
#' Function to perform multiple adjacency spectral embedding
#' @param Adj_list a list of adjacency matrices with the same size n x n
#' @param d number of joint embedding dimensions. If NA, dimension is chosen automatically
#' @param d_vec vector of individual embedding dimensions for each graph. If NA, it is the same as d.
#' @param scaled.ASE logical. When true, the scaled adjacency spectral embedding is used.
#' @param diag.augmentation logial. When true, the diagonal augmentation method for ASE is performed.
#' @param par whether to run in parallel (TRUE/FALSE)
#' @param numpar number of clusters for parallel implmentation
#' @return A list containing a matrix V of size n x d, with the
#' estimated invariant subspace, and a list R with the individual score parameters for each graph (size d x d each).
#' @references
#' @author Jes\'us Arroyo <>
mase <- function(Adj_list, d = NA, d_vec = NA,
                 scaled.ASE = FALSE, diag.augment = TRUE,
                 par = FALSE, numpar = 12) {
  if( {
    d_vec = rep(d, length(Adj_list))
  # running in parallel
  if(par) {
    cl <- makeCluster(numpar)
    if(scaled.ASE) {
      clusterExport(cl = cl, varlist = list("ase", "getElbows"))
      latpos.list <- parLapply(cl = cl, 1:length(Adj_list), function(i)
        ase(Adj_list[[i]], d = d_vec[i], diag.augment = diag.augment))
      clusterExport(cl = cl, varlist = list("eig_embedding", "getElbows"))
      latpos.list <- parLapply(cl = cl, 1:length(Adj_list), function(i)
        eig_embedding(Adj_list[[i]], d = d_vec[i], diag.augment = diag.augment))
  } else {
    if(scaled.ASE) {
      latpos.list <- lapply(1:length(Adj_list), function(i)
        ase(Adj_list[[i]], d = d_vec[i], diag.augment = diag.augment))
    } else{
      latpos.list <- lapply(1:length(Adj_list), function(i)
        eig_embedding(Adj_list[[i]], d = d_vec[i], diag.augment = diag.augment))
  V_all  <- Reduce(cbind, latpos.list)
  jointsvd <- svd(V_all)
  if(is.null(d) || {
    #hist(sapply(latpos.list, ncol))
    d = getElbows(jointsvd$d, plot = TRUE)[2]
  V = jointsvd$u[, 1:d, drop = FALSE]
  R <- project_networks(Adj_list, V)
  return(list(V = V, sigma = jointsvd$d, R = R))

#' Function to perform graph adjacency spectral embedding (ASE)
#' @param A adjacency matrix
#' @param d number of joint embedding dimensions. If NA, dimension is chosen automatically
#' @param d.max maximum number of embedding dimensions to try when d is not provided. Default is sqrt(ncol(A)).
#' @param diag.augment whether to do diagonal augmentation (TRUE/FALSE)
#' @return A matrix with n rows and d columns containing the estimated latent positions
#' @author Jes\'us Arroyo <>
ase <- function(A, d = NA, d.max = sqrt(ncol(A)), diag.augment = TRUE) {
  # Diagonal augmentation
  if(diag.augment & sum(abs(diag(A))) == 0) {
    deg = colSums(A)
    n = ncol(A)
    diag(A) = deg / (n-1)
  if(is.null(d) || {
    eig <- rARPACK::eigs(as(A, "dgeMatrix"), d.max)
    vals <- sort(x =  abs(eig$values), decreasing = TRUE)
    d = getElbows(vals, plot = F)[2]
    selected.eigs <- which(abs(eig$values) >= vals[d])
    V <- eig$vectors[,selected.eigs]
    D <- diag(sqrt(abs(eig$values[selected.eigs])), nrow = d)
    X <- V %*% D
  } else {
    eig <- rARPACK::eigs(as(A, "dgeMatrix"), k = d)
    X <- eig$vectors %*% diag(sqrt(abs(eig$values)), nrow = d)

