
Defines functions aslCensoring

Documented in aslCensoring

#' Censor bad volumes from ASL data.
#' @param asl input asl image
#' @param mask mask for calculating perfusion
#' @param nuis fixed nuisance parameters
#' @param method one of 'outlier', 'robust', or 'scor'.  See \code{Details}.
#' @param reject.pairs whether to reject only tag-control pairs of images,
#' as opposed to single images.  Rejecting pairs of images is necessary for
#' non-regression-based ASL averaging methods.
#' @param ... Additional arguments to pass to censoring method.  See \code{Details.}
#' @details \code{aslCensoring} is an interface to ASL timepoint censoring algorithms.
#' Three options are currently provided, with different additional arguments:
#' \enumerate{
#'  \item{\code{outlier}}{ Outlier rejection from Tan et al.  This method rejects
#'    volumes that are either far from the mean of the time-series or whose
#'    standard deviation is far from the standard deviations of the individual volumes.
#'    Accepts two additional arguments:
#'      \itemize{
#'         \item{\code{sigma.mean}: }{how many standard
#'         deviations the mean of the volume can be from the
#'         mean of all the volumes before
#'         being thrown out.}
#'         \item{\code{sigma.sd}: }{how many standard deviations from the
#'         mean of standard deviations can the standard deviation of the volume be
#'         before being thrown out.}
#'      }
#' }
#'  \item{\code{robust}}{ Uses a robust regression approach to estimate volumes
#'    with high leverage.  Accepts three arguments:
#'    \itemize{
#'      \item{\code{nuis}:}{ Nuisance regressors to use as covariates.}
#'      \item{\code{robthresh}:}{ Threshold for weights on leverage estimates.  Points
#'         with weights under this value will be thrown out; defaults to 0.95.}
#'      \item{\code{skip}:}{ Proportion of points to skip when estimating leverage.
#'        Defaults to 20 (1/20 of the image is used).}
#'     }
#'   }
#'   \item{\code{scor}}{ SCOR method of Dolui et al.  No parameters.}
#' }
#' @return vector of the same length as number of timepoints in \code{asl}, with
#'  1 indicating the corresponding timepoint is included and 0 indicating exclusion.
#' @author Kandel BM
#' @examples
#' set.seed(1)
#' nvox <- 5 * 5 * 5 * 30
#' dims <- c(5, 5, 5, 30)
#' voxvals <- array(rnorm(nvox) + 500, dim=dims)
#' voxvals[, , , 5] <- voxvals[, , , 5] + 600
#' asl <- makeImage(dims, voxvals)
#' censored <- aslCensoring(asl)
#' testthat::expect_equal(mean(censored$asl.inlier), 248.071606610979)
#' testthat::expect_equal(censored$which.outliers, c(5L, 6L))
#' @references Tan H. et al., ``A Fast, Effective Filtering Method
#' for Improving Clinical Pulsed Arterial Spin Labeling MRI,'' JMRI 2009.
#' @export aslCensoring

aslCensoring <- function(asl, mask=NULL, nuis=NA, method='outlier',
                         reject.pairs=FALSE, ...) {
  # Supporting functions for censoring data: robSelection and scor.
  robSelection <- function(mat, xideal, mask, nuis=NA,  robthresh=0.95, skip=20) {
    cbfform <- formula(mat ~ xideal)
    rcbfform <- formula(mat[, vox] ~ xideal)
    if (!all(is.na(nuis))) {
      rmat <- residuals(lm(mat ~ nuis))
      cbfform <- formula(mat ~ xideal + nuis)
      rcbfform <- formula(rmat[, vox] ~ xideal)
    if (!all(is.na(nuis))) {
      rmat <- residuals(lm(mat ~ nuis))
      cbfform <- formula(mat ~ xideal + nuis)
      rcbfform <- formula(rmat[, vox] ~ xideal)
    mycbfmodel <- lm(cbfform)  # standard regression
    betaideal <- ((mycbfmodel$coeff)[2, ])
    if (mean(betaideal) < 0) {
      betaideal <- (betaideal) * (-1)
    cbfi <- antsImageClone(mask)
    cbfi[mask == 1] <- betaideal  # standard results
    indstozero <- NULL
    ctl <- robustbase::lmrob.control("KS2011", max.it = 1000)
    regweights <- rep(0, nrow(mat))
    rbetaideal <- rep(0, ncol(mat))
    robvals <- mat * 0
    vox <- 1
    ct <- 0
    visitvals <- (skip:floor((ncol(mat) - 1)/skip)) * skip
    if (skip == 1) {
      visitvals <- 1:ncol(mat)
    rgw <- regweights
    myct <- 0
    thisct <- 1
    for (vox in visitvals) {
      try(mycbfmodel <- robustbase::lmrob(rcbfform, control = ctl), silent = T)
      rbetaideal[vox] <- mycbfmodel$coeff[2]
      if (!is.null(mycbfmodel$rweights)) {
        rgw <- rgw + mycbfmodel$rweights
        myct <- myct + 1
        robvals[, myct] <- mycbfmodel$rweights
      thisct <- thisct + 1
    regweights <- (rgw/myct)
    if (is.na(mean(regweights))) {
      regweights[] <- 1
    # check if the robustness selects the blank part of the time series now use the
    # weights in a weighted regression
    indstozero <- which(regweights < (robthresh * max(regweights)))
    keepinds <- which(regweights > (robthresh * max(regweights)))
    if (length(keepinds) < 20) {
      indstozero <- which(regweights < (0.95 * robthresh * max(regweights)))
      keepinds <- which(regweights > (0.95 * robthresh * max(regweights)))
    if (length(keepinds) < 20) {
      indstozero <- which(regweights < (0.5 * robthresh * max(regweights)))
      keepinds <- which(regweights > (0.5 * robthresh * max(regweights)))
    regweights[indstozero] <- 0  # hard thresholding
    if (robthresh < 1 & robthresh > 0) {
      mycbfmodel <- lm(cbfform, weights = regweights)
    betaideal <- ((mycbfmodel$coeff)[2, ])
    if (mean(betaideal) < 0) {
      betaideal <- (betaideal) * (-1)

