#' Estimate a treatment effect from a linear model
#' @description
#' `lmw_est()` fits the outcome regression corresponding to the model used
#' to compute the weights in the supplied `lmw` object and returns the
#' model coefficients and their covariance matrix. Use
#' [summary.lmw_est()] to compute and view the treatment effect and
#' potential outcome mean estimates and their standard errors.
#' @details
#' `lmw_est()` uses [lm.fit()] or [lm.wfit()] to fit
#' the outcome regression model (and first stage model for `lmw_iv`
#' objects) and returns the output of these functions augmented with other
#' components related to the estimation of the weights. Unlike with
#' `lm.[w]fit()`, the covariance matrix of the parameter estimates is also
#' included in the output.
#' For `lmw` objects, the model fit is that supplied to the `formula`
#' input to `lmw()` except that it is fit in a dataset appropriately
#' centered to ensure the estimand corresponds with the one requested. When
#' `method = "MRI"` in the call to `lmw()`, the model is fit as an
#' interaction between the treatment and all the (centered) terms in the model
#' formula. The results will be similar to those from using [lm()] on
#' this model and supplied data except that the covariates are centered
#' beforehand. The product of the sampling weights and base weights supplied to
#' `lmw()`, if any, will be supplied to `lm.wfit()` to fit the model
#' using weighted least squares.
#' For `lmw_aipw` objects, the model is fit as above except that base
#' weights are not included in the model fitting and are instead used to
#' compute additional augmentation terms that are added to the estimated
#' potential outcome means from the outcome regression. The variance-covariance
#' matrix is computed using M-estimation; this corresponds to the HC0 robust
#' covariance matrix for the model parameters with the base weights treated as
#' fixed, which yields conservative standard errors for the ATE. Inference is
#' only approximate for the ATT and ATC.
#' For `lmw_iv` objects, the first stage model is constructed by removing
#' the treatment from the supplied model formula, adding the instrumental
#' variable as a main effect, and using the treatment variable as the outcome.
#' For the second stage (reduced form) model, the fitted values of the
#' treatment from the first stage model are used in place of the treatment in
#' the outcome model. The results are similar to those from using
#' `ivreg::ivreg()`, and the coefficients estimates will be the same
#' except for the intercept due to the centering of covariates.
#' Although some coefficients in the model may be interpretable as treatment
#' effect estimates, [summary.lmw_est()] should be used to view and
#' extract the treatment effect and potential outcome mean estimates, standard
#' errors, and other model statistics. The output of `lmw_est()` should
#' rarely be used except to be supplied to `summary()`.
#' @param x an `lmw` or `lmw_iv` object; the output of a call to
#' [lmw()] or [lmw_iv()].
#' @param outcome the name of the outcome variable. Can be supplied as a string
#' containing the name of the outcome variable or as the outcome variable
#' itself. If not supplied, the outcome variable in the `formula` supplied
#' to `lmw()` or `lmw_iv()`, if any, will be used.
#' @param data an optional data frame containing the outcome variable named in
#' `outcome` and the cluster variable(s) when `cluster` is supplied
#' as a `formula`.
#' @param robust whether to compute the robust covariance matrix for the model
#' coefficients. Allowable values include those allowed for the `type`
#' argument of [sandwich::vcovHC()] or [sandwich::vcovCL()]
#' when `cluster` is specified. Can also be specified as `TRUE` (the
#' default), which means `"HC3"` or `"HC1"` when `cluster` is
#' specified, or `FALSE`, which means `"const"` (i.e., the standard
#' non-robust covariance). When `cluster` is specified, `robust` will
#' be set to `TRUE` if `FALSE`. When AIPW is used, `robust` is
#' ignored; the HC0 robust covariance matrix is used.
#' @param cluster the clustering variable(s) for computing a cluster-robust
#' covariance matrix. See [sandwich::vcovCL()]. If supplied as a
#' `formula`, the clustering variables must be present in the original
#' dataset used to compute the weights or `data`. When AIPW is used,
#' `cluster` is ignored.
#' @param \dots other arguments passed to [sandwich::vcovHC()] or
#' [sandwich::vcovCL()].
