
#' @title vcfR2SubsetChrom
#' @description Produces a subsetted \code{vcfR} based on chromosome
#' @export

vcfR2SubsetChrom <- function(vcfRobject = NULL,
                             chromvect = NULL){

  vcftidy <- vcfR2tidy(vcfRobject)

  passchrom <- vcftidy$fix %>%
    dplyr::select(CHROM) %>%
    dplyr::mutate( keep = ifelse(CHROM %in% chromvect, TRUE, FALSE) ) %>%
    dplyr::select(keep) %>%

  meta <- append(vcfRobject@meta, paste("##Chromsomes were subsetted"))
  fix <- vcfRobject@fix[ passchrom, ]
  gt <- vcfRobject@gt[ passchrom, ]

  # Setting class based off of vcfR documentation https://github.com/knausb/vcfR/blob/master/R/AllClass.R
  newvcfR <- new("vcfR", meta = meta, fix = fix, gt = gt)



#' @title vcfR2vcffilter_CHROMPOS
#' @description Produces a subsetted \code{vcfR} with specific loci excluded as determined \code{chromposdf}.
#' @param chromposdf an dataframe that contains loci to be excluded and has been produced by \code{GFF2VariantAnnotation_Short}
#' @export

# Filter VCF based on given positions among the chromosomes
vcffilter_CHROMPOS <- function(vcfRobject = NULL,
                               chromposdf = NULL # this is expected to be from GFF2VariantAnnotation_Short
  chromposdflist = split(chromposdf, f=factor(chromposdf$GeneID))
  chromposlong <- do.call("rbind", parallel::mclapply(chromposdflist, function(dat){

    i <- length(seq(from=dat$start, to=dat$end))

    temp <- tibble::tibble(CHROM = rep(dat$seqname, i),
                           POS = seq(from=dat$start, to=dat$end),
                           remove = rep("Y", i)


  vcftidy <- vcfR2tidy(vcfRobject)

  passloci <- vcftidy$fix %>%
    dplyr::select(CHROM, POS) %>%
    dplyr::left_join(x=., y=chromposlong, by=c("CHROM", "POS")) %>%
    dplyr::mutate(keep = ifelse(is.na(remove), TRUE, FALSE)) %>%
    dplyr::select(keep) %>%

  meta <- append(vcfRobject@meta, paste("##Additional Filters for excluding hypervariable regions determined by user"))
  fix <- vcfRobject@fix[ passloci, ]
  gt <- vcfRobject@gt[ passloci, ]

  # Setting class based off of vcfR documentation https://github.com/knausb/vcfR/blob/master/R/AllClass.R
  newvcfR <- new("vcfR", meta = meta, fix = fix, gt = gt)



#' @title vcfR2vcffilter_INFO
#' @param infoDP options is based on a percentile cutoff. As a result, if you specify 0.1, the top and bottom 10th read depth percentiles will be excluded
#' @export

## note if there is total agreement in the alignments, i.e. 1/1 where the reads are 0,100 0,100 etc then the
## readposranksum and mqranksum won't be calculated since there is no p-value (there is no read diff)
## this can happen when the reference genome is different from samples and there are snps where
## samples are in total agreement but diff from ref

# Filter VCF based on INFO Fields

vcffilter_info <- function(vcfRobject = NULL,
                           infoAF = NULL,
                           infoDP = NULL, # this is a percentile cutoff
                           infoFS = NULL,
                           infoMQRankSum = NULL,
                           infoReadPosRankSum = NULL,
                           biallelic = TRUE,
                           SNPs = TRUE){

  vcf <- vcfRobject # legacy
  # -----------------------------------------------------
  # Read and check input
    vcf <- vcf[vcfR::is.biallelic(vcf)] # subset to biallelic
    vcf <-vcfR::extract.indels(vcf, return.indels = F) # subset to SNPs

  # store loci objects on info fields
  infolist <- list()
    infolist <- append(infolist, "MQ")
    infolist <- append(infolist, "QD")
    infolist <- append(infolist, "SOR")
    infolist <- append(infolist, "AF")
    infolist <- append(infolist, "DP")
    infolist <- append(infolist, "FS")

    infolist <- append(infolist, "MQRankSum")
    infolist <- append(infolist, "ReadPosRankSum")

