#' @title Remove Non-Numeric Columns
#' @description
#' This function removes non-numeric columns from the dataset and returns only numeric columns.
#' @param dataset A data frame from which non-numeric columns are to be removed.
#' @return A data frame containing only numeric columns. Also prints non-numeric columns found.
removeNonNumericColumns <- function(dataset) {
message("Removing non-numeric columns...")
# Get only numeric columns
numeric_cols = dataset[sapply(dataset, is.numeric)]
# Get non-numeric columns
non_numeric_cols <- names(dataset)[!sapply(dataset, is.numeric) & names(dataset) != "Description"]
if (length(non_numeric_cols) > 0) {
message("\tNon-numeric columns found:")
message(paste0("\t\t", paste(non_numeric_cols, collapse = ", ")))
} else {
# 'Description' is non-numeric but we need it to know individual labels
message("\tColumns are numeric")
# Get only numeric columns
numeric_dataset <- dataset[sapply(dataset, is.numeric)]
#' @title Clean Dataset
#' @description
#' Cleans the dataset by removing non-numeric columns and those with perfect correlations.
#' @param dataset A data frame containing the dataset to be cleaned.
#' @param correlation_threshold A numeric value between -1 and 1 that specifies the correlation threshold
#' for removing perfectly correlated columns.
#' @return A list containing the cleaned dataset (\code{dataset}) with the description column
#' and the correlation matrix R (\code{R}).
#' @export
cleanDataset <- function(dataset, correlation_threshold = 1) {
if (correlation_threshold > 1 || correlation_threshold < -1) {
message("Error: 'correlation_threshold' must be in range [-1,1].")
return(list(dataset = NULL,
R = NULL))
if (ncol(dataset) < 2) {
message("Error: Not enough columns for cleaning up (ncol < 2).")
return(list(dataset = NULL,
R = NULL))
message("Preprocessing dataset")
# Get description column
description_col = dataset[,"Description", drop=FALSE]
numeric_dataset = removeNonNumericColumns(dataset)
r_remove_correlations = removeCorrelations(numeric_dataset, correlation_threshold)
R_cleaned = r_remove_correlations$R
# Extract the remaining column names
remaining_colnames = r_remove_correlations$remaining_colnames
numeric_dataset <- numeric_dataset[, remaining_colnames, drop = FALSE]
dataset_w_description <- cbind(description_col, numeric_dataset)
return(list(dataset = dataset_w_description,
R = R_cleaned))
#' @title Remove Correlations
#' @description
#' Identifies and removes correlated columns from the numeric dataset, according to `correlation_threshold`.
#' @param numeric_dataset A data frame consisting of only numeric columns.
#' @param correlation_threshold A numeric threshold for identifying perfect correlations.
#' @return A list containing the cleaned dataset and the remaining column names, along with the correlation matrix R.
removeCorrelations <- function(numeric_dataset, correlation_threshold = 1) {
message("Removing correlations...")
# Keep track of the initial dataset
dataset_to_check <- numeric_dataset
# Initialize R as the correlation matrix
R <- cor(dataset_to_check)
repeat {
# Find perfect correlations
perfect_corr_indices <- which((R >= correlation_threshold | R <= correlation_threshold*-1)
& row(R) != col(R), arr.ind = TRUE)
if (nrow(perfect_corr_indices) == 0) {
break # No more perfect correlations found
# Get the first pair of perfectly correlated columns
i = perfect_corr_indices[1, 1] # Row index (not using this, but just for the record)
j <- perfect_corr_indices[1, 2] # Column index of the column to remove
message("\tRemoving correlated column: ", colnames(dataset_to_check)[j])
# Remove the j-th column from the dataset
dataset_to_check <- dataset_to_check[, -j, drop = FALSE]
# Recalculate the correlation matrix with the updated dataset
R <- cor(dataset_to_check)
if (ncol(numeric_dataset) == ncol(dataset_to_check)) {
message("\tNo correlated columns found")
return(list(cleaned_dataset = dataset_to_check,
remaining_colnames = colnames(dataset_to_check),
#' @title PCA Suitability
#' @description
#' Performs Bartlett's test and KMO test to determine the suitability of PCA on the given correlation matrix R.
#' @param R A correlation matrix of the dataset.
#' @param sig_level A numeric significance level for Bartlett's test, default is 0.05.
#' @return A list indicating if PCA is suitable, along with the results of Bartlett's and KMO tests.
#' @export
PCASuitability <- function(R, sig_level = 0.05) {
message("Checking PCA suitability...")
bartlett_test = psych::cortest.bartlett(R, n = 100)
is_suitable = FALSE
if (is.na(bartlett_test$p.value) || bartlett_test$p.value == 0) {
message("\tPCA is not suitable. Bartlett's test produced NA for p-value.")
return (list(pca_suitable=is_suitable,
# Check p-value for Bartlett's test according to sig_level
is_suitable = bartlett_test$p.value < sig_level
if (!is_suitable) {
message("\tPCA is not suitable. Bartlett's test p-value: ", bartlett_test$p.value)
return (list(pca_suitable=is_suitable,
# Else: Suitable, perform KMO test
# If the condition number is too high (typically above 1e12 or more), avoid running the KMO() function
condition_number <- kappa(R)
if (condition_number < 1e12) {
kmo_result <- psych::KMO(R)
} else {
message("\tMatrix is too close to singular, KMO test cannot be performed.")
