

# remotes::install_github("JosephCrispell/basicPlotteR")

## Munsell -> CIELAB charts

# multiple pages of hue:
hues <- c('2.5YR', '5YR', '7.5YR', '10YR', '2.5Y')
d <- expand.grid(hue=hues, value=2:8, chroma=c(1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 8), stringsAsFactors=FALSE)
d$hue <- factor(d$hue, levels=hues, ordered = TRUE)

# convert Munsell -> sRGB
d$color <- with(d, munsell2rgb(hue, value, chroma))

# extract CIELAB coordinates
d.lab <- with(d, munsell2rgb(hue, value, chroma, returnLAB=TRUE))

# this is lame, there has to be a better way
d$L <- d.lab$L
d$A <- d.lab$A
d$B <- d.lab$B

# adjust color label text according to background color
d$lab.color <- invertLabelColor(d$color)
# simplified CLIE LAB labels for printing on "chips"
d$lab.text <- with(d, paste(round(L), round(A), round(B), sep='\n'))

# test figure
xyplot(value ~ factor(chroma) | factor(hue, levels=hues),
       main="Common Soil Colors - Annotated with LAB Coordinates", layout=c(4,2), 
       scales=list(alternating=1), strip=strip.custom(bg=grey(0.85)),
       data=d, as.table=TRUE, subscripts=TRUE, xlab='Chroma', ylab='Value',
       panel=function(x, y, subscripts, ...) {
         panel.xyplot(x, y, 
         panel.text(x, y, 

# iterate over hues and save to PDF
for(i in hues) {
  # adjust as needed
  path <- 'E:/temp'
  fname <- sprintf('Munsell-CIELAB-%s.pdf', i)
  # final plot
  p <- xyplot(value ~ factor(chroma) | hue,
              subset = hue == i,
              main="Common Soil Colors - Annotated with LAB Coordinates",
              scales=list(alternating=1), strip=strip.custom(bg=grey(0.85)),
              data=d, as.table=TRUE, subscripts=TRUE, xlab='Chroma', ylab='Value',
              panel=function(x, y, subscripts, ...) {
                panel.xyplot(x, y, 
                panel.text(x, y, 
                panel.text(x = rep(0.5, times=length(y)), y = y, 
  # write to file
  pdf(file=file.path(path, fname), width=10, height=9)



x <- munsell[which(munsell$value == 4 & munsell$chroma == 6), ]

x.1 <- subset(munsell, subset=hue == '10YR' & value == 2 & chroma  == 2)
x.2 <- subset(munsell, subset=hue == '7.5YR' & value == 3 & chroma  == 4)

plot(B ~ A, data=x, type='n', las=1, asp = 1)
abline(h=0, v=0, lty=3)
points(B ~ A, data=x, col=rgb(x$r, x$g, x$b, maxColorValue = 1), pch=15, cex=4)
addTextLabels(xCoords = x$A, yCoords = x$B, labels = sprintf("%s %s/%s", x$hue, x$value, x$chroma), cex.label = 0.7, col.background = rgb(0,0,0, 0.1), col.label="black")

# par(bg=grey(0.95), mar=c(4.5,4.5,3,1))
par(bg='white', mar=c(4.5,4.5,3,1))
plot(B ~ A, data=x, type='n', las=1, main='Munsell Colors in CIELAB\nvalue = 4 | chroma = 6', asp = 1)
abline(h=0, v=0, lty=1)
points(B ~ A, data=x, col=rgb(x$r, x$g, x$b, maxColorValue = 1), pch=15, cex=4)
addTextLabels(x$A, x$B, x$hue, cex.label = 0.7, col.background=rgb(0,0,0, 0.1), col.label="black")

points(B ~ A, data=x.1, col=rgb(x.1$r, x.1$g, x.1$b, maxColorValue = 1), pch=15, cex=4)
points(B ~ A, data=x.2, col=rgb(x.2$r, x.2$g, x.2$b, maxColorValue = 1), pch=15, cex=4)
addTextLabels(x.1$A, x.1$B, sprintf("%s %s/%s", x.1$hue, x.1$value, x.1$chroma), cex.label = 0.7, col.background=rgb(0,0,0, 0.1), col.label="black")
addTextLabels(x.2$A, x.2$B, sprintf("%s %s/%s", x.2$hue, x.2$value, x.2$chroma), cex.label = 0.7, col.background=rgb(0,0,0, 0.1), col.label="black")