  # extract format list information
  tidyvcf <- vcfR::vcfR2tidy(vcf)
  infodf <- tidyvcf$fix

  # filter loci
    infodf <- infodf %>%
      dplyr::mutate(MQ = ifelse(MQ < infoMQ, "DROP", MQ))
    infodf <- infodf %>%
      dplyr::mutate(QD = ifelse(QD < infoQD, "DROP", QD))
    infodf <- infodf %>%
      dplyr::mutate(SOR = ifelse(SOR > infoSOR, "DROP", SOR))
    infodf <- infodf %>%
      dplyr::mutate(AF = ifelse(AF< infoAF, "DROP", AF))
    DPpercentile <- quantile(infodf$DP, c(infoDP, 1-infoDP))
    infodf <- infodf %>%
      dplyr::mutate(DP = ifelse(DPpercentile[1] < DP & DP < DPpercentile[2],
                                DP, "DROP"))
    infodf <- infodf %>%
      dplyr::mutate(FS = ifelse(FS > infoFS, "DROP", FS))
    infodf <- infodf %>%
      dplyr::mutate(MQRankSum = ifelse(MQRankSum < infoMQRankSum, "DROP", MQRankSum))
    infodf <- infodf %>%
      dplyr::mutate(ReadPosRankSum = ifelse(ReadPosRankSum < infoReadPosRankSum, "DROP", ReadPosRankSum))

  # apply filter

  infodf <- infodf[ , colnames(infodf) %in% c("CHROM", "POS", infolist) ]
  passedloci <- infodf %>%
    dplyr::mutate(CHROMPOS = paste0(CHROM, POS)) %>%
    dplyr::mutate(incl = apply(., 1, function(x){! any(x == "DROP") })) %>%

  passedloci <- passedloci$incl

  # NAs can arise when vcfs are merged and don't have the same INFO field parameters (i.e. cortex versus gatk)
    warning("Your VCF had NAs that were produced in the tidy2vcf call, which means your INFO field parameters are inconsistent. \n You should investigate why this occuring. ")

  fix <- as.matrix(vcfR::getFIX(vcf, getINFO = T)[ passedloci ,])
  gt <- as.matrix(vcf@gt[ passedloci , ])
  meta <- append(vcf@meta, "##Additional Filters provided by NFB filter tools")

  # Setting class based off of vcfR documentation https://github.com/knausb/vcfR/blob/master/R/AllClass.R
  newvcfR <- new("vcfR", meta = meta, fix = fix, gt = gt)



#' @title vcfR2vcffilter_FORMAT
#' @param prop.loci.missing Given a loci, how many samples can have missing information before that loci is dropped
#' @export

# Filter VCF based on Format Fields
vcffilter_format <- function(vcfRobject = NULL,
                             formatDP = NULL,
                             formatSP = NULL,
                             prop.loci.missing = NULL, # this is given a loci, how many samples can have missing information before it is dropped
                             biallelic = TRUE,
                             SNPs = TRUE){

  vcf <- vcfRobject # legacy
  # -----------------------------------------------------
  # Read and check input
    vcf <- vcf[vcfR::is.biallelic(vcf)] # subset to biallelic
    vcf <-vcfR::extract.indels(vcf, return.indels = F) # subset to SNPs
  # store loci objects on info fields
  formatlist <- list()
    formatlist <- append(formatlist, "gt_GQ")
    formatlist <- append(formatlist, "gt_DP")
    formatlist <- append(formatlist, "gt_SP")

  # extract format list information
  tidyvcf <- vcfR::vcfR2tidy(vcf)
  formatdf <- tidyvcf$gt

  # filter loci
    formatdf <- formatdf %>%
      dplyr::mutate(gt_GQ = ifelse(gt_GQ < formatGQ, "DROP", gt_GQ))
    formatdf <- formatdf %>%
      dplyr::mutate(gt_DP = ifelse(gt_DP < formatDP, "DROP", gt_DP))
    formatdf <- formatdf %>%
      dplyr::mutate(gt_SP = ifelse(gt_SP > formatSP, "DROP", gt_SP)) # this is a fisher-score p-value for likelihood of strand bias. Higher worse

  # apply filter

  formatdf <- formatdf[ , colnames(formatdf) %in% c("ChromKey", "POS", "Indiv", formatlist) ]

  # NAs can arise when vcfs are merged and don't have the same INFO field parameters (i.e. cortex versus gatk)
    warning("Your VCF had NAs that were produced in the tidy2vcf call, which means your Format field parameters are inconsistent. \n You should investigate why this occuring. ")

  formatdf <- formatdf %>%
    dplyr::mutate(excl = apply(., 1, function(x){any(x == "DROP")})) %>%
    dplyr::select(ChromKey, POS, Indiv, excl) %>%
    tidyr::spread(., key="Indiv", value="excl") %>%
    dplyr::select(-c(ChromKey, POS)) %>%
    cbind(FORMAT=rep(FALSE, nrow(.)), .)

