
Defines functions splitMask vwnrfs.predict vwnrfs

Documented in splitMask vwnrfs vwnrfs.predict

#' voxelwise neighborhood random forest segmentation and prediction
#' Represents feature images as a neighborhood and uses the features
#' to build a random forest prediction from an image population
#' @param y list of training label images, can be a factor or numeric vector
#' this can also be a regular old vector
#' @param x a list of lists where each list contains feature images
#' @param labelmasks a list of masks where each mask defines the image space
#' for the given list. that is, the nth mask indexes the nth feature set.
#' multi-label masks will try to balance sampling for each label.
#' @param rad vector of dimensionality d define nhood radius
#' @param nsamples (per subject to enter training)
#' @param ntrees (for the random forest model)
#' @param asFactors boolean - treat the y entries as factors
#' @param reduceFactor integer factor by which to reduce (imaging) data resolution
#' @param ... arguments to pass to \code{randomForest}
#' @return list a 4-list with the rf model, training vector, feature matrix
#' and the random mask
#' @author Avants BB, Tustison NJ, Pustina D
#' @examples
#' mask<-makeImage( c(10,10), 0 )
#' mask[ 3:6, 3:6 ]<-1
#' mask[ 5, 5:6]<-2
#' ilist<-list()
#' lablist<-list()
#' masklist<-list()
#' inds<-1:5
#' scl<-0.33 # a noise parameter
#' for ( predtype in c("label","scalar") )
#' {
#' for ( i in inds ) {
#'   img<-antsImageClone(mask)
#'   imgb<-antsImageClone(mask)
#'   limg<-antsImageClone(mask)
#'   if ( predtype == "label") {  # 4 class prediction
#'     img[ 3:6, 3:6 ]<-rnorm(16)*scl+(i %% 4)+scl*mean(rnorm(1))
#'     imgb[ 3:6, 3:6 ]<-rnorm(16)*scl+(i %% 4)+scl*mean(rnorm(1))
#'     limg[ 3:6, 3:6 ]<-(i %% 4)+1  # the label image is constant
#'     }
#'     if ( predtype == "scalar") {
#'       img[ 3:6, 3:6 ]<-rnorm(16,1)*scl*(i)+scl*mean(rnorm(1))
#'       imgb[ 3:6, 3:6 ]<-rnorm(16,1)*scl*(i)+scl*mean(rnorm(1))
#'       limg<-i^2.0  # a real outcome
#'       }
#'     ilist[[i]]<-list(img,imgb)  # two features
#'     lablist[[i]]<-limg
#'     masklist[[i]] = mask
#'   }
#'   rfm<-vwnrfs( lablist , ilist, masklist[[1]], rad=c(2,2) ) # use single mask
#'   rfm<-vwnrfs( lablist , ilist, masklist, rad=c(2,2) )
#'   if ( predtype == "label" )
#'     print(  sum( rfm$tv != predict(rfm$rfm) ) )
#'   if ( predtype == "scalar" )
#'     print( cor(as.numeric(rfm$tv) , as.numeric(predict(rfm$rfm) ) ) )
#' } # end predtype loop
#' @export vwnrfs
vwnrfs <- function( y, x, labelmasks, rad=NA, nsamples=8,
                    ntrees=500, asFactors=TRUE, reduceFactor=1,
                    ...) {

  if ( ! usePkg("randomForest") )
    stop("Please install the randomForest package, example: install.packages('randomForest')")

  # one labelmask or many
  if ( typeof(labelmasks) != "list" ) {
    inmask = antsImageClone( labelmasks )
    for ( i in 1:length(x) ) labelmasks[[i]] = inmask
    useFirstMask = TRUE

  # set rad=0 if not defined
  if ( all( is.na( rad )  ) ) rad<-rep(0, x[[1]][[1]]@dimension )

  # check y type
  if (  typeof(y[[1]]) == "integer" | typeof(y[[1]]) == "double" ) yisimg<-FALSE

  if ( idim != x[[1]][[1]]@dimension )
    stop("vwnrfs: dimensionality does not match")


  # initialize fm and tv to maximum potential size
  ulabs<-sort( unique( c( as.numeric( labelmasks[[1]] ) ) ) )
  ulabs<-ulabs[ ulabs > 0 ]
  neigh = prod(rad*2+1) # neighborhood size we'll get from getNeighborhoodInMask
  nsubj = length(x) # number of subjects
  nfeats = length(x[[1]]) # number of features
  tv<-rep( NA, nsamples*length(ulabs)*nsubj )  # Y for random forest
  fm = matrix(nrow=length(tv) ,  ncol=neigh*nfeats )  # X for random forest

  # fill tv and fm
  fromrow = torow =  0
  for ( i in 1:nsubj) {

    xfactor = x[[i]]
    yfactor = y[[i]]
    labmaskfactor = antsImageClone(labelmasks[[i]])