return (list(pca_suitable=is_suitable,
kmo_value = kmo_result$MSA
# Interpret KMO value
kmo_interpretation <- ""
if (kmo_value < 0.5) {
kmo_interpretation = "unacceptable"
} else if (kmo_value < 0.6) {
kmo_interpretation = "miserable"
} else if (kmo_value < 0.7) {
kmo_interpretation = "mediocre"
} else if (kmo_value < 0.8) {
kmo_interpretation = "middling"
} else if (kmo_value < 0.9) {
kmo_interpretation = "meritorious"
} else {
kmo_interpretation = "marvelous"
message("\tPCA is suitable.")
message("\tBartlett's test p-value: ", bartlett_test$p.value)
message("\tKMO value: ", kmo_value, " - ", kmo_interpretation)
return (list(pca_suitable=is_suitable,
#' @title Perform PCA
#' @description
#' Executes PCA on the provided dataset and summarizes the results.
#' @param dataset A data frame to be analyzed via PCA.
#' @param ncp An integer specifying the number of principal components to retain, default is 5.
#' @param scale A boolean indicating whether to scale the data, default is TRUE.
#' @return A list containing the PCA results, summary of eigenvalues, contributions, coordinates, and more.
#' @export
performPCA <- function(dataset, ncp = NULL, scale = TRUE, visualize = FALSE) {
Description = dataset[[1]]
if ("Description" %in% colnames(dataset)) {
Description = dataset[,"Description", drop=FALSE]
dataset <- dataset[, !colnames(dataset) %in% "Description"]
if (is.null(ncp)) {
message("Parameter 'npc' is null. Computing number of factors automatically:")
ncp = evaluomeR::determineNumberOfFactors(dataset)
message(paste0("Number of factors, 'ncp' used is: ", ncp))
pca_result <- FactoMineR::PCA(dataset, scale.unit = scale, ncp = ncp, graph = FALSE)
pca_dimdesc = FactoMineR::dimdesc(pca_result, axes=c(1,2))
# Mimic what summary(pca_result) would do
eigenvalues <- pca_result$eig
var_contributions <- pca_result$var$contrib
var_coordinates <- pca_result$var$coord
var_cos2 <- pca_result$var$cos2
ind_contributions <- pca_result$ind$contrib
ind_coordinates <- pca_result$ind$coord
ind_cos2 <- pca_result$ind$cos2
pca_summary <- list(
eigenvalues = eigenvalues,
var_contributions = var_contributions,
var_coordinates = var_coordinates,
var_cos2 = var_cos2,
ind_contributions = ind_contributions,
ind_coordinates = ind_coordinates,
ind_cos2 = ind_cos2
dataset_ncp = as.data.frame(pca_result$ind$coord[, 1:ncp])
dataset_ncp <- cbind(Description, dataset_ncp)
return (list(dataset_ncp = dataset_ncp,
pca = pca_result,
summary = pca_summary,
dimdesc = pca_dimdesc
#' @title Scree Plot for PCA
#' @description
#' Creates a scree plot to visualize the explained variance by principal components from a PCA result.
#' @param pca_result The result of a PCA analysis (object returned from `performPCA`).
#' @param title An optional title for the scree plot. If NULL, a default title will be used.
#' @param ncp Number of principal components
#' @return A ggplot object representing the scree plot.
#' @export
plotPCA_fviz_screeplot <- function(pca_result, title=NULL) {
if (is.null(title)) {
title = "Scree Plot: Explained Variance by Principal Components"
addlabels = TRUE,
ylim = c(0, 100),
barcolor = "steelblue",
barfill = "lightblue",
ggtheme = ggplot2::theme_minimal(),
xlab = "Principal Components",
ylab = "Percentage of Variance (%)",
title = title,
labelsize = 4,
font.x = 14,
font.y = 14,
font.title = 16)
#' @title PCA Biplot
#' @description
#' Creates a biplot to visualize both the individuals and variables in a PCA result.
#' @param pca_result The result of a PCA analysis (object returned from `performPCA`).
#' @param title An optional title for the biplot. If NULL, a default title will be used.
#' @return A ggplot object representing the PCA biplot.
#' @export
plotPCA_fviz_biplot <- function(pca_result, title=NULL) {
if (is.null(title)) {
title = "PCA Biplot"
repel = TRUE,
label = "var",
palette = "Dark2",
col.var = "steelblue",
col.ind = "orange",
pointshape = 21,
pointsize = 3,
arrowsize = 1,
fill.ind = "lightyellow",
fill.var = "lightgreen",
ggtheme = ggplot2::theme_minimal(),
title = "PCA Biplot",
font.x = 14,
font.y = 14,
font.title = 16)
#' @title Determine Number of Factors
#' @description
#' This function determines the optimal number of factors to extract from a dataset
#' using the eigenvalue-based scree test and parallel analysis.
#' @param dataset A data frame from which factors are to be extracted.
#' The function will ignore the "Description" column if it exists.
#' @return An integer representing the number of factors to retain based on the
#' scree test results.
#' @export
determineNumberOfFactors <- function(dataset) {
if ("Description" %in% colnames(dataset)) {
dataset <- dataset[, !colnames(dataset) %in% "Description"]
eigenvalues = nFactors::eigenComputes(dataset)
aparallel = nFactors::eigenBootParallel(dataset, quantile=0.95)$quantile
results = nFactors::nScree(eigenvalues, aparallel = aparallel)
num_components = results$Components[4]$nkaiser
return (num_components)
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