#' Evaluate splines with multiple values of lambda
#' This function is a wrapper for the ea_spline
#' function from the ithir package maintained by
#' Brendan Malone and available on bitbucket.
#' The wrapper allows the user to evaluate and
#' plot equal area quadratic splines using multiple
#' values of lambda.
#' @param obj Object of class "data.frame"
#' @param var.name character; target variable name (must be a numeric variable)
#' @param lam numeric; lambda the smoothing parameter
#' @param d numeric; standard depths that are used to extract values from fitted spline i.e harmonising depths
#' @param vlow numeric; smallest value of the target variable (smaller values will be replaced)
#' @param vhigh numeric; highest value of the target variable (larger values will be replaced)
#' @param dir character; location to store plots if the option is selected, defaults to current working directory
#' @param save.plots logical; TRUE or FALSE, to generate plots or not
#' @return Returns a list with five elements:
#' harmonised
#' data frame; are spline-estimated values of the target variable at standard depths
#' obs.preds
#' data frame; are observed values together with associated spline predictions for each profile at each depth.
#' splineFitError
#' matrix; rmse and rmseiqr between observed and predicted between observed profiles and associated fitted splines.
#' var.1cm
#' matrix; are spline-estimated values of the target variable using the 1 cm increments
#' lamdf
#' data frame; returns the optimal value of lambda for each profile
#' @importFrom methods "is"
#' @importFrom graphics "par"
#' @importFrom graphics "mtext"
#' @importFrom grDevices "dev.copy"
#' @importFrom grDevices "dev.list"
#' @importFrom grDevices "dev.off"
#' @importFrom grDevices "png"
#' @export
#' @examples
#' #Generate splines with various lambdas for soil profiles
#' data(profiles)
#' d=t(c(0,5,15,30,60,100))
#' lam=c(10, 1, 0.1, 0.01, 0.001)
#' oss.optSpline(obj=profiles,var.name="CEC",lam=lam,d=d,save.plots=FALSE)
oss.optSpline<- function(obj, var.name, lam= 0.1, d= t(c(0,5,15,30,60,100,200)), vlow= 0, vhigh= 1000, dir=getwd(), save.plots=TRUE){
# create a directory for output of spline plots if user wants them
output_dir<- paste0(dir,'/Spline_plots')
#set the first column, the site identifier, to character
obj[,1]<- as.character(obj[,1])
# split the input data frame into a list by site identifier
datlist<- split.data.frame(obj,obj[,1])
# create an empty list to hold the outputs of the function
splinelist<- list()
#create a vector of the site identifiers for naming plots
names<- unique(obj[,1])
#start of the outer loop that will run ea_spline for each site
for (i in 1:length(datlist)){
#split the plotting window based on number of lambda values
# start the inner loop which evaluates the various lambda for each profile in your list
for(j in 1:length(lam)){
#select the lambda
y<- lam[j]
# Run the spline and compile the RMSE values in a table
DataSpline <- suppressMessages(ithir::ea_spline(datlist[[i]], var.name= var.name ,d = d,lam = y, vlow=vlow, vhigh = vhigh, show.progress=FALSE))
l_eval<- cbind(y, sum(DataSpline$splineFitError$rmse, na.rm=TRUE))
ifelse(exists('lam_sum'), lam_sum<- rbind(lam_sum,l_eval), lam_sum<- l_eval)
# we need to correct the issue with numbers coming out as characters, a workaround
DataSpline$obs.preds[,2]<- as.numeric(DataSpline$obs.preds[,2])
DataSpline$obs.preds[,3]<- as.numeric(DataSpline$obs.preds[,3])
DataSpline$obs.preds[,4]<- as.numeric(DataSpline$obs.preds[,4])
# we add the plotting function here
oss.plot_spl(splineOuts= DataSpline, d = d, maxd = 100, type = 3)
mtext(paste0("lambda = ",y),cex = 0.8)
#end of inner loop for testing the specified lambda values
# once the loop is done we can save the plot to png if the user wants them
dev.copy(png, paste0(output_dir,"/Spline_", var.name, "_", names[i], ".png"), width=600, height=800)
if(!is.null(dev.list())) dev.off()}
# then you retrieve the optimal lambda for the site
if (nrow(lam_sum)==1) {z= as.numeric(lam_sum[1,1])
} else {
lam_sum<- lam_sum[order(lam_sum[,2]),]
# and now run the spline one last time with optimal lambda and commit it to a new list
splinelist[[i]] <- suppressMessages(ithir::ea_spline(datlist[[i]], var.name= var.name ,d = d,lam = z, vlow=vlow, vhigh = vhigh, show.progress=FALSE))
#store the lambda values being used for future reference
ifelse(exists('lamdf'), lamdf<- rbind(lamdf,z), lamdf<- z)
# end of the outer loop which is based on the number of unique sites
# convert the table of optimal lambda values to dataframe and name the column
rownames(lamdf)<- c(seq(1,nrow(lamdf),by=1))
lamdf<- as.data.frame(lamdf)
colnames(lamdf)<- "lambda"
#small loop to unlist the data into dataframes
for (i in 1:length(splinelist)){
temp1 <- splinelist[[i]][[1]]
temp2 <- splinelist[[i]][[2]]
temp3 <- splinelist[[i]][[3]]
temp4 <- splinelist[[i]][[4]]
ifelse(exists('harmonized'), harmonized<- rbind(harmonized,temp1), harmonized<- temp1)
ifelse(exists('obs'), obs<- rbind(obs,temp2), obs<- temp2)
ifelse(exists('rmse'), rmse<- rbind(rmse,temp3), rmse<- temp3)
ifelse(exists('var.1cm'), var.1cm<- cbind(var.1cm,temp4), var.1cm<- temp4)
colnames(harmonized)<- colnames(splinelist[[i]][[1]])
colnames(obs)<- colnames(splinelist[[i]][[2]])
# combine the dataframes into an output identical to ea_spline list object, except we add the lambda table
datlist<- list(harmonized, obs, rmse, var.1cm,lamdf)
names(datlist)<- c('harmonised', 'obs.preds', 'splineFitError','var.1cm','lambda')
datlist$obs.preds$SiteID<- as.factor(datlist$obs.preds$SiteID)
datlist$obs.preds[,2]<- as.numeric(datlist$obs.preds[,2])
datlist$obs.preds[,3]<- as.numeric(datlist$obs.preds[,3])
datlist$obs.preds[,4]<- as.numeric(datlist$obs.preds[,4])
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