
checkBasic <- function(object) {
  errors <- character()
  if(!is.na(object@synthRates) && !is.na(object@degRates)){
      errors=c(errors,"There must be the same number of synthesis and degredation rates")
      errors=c(errors,"There must be the same number of synthesis rates as ids")
      errors=c(errors,"There must be the same number of synthesis rates as initial values")
    if(any(object@degRates>=1 | object@degRates <= 0)){
      errors=c(errors,"All degredation rates mut be between 0 and 1")
    if(any(object@synthRates <= 0)){
      errors=c(errors,"All synthesis rates must be greater than 0")
  } else if (nrow(object@data)==0){
    errors=c(errors,"Either synthesis AND degredation rates must be provided OR a dataset")
  if (length(errors) == 0) TRUE else errors

#' Class basicKineticModel
#' Class \code{basicKineticModel} defines a kinetic model dx/dt=a-b*x
#' @name basicKineticModel-class
#' @rdname basicKineticModel-class
#' @include class-kineticModel.R
#' @exportClass basicKineticModel
methods::setClass(Class = "basicKineticModel",
                  representation = representation(initVals = "numeric", synthRates = "numeric",degRates="numeric",posteriors="list"),
                  prototype = methods::prototype(initVals = NA_real_,synthRates = NA_real_,degRates=NA_real_,posteriors=list()),
                  validity = checkBasic,contains="kineticModel")

#' Basic Kinetic Model Constructor
#' Contructs a simple kinetic model object from synthesis and degredation rates
#' @param synthRate Synthesis rates. Must be greater than 0.
#' @param degRate Degredation rate. Must be between 0 and 1.
#' @param initVals Initial abundances at time 0.
#' @param ids A character string id.
#' @param data Experimental or simulated matrix of count data
#' @param expMetadata A data.frame where each row corresponds to the column in data with the same index and the columns are different properties
#' @name basicKineticModel
#' @export
basicKineticModel <- function(times=NA_real_,synthRate=NA_real_,degRate=NA_real_,initVals=NA_real_,ids=NA,data=NULL,spikeIns=NULL,expMetadata=data.frame(),normFactors=NA_real_,dispersionModel=function(x){}){

  if(is.null(data)) #no data provided, theoretical model desired
    if(length(initVals) == 1 && is.na(initVals))
    if(length(ids) == 1 && is.na(ids))
  }else #real data model
    if(length(times)==1 && is.na(times))
      warning("Do not supply @times when providing experimental data.  Times will be overwritted using information in @expMetadata.")
    if(length(initVals) == 1 && is.na(initVals))
      warning("No initial values provided, using the default initial value of 0 for all samples.")
    if(length(ids) == 1 && is.na(ids))
      warning("No Ids supplied, using numeric Ids for each gene/transcript.")


  if(nrow(model@data)!=0) ##experimental data provided
    if(length(model@normFactors)==1 && is.na(model@normFactors))
      cat("\nNo normalization factors provided.  Calculating normalization factors using spike ins.\n")
      model@normFactors = colMeans(model@spikeIns/model@spikeIns[,1])
    if(length(times)==1 && is.na(times))
      times = unique(model@expMetadata$times)
ndukler/tkSim documentation built on May 16, 2019, 8:12 p.m.