  vcf@gt[as.matrix(formatdf)] <- NA

  # Subset by loci missingness
    locimissingness <- apply(vcf@gt, 1, function(x){sum(is.na(x))})
    locimissingnessprop <- locimissingness/(ncol(vcf@gt)-1) # -1 for the format column

    # filter loci with too much missing information
    vcf@gt <- vcf@gt[ locimissingnessprop < prop.loci.missing , ]

  fix <- as.matrix(vcfR::getFIX(vcf, getINFO = T)[ locimissingnessprop < prop.loci.missing ,])
  gt <- as.matrix(vcf@gt)
  meta <- append(vcf@meta, "##Additional Filters provided by NFB filter tools")

  # Setting class based off of vcfR documentation https://github.com/knausb/vcfR/blob/master/R/AllClass.R
  newvcfR <- new("vcfR", meta = meta, fix = fix, gt = gt)



#' @title vcfR2vcffilter_SEGSITES
#' @export
# Read vcfR object to segregated sites

vcfR2segsites <- function(vcfRobject = NULL, err = 0.025){
  vcf <- vcfRobject # legacy
  if(!identical(vcf, vcf[vcfR::is.biallelic(vcf)])){
    stop("VCF must be biallelic for this to work.")

  ad <- vcfR::extract.gt(vcf, element = "AD")
  refad <- masplit(ad, record=1, sort=0, decreasing = 0)
  altad <- masplit(ad, record=2, sort=0, decreasing = 0)

  NRAF <- altad/(altad + refad)
  NRAF[is.nan(NRAF)] <- NA # the 0,0 are returning Nans

  segsites <- apply(NRAF, 1, function(x){
      } else {
        return( (max(x, na.rm=T) - min(x, na.rm=T)) > err )



  vcfRobject@gt <- vcfRobject@gt[segsites,]

  fix <- as.matrix(vcfR::getFIX(vcfRobject, getINFO = T)[segsites , ])
  gt <- as.matrix(vcfRobject@gt)
  meta <- append(vcfRobject@meta, paste("##Additional Filters for segregating sites, such that within-sample AF must vary more than:", err))

  # Setting class based off of vcfR documentation https://github.com/knausb/vcfR/blob/master/R/AllClass.R
  newvcfR <- new("vcfR", meta = meta, fix = fix, gt = gt)




#' @title cormat
#' @description Calculates genetic autocorrelation among variants.
#' @details Expects a matrix of allele frequencies with rows as loci and columns as samples
#' @author Bob Verity & Nick Brazeau
#' @export

# Calculate pairwise correlation matrix between observations. Input is a matrix with n rows corresponding to n multivariate measurements, output is a n-by-n correlation matrix. NA values are imputed as the mean.
corMat <- function(m) {
  tol <- 1e-9 # tolerance for denominator if AF become the same
  n <- nrow(m) # number of loci
  c <- matrix(NA,n,n)
  for (i in 1:n) {
    x1 <- unlist(m[i,])
    mu1 <- mean(x1,na.rm=TRUE)
    for (j in i:n) {
      x2 <- unlist(m[j,])
      mu2 <- mean(x2,na.rm=TRUE)
      c[i,j] <- c[j,i] <- sum((x1-mu1)*(x2-mu2),na.rm=TRUE)/sqrt( sum((x1-mu1)^2,na.rm=TRUE)*sum((x2-mu2)^2,na.rm=TRUE) + tol)

#' @title genautocorr setup
#' @description Calculates genetic autocorrelation for later linkage disequilibrium filtering.
#' @details From an object of class \code{vcfR}, calculate the genetic autocorrelation as the estimate of linkage disequilibrium by genetic distance.
#' @param vcffile A variant call file (vcf) path. This VCF will be converted to an object of class \code{vcfR}.
#' @author Bob Verity & Nick Brazeau
#' @export

genautocorr <- function(vcffile = NULL, vcfR = NULL, biallelicsnps=TRUE){

  # -----------------------------------------------------
  # Read and check input
    if(class(vcfR) != "vcfR"){
      stop("vcfR object must be of class vcfR")
    vcf <- vcfR
  } else{
    vcf <- vcfR::read.vcfR(file=vcffile, verbose=T) # read vcf
  if(biallelicsnps == FALSE){
    stop("Must take in biallelic SNPs")
  vcf <-vcfR::extract.indels(vcf, return.indels = F) # subset to SNPs
  vcf <- vcf[vcfR::is.biallelic(vcf)] # subset to biallelic

