
Defines functions cps.ma.normal.internal

#' Runs and returns simulations and model fits for multi-arm
#' cluster-randomized trials with continuous outcome.
#' This function is called within \code{cps.ma.normal()} to generate the
#' simulated data and return glmm or gee model fits according to the user's
#' specifications. However, this function can also be called independently
#' in order to return and examine the simulation model fits rather than the
#' power summary returned in \code{cps.ma.normal()}.
#' Users can modify a variety of parameters to suit the simulations to their
#' desired experimental situation. Users must specify the desired number
#' of simulations, number of subjects per cluster, number of clusters
#' per treatment arm, group means, within-cluster variance, and between-cluster
#' variance; significance level, analytic method, progress updates, and
#' simulated data set output may also be specified.
#' As this function is not intended for the casual user, specifications to the
#' arguments are somewhat less flexible than those supplied to
#' \code{cps.ma.normal()}. Note that the str.nsubjects argument has a specific
#' structure that is somewhat verbose but maximizes flexibility in the
#' experimental design.
#' @param nsim Number of datasets to simulate; accepts integer (required).
#' @param str.nsubjects Number of subjects per treatment group; accepts a list
#' with one entry per arm. Each entry is a vector containing the number of
#' subjects per cluster (required).
#' @param means Expected absolute treatment effect for each arm; accepts a
#' vector of length \code{narms} (required).
#' @param sigma_sq Within-cluster variance; accepts a vector of length
#' \code{narms} (required).
#' @param sigma_b_sq Between-cluster variance; accepts a vector of length
#' \code{narms} (required).
#' @param alpha Significance level; default = 0.05.
#' @param method Analytical method, either Generalized Linear Mixed Effects
#' Model (GLMM) or Generalized Estimating Equation (GEE); accepts c('glmm',
#' 'gee') (required); default = 'glmm'.
#' @param quiet When set to FALSE, displays simulation progress and estimated
#' completion time; default is FALSE.
#' @param all.sim.data Option to output list of all simulated datasets;
#' default = FALSE.
#' @param seed Option to set.seed, default is NULL.
#' @param cores a string or numeric value indicating the number of cores to be
#' used for parallel computing. When this option is set to NULL, no parallel
#' computing is used.
#' @param poor.fit.override Option to override \code{stop()} if more than 25\%
#' of fits fail to converge.
#' @param low.power.override Option to override \code{stop()} if the power
#' is less than 0.5 after the first 50 simulations and every ten simulations
#' thereafter. On function execution stop, the actual power is printed in the
#' stop message. Default = FALSE. When TRUE, this check is ignored and the
#' calculated power is returned regardless of value.
#' @param tdist Logical; use t-distribution instead of normal distribution
#' for simulation values, default = FALSE.
#' @param return.all.models Logical; Returns all of the fitted models and the simulated data.
#' Defaults to FALSE.
#' @param nofit Option to skip model fitting and analysis and return the simulated data.
#' Defaults to \code{FALSE}.
#' @param optmethod Option to fit with a different optimizer (using the package
#' \code{optimx}). Defaults to \code{nlminb}.
#' @param timelimitOverride Logical. When FALSE, stops execution if the estimated completion time
#' is more than 2 minutes. Defaults to TRUE.
#' @return A list with the following components:
#' \describe{
#'   \item{estimates}{List of \code{length(nsim)} containing gee- or glmm-fitted model
#'   estimates.}
#'   \item{model comparisons}{Compares fitted model to a model for H0 using ML
#'   (ANOVA).}
#'   \item{simulated datasets}{Produced when all.sim.data = TRUE, a list of
#'   data frames, each containing three columns: "y" (Simulated response value),
#'                   "trt" (Indicator for treatment group), and
#'                   "clust" (Indicator for cluster).}
#'   \item{converged}{A logical vector of length \code{nsim} (when all.sim.data = TRUE) or a string (when all.sim.data = FALSE)
#'   indicating the percent of model fits that produced a "singular fit" or "failed to converge" warning message;
#'           When a model fails to converge, failed.to.converge == FALSE, otherwise TRUE.}
#' }
#' @author Alexandria C. Sakrejda (\email{acbro0@@umass.edu}, Alexander R. Bogdan, and Ken Kleinman (\email{ken.kleinman@@gmail.com})
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' nsubjects.example <- list(c(20,20,20,25), c(15, 20, 20, 21), c(17, 20, 21))
#' means.example <- c(22, 21, 21.5)
#' sigma_sq.example <- c(1, 1, 0.9)
#' sigma_b_sq.example <- c(0.1, 0.15, 0.1)
