
Defines functions lsm_BMfast

Documented in lsm_BMfast

#' @title Brunner-Munzel tests for symptom mapping (fast)
#' @description
#' Lesion to symptom mapping performed on a prepared matrix.
#' Brunner-Munzel tests are performed using each column
#' of the matrix to split the behavioral scores in two
#' groups. This function relies on a compiled version for
#' fast processing.
#' @param lesmat binary matrix (0/1) of voxels (columns)
#' and subjects (rows).
#' @param behavior vector of behavioral scores.
#' @param permuteNthreshold (default=9) Voxels lesioned in fewer
#' than 9 subjects may yield incorrect p-values with Brunner-Munzel
#' tests, so they need to identify pvalues through individualized
#' permutations. This parameter sets the threshold to find which
#' voxels need permutations. See
#' \href{https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/19766664}{Medina et al (2010)}.
#' @param permuteAllVoxelsBM (default=FALSE) whether to force the
#' permutation-based p-value calulation for all voxels, instead of
#' applying only to voxels below \code{permuteNthrehsold}. Setting this
#' option to TRUE will force all voxels  undergo permutation-based
#' p-value calculation.
#' @param npermBM (default=20000) Number of permutations to perform
#' at every single voxel below \code{permuteNthrehsold}. Note, this
#' argument is different from \code{nperm}, which controls volume-based
#' permutations to perform multiple comparison corrections with FWERperm.
#' @param nperm (default=1000) Number of permutations to perform on
#' entire volumes when needed for multiple comparisons corrections
#' (i.e., in FWERperm).
#' @param alternative (default="greater") It is assumed that
#' healthy voxels (0) have greater behavioral scores. If your
#' data follow an inverted relationship choose "less" or
#' "two.sided".
#' @param statOnly logical (default=FALSE), skips some computations,
#' mostly for internal use to speed up some things.
#' @param FWERperm logical (default=FALSE) whether to perform permutation
#' based FWER thresholding.
#' @param v (default=1) which voxel to record at each permutation with
#' FWERperm. All software use the peak voxel (v=1), but you can choose
#' a voxel further down the list to relax the threshold (i.e., v=10
#' for 10 highest voxel)
#' (see \href{https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/12704393}{Mirman (2017)}).
#' @param pThreshold (default=0.05) what threshold to use for FWER
#' @param showInfo display info messagges when running the function.
#' @param ... other arguments received from \code{\link{lesymap}}.
#' @return
#' List of objects returned:
#' \itemize{
#' \item\code{statistic} - vector of statistical values
#' \item\code{pvalue} - vector of pvalues
#' \item\code{zscore} - vector of zscores
#' \item\code{perm.vector} - (optional) vector of permuted statistics
#' \item\code{perm.FWERthresh} - (optional) permutation threshold established
#' from the distribution of \code{perm.vector}
#' }
#' @export
#' @examples{
#' set.seed(123)
#' lesmat = matrix(rbinom(200,1,0.5), ncol=2)
#' set.seed(123)
#' behavior = rnorm(100)
#' result = lsm_BMfast(lesmat, behavior)
#' }
#' @author Dorian Pustina
lsm_BMfast <- function(lesmat, behavior, permuteNthreshold=9, alternative="greater",
                       statOnly = FALSE, nperm=1000, npermBM=20000,
                       FWERperm=FALSE, v=1, pThreshold=0.05,
                       showInfo=FALSE, ...) {

  # check the assumption of min subjects in BM is not violated
  # find voxels that need permutation
  lesmat.colsums = colSums(lesmat)
  permindx = (lesmat.colsums)<=permuteNthreshold
  permindx = (nrow(lesmat) - lesmat.colsums)<=permuteNthreshold | permindx

  # if all voxels to be permuted, turn on permuteAllVoxelsBM
  if (all(permindx)) permuteAllVoxelsBM = TRUE

  # if needed, force permutation on all voxels
  if (permuteAllVoxelsBM) permindx[!permindx] = TRUE

  if (FWERperm) statOnly = T

  # main BM run
  if (FWERperm) tic = Sys.time()
  temp = BMfast2(lesmat, behavior, computeDOF = !FWERperm)
  if (FWERperm) onerun = as.double(difftime(Sys.time(),tic, units = 'sec'))
  statistic = temp$statistic
  dof = temp$dfbm