par(bg='white', mar=c(4.5,4.5,3,1))
plot(B ~ A, data=x, type='n', las=1, main='Munsell Colors in CIELAB\nvalue = 4 | chroma = 6')
abline(h=0, v=0, lty=1)
points(B ~ A, data=x, col=rgb(x$r, x$g, x$b, maxColorValue = 1), pch=15, cex=2)
addTextLabels(x$A, x$B, x$hue, cex.label = 0.7, col.background=rgb(0,0,0, 0.1), col.label="black")

m.rgb <- t(col2rgb(parseMunsell(soil_minerals$color))) / 255
m.lab <- convertColor(m.rgb, from='sRGB', to='Lab', from.ref.white = 'D65', clip = FALSE)
m.lab <- as.data.frame(m.lab)
names(m.lab) <- c('L', 'A', 'B')
m <- data.frame(m.lab, mineral=soil_minerals$mineral, munsell=soil_minerals$color, col=parseMunsell(soil_minerals$color), stringsAsFactors = FALSE)

points(B ~ A, data=m, col=m$col, pch=15, cex=3)
addTextLabels(m$A, m$B, m$mineral, cex.label = 0.6, col.background=rgb(0,0,0, 0.1), col.label="black")

par(bg='white', mar=c(4.5,4.5,3,1))
plot(B ~ A, data=m, type='n', las=1, main='Common Soil Pigments', xlab='CIELAB A-Coordinate', ylab='CIELAB B-Coordinate', asp = 1)
points(B ~ A, data=m, bg=m$col, pch=22, cex=6)
addTextLabels(m$A, m$B, m$mineral, cex.label = 0.7, col.background=rgb(0,0,0, 0.1), col.label="black")

par(bg='white', mar=c(4.5,4.5,3,1))
plot(L ~ A, data=m, type='n', las=1, main='Common Soil Pigments', xlab='CIELAB A-Coordinate', ylab='CIELAB L-Coordinate', asp = 1)
points(L ~ A, data=m, bg=m$col, pch=22, cex=6)
addTextLabels(m$A, m$L, m$mineral, cex.label = 0.7, col.background=rgb(0,0,0, 0.1), col.label="black")

x <- munsell[which(munsell$value == 3), ]
plot(B ~ A, data=x, col=rgb(x$r, x$g, x$b, maxColorValue = 1), pch=15, cex=2)

x <- munsell
plot(B ~ A, data=x, col=rgb(x$r, x$g, x$b, maxColorValue = 1), pch=15, cex=1)

x <- subset(munsell, subset=hue %in% c('7.5YR', '10YR') & value %in% 2:8 & chroma %in% 2:8)
plot(B ~ A, data=x, col=rgb(x$r, x$g, x$b, maxColorValue = 1), pch=15, cex=1)
plot(L ~ A, data=x, col=rgb(x$r, x$g, x$b, maxColorValue = 1), pch=15, cex=1)

plot(B ~ A, data=munsell, type='n')
points(B ~ A, data=x.1, col=rgb(x.1$r, x.1$g, x.1$b, maxColorValue = 1), pch=15, cex=4)
points(B ~ A, data=x.2, col=rgb(x.2$r, x.2$g, x.2$b, maxColorValue = 1), pch=15, cex=4)

plot(B ~ A, data=x, col=rgb(x$r, x$g, x$b, maxColorValue = 1), pch=15, cex=2)
points(B ~ A, data=x.1, col=rgb(x.1$r, x.1$g, x.1$b, maxColorValue = 1), pch=15, cex=4)
points(B ~ A, data=x.2, col=rgb(x.2$r, x.2$g, x.2$b, maxColorValue = 1), pch=15, cex=4)

plot(L ~ A, data=x, col=rgb(x$r, x$g, x$b, maxColorValue = 1), pch=15, cex=2)
points(L ~ A, data=x.1, col=rgb(x.1$r, x.1$g, x.1$b, maxColorValue = 1), pch=15, cex=4)
points(L ~ A, data=x.2, col=rgb(x.2$r, x.2$g, x.2$b, maxColorValue = 1), pch=15, cex=4)

plot(L ~ B, data=x, col=rgb(x$r, x$g, x$b, maxColorValue = 1), pch=15, cex=2)
points(L ~ B, data=x.1, col=rgb(x.1$r, x.1$g, x.1$b, maxColorValue = 1), pch=15, cex=4)
points(L ~ B, data=x.2, col=rgb(x.2$r, x.2$g, x.2$b, maxColorValue = 1), pch=15, cex=4)
ncss-tech/aqp documentation built on April 19, 2024, 5:38 p.m.