
Defines functions ped.I_seg ped.I_int ped.I_link ped.I_mx ped.d_twsc ped.d_signal ped.d_pd ped.F_s.link ped.F_w.link

Documented in ped.d_pd ped.d_signal ped.d_twsc ped.F_s.link ped.F_w.link ped.I_int ped.I_link ped.I_mx ped.I_seg

#' Pedestrian paved width factor (links)
#' @param link Data.table of link data.
#' @return Numeric value, unitless.
#' @examples
#' ped.F_w.link(link)
#' @export
ped.F_w.link  <- function(link, int) {
  #Total width of outside thru lane, bike lane, and paved shoulder/parking
  W_t = link[, W_ol + W_bl + W_swbuf + W_os]
  #Adjusted width of paved outside shoulder
  W_osstar = link$W_os - 1.5
  w_osstar = ifelse(W_osstar >= 0, W_osstar, link$W_os)
  #Midsegment flow per lane in direction of travel
  v_vm = int[ traf_dir == link$link_dir, sum(v_rt + v_lt + v_th)] / link$N_mth
  #Effective total width
  if(v_vm > 160 | link$div > 0) {
    W_v = W_t
  } else {
    W_v = W_t*(2 - 0.005*v_vm)
  #Total width shoulder, bike lane, outside shoulder, and parking lane
  if(link$p_pk < 0.25 | link$p_strp) {
    W_l = link$W_bl + W_osstar
  } else {
    W_l = 10
  #Available sidewalk width
  W_A = ifelse(link$W_T > 0, 0, link$W_T - link$W_swbuf)
  #Adjusted available sidewalk
  W_aA = min(W_A, 10)
  #Buffer coeffient
  f_b = ifelse(link$H_swbuf >= 3, 5.37, 1)
  #Sidewalk width coefficient
  f_sw = 6.0 - 0.3*W_aA
  #Cross-section adjustment factor
  F_w = -1.2276*log(W_v + 0.5*W_l + 50*link$p_pk + link$W_swbuf*f_b + W_aA*f_sw)

#' Pedestrian traffic speed factor (links)
#' @param link Data.table of subject link data.
#' @param int  Data.table of subject intersection data.
#' @return Numeric value, unitless.
#' @examples
#' ped.F_s.link(int, dir)
#' @export
ped.F_s.link <- function(link, int) {
  #Vehicle running speed
  S_R = auto.S_R(link, int)
  #Motorized vehicle speed adjustment factor
  F_s = 4*(S_R/100)^2


#' Pedestrian control delay
#' @param link Data.table of subject link data.
#' @param int  Data.table of subject intersection data.
#' @return Numeric value, unitless.
#' @examples
#' ped.d_pd(int, dir)
#' @export
ped.d_pd <- function(int, dir) {
  switch(int[traf_dir == dir, control],
         "Signalized" = ped.d_signal(int, dir), 
         "AWSC - Stop" = 0,
         "TWSC - Stop" = ped.d_twsc(int, dir), 
         "Uncontrolled" = 0,
         "Yield" = 0)

#' Pedestrian control delay from signal
#' @param int Data.table of intersection data.
#' @param dir String with subject intersection approach being studied ("NB","SB","EB","WB")
#' @return Numeric value, unitless.
#' @examples
#' ped.d_signal(int, dir)
#' @export
ped.d_signal <- function(int, dir) {
  with(int[traf_dir == dir, ], ((C - g)^2)/(2*C) )

#' Revised pedestrian delay for uncontrolled (e.g., TWSC)
#' @param int Data.table of intersection data.
#' @param dir String with subject intersection approach being studied ("NB","SB","EB","WB")
#' @return Numeric value, unitless.
#' @examples
#' ped.d_twsc(int, dir)
#' @export
ped.d_twsc <- function(int, dir) {

  #Picking the crosswalk data from the travel direction (it is perpendicular to vehicles)
  xdir = switch(dir,
                "NB" = "WB",
                "SB" = "EB",
                "EB" = "NB",
                "WB" = "SB")
  #Opposite cross street dir
  odir = switch(xdir,
                "NB" = "SB",
                "SB" = "NB",
                "EB" = "WB",
                "WB" = "EB")
  #Yield rate
  M_y = int[traf_dir == xdir, M_yp]
  #Number of thru lanes (inclusive of opposite direction)
  N_th = int[traf_dir == xdir, N_th]
  #Total thru lanes
  #int[traf_dir %in% c(xdir,odir), sum(N_th)]

