#' @title Identify Deme Inbreeding Spatial Coefficients in Continuous Space (Vanilla)
#' @param discdat dataframe; The genetic-geographic data by deme (K)
#' @param start_params named double vector; vector of start parameters.
#' @param lambda double; A quadratic L2 explicit regularization, or penalty, parameter on "m" parameter. Note, lambda is a scalar such that: \eqn{\lambda m^2}.
#' @param learningrate double; alpha parameter for how much each "step" is weighted in the gradient descent
#' @param b1 double; exponential decay rates for the first moment estimate in the Adam optimization algorithm
#' @param b2 double; exponential decay rates for the second moment estimate in the Adam optimization algorithm
#' @param e double; epsilon (error) for stability in the Adam optimization algorithm
#' @param steps integer; the number of steps as we move down the gradient
#' @param thin integer; the number of steps to keep as part of the output (i.e. if the user specifies 10, every 10th iteration will be kept)
#' @param m_lowerbound double; lower limit value for the global "m" parameter; any "m" value encounter less than the lower bound will be replaced by the lower bound
#' @param m_upperbound double; upper limit value for the global "m" parameter; any "m" value encounter greater than the upper bound will be replaced by the upper bound
#' @param normalize_geodist boolean; whether geographic distances between demes should be normalized (i.e. Min-Max Feature Scaling: \eqn{X' = \frac{X - X_{min}}{X_{max} - X_{min}} }, which places the geodistances on the scale to \eqn{[0-1]}). Helps increase model stability at the expense of complicating the interpretation of the migration rate parameter.
#' @param report_progress boolean; whether or not a progress bar should be shown as you iterate through steps
#' @param return_verbose boolean; whether the inbreeding coefficients and migration rate should be returned for every iteration or
#' only for the final iteration. User will typically not want to store every iteration, which can be memory intensive
#' @description The purpose of this statistic is to identify an inbreeding coefficient, or degree of
#' relatedness, for a given location in discrete space. We assume that locations in spaces can be
#' represented as "demes," such that multiple individuals live in the same deme
#' (i.e. samples are sourced from the same location). The expected pairwise relationship
#' between two individuals, or samples, is dependent on the each sample's deme's inbreeding
#' coefficient and the geographic distance between the demes. The program assumes a symmetric distance matrix.
#' @details The gen.geo.dist dataframe must be named with the following columns:
#' "smpl1"; "smpl2"; "deme1"; "deme2"; "gendist"; "geodist"; which corresponds to:
#' Sample 1 Name; Sample 2 Name; Sample 1 Location; Sample 2 Location;
#' Pairwise Genetic Distance; Pairwise Geographpic Distance. Note, the order of the
#' columns do not matter but the names of the columns must match.
#' @details The start_params vector names must match the cluster names (i.e. clusters must be
#' have a name that we can match on for the starting relatedness paramerts). In addition,
#' you must provide a start parameter for "m".
#' @details Note: We have implemented coding decisions to not allow the "f" inbreeding coefficients to be negative by using a
#' logit transformation internally in the code.
#' @details Gradient descent is performed using the Adam (adaptive moment estimation) optimization approach. Default values
#' for moment decay rates, epsilon, and learning rates are taken from \cite{DP Kingma, 2014}.
#' @details The "vanilla" method does not attempt to optimize start parameters.