#' multi.cps.normal.models <- cps.ma.normal.internal (nsim = 100,
#'                               str.nsubjects = nsubjects.example,
#'                               means = means.example,
#'                               sigma_sq = sigma_sq.example,
#'                               sigma_b_sq = sigma_b_sq.example,
#'                               alpha = 0.05,
#'                               quiet = FALSE, method = 'glmm',
#'                               seed = 123, cores = "all",
#'                               low.power.override = FALSE,
#'                               poor.fit.override = FALSE,
#'                               optmethod = "nlm")
#'                               }
#' @noRd
cps.ma.normal.internal <-
  function(nsim = 1000,
           str.nsubjects = NULL,
           means = NULL,
           sigma_sq = NULL,
           sigma_b_sq = NULL,
           alpha = 0.05,
           quiet = FALSE,
           method = 'glmm',
           all.sim.data = FALSE,
           seed = NA,
           cores = NULL,
           poor.fit.override = FALSE,
           low.power.override = FALSE,
           tdist = FALSE,
           optmethod = "nlminb",
           nofit = FALSE,
           return.all.models = FALSE,
           timelimitOverride = TRUE) {
    # Create vectors to collect iteration-specific values
    simulated.datasets <- list()
    # Create NCLUSTERS, NARMS, from str.nsubjects
    narms = length(str.nsubjects)
    nclusters = sapply(str.nsubjects, length)
    # initialize progress bar
    prog.bar =  progress::progress_bar$new(
      format = "(:spin) [:bar] :percent eta :eta",
      total = nsim,
      clear = FALSE,
      width = 100
    # This container keeps track of how many models failed to converge
    converge.vector <- rep(FALSE, nsim)
    # Create a container for the simulated.dataset and model output
    sim.dat = vector(mode = "list", length = nsim)
    model.values <- list()
    model.compare <- list()
    # option for reproducibility
    if (!is.na(seed)) {
      set.seed(seed = seed)
    # Create indicators for treatment group & cluster for the sim.data output
    trt1 = list()
    clust1 = list()
    index <- 0
    for (arm in 1:length(str.nsubjects)) {
      trt1[[arm]] = list()
      clust1[[arm]] =  list()
      for (cluster in 1:length(str.nsubjects[[arm]])) {
        index <- index + 1
        trt1[[arm]][[cluster]] = rep(arm, sum(str.nsubjects[[arm]][[cluster]]))
        clust1[[arm]][[cluster]] = rep(index, sum(str.nsubjects[[arm]][[cluster]]))
    #Alert the user if using t-distribution
    if (tdist == TRUE) {
      print("using t-distribution because tdist = TRUE")
    #setup for parallel computing
    if (!is.null(cores)) {
      ## Do computations with multiple processors:
      ## Number of cores:
      if (cores == "all") {
        nc <- parallel::detectCores()
      } else {
        nc <- cores
      ## Create clusters
      cl <- parallel::makeCluster(rep("localhost", nc))
    # Create simulation loop
    for (i in 1:nsim) {
      sim.dat[[i]] = data.frame(y = NA,
                                trt = as.factor(unlist(trt1)),
                                clust = as.factor(unlist(clust1)))
      # Generate between-cluster effects for non-treatment and treatment
      if (tdist == TRUE) {
        randint = mapply(function(n, df)
          stats::rt(n, df = df),
          n = nclusters,
          df = sum(nclusters) - narms)
      } else {
        randint = mapply(
          function(nc, s, mu)
            stats::rnorm(nc, mean = mu, sd = sqrt(s)),
          nc = nclusters,
          s = sigma_b_sq,
          mu = 0
      # Create y-value
      y.bclust <-
        vector(mode = "numeric", length = length(unlist(str.nsubjects)))
      y.wclust <-  vector(mode = "list", length = narms)
      y.bclust <-  sapply(1:sum(nclusters),
                            rep(unlist(randint)[x], length.out = unlist(str.nsubjects)[x]))
      for (j in 1:narms) {
        y.wclust[[j]] <-
          lapply(str.nsubjects[[j]], function(x)
            stats::rnorm(x, mean = means[j],
                         sd = sqrt(sigma_sq[j])))
      # Create data frame for simulated dataset
      y <- as.vector(unlist(y.bclust) + unlist(y.wclust))
      sim.dat[[i]][["y"]] <- y
    #option to return simulated data only
    if (nofit == TRUE) {
      # turn off parallel computing
      if (!exists("cores", mode = "NULL")) {
    for (i in 1:nsim) {
      # Update simulation progress information
      # status message
      if (quiet == FALSE && i == 1) {
        message(paste0('Begin simulations :: Start Time: ', Sys.time()))
      y <- sim.dat[[i]][["y"]]
      trt <- sim.dat[[i]][["trt"]]
      clust <- sim.dat[[i]][["clust"]]
      # Iterate progress bar
      prog.bar$update(i / nsim)
      Sys.sleep(1 / 100)
      if (i == 1) {
        start.time = Sys.time()