    # resample subject images with provided factor
    if (reduceFactor != 1) {
      subdim<-round( dim(labelmasks[[i]]) / reduceFactor )
      subdim[ subdim < 2*rad+1 ] <- ( 2*rad+1 )[  subdim < 2*rad+1 ]
      if (yisimg) yfactor<-resampleImage( y[[i]], subdim, useVoxels=1, interpType=as.numeric(asFactors) )
      for ( k in 1:nfeats ) xfactor[[k]]<-resampleImage( xfactor[[k]], subdim, useVoxels=1, 0 )
      if (i==1 | useFirstMask==F)
        labmaskfactor = resampleImage(labmaskfactor, subdim, useVoxels=1,
                                      interpType=as.numeric(asFactors) )

    # get randmask, only once unless necessary
    if (i==1 | useFirstMask==F) {
      randmask = randomMask(labmaskfactor,nsamples=nsamples,perLabel=asFactors)
      randvox = sum(randmask==1)
      if ( randvox == 0 ) stop("error in input data - randmask ", i," is empty")

    # which rows shall we fill
    fromrow = torow+1
    torow = fromrow + randvox - 1

    # fill tv
    if ( yisimg ) {
      tv[ fromrow:torow ] = t(getNeighborhoodInMask( yfactor, randmask, rad*0, spatial.info=F, boundary.condition='image' ))
    } else {
      tv[ fromrow:torow ] = rep( yfactor, randvox )

    fromcol = tocol = 0 # columns need reset for nfeats loop
    for ( k in 1:nfeats ) {
      # which columns shall we fill
      fromcol = tocol+1
      tocol = fromcol + neigh - 1

      # get neighborhood
      m1<-t(getNeighborhoodInMask( xfactor[[k]], randmask, rad, 
                                   spatial.info=FALSE, boundary.condition='image' ))

      # make sure neiborhood is not out of image
      if (any(is.na(m1)))
        stop(paste('Neighborhood falling out of image for subject',i,'feature',k,'\n',
                   'Consider zero-padding images to increase neighborhood availability.'))

      # put in fm
      fm[fromrow:torow, fromcol:tocol] = m1



  # prune tv and fm to non-NA rows
  fm = fm[!is.na(tv),]
  tv = tv[!is.na(tv)]
  if ( asFactors ) tv<-factor( tv )


  rfm <- randomForest::randomForest(
    y=tv,x=fm, ntree = ntrees,
    importance = FALSE, proximity = FALSE, keep.inbag = FALSE,
    keep.forest = TRUE , na.action = na.omit, norm.votes=FALSE,

  return( list(rfm=rfm, tv=tv, fm=fm, randmask=randmask ) )

#' voxelwise neighborhood random forest prediction
#' Takes a model created with vwnrfs and builds a prediction
#' based on similar features used to train vwnrfs
#' @param rfm random forest model trained with vwnrfs with certain
#' number of features.
#' @param x a list of lists. Each list contains the list of feature
#' images required to predict a response or an image. The features
#' must be the same used during training. I.e., if you train on
#' T1 and T2 images, those should be the same features used for
#' prediction, in the same exact order for each subject.
#' @param labelmasks a list of masks where each mask defines the space
#' to predict from. These can be individual masks for each subject
#' (i.e., custom brain masks) or a single antsImage that will be used
#' for all subjects.
#' @param rad vector of dimensionality d define the neighborhood radius.
#' Must be the same radius with which the model was trained, i.e.,
#' c(1,1,1)
#' @param asFactors boolean - treat the y entries as factors. If this is
#' true, the prediction will be a classification, and the output will
#' produce images. If this is false, the prediction will be a regression,
#' and the output will produce a single response value.
#' @param voxchunk value of maximal voxels to predict at once. This value
#' is used to split the prediction into smaller chunks such that memory
#' requirements do not become too big.
#' @param reduceFactor value of resolution reduction (i.e., for 1mm voxels
#' and reduceFactor=3) the model will be trained on ~3mm images.
#' @return list a 2-list with the rf model, training vector, feature matrix
#' and the random mask
#' @author Pustina D
#' @examples
#' ## Do not run
#' ## vwnrfs.predict(rfm, x=x, labelmasks=labelmasks,
#' ## rad=rad, asFactors=TRUE, voxchunk=voxchunk,
#' ## reduceFactor = mr)mask<-makeImage( c(10,10), 0 )
#' ## End do not run
#' @export vwnrfs.predict
vwnrfs.predict = function(rfm, x, labelmasks, rad=NA,
                          asFactors=TRUE, voxchunk=30000,
                          reduceFactor = 1) {

  if ( ! usePkg("randomForest") )
    stop("Please install the randomForest package, example: install.packages('randomForest')")

  # one labelmask or many
  if ( typeof(labelmasks) != "list" ) {
    inmask = antsImageClone( labelmasks )
    for ( i in 1:length(x) ) labelmasks[[i]] = inmask

  neigh = prod(rad*2+1) # neighborhood size we'd get from getNeighborhoodInMask
  nsubj = length(x) # number of subjects
  nfeats = length(x[[1]]) # number of features
  masterprobs = list()  # this will have posterior probabilities
  if (asFactors) seg = list()  # this will have segmentations
  if (!asFactors) response = list()  # or responses