  #Vehicle flow rate in veh/s per lane
  #v_v = int[traf_dir == xdir, (v_v/N_dc)/3600]
  v_v = int[traf_dir %in% c(dir, odir), sum(v_lt + v_rt + v_th, na.rm = T)/3600]
  #v_v = (v_v / int[traf_dir == xdir, N_dc]) / 3600
  #Pedestrian flow rate (ped/s)
  v_p = int[traf_dir == xdir, v_p/3600]
  #Critical headway
  t_c = int[traf_dir == xdir, (W_cd/S_p) + t_sp]
  #Average number of peds waiting to cross
  N_c = (v_p*exp(v_p*t_c) + v_v*exp(-v_v*t_c)) / ((v_p + v_v)*exp(v_p-v_v)*t_c)
  #Number of rows of peds
  N_p = max( ((8*N_c) / int[traf_dir == xdir, W_c]), 1 )
  #Critical group headway
  t_cg = t_c + 2*(N_p - 1)
  #Probability of blocked lane
  P_b = 1 - exp(-t_cg * v_v / N_th)
  #Probability of delayed crossing
  P_d = 1 - (1 - P_b)^N_th
  #Average gap waiting delay per pedestrian
  d_g = (1/v_v)*(exp(v_v*t_cg) - v_v*t_cg - 1)
  #Average delay for any pedestrian
  d_gd = d_g / P_d
  #Average headway
  h = ((1/v_v) - (t_cg + (1/v_v))*exp(-v_v*t_cg)) / (1 - exp(-v_v*t_cg))
  #Average number of crossing events
  n = round(1/exp(-v_v*t_cg), 0)
  #Initial sum of PYi
  sumPY = 0 
  term1 = 0
  #Delay accounting for motorist yield probability
  if(N_th == 1) {
    #One lane
    for(i in 1:n) {
      PY = P_d*M_y*(1 - M_y)^(i-1)
      sumPY = sumPY + PY
      #Calculates and sums up the first term
      term1 = h*(i - 0.5)*PY + term1
      #Calculates the second term
      term2 = (P_d - sumPY)*d_gd
    d_pd <- term1 + term2
  } else if(N_th == 2) {
    #Two lane
    for(i in 1:n) {
      PY = (P_d - sumPY)*( ((2*P_b*(1-P_b)*M_y) + P_b^2 * M_y^2) / P_d)
      sumPY = sumPY + PY
      #Calculates and sums up the first term
      term1 = h*(i - 0.5)*PY + term1
      #Calculates the second term
      term2 = (P_d - sumPY)*d_gd
    d_pd <- term1 + term2
  } else if(N_th == 3) {
    #Three lane
    for(i in 1:n) {
      PY = (P_d - sumPY)*((P_b^3 * M_y^3 + 3*P_b^2 * (1-P_b)*M_y^2 + 3*P_b*(1-P_b)^2 * M_y) / P_d)
      sumPY = sumPY + PY
      #Calculates and sums up the first term
      term1 = h*(i - 0.5)*PY + term1
      #Calculates the second term
      term2 = (P_d - sumPY)*d_gd
    d_pd <- term1 + term2
  } else if(N_th == 4) {
    #Four lane
    for(i in 1:n) {
      PY = (P_d - sumPY)*((P_b^4 * M_y^4 + 4*P_b^3 * (1-P_b)*M_y^3 + 6*P_b*(1-P_b)^2 * M_y^2 + 4*P_b*(1-P_b)^3 * M_y) / P_d)
      sumPY = sumPY + PY
      #Calculates and sums up the first term
      term1 = h*(i - 0.5)*PY + term1
      #Calculates the second term
      term2 = (P_d - sumPY)*d_gd
    d_pd <- term1 + term2
  } else {
    stop(paste0("Invalid number of lanes: ", N_th))

#' Pedestrian level of service score for midsegment crossings
#' @param link Data.table of link data.
#' @param int Data.table of boundary intersection data.
#' (Signalized", "AWSC - Stop", "TWSC - Stop", "Uncontrolled", "Yield")
#' @return A numeric LOS score
#' @examples
#' ped.I_mx(link, int)
#' @export
ped.I_mx <- function(link, int) {
  #Crossing direction for diversion
  mxdir = switch(link$link_dir,
                 "NB" = "EB",
                 "SB" = "WB",
                 "EB" = "SB",
                 "WB" = "NB")
  #If missing approach, just choose opposite equivalent
  if( is.na(int[traf_dir == mxdir, N_dc]) ) {
    mxdir = switch(mxdir,
                   "NB" = "SB",
                   "SB" = "NB",
                   "EB" = "WB",
                   "WB" = "EB")
  #Hardcoded delay LOS conversion table
  delayLOS <- data.table(delay = c(0,10,20,30,40,60,90),
                         LOS = c(0,1.5,2.5,3.5,4.5,5.5,6.0))
  #Calculate average diversion delay from midsegment point
  D_c = link$LL / 3
  D_d = 2 * D_c
  d_pd = (0.084*2*D_d / link$S_pf) + ped.d_pd(int, mxdir)
  #Calculate wait delay from control delay
  d_pw = ped.d_twsc(int, mxdir)
  #Convert to LOS score
  I_pd = approx(x = delayLOS$delay, y = delayLOS$LOS, xout = d_pd, rule = 2)$y
  I_pw = approx(x = delayLOS$delay, y = delayLOS$LOS, xout = d_pw, rule = 2)$y
  return(min(I_pd, I_pw, 6))