      # trt and clust are re-coded as trt2 and clust2 to work nicely with lme. This can be changed later.
      # Fit GLMM (lmer)
      if (method == 'glmm') {
        if (max(sigma_sq) != min(sigma_sq) &&
            max(sigma_b_sq) != min(sigma_b_sq)) {
          trt2 <- unlist(trt)
          clust2 <- unlist(clust)
          if (optmethod != "nlm" &&
              optmethod != "nlminb" && optmethod != "auto") {
            stop("optmethod must be either nlm or nlminb for this model type.")
          counter <- 0
          while (counter < 2 & converge.vector[i] == FALSE) {
            my.mod <-
                y ~ as.factor(trt2),
                random = ~ 1 + as.factor(trt2) | clust2,
                weights = nlme::varIdent(form = ~ 1 |
                method = "ML",
                control = nlme::nlmeControl(
                  opt = optmethod,
                  niterEM = 100,
                  msMaxIter = 100
            model.values[[i]] <-  try(summary(my.mod)$tTable)
            # get the overall p-values (>Chisq)
            null.mod <-
                y ~ 1,
                random = ~ 1 + as.factor(trt2) | clust2,
                weights = nlme::varIdent(form = ~ 1 |
                method = "ML",
                control = nlme::nlmeControl(
                  opt = optmethod,
                  niterEM = 100,
                  msMaxIter = 100
            converge.vector[i] <-
              ifelse(isTRUE(class(my.mod) == "try-error"), FALSE, TRUE)
            counter <- counter + 1
          } # end of while loop
          if (poor.fit.override == FALSE) {
            if (sum(converge.vector[1:i] == FALSE, na.rm = TRUE) > (nsim * .25) &
                i > 50) {
              stop("more than 25% of simulations are singular fit: check model specifications")
        if (max(sigma_sq) == min(sigma_sq) &&
            max(sigma_b_sq) != min(sigma_b_sq)) {
          if (i == 1) {
            my.mod <-
              lmerTest::lmer(y ~ trt + (1 + as.factor(trt) | clust),
                             REML = FALSE,
                             data = sim.dat[[1]])
            if (optmethod == "auto") {
              goodopt <- optimizerSearch(my.mod)
            } else {
              goodopt <- optmethod
          counter <- 0
          while (counter < 2 & converge.vector[i] == FALSE) {
            my.mod <-
                y ~ trt + (1 + as.factor(trt) | clust),
                REML = FALSE,
                data = sim.dat[[i]],
                  optimizer = "nloptwrap",
                  optCtrl  = list(algorithm = goodopt)
            # get the overall p-values (>Chisq)
            null.mod <-
              update.formula(my.mod, y ~ 1 + (1 + as.factor(trt) |
            # option to stop the function early if fits are singular
            converge.vector[i] <-
            counter <- counter + 1
          } # end of while loop
          if (poor.fit.override == FALSE) {
            if (sum(converge.vector[1:i] == FALSE, na.rm = TRUE) > (nsim * .25) &
                i > 50) {
              stop("more than 25% of simulations are singular fit: check model specifications")
        if (max(sigma_sq) != min(sigma_sq) &&
            max(sigma_b_sq) == min(sigma_b_sq)) {
          trt2 <- unlist(trt)
          clust2 <- unlist(clust)
          if (optmethod != "nlm" && optmethod != "nlminb") {
            stop("optmethod must be either nlm or nlminb for this model type.")
          counter <- 0
          while (counter < 2 & converge.vector[i] == FALSE) {
            my.mod <-
                y ~ as.factor(trt2),
                random = ~ 1 | clust2,
                weights = nlme::varIdent(form = ~ 1 |
                method = "ML",
                control = nlme::nlmeControl(
                  opt = optmethod,
                  niterEM = 100,
                  msMaxIter = 100
            model.values[[i]] <-  try(summary(my.mod)$tTable)
            # get the overall p-values (>Chisq)
            null.mod <- try(nlme::lme(
              y ~ 1,
              random =  ~ 1 | clust2,
              weights = nlme::varIdent(form = ~ 1 |
              method = "ML",
              control = nlme::nlmeControl(
                opt = optmethod,
                niterEM = 100,
                msMaxIter = 100
            converge.vector[i] <-
              ifelse(isTRUE(class(my.mod) == "try-error"), FALSE, TRUE)
            counter <- counter + 1
          } #end of while loop
          if (poor.fit.override == FALSE) {
            if (sum(converge.vector[1:