  aslOutlierRejection <- function(asl, mask = NULL, centralTendency = median,
    sigma.mean = 2.5, sigma.sd = 2) {
    if (is.null(mask)) {
      avg <- getAverageOfTimeSeries(asl)
      avg<-n3BiasFieldCorrection( avg, 2 )
      avg<-n3BiasFieldCorrection( avg, 2 )
      mask <- getMask(avg, mean(avg), Inf)
    nvox <- sum(mask[mask > 0])
    npairs <- dim(asl)[4]/2
    tc <- rep(c(1, 2), npairs)
    aslmat <- timeseries2matrix(asl, mask)
    diffs <- matrix(rep(NA, nrow(aslmat)/2 * ncol(aslmat)),
    for (ii in 1:nrow(diffs)) {
      diffs[ii, ] <- aslmat[ii*2, ] - aslmat[ii*2-1, ]

    if (mean(diffs) < 0) {
      diffs <- -diffs

    ts.diff <- diffs
    centers <- apply(ts.diff, 1, centralTendency)
    mean.centers <- centralTendency(centers)
    sd.centers <- sd(centers)
    sds <- apply(ts.diff, 1, sd)
    mean.sds <- mean(sds)
    sd.sds <- sd(sds)
    which.outlierpairs <- which((abs(centers - mean.centers) > sigma.mean * sd.centers) |
      (abs(sds - mean.sds) > sigma.sd * sd.sds))
    which.outliers <- rep(which.outlierpairs, each = 2)
    tc.outliers <- rep(c(1, 2), length(which.outlierpairs))
    which.outliers[tc.outliers == 1] <- which.outliers[tc.outliers == 1] * 2 - 1
    which.outliers[tc.outliers == 2] <- which.outliers[tc.outliers == 2] * 2

  scor <- function(asl){
    npairs <- dim(asl)[1]
    indices <- 1:npairs
    meancbf <- apply(asl, 1, mean)
    var.tot <- var(meancbf)
    var.prev <- var.tot + 1
    while(var.tot < var.prev){
      print(paste(var.prev, var.tot))
      var.prev <- var.tot
      meancbf.prev <- meancbf
      cc <- rep(NA, npairs)
      for(timepoint in 1:npairs){
        if (is.na(indices[timepoint]))
        tmp <- asl[, timepoint]
        cc[timepoint] <- cor(meancbf, tmp)
      indices[which.max(cc)] <- NA
      meancbf <- apply(asl[, indices[!is.na(indices)]], 1, mean)
      var.tot <- var(meancbf)
    indices.out <- rep(1, length(indices))
    indices.out[which(is.na(indices))] <- 0
    which(indices.out == 0)

  if (is.null(mask)){
    myar <- apply(as.array(asl), c(1, 2, 3), mean)
    img <- makeImage(dim(myar), myar)
    antsSetSpacing(img, antsGetSpacing(asl)[1:3])
    antsSetOrigin(img, antsGetOrigin(asl)[1:3])
    antsSetDirection(img, antsGetDirection(asl)[1:3, 1:3])
    mask <- getMask(img)
  } else {
    mask = check_ants(mask)
  ts <- timeseries2matrix(asl, mask)

  if (method == 'robust') {
    if (!usePkg("robust")) {
      print("Need robust package")
    xideal <- (rep(c(1, 0),
      dim(ts)[1])[1:dim(ts)[1]] - 0.5)  # control minus tag
    which.outliers <- robSelection(ts, xideal, mask, nuis, ...)
  } else if (method == 'outlier') {
    which.outliers <- aslOutlierRejection(asl, mask, ...)
  } else if (method == 'scor') {
    which.outliers <- scor(ts)

  if (reject.pairs) {
    odds <- which.outliers[which((which.outliers %% 2) == 1)]
    evens <- which.outliers[which((which.outliers %% 2) == 0)]
    odds.additional <- odds + 1
    evens.additional <- evens - 1
    which.outliers <- sort(unique(c(which.outliers,
                                    odds.additional, evens.additional)))

  if (length(which.outliers) > 0) {
    aslmat.inlier <- ts[-which.outliers, ]
  } else {
    aslmat.inlier <- ts
  asl.inlier <- matrix2timeseries(asl, mask, aslmat.inlier)
  list(which.outliers=which.outliers, asl.inlier=asl.inlier)
neuroconductor/ANTsR documentation built on Oct. 11, 2020, 8:14 a.m.