  # fix problem of infinite dof
  dof[dof==Inf] = .Machine$double.xmax

  pvalue = rep(1, length(statistic))
  zscore =  rep(0, length(statistic))

  if (!statOnly) {
    if ((alternative == "less") | (alternative == "l")) {
      pvalue = pt(statistic, dof, lower.tail=TRUE)
    } else if ((alternative == "greater") | (alternative == "g")) {
      pvalue = pt(statistic, dof, lower.tail=FALSE)
    } else {
      alternative = "two.sided"
      pvalue = 2 * pt(abs(statistic), dof, lower.tail=FALSE)

    # run voxel-wise BM permutations when needed
    if (any(permindx)) {
      if (showInfo) printInfo(paste0('\n        running ',npermBM,' Brunner-Munzel permutations in ', sum(permindx),' voxels lesioned in less than ', permuteNthreshold, ' subjects to find correct p-value' ), type='middle')

      if ((alternative == "greater") | (alternative == "g")) {
        BMpermalternative = 1
      } else if ((alternative == "less") | (alternative == "l")) {
        BMpermalternative = 2
      } else if (alternative == "two.sided") {
        BMpermalternative = 3
      } else {
        stop(paste('BMperm alternative not recognized:', alternative))

      if (npermBM < 20000) warning('Number of permutations too small, consider increasing it.')

      temp = BMperm(lesmat[,permindx], behavior, computeDOF = FALSE,
                    alternative = BMpermalternative, npermBM = npermBM)
      pvalue[permindx] = temp$pvalue

    #' Note on zscores
    #' qnorm gives same values as MRIcron
    #' and relies on the normal distribution.
    #' however, we are computing t-scores, and
    #' should have relied on that distribution,
    #' which is the t-score itself.
    if ((alternative == "less") | (alternative == "l")) {
      zscore = qnorm(pvalue, lower.tail=TRUE)
      #zscore = qt(pvalue, dof, , lower.tail=TRUE)
    } else if ((alternative == "greater") | (alternative == "g")) {
      zscore = qnorm(pvalue, lower.tail=FALSE)
      #zscore = qt(pvalue, dof, lower.tail=FALSE)
    } else {
      neg = statistic<0
      pos = statistic>0
      zscore = statistic*0
      zscore[neg] = qnorm(pvalue[neg], lower.tail=TRUE)
      zscore[pos] = qnorm(pvalue[pos], lower.tail=FALSE)

  if (FWERperm) {
    if (showInfo) {
      toc = tic + (nperm * onerun)
      expect = paste(round(as.double(difftime(toc,tic)),1), units(difftime(toc,tic)))
      printInfo(paste('\n       FWERperm', nperm, 'permutations, expected run =', expect), type='middle')
    # run permutations
    maxvec = rep(NA, nperm)
    for (p in 1:nperm) {
      tempperm = BMfast2(lesmat, sample(behavior), computeDOF=FALSE)
      tempperm = sort(tempperm$statistic, decreasing = TRUE, method='quick')
      # if we expect greater, get max value
      if (alternative == 'greater') maxvec[p] = tempperm[v]
      # if we expect less, get min value
      if (alternative == 'less') maxvec[p] = tempperm[ length(tempperm) - v + 1 ]
      # if we expect twosided, get most extreme value
      if (alternative == 'two.sided') {
        thismax = tempperm[v]
        thismin = tempperm[ length(tempperm) - v + 1 ]
        maxvec[p] = ifelse(abs(thismin) > abs(thismax), thismin, thismax)

    # use pThreshold to establish quantile point
    if (alternative == 'greater') FWEquantile = (1-pThreshold)
    if (alternative == 'less') FWEquantile = (pThreshold)
    if (alternative == 'two.sided') FWEquantile = c(pThreshold/2,(1-pThreshold/2))

    # compute FWER threshold from distribution
    if (alternative == 'greater') FWEthresh = quantile(maxvec, probs = FWEquantile)
    if (alternative == 'less') FWEthresh = quantile(maxvec, probs = FWEquantile)
    if (alternative == 'two.sided') FWEthresh = quantile(maxvec, probs = FWEquantile)

    # threshold statistics
    if (alternative == 'greater') statistic[statistic < FWEthresh] = 0
    if (alternative == 'less') statistic[statistic > FWEthresh] = 0
    if (alternative == 'two.sided') statistic[statistic > FWEthresh[1] & statistic < FWEthresh[2] ] = 0


  # return outcome
  output = list(statistic=statistic)
  output$pvalue = pvalue
  if (!statOnly) {
    output$zscore = zscore

  if (FWERperm) output$perm.FWEquantile = paste(FWEquantile, collapse=' | ')
  if (FWERperm) output$perm.FWEthresh = paste(FWEthresh, collapse=' | ')
  if (FWERperm) output$perm.vector = maxvec

neuroconductor/LESYMAP documentation built on May 28, 2020, 7:27 p.m.