#' @export
deme_inbreeding_spcoef_vanilla <- function(discdat,
start_params = NULL,
lambda = 0.1,
learningrate = 1e-3,
m_lowerbound = 0,
m_upperbound = Inf,
b1 = 0.9,
b2 = 0.999,
e = 1e-8,
steps = 1e3,
thin = 1,
normalize_geodist = TRUE,
report_progress = TRUE,
return_verbose = FALSE){
# Assertions & Catches
if (!all(colnames(discdat) %in% c("smpl1", "smpl2", "deme1", "deme2", "gendist", "geodist"))) {
stop("The discdat dataframe must contain columns with names: smpl1, smpl2, deme1, deme2, gendist, geodist")
# make sure correct order
for (i in 1:6) {
if (colnames(discdat)[i] != c("smpl1", "smpl2", "deme1", "deme2", "gendist", "geodist")[i]) {
stop("The discdat dataframe must contain columns with names in the exact order of: smpl1, smpl2, deme1, deme2, gendist, geodist")
locats <- names(start_params)[!grepl("^m$", names(start_params))]
if (!all(unique(c(discdat$deme1, discdat$deme2)) %in% locats)) {
stop("You have cluster names in your discdat dataframe that are not included in your start parameters")
if (!any(grepl("^m$", names(start_params)))) {
stop("A m start parameter must be provided (i.e. there must be a vector element name m in your start parameter vector)")
assert_length(start_params, n = (length(unique(c(discdat$deme1, discdat$deme2))) + 1),
message = "Start params length not correct. You must specificy a start parameter
for each deme and the migration parameter, m")
sapply(start_params[!grepl("^m$", names(start_params))], assert_bounded, left = 0, right = 1, inclusive_left = TRUE, inclusive_right = TRUE)
assert_gr(m_upperbound, m_lowerbound)
assert_greq(thin, 1, message = "Must be at least 1")
# no missing
if(sum(is.na(discdat)) != 0) {
stop("discdat dataframe cannot have missing values")
# catch accidental bad F and M start
if ( any(round(start_params, digits = 1e200) == 0) ) {
warning("At least one of your start parameters is zero (or essentially zero), which will result in unstable behavior in the Gradient-Descent algorithm. Consider increasing the start parameter.")
# check that disc dat is being used correctly
x = choose(length(unique(c(discdat$deme1, discdat$deme2))), 2), # max number of between distances
y = length(unique(paste0(discdat$deme1, discdat$deme2, discdat$geodist))), # count of unique between distances
message = "You have pairwise demes with differing geodistances measurements in your data input. Geodistances must be the same between demes (pairwise geodistances should be the same)."
# check for self comparisons
sapply(discdat$geodist, assert_neq, y = 0,
message = "No within-deme sample comparisons allowed. Geodistance should not be 0")
mapply(assert_neq, discdat$deme1, discdat$deme2,
message = "No within-deme sample comparisons allowed. Locat names should not be the same")
# R manipulations before C++
# use efficient R functions to group pairs and wrangle data for faster C++ manipulation
# get deme names and lift over sorted names for i and j
demes <- sort(unique(c(discdat$deme1, discdat$deme2)))
keyi <- data.frame(deme1 = demes, i = seq_len(length(demes)))
keyj <- data.frame(deme2 = demes, j = seq_len(length(demes)))
# transform data w/ logit
discdat <- discdat %>%
dplyr::mutate(gendist = ifelse(gendist > 0.999, 0.999,
ifelse(gendist < 0.001, 0.001,
gendist))) %>% # reasonable bounds on logit
dplyr::mutate(gendist = logit(gendist))
# transform start parameters w/ logit
start_params[names(start_params) != "m"] <- logit(start_params[names(start_params) != "m"])
# get genetic data by pairs through efficient nest
gendist <- discdat %>%
expand_pairwise(.) %>% # get all pairwise for full matrix
dplyr::select(c("deme1", "deme2", "gendist")) %>%
dplyr::group_by_at(c("deme1", "deme2")) %>%
tidyr::nest(.) %>%
dplyr::left_join(., keyi, by = "deme1") %>%
dplyr::left_join(., keyj, by = "deme2") %>%
dplyr::arrange_at(c("i", "j"))