#' Function to perform graph generalised adjacency spectral embedding
#' @param A adjacency matrix
#' @param d number of joint embedding dimensions. If NULL, dimension is chosen automatically
#' @param d.max maximum number of embedding dimensions to choose (if d is given, this number is ignored)
#' @param diag.augment whether to do diagonal augmentation (TRUE/FALSE)
#' @return A list containing a matrix with n rows and d columns representing the estimated latent positions, and the estimated
#' indefinite orthogonal projection matrix
#' @references Rubin-Delanchy, Patrick, et al. "A statistical interpretation of spectral embedding:
#' the generalised random dot product graph." arXiv preprint arXiv:1709.05506 (2017).
#' @author Jes\'us Arroyo <>
g.ase <- function(A, d = NULL, d.max = ncol(A), diag.augment = T) {
  if(is.null(d) || {
    if(diag.augment & sum(abs(diag(A))) == 0) {
      deg = colSums(A)
      n = ncol(A)
      diag(A) = deg / (n-1)
    eigv <- eigs(as(A, "dgeMatrix"), d.max)
    vals <- sort(x =  abs(eigv$values), decreasing = TRUE)
    #d = getElbow_GMM(vals)
    d = getElbows(vals, plot = F)[2]
    selected.eigs <- which(abs(eigv$values) >= vals[d])
    if (all(abs(eigv$values) >= vals[d])) {
      return(list(X=matrix(1, nrow=n, ncol=1), D=c(0)))
    X <- eigv$vectors[,selected.eigs] %*% diag(sqrt(abs(eigv$values[selected.eigs])), nrow = d)
    D <- sign(eigv$values[selected.eigs])
  } else{
    eig <- eigs(as(A, "dgeMatrix"), k =  d)
    X <- eig$vectors %*% diag(sqrt(abs(eig$values)), nrow = d)
    D <- sign(eig$values)
  return(list(X=X, D=D))

#' Obtain expected adjacency matrix from generalised RDPG
#' @param g_ase output of g.ase
#' @return A matrix with expected adjacency
P_from_g.ase <- function(g_ase) {
  g_ase$X %*% diag(g_ase$D) %*% t(g_ase$X)

#' Function to compute the graph unscaled adjacency spectral embedding (top eigenvectors)
#' @param A adjacency matrix
#' @param d number of joint embedding dimensions. If NULL, dimension is chosen automatically
#' @param d.max maximum number of embedding dimensions to choose (if d is given, this number is ignored)
#' @param diag.augment whether to do diagonal augmentation (TRUE/FALSE)
#' @return A list containing a matrix with n rows and d columns representing the estimated latent positions, and the estimated
#' indefinite orthogonal projection matrix
#' @author Jes\'us Arroyo <>
eig_embedding <- function(A, d = NULL, d.max = ncol(A), diag.augment = FALSE) {
  n <- ncol(A)
  if(diag.augment & sum(abs(diag(A))) == 0) {
    deg = colSums(A)
    n = ncol(A)
    diag(A) = deg / (n-1)
  if(is.null(d) || {
    eig <- eigs(as(A, "dgeMatrix"), d.max)
    vals <- sort(x =  abs(eig$values), decreasing = TRUE)#[1:sqrt(n)]
    #d = getElbow_GMM(vals)
    d = getElbows(vals, plot = F)[2]
    selected.eigs <- which(abs(eig$values) >= vals[d])
    eig <- eig$vectors[,selected.eigs]
  }else {
    eig <- eigs(as(A, "dgeMatrix"), k = d)$vectors

#' Function to estimated the score matrices of a list of graphs given the common invariant subspace V
#' @param Adj_list list of adjacency matrices, of size n x n
#' @param V common invariant subspace. A matrix of size n x d.
#' @return A list containing the score matrices
#' @author Jes\'us Arroyo <>
project_networks <- function(Adj_list, V) {
  lapply(Adj_list, function(A) crossprod(crossprod(A, V), V))

graph_distance <- function(A, B) {

cluster_positions <- function(V, K) {
  clus <- Mclust(V, G = K)

plot.3d <- function(V, col = NULL, title = NULL) {
  if(is.null(col)) {
    pl <- plot_ly(x = V[, 1], y = V[,2], z = V[,3], main = "hi")
  }else {
    pl <- plot_ly(x = V[, 1], y = V[,2], z = V[,3], color = col)
  pl %>%
    layout(title = title)

dissimilarity.graphs <- function(Adj_list) {
  D <- sapply(Adj_list, function(A)
    sapply(Adj_list, function(B) graph_distance(A, B)))

distance.Rs <- function(Rs) {
  D <- sapply(Rs, function(A)
    sapply(Rs, function(B) norm(A-B, "F")))

frobenius <- function(A, B) norm(A-B, "F")

subspace_distance <- function(V1, V2) {
  U1 = svd(V1)$u
  U2 = svd(V2)$u
  sqrt(ncol(U1) - sum(svd(crossprod(U1, U2))$d))
neurodata/r-mgc documentation built on March 12, 2021, 9:45 a.m.