#' @return An `lmw_est` object with the following components:
#' \item{coefficients, residuals, fitted.values, effects, weights, rank,
#' df.residual, qr}{for `lmw` objects, the output of the
#' [lm.fit()] or [lm.wfit()] call used to fit the outcome
#' model. For `lmw_iv` objects, the output of the [lm.fit()] or
#' [lm.wfit()] call used to fit the the second stage model, with
#' `residuals` corresponding to the residuals computed when substituting
#' the true treatment variable in place of the fitted treatment values in the
#' model.}
#' \item{model.matrix}{the model matrix (supplied to the `x`
#' argument of `lm.fit`).}
#' \item{vcov}{the estimated covariance matrix of
#' the parameter estimates as produced by [sandwich::vcovHC()] or
#' [sandwich::vcovCL()].}
#' \item{lmw.weights}{the implied regression
#' weights computed by `lmw_est()`.}
#' \item{call}{the call to
#' `lmw_est()`.}
#' \item{estimand}{the requested estimand.}
#' \item{focal}{the
#' focal treatment level when `estimand` is `"ATT"` or `"ATC"`.}
#' \item{method}{the method used to estimate the weights (`"URI"` or
#' `"MRI"`).}
#' \item{robust}{the type standard error used.}
#' \item{outcome}{the name of the outcome variable.}
#' \item{treat_levels}{the
#' levels of the treatment.}
#' When AIPW is used, the object will be of class `lmw_est_aipw`, which
#' inherits from `lmw_est`, and contains the additional components:
#' \item{coef_aipw}{the model-predicted potential outcome means (`mu`) and
#' the augmentation terms (`aug`).}
#' \item{vcov_aipw}{the covariance matrix
#' of the quantities in `coef_aipw`.}
#' When weights are included in the estimation (i.e., `base.weights` or
#' `s.weights` supplied to `lmw()` or `lmw_iv()`), any units
#' will weights equal to zero will be removed from the data prior to model
#' fitting.
#' Methods exist for `lmw_est` objects for [model.matrix()],
#' [vcov()], [hatvalues()], [sandwich::bread()],
#' and [sandwich::estfun()], all of which are used internally to
#' compute the parameter estimate covariance matrix. The first two simply
#' extract the corresponding component from the `lmw_est` object and the
#' last three imitate the corresponding methods for `lm` objects (or
#' `ivreg` objects for `lmw_iv` inputs). Other regression-related
#' functions, such as [coef()], [residuals()], and
#' [fitted()], use the default methods and should work correctly with
#' `lmw_est` objects.
#' Note that when fixed effects are supplied through the `fixef` argument
#' to `lmw()` or `lmw_iv()`, standard error estimates computed using
#' functions outside \pkg{lmw} may not be accurate due to issues relating to
#' degrees of freedom. In particular, this affects conventional and HC1-robust
#' standard errors. Otherwise, `sandwich::vcovHC()` can be used to compute
#' standard errors (setting `type = "const"` for conventional standard
#' errors), though `sandwich::vcovCL()` may not work as expected and
#' should not be used. To calculate cluster-robust standard errors, supply an
#' argument to `cluster` in `lmw_est()`.
#' @note `lmw_est()` uses non-standard evaluation to interpret its
#' `outcome` argument. For programmers who wish to use `lmw_est()`
#' inside other functions, an effective way to pass the name of an arbitrary
#' outcome (e.g., `y` passed as a string) is to use [do.call()],
#' for example: \preformatted{fun <- function(model, outcome, data) {
#' do.call("lmw_est", list(model, outcome, data)) } } When using
#' `lmw_est()` inside [lapply()] or `purrr::map` to loop
#' over outcomes, this syntax must be used as well.