# put gendist into an array
# NB we are filling an array with dimension of size:
# locations x locations x max K-pairs
# Will fill in w/ -1 to indicate missing/skip where demes do not
# have max pairs.
# This approach wastes memory but allows for a structured array
# versus a list with varying sizes (and eventually a more efficient for-loop)
n_Kpairmax <- max(purrr::map_dbl(gendist$data, nrow))
gendist_arr <- array(data = -1, dim = c(length(locats), length(locats), n_Kpairmax))
for (i in seq_len(nrow(gendist))) {
gendist_arr[gendist$i[i], gendist$j[i], seq_len(nrow(gendist$data[[i]]))] <- unname(unlist(gendist$data[[i]]))
# normalize geodistances per user; NB have already removed self comparisons, so no 0s
if (normalize_geodist) {
mingeodist <- min(discdat$geodist)
maxgeodist <- max(discdat$geodist)
discdat <- discdat %>%
dplyr::mutate(geodist = (geodist - mingeodist)/(maxgeodist - mingeodist))
# catch accidental bad M start if user is standardizing distances
if (normalize_geodist & (start_params[names(start_params) == "m"] > 500) ) {
warning("You have selected to normalize geographic distances, but your
migration rate start parameter is large. Please consider placing it on a
similar scale to your normalized geographic distances for stability.")
# put geo information into distance matrix
geodist <- discdat %>%
expand_pairwise(.) %>% # get all pairwise for full matrix
dplyr::select(c("deme1", "deme2", "geodist")) %>%
dplyr::group_by_at(c("deme1", "deme2")) %>%
tidyr::nest(.) %>%
dplyr::left_join(., keyi, by = "deme1") %>%
dplyr::left_join(., keyj, by = "deme2") %>%
dplyr::arrange_at(c("i", "j"))
# simplify geodistance data storage
geodist$data <- purrr::map_dbl(geodist$data, function(x){
if (length(unique(unlist(x))) != 1) {
stop("deme1 and deme2 have different geodistances among P-sample combinations. Distances should all be same among samples")
# out
unique(unlist(x)) # all same by unique
# upper tri
geodist_mat <- matrix(data = -1, nrow = length(locats), ncol = length(locats))
for (i in seq_len(nrow(geodist))) {
geodist_mat[geodist$i[i], geodist$j[i]] <- geodist$data[i]
diag(geodist_mat) <- 0
# run efficient C++ function
args <- list(gendist = as.vector(gendist_arr),
geodist = as.vector(geodist_mat),
fvec = unname( start_params[!grepl("^m$", names(start_params))] ),
n_Demes = length(demes),
n_Kpairmax = n_Kpairmax,
m = unname(start_params["m"]),
lambda = lambda,
learningrate = learningrate,
m_lowerbound = m_lowerbound,
m_upperbound = m_upperbound,
b1 = b1,
b2 = b2,
e = e,
steps = steps,
report_progress = report_progress
# run
output_raw <- vanilla_deme_inbreeding_coef_cpp(args)
# set up thinning
thin_its <- seq(1, steps, by = thin)
thin_its <- unique(c(thin_its, steps)) # always include last iteration
# process output
colnames(keyi) <- c("Deme", "key")
if (return_verbose) {
output <- list(
deme_key = keyi,
m_run = output_raw$m_run[thin_its],
fi_run = expit(do.call("rbind", output_raw$fi_run))[thin_its, ],
m_gradtraj = output_raw$m_gradtraj[thin_its],
fi_gradtraj = do.call("rbind", output_raw$fi_gradtraj)[thin_its, ],
m_1moment = output_raw$m_firstmoment[thin_its],
m_2moment = output_raw$m_secondmoment[thin_its],
fi_1moment = do.call("rbind", output_raw$fi_firstmoment)[thin_its, ],
fi_2moment = do.call("rbind", output_raw$fi_secondmoment)[thin_its, ],
cost = output_raw$cost[thin_its],
Final_Fis = expit(output_raw$Final_Fis),
Final_m = output_raw$Final_m
} else {
output <- list(
deme_key = keyi,
cost = output_raw$cost[thin_its],
m_run = output_raw$m_run[thin_its],
fi_run = expit(do.call("rbind", output_raw$fi_run))[thin_its, ],
Final_Fis = expit(output_raw$Final_Fis),
Final_m = output_raw$Final_m)
# add S3 class structure
attr(output, "class") <- "vanillaDISCresult"
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