  # extract the within sample allele frequencies
  ad <- vcfR::extract.gt(vcf, element = "AD")
  refad <- masplit(ad, record=1, sort=0, decreasing = 0)
  altad <- masplit(ad, record=2, sort=0, decreasing = 0)

  NRAF <- altad/(altad + refad)
  NRAF[is.nan(NRAF)] <- NA # the 0,0 are returning Nans

  # extract distances via positions from vcfR object
  CHROM <- vcfR::getCHROM(vcf)
  POS <- vcfR::getPOS(vcf)
  vcfpos <- cbind.data.frame(CHROM, POS)
  vcfdf <- cbind.data.frame(vcfpos, NRAF)

  vcflist <- split(vcfdf, vcfdf$CHROM)

  # -----------------------------------------------------
  # calculations

  cormatgendistwrapper <- function(vcfdf_fromlist){

    # get correlation matrix. NA values are imputed as the mean
    df1 <- vcfdf_fromlist[, !colnames(vcfdf_fromlist) %in% c("CHROM", "POS")]
    c <- corMat(df1)
    # get distance between SNPs. This can be extracted from the row names of the vcf
    df2 <- vcfdf_fromlist[, colnames(vcfdf_fromlist) %in% c("POS")]
    gendist <- as.matrix(dist(df2))

    ret <- list(vcfAF = vcfdf_fromlist, corMat=c, gendist=gendist)

  retlist <- parallel::mclapply(vcflist, cormatgendistwrapper)



#' @title vcfR2LDfiltered
#' @description Filtering an object of class \code{vcfR} for linkage disequilibrium via genetic autocorrelation.
#' @param vcffile A variant call file (vcf) path. This VCF will be converted to an object of class \code{vcfR}.
#' @export

vcfR2LDfiltered <- function(vcffile = NULL, vcfR = NULL, genautocorrresult=NULL, threshDist=1e3, biallelicsnps=TRUE){

  # -----------------------------------------------------
  # Read and check input
    stop("Must specify a linkage disequilibrium threshold (see help and tutorial).")
    stop("Must specify a genetic autocorrelation results object using the genautocorr function")

    if(class(vcfR) != "vcfR"){
      stop("vcfR object must be of class vcfR")
    vcf <- vcfR
  } else{
    vcf <- vcfR::read.vcfR(file=vcffile, verbose=T) # read vcf
  if(biallelicsnps == FALSE){
    stop("This must be used with biallelic SNPs")

  vcf <-vcfR::extract.indels(vcf, return.indels = F) # subset to SNPs
  vcf <- vcf[vcfR::is.biallelic(vcf)] # subset to biallelic

  vcfdf <- cbind.data.frame(vcf@fix, vcf@gt)
  vcflist <- split(vcfdf, f=factor(vcfdf$CHROM))
  if(length(vcflist) != length(genautocorrresult)){
    stop("The number of chromosomes in the vcfR objec and the results from the genetic autocorrelation analysis differ.")
  # -----------------------------------------------------
  # Filter based on distance

  filter_autocorr <- function(vcflist, genautocorrresult){
    gendist <- as.matrix(genautocorrresult$gendist)
    diag(gendist) <- Inf	# block self-comparison
    while (any(gendist<threshDist)) {
      w <- which(gendist<threshDist, arr.ind=TRUE)
      vcflist <- vcflist[-w[1,1],]
      gendist <- gendist[-w[1,1],-w[1,1]]


  updatedvcflist <- parallel::mcmapply(filter_autocorr, vcflist, genautocorrresult, SIMPLIFY = F)
  updatedvcfdf <- do.call(rbind, updatedvcflist)

  # -----------------------------------------------------
  # Return to vcfR object
  fix <- as.matrix(updatedvcfdf[,1:8])
  gt <- as.matrix(updatedvcfdf[,9:ncol(updatedvcfdf)])
  meta <- append(vcf@meta, paste("##Filtered for genetic autocorrelation by polyIBD filter tools with a threshold distance of", threshDist))

  # Setting class based off of vcfR documentation https://github.com/knausb/vcfR/blob/master/R/AllClass.R
  newvcfR <- new("vcfR", meta = meta, fix = fix, gt = gt)


nickbrazeau/NFBtools documentation built on May 17, 2019, 6:37 a.m.