#' @exportS3Method lmw_est lmw_iv
#' @rdname lmw_est
lmw_est.lmw_iv <- function(x, outcome, data = NULL, robust = TRUE, cluster = NULL, ...) {
call <- match.call()
data <- get_data(data, x)
obj1 <- get_1st_stage_X_from_formula_iv(x$formula, data = data, treat = x$treat,
iv = x$iv, method = x$method, estimand = x$estimand, target = x$target,
s.weights = x$s.weights, target.weights = attr(x$target, "target.weights"),
focal = x$focal)
outcome <- do.call("get_outcome", list(substitute(outcome), data, x$formula,
outcome_name <- attr(outcome, "outcome_name")
attributes(outcome) <- NULL
weighted <- !is.null(x$s.weights) || !is.null(x$base.weights)
if (weighted) {
if (is.null(x$s.weights)) x$s.weights <- rep(1, nrow(obj1$X))
if (is.null(x$base.weights)) x$base.weights <- rep(1, nrow(obj1$X))
w <- x$s.weights * x$base.weights
pos_w <- which(w > 0)
else {
w <- rep(1, nrow(obj1$X))
pos_w <- seq_along(w)
if (!is.null(x$fixef)) {
for (i in seq_len(ncol(obj1$X))[-1]) {
obj1$X[,i] <- demean(obj1$X[,i], x$fixef, w)
for (i in seq_len(ncol(obj1$A))) {
obj1$A[,i] <- demean(obj1$A[,i], x$fixef, w)
auxreg <- lm.wfit(x = obj1$X,
y = obj1$A,
w = w)
t_fitted <- array(0, dim = dim(obj1$A), dimnames = dimnames(obj1$A))
t_fitted[] <- auxreg$fitted.values
obj2 <- get_2nd_stage_X_from_formula_iv(x$formula, data = data, treat = x$treat, treat_fitted = t_fitted,
method = x$method, estimand = x$estimand, target = x$target,
s.weights = x$s.weights, target.weights = attr(x$target, "target.weights"),
focal = x$focal)
XZ <- obj2$X
XZ[,colnames(t_fitted)] <- t_fitted
if (!is.null(x$fixef)) {
for (i in seq_len(ncol(XZ))[-1]) {
XZ[,i] <- demean(XZ[,i], x$fixef, w)
outcome <- demean(outcome, x$fixef, w)
## main regression
fit <- lm.wfit(x = XZ, y = outcome, w = w)
class(fit) <- c("lmw_est_iv", "lmw_est")
fit$model.matrix <- XZ
ok <- which(!is.na(fit$coefficients))
#Replace t_fitted with A to compute residuals
XZ[,colnames(obj1$A)] <- obj1$A
fit$fitted.values <- drop(XZ[, ok, drop = FALSE] %*% fit$coefficients[ok])
res <- outcome - fit$fitted.values
fit$residuals <- res
if (!is.null(x$fixef)) {
fit$df.residual <- fit$df.residual - length(unique(x$fixef[pos_w])) + 1
fit$fixef <- x$fixef
rss <- sum(fit$weights * res^2)
fit$sigma <- sqrt(rss/fit$df.residual)
#Subset model outputs to those with positive weights
#for compatibility with vcovHC
fit_sub <- subset_fit(fit)
if (isTRUE(robust)) {
if (is.null(cluster)) robust <- "HC3"
else robust <- "HC1"
else if (isFALSE(robust)) {
if (is.null(cluster)) {
robust <- "const"
else {
robust <- "HC1"
chk::wrn("setting `robust = \"HC1\"` because `cluster` is non-`NULL`")
else if (!is.character(robust) || length(robust) != 1 ||
!robust %in% eval(formals(sandwich::vcovHC.default)$type)) {
chk::err("`robust` must be `TRUE`, `FALSE`, or one of the allowable inputs to the `type` argument of `sandwich::vcovHC()`")
if (is.null(cluster)) {
fit$vcov <- sandwich::vcovHC(fit_sub, type = robust, ...)
else {
if (inherits(cluster, "formula")) {
cluster <- model.frame(cluster,
data = data,
na.action = na.pass)
else {
cluster <- as.data.frame(cluster)
if (nrow(cluster) == nrow(data)) cluster <- cluster[pos_w,, drop = FALSE]
else if (nrow(cluster) != length(pos_w)) {
chk::err("`cluster` must have the same number of rows as the original data set")
fit$vcov <- sandwich::vcovCL(fit_sub, type = robust, cluster = cluster, ...)
warning = function(w) {
if (conditionMessage(w) != "clustered HC2/HC3 are only applicable to (generalized) linear regression models") {
chk::wrn(w, tidy = FALSE)
if (!is.null(x$fixef) && robust %in% c("const", "HC1")) {
n <- length(pos_w)
fit$vcov <- fit$vcov * (n - ncol(fit$model.matrix))/fit$df.residual
#For cluster SE, adjust df as the min number of clusters across clustering variables
if (!is.null(cluster)) {
fit$df.residual <- min(vapply(cluster, function(cl) length(unique(cl)), numeric(1L))) - 1
fit$lmw.weights <- x$weights
fit$call <- call
fit$estimand <- x$estimand
fit$focal <- x$focal
fit$method <- x$method
fit$robust <- robust
fit$outcome <- outcome_name
fit$treat_levels <- levels(x$treat)
#' @exportS3Method sandwich::bread lmw_est_iv
bread.lmw_est_iv <- function(x, ...) {
p <- x$rank
p1 <- seq_len(p)
Qr <- x$qr
cov.unscaled <- chol2inv(Qr$qr[p1, p1, drop = FALSE])
n <- {
if (is.null(x$weights)) nrow(x$model.matrix)
else sum(x$weights > 0)
b <- cov.unscaled * n
dimnames(b) <- list(names(x$coefficients)[p1], names(x$coefficients)[p1])
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