  # predict each subject individually
  for(i in 1:nsubj) {

    xfactor = x[[i]]
    labmaskfactor = antsImageClone(labelmasks[[i]])

    # resample subject images with provided factor
    if (reduceFactor != 1) {
      subdim = round( dim(labmaskfactor) / reduceFactor )
      subdim[ subdim < 2*rad+1 ] <- ( 2*rad+1 )[  subdim < 2*rad+1 ]
      for ( k in 1:nfeats ) xfactor[[k]]<-resampleImage( xfactor[[k]], subdim, useVoxels=1, 0 )
      labmaskfactor = resampleImage(labmaskfactor, subdim, useVoxels=1, interpType=as.numeric(asFactors) )

    # initialize output images for this subject
    if (asFactors) { nprob = length(levels(rfm$y))
    } else { nprob=1 }
    masterprobs[[i]] = list()
    for (t in 1:nprob) masterprobs[[i]][[t]] = labmaskfactor*0

    nchunks = round( sum(labmaskfactor!=0) / voxchunk )
    if ( nchunks <= 2 ) nchunks=1
    chunkmask = splitMask(labmaskfactor,nchunks)
    for (ch in 1:nchunks) {
      fm = matrix(nrow=sum(chunkmask==ch), ncol=neigh*nfeats) # initialize matrix to predict from
      fromcol = tocol = 0 # reset this for the nfeats loop
      binchunk = thresholdImage(chunkmask,ch,ch) # binary mask for this chunk only

      for ( k in 1:nfeats ) {
        # which columns shall we fill
        fromcol = tocol+1
        tocol = fromcol + neigh - 1

        # get neighborhood
        m1<-t(getNeighborhoodInMask( xfactor[[k]], binchunk, rad, spatial.info=F, boundary.condition='image' ))

        # make sure neiborhood is not out of image
        if (any(is.na(m1)))
          stop(paste('Neighborhood falling out of image for subject',i,'feature',k,'\n',
                     'Consider padding the images with zero values to increase neighborhood availability.'))

        # put in fm
        fm[, fromcol:tocol] = m1

      # predict this chunk
      if ( asFactors ) predtype<-'prob'
      probs = t( predict( rfm ,newdata=fm, type=predtype) )

      # fill masterprobs of this subject
      for (m in 1:nprob) masterprobs[[i]][[m]][binchunk==1] = probs[m,]

      invisible(gc()) # clean up some memory

    # create segmentation for this sub
    if (asFactors) {
      temp = imageListToMatrix( unlist(masterprobs[[i]]) , labmaskfactor )
      temp = apply( temp, FUN=which.max, MARGIN=2)
      seg[[i]] = makeImage( labmaskfactor , temp )
      rm(temp); invisible(gc())
    } else {
      response[[i]] = apply( imageListToMatrix( unlist(masterprobs[[i]]) , labmaskfactor ), FUN=median, MARGIN=1 )

  # return either image segmentation or response
  if ( asFactors ) {
    return( list( seg=seg, probs=masterprobs ) )
  } else {
    return( list( seg=response, probs=masterprobs ) )

#' split a mask into n labeled sub-masks
#' @param mask antsImage mask
#' @param n number of mask chunks (if voxchunk is not set)
#' @param voxchunk number of voxels per chunk (if n is not set)
#' @return relabeledMask
#' @author Avants BB, Tustison NJ, Pustina D
#' @examples
#' mask = getMask( antsImageRead( getANTsRData("r16" ) ) )
#' smask = splitMask( mask, 10 )
#' @export splitMask
splitMask <- function( mask, n = NA, voxchunk = NA ) {
  if ( is.na(n) & is.na(voxchunk) ) {
    stop('Arguments n or voxchunk are required for splitMask')
  if ( class(mask) != 'antsImage') stop('Mask must be a single antsImage')

  hasvalues = mask >= 0.5
  nnz = sum( hasvalues )

  if ( is.numeric(n) ) {
    # if voxchunk not set compute chunk size
    nnz = sum( hasvalues )
    voxchunk = round( nnz / n ) - 1

  if (voxchunk > sum(mask>=0.5)) {
    return(thresholdImage(mask, 0.5, Inf))

  chunk.seq = seq(1, nnz, by=voxchunk )
  chunk.seq[ length(chunk.seq) ] = nnz

  voxels = rep(NA, sum(mask>=0.5) )
  for ( ch in 1:( length(chunk.seq)-1 ) ) {
    # set end of this chunk
    chnxt = chunk.seq[ ch + 1 ] - 1
    if ( ch ==  ( length(chunk.seq)-1 ) ) chnxt = nnz
    voxels[ chunk.seq[ch]:chnxt ] = ch
  smask = mask * 0
  smask[mask>=0.5] = voxels
  if ( sum( mask >= 0.5 ) != sum(smask >= 0.5 ) ) {
    stop("submask non-zero entries should be the same as input mask" )
  return( smask )
neuroconductor/ANTsR documentation built on Oct. 11, 2020, 8:14 a.m.