#' @seealso [summary.lmw_est()] for viewing and extracting the
#' treatment effect and potential outcome mean estimates, standard errors, and
#' other model statistics; [lmw()] or [lmw_iv()] for
#' estimating the weights that correspond to the model estimated by
#' `lmw_est()`; [lm()] and [lm.fit()] for fitting the
#' corresponding model; `ivreg()` in the \pkg{ivreg} package for fitting
#' 2SLS models; [influence.lmw_est()] for influence measures
#' @examples
#' data("lalonde")
#' # MRI regression for ATT
#' lmw.out1 <- lmw(~ treat + age + education + race + married +
#' nodegree + re74 + re75, data = lalonde,
#' estimand = "ATT", method = "MRI",
#' treat = "treat")
#' lmw.fit1 <- lmw_est(lmw.out1, outcome = "re78")
#' lmw.fit1
#' summary(lmw.fit1)
#' @examplesIf requireNamespace("MatchIt", quietly = TRUE)
#' # MRI regression for ATT after propensity score matching
#' m.out <- MatchIt::matchit(treat ~ age + education + race +
#' married + nodegree + re74 + re75,
#' data = lalonde, method = "nearest",
#' estimand = "ATT")
#' lmw.out2 <- lmw(~ treat + age + education + race + married +
#' nodegree + re74 + re75, data = lalonde,
#' method = "MRI", treat = "treat", obj = m.out)
#' ## Using a cluster-robust SE with subclass (pair membership)
#' ## as the cluster variable
#' lmw.fit2 <- lmw_est(lmw.out2, outcome = "re78", cluster = ~subclass)
#' lmw.fit2
#' summary(lmw.fit2)
#' @examples
#' # AIPW for ATE with MRI regression after propensity score
#' # weighting
#' ps <- glm(treat ~ age + education + race + married + nodegree +
#' re74 + re75, data = lalonde,
#' family = binomial)$fitted
#' ipw <- ifelse(lalonde$treat == 1, 1/ps, 1/(1-ps))
#' lmw.out3 <- lmw(re78 ~ treat + age + education + race + married +
#' nodegree + re74 + re75, data = lalonde,
#' method = "MRI", treat = "treat",
#' base.weights = ipw, dr.method = "AIPW")
#' lmw.fit3 <- lmw_est(lmw.out3)
#' lmw.fit3
#' summary(lmw.fit3)
#' # MRI for multi-category treatment ATE
#' lmw.out3 <- lmw(~ treat_multi + age + education + race + married +
#' nodegree + re74 + re75, data = lalonde,
#' estimand = "ATE", method = "MRI",
#' treat = "treat_multi")
#' lmw.fit3 <- lmw_est(lmw.out3, outcome = "re78")
#' lmw.fit3
#' summary(lmw.fit3)
#' @export lmw_est
lmw_est <- function(x, ...) {
#' @exportS3Method lmw_est lmw
#' @rdname lmw_est
lmw_est.lmw <- function(x, outcome, data = NULL, robust = TRUE, cluster = NULL, ...) {
call <- match.call()
data <- get_data(data, x)
#Get model matrix
obj <- get_X_from_formula(x$formula, data = data, treat = x$treat,
method = x$method, estimand = x$estimand, target = x$target,
s.weights = x$s.weights, target.weights = attr(x$target, "target.weights"),
focal = x$focal)
outcome <- do.call("get_outcome", list(substitute(outcome), data, x$formula,
outcome_name <- attr(outcome, "outcome_name")
attributes(outcome) <- NULL
#Fit regression model; note use lm.[w]fit() instead of lm() because
#we already have the model matrix (obj$X)
if (is.null(x$s.weights)) x$s.weights <- rep(1, length(outcome))
if (is.null(x$base.weights)) x$base.weights <- rep(1, length(outcome))
w <- x$s.weights * x$base.weights
pos_w <- which(w > 0)
if (!is.null(x$fixef)) {
for (i in seq_len(ncol(obj$X))[-1]) {
obj$X[,i] <- demean(obj$X[,i], x$fixef, w)
outcome <- demean(outcome, x$fixef, w)
fit <- lm.wfit(x = obj$X, y = outcome, w = w)
# non_pos_w <- which(w <= 0)
# fit$na.action <- setNames(non_pos_w, rownames(obj$X[non_pos_w]))
# class(fit$na.action) <- "omit"
class(fit) <- c("lmw_est")
