
Defines functions .geometric.encoding .encode_sequence .aa_to_blosum62

.blosum62 <- matrix(
  c(4, -1, -2, -2,  0, -1, -1,  0, -2, -1, -1, -1, -1, -2, -1,  1,  0, -3, -2,  0,
  -1,  5,  0, -2, -3,  1,  0, -2,  0, -3, -2,  2, -1, -3, -2, -1, -1, -3, -2, -3,
  -2,  0,  6,  1, -3,  0,  0,  0,  1, -3, -3,  0, -2, -3, -2,  1,  0, -4, -2, -3,
  -2, -2,  1,  6, -3,  0,  2, -1, -1, -3, -4, -1, -3, -3, -1,  0, -1, -4, -3, -3,
  0, -3, -3, -3,  9, -3, -4, -3, -3, -1, -1, -3, -1, -2, -3, -1, -1, -2, -2, -1,
  -1,  1,  0,  0, -3,  5,  2, -2,  0, -3, -2,  1,  0, -3, -1,  0, -1, -2, -1, -2,
  -1,  0,  0,  2, -4,  2,  5, -2,  0, -3, -3,  1, -2, -3, -1,  0, -1, -3, -2, -2,
  0, -2,  0, -1, -3, -2, -2,  6, -2, -4, -4, -2, -3, -3, -2,  0, -2, -2, -3, -3,
  -2,  0,  1, -1, -3,  0,  0, -2,  8, -3, -3, -1, -2, -1, -2, -1, -2, -2,  2, -3,
  -1, -3, -3, -3, -1, -3, -3, -4, -3,  4,  2, -3,  1,  0, -3, -2, -1, -3, -1,  3,
  -1, -2, -3, -4, -1, -2, -3, -4, -3,  2,  4, -2,  2,  0, -3, -2, -1, -2, -1,  1,
  -1,  2,  0, -1, -3,  1,  1, -2, -1, -3, -2,  5, -1, -3, -1,  0, -1, -3, -2, -2,
  -1, -1, -2, -3, -1,  0, -2, -3, -2,  1,  2, -1,  5,  0, -2, -1, -1, -1, -1,  1,
  -2, -3, -3, -3, -2, -3, -3, -3, -1,  0,  0, -3,  0,  6, -4, -2, -2,  1,  3, -1,
  -1, -2, -2, -1, -3, -1, -1, -2, -2, -3, -3, -1, -2, -4,  7, -1, -1, -4, -3, -2,
  1, -1,  1,  0, -1,  0,  0,  0, -1, -2, -2,  0, -1, -2, -1,  4,  1, -3, -2, -2,
  0, -1,  0, -1, -1, -1, -1, -2, -2, -1, -1, -1, -1, -2, -1,  1,  5, -2, -2,  0,
  -3, -3, -4, -4, -2, -2, -3, -2, -2, -3, -2, -3, -1,  1, -4, -3, -2, 11,  2, -3,
  -2, -2, -2, -3, -2, -1, -2, -3,  2, -1, -1, -2, -1,  3, -3, -2, -2,  2,  7, -1,
  0, -3, -3, -3, -1, -2, -2, -3, -3,  3,  1, -2,  1, -1, -2, -2,  0, -3, -1,  4
), nrow=20, byrow=TRUE,
  dimnames = list(c("A", "R", "N", "D", "C", "Q", "E", "G", "H", "I", "L", "K", "M", "F", "P", "S", "T", "W", "Y", "V"),
                  c("A", "R", "N", "D", "C", "Q", "E", "G", "H", "I", "L", "K", "M", "F", "P", "S", "T", "W", "Y", "V"))

.aa_to_blosum62 <- function(aa_sequence) {
  aa_map <- c("A", "R", "N", "D", "C", "Q", "E", "G", "H", "I", "L", "K", "M", "F", "P", "S", "T", "W", "Y", "V")
  aa_indices <- match(strsplit(as.character(aa_sequence), '')[[1]], aa_map)
  return(.blosum62[aa_indices, ])

# Main function to encode each sequence
#' @importFrom matrixStats colWeightedMeans
.encode_sequence <- function(sequence, dim, rotation_matrix) {
  blosum_vectors <- .aa_to_blosum62(sequence)
  # Initialize an empty matrix to store the transformed points
  transformed_points <- matrix(nrow=0, ncol=dim)
  # Apply the unitary transformation
  for (i in 1:(dim(blosum_vectors)[1])) {
    point <- t(blosum_vectors[i, ])
    # Apply the rotation matrix
    transformed_point <- rotation_matrix %*% matrix(point, nrow=dim, ncol=1)
    # Collect the transformed points
    transformed_points <- rbind(transformed_points, t(transformed_point))
  # Average the transformed points to get a single 20D point
  avg_point <- colWeightedMeans(transformed_points)

.geometric.encoding <- function(TCR, 
                                theta =theta) {
  dim <- 20
  rotation_matrix <- diag(dim)
  # Generate ten 2D rotation matrices and insert them into the 20D rotation matrix
  rotation_2d = matrix(c(cos(theta), -sin(theta), sin(theta), cos(theta)), ncol=2)
  for (i in seq(1, dim, by=2)) {
    rotation_matrix[i:(i+1), i:(i+1)] = rotation_2d
  transformed <- lapply(TCR[[1]]$cdr3_aa, function(x) {
    if(is.na(x)) {
      tmp <- rep(0, 20)
    } else {
      tmp <- .encode_sequence(x, dim, rotation_matrix)
  score <- do.call(rbind,transformed)
  rownames(score) <- TCR[[1]]$barcode
  colnames(score) <- paste0("Trex_", seq_len(ncol(score)))
ncborcherding/Trex documentation built on Feb. 3, 2025, 7:45 p.m.