- objects[[x]]
      assert_that(x == z[["@id"]],
                  isTRUE(get_subclass(z) %in% y))
    } else
  }, obj, spec[names(obj)])

  new_json_class(res, class = get_subclass(obj))

traverse_list <- function(x, specs, lookup) {
  if (is.list(x)) {
    if (is_json_class(x)) {
      x <- assign_reference(x[names(x) != "@id"],
      x <- new_json_class(lapply(x, traverse_list, specs, lookup),
                          class = get_subclass(x))
    } else {
      x <- lapply(x, traverse_list, specs, lookup)

nbenn/infx documentation built on May 20, 2022, 7:44 a.m.