fit$model.matrix <- obj$X
if (!is.null(x$fixef)) {
fit$df.residual <- fit$df.residual - length(unique(x$fixef[pos_w])) + 1
fit$fixef <- droplevels(x$fixef)
if (isTRUE(robust)) {
if (is.null(cluster)) robust <- "HC3"
else robust <- "HC1"
else if (isFALSE(robust)) {
if (is.null(cluster)) robust <- "const"
else {
robust <- "HC1"
chk::wrn("setting `robust = \"HC1\"` because `cluster` is non-`NULL`")
else if (!is.character(robust) || length(robust) != 1 ||
!robust %in% eval(formals(sandwich::vcovHC.default)$type)) {
chk::err("`robust` must be `TRUE`, `FALSE`, or one of the allowable inputs to the `type` argument of `sandwich::vcovHC()`")
#Subset model outputs to those with positive weights
#for compatibility with vcovHC
fit_sub <- subset_fit(fit)
if (robust == "const") { #Regular OLS vcov; faster than sandwich
fit$vcov <- {
if (is.null(w)) bread(fit_sub)/length(residuals(fit_sub)) * sum(residuals(fit_sub)^2)/fit_sub$df.residual
else bread(fit_sub)/length(residuals(fit_sub)) * sum(fit_sub$weights * residuals(fit_sub)^2)/fit_sub$df.residual
else if (is.null(cluster)) {
fit$vcov <- sandwich::vcovHC(fit_sub, type = robust, ...)
else {
if (inherits(cluster, "formula")) {
cluster <- model.frame(cluster,
data = data,
na.action = na.pass)
else {
cluster <- as.data.frame(cluster)
if (nrow(cluster) == nrow(data)) cluster <- cluster[pos_w,, drop = FALSE]
else if (nrow(cluster) != length(pos_w)) {
chk::err("`cluster` must have the same number of rows as the original data set")
fit$vcov <- sandwich::vcovCL(fit_sub, type = robust, cluster = cluster, ...)
warning = function(w) {
if (conditionMessage(w) != "clustered HC2/HC3 are only applicable to (generalized) linear regression models")
chk::wrn(w, tidy = FALSE)
#Need to correct df for HC1 when fixed effects are present
if (!is.null(x$fixef) && robust %in% c("const", "HC1")) {
n <- length(pos_w)
fit$vcov <- fit$vcov * (n - ncol(fit$model.matrix))/fit$df.residual
#For cluster SE, adjust df as the min number of clusters across clustering variables
if (!is.null(cluster)) {
fit$df.residual <- min(vapply(cluster, function(cl) length(unique(cl)), numeric(1L))) - 1
fit$lmw.weights <- x$weights
fit$call <- call
fit$estimand <- x$estimand
fit$focal <- x$focal
fit$method <- x$method
fit$robust <- robust
fit$outcome <- outcome_name
fit$treat_levels <- levels(x$treat)
#' @exportS3Method print lmw_est
print.lmw_est <- function(x, ...) {
cat(sprintf("An %s object\n", class(x)[1]))
cat(" - outcome:", x$outcome, "\n")
cat(" - standard errors:", if (utils::hasName(x$call, "cluster") && !is.null(x$call[["cluster"]])) "cluster",
if (x$robust == "const") "usual" else sprintf("robust (%s)", x$robust), "\n")
cat(" - estimand:", x$estimand, "\n")
cat(" - method:", x$method, "\n")
if (!is.null(x$fixef)) cat(" - fixed effects:", attr(x$fixef, "fixef_name"), "\n")
cat("Use summary() to examine estimates, standard errors, p-values, and confidence intervals.", "\n")
subset_fit <- function(fit) {
if (is.null(fit$weights)) return(fit)
pos_w <- fit$weights > 0
fit$residuals <- fit$residuals[pos_w]
fit$fitted.values <- fit$fitted.values[pos_w]
fit$weights <- fit$weights[pos_w]
fit$model.matrix <- fit$model.matrix[pos_w,,drop = FALSE]
if (!is.null(fit$fixef)) fit$fixef <- fit$fixef[pos_w]