#' Pedestrian level of service score for links
#' @param link Data.table of subject link data.
#' @param int  Data.table of subject intersection data.
#' @param dat Data.table of entire data set.
#' @return Numeric value, unitless.
#' @examples
#' ped.I_link(int, dir)
#' @export
ped.I_link <- function(link, int, dat) {
  #Midsegment flow per lane in direction of travel
  v_vm = int[ traf_dir == link$link_dir, sum(v_rt + v_lt + v_th)]
  #### Caclulate final factors for LOS score
  F_w = ped.F_w.link(link, int) #Cross-section adjustment factor
  #Motorized vehicle volume adjustment factor
  F_v = 0.0091*v_vm/(4*link$N_mth) 
  #Vehicle running speed
  S_R = auto.S_R(link, int, dat)
  #Motorized vehicle speed adjustment factor
  F_s = 4*(S_R/100)^2 
  #### LOS Score
  I_link = 6.0468 + F_w + F_v + F_s

#' Pedestrian LOS score for intersections
#' @param link Data.table of subject link data.
#' @param int  Data.table of subject intersection data.
#' @param dat Data.table of entire data set.
#' @return A numeric LOS score
#' @examples
#' ped.I_int(link, int)
#' @export
ped.I_int <- function(link, int, dat) {
  #The traffic direction being crossed
  xdir = switch(link$link_dir,
                "NB" = "WB",
                "SB" = "EB", 
                "EB" = "NB",
                "WB" = "SB")
  #Opposite cross street dir
  odir = switch(xdir,
                "NB" = "SB",
                "SB" = "NB",
                "EB" = "WB",
                "WB" = "EB")
  #Midsegment speed
  if(is.na(link$S_85mj)) {
    S_85mj = auto.S_f(link, int, dat)
  } else {
    S_85mj = link$S_85mj
  #Intersection delay
  d_pd = ped.d_pd(int, link$link_dir)
  #Number of traffic lanes crossed
  N_dc = int[traf_dir == xdir, N_dc]
  N_dc = ifelse(is.na(N_dc), int[traf_dir == odir, N_dc], N_dc)

  #Vehicle count traveling on major street during 15-min period
  n_15mj = (0.25 / N_dc)*int[, sum(v_lt + v_rt + v_th, na.rm = T)]
  #Left and right turns with ped movement
  v_rtlt = int[traf_dir == link$link_dir, v_rtor + v_ltperm]
  #Number of right turn channel islands
  N_rtcid = int[traf_dir == link$link_dir, N_rtcid]
  #Delay factor
  F_delay = 0.0401*ifelse(d_pd == 0, 0, log(d_pd))
  #Veh speed factor
  F_s = 0.00013*n_15mj*S_85mj
  #Veh volume factor
  F_v = 0.00569*(v_rtlt / 4) - N_rtcid*(0.0027*n_15mj - 0.1946)
  #Cross-section factor
  F_w = 0.681*(N_dc)^0.514
  #LOS score
  I_int = 0.5997 + F_w + F_v + F_s + F_delay

#' Pedestrian LOS score for segment
#' @param link Data.table of subject link data.
#' @param int  Data.table of subject intersection data.
#' @param dat Data.table of entire data set.
#' @return A data.table with numeric and letter grade LOS scores
#' @examples
#' ped.I_seg(link, int)
#' @export
ped.I_seg <- function(link, int, dat) {
  #Put LOS scores for link and intersection into table
  scores = data.table(
    segment_id = link$link_id,
    direction = link$link_dir,
    mode = "pedestrian",
    I_link = ped.I_link(link, int, dat),
    I_mx = ped.I_mx(link, int),
    I_int = ped.I_int(link, int, dat)
  #Calculate segment LOS
  p_mx = link$p_mx
  S_pf = link$S_pf
  LL = link$LL
  d_pp = ped.d_pd(int, link$link_dir)
  #Calculate score
  scores[ , I_seg := ( ((I_link*(1-p_mx) + I_mx*p_mx)^3 * (LL/S_pf) + I_int^3 *d_pp) / ((LL/S_pf) + d_pp) )^(1/3)]
  #Get grade from score
  scores = cbind(scores,
                 setNames(scores[ , lapply(.SD, score2LOS), .SDcols = c("I_link","I_int","I_seg"),], c("link_LOS","int_LOS","seg_LOS")))
nick-fournier/complete-streets-los documentation built on June 24, 2021, 3:09 p.m.