# lmw_est.formula <- function(x, data = NULL, estimand = "ATE", method = "URI", treat = NULL, base.weights = NULL,
# s.weights = NULL, dr.method = "WLS", obj = NULL, target = NULL, target.weights = NULL,
# contrast = NULL, focal = NULL,
# outcome, robust = TRUE, cluster = NULL, ...) {
# call <- match.call()
# formula <- x
# method <- match_arg(method, c("URI", "MRI"))
# estimand <- process_estimand(estimand, target, obj)
# data <- process_data(data, obj)
# base.weights <- process_base.weights(base.weights, obj)
# s.weights <- process_s.weights(s.weights, obj)
# dr.method <- process_dr.method(dr.method, base.weights, method)
# treat_name <- process_treat_name(treat, formula, data, method, obj)
# #treat changes meaning from treatment name to treatment vector
# treat <- process_treat(treat_name, data)
# contrast <- process_contrast(contrast, treat, method)
# #treat_contrast has levels re-ordered so contrast is first
# treat_contrast <- apply_contrast_to_treat(treat, contrast)
# focal <- process_focal(focal, treat_contrast, estimand)
# # data <- get_data(data, x)
# outcome <- do.call("get_outcome", list(substitute(outcome), data, formula))
# outcome_name <- attr(outcome, "outcome_name")
# attributes(outcome) <- NULL
# #Get model matrix; note: use original treat, unlike
# obj <- get_X_from_formula(formula, data, treat, method, estimand,
# target, s.weights, target.weights, focal)
# #Fit regression model; note use lm.[w]fit() instead of lm() because
# #we already have the model matrix (obj$X)
# w <- NULL
# rn <- rownames(obj$X)
# if (is.null(s.weights) && is.null(base.weights)) {
# fit <- lm.fit(x = obj$X, y = outcome)
# pos_w <- seq_along(outcome)
# }
# else {
# if (is.null(s.weights)) s.weights <- rep(1, length(outcome))
# if (is.null(base.weights)) base.weights <- rep(1, length(outcome))
# w <- s.weights * base.weights
# pos_w <- which(w > 0)
# obj$X <- obj$X[pos_w,, drop = FALSE]
# fit <- lm.wfit(x = obj$X, y = outcome[pos_w], w = w[pos_w])
# non_pos_w <- which(w <= 0)
# fit$na.action <- setNames(non_pos_w, rn[non_pos_w])
# class(fit$na.action) <- "omit"
# }
# class(fit) <- "lmw_est"
# fit$model.matrix <- obj$X
# if (isTRUE(robust)) {
# if (is.null(cluster)) robust <- "HC3"
# else robust <- "HC1"
# }
# else if (isFALSE(robust)) {
# if (is.null(cluster)) robust <- "const"
# else {
# robust <- "HC1"
# warning("Setting robust = \"HC1\" because 'cluster' is non-NULL.", call. = FALSE)
# }
# }
# else if (!is.character(robust) || length(robust) != 1 ||
# !robust %in% eval(formals(sandwich::vcovHC.default)$type)) {
# stop("'robust' must be TRUE, FALSE, or one of the allowable inputs to the 'type' argument of sandwich::vcovHC().", call. = FALSE)
# }
# if (is.null(cluster)) {
# fit$vcov <- sandwich::vcovHC(fit, type = robust, ...)
# }
# else {
# if (inherits(cluster, "formula")) {
# cluster <- model.frame(cluster,
# data = data[pos_w,, drop = FALSE],
# na.action = na.pass)
# }
# else {
# cluster <- as.data.frame(cluster)
# }
# if (nrow(cluster) == nrow(data)) cluster <- cluster[pos_w,, drop = FALSE]
# else if (nrow(cluster) != length(pos_w)) {
# stop("'cluster' must have the same number of rows as the original data set.", call. = FALSE)
# }
# fit$vcov <- sandwich::vcovCL(fit, type = robust, cluster = cluster, ...)
# }
# fit$call <- call
# fit$estimand <- estimand
# fit$focal <- focal
# fit$method <- method
# fit$robust <- robust
# fit$outcome <- outcome_name
# fit$treat_levels <- levels(treat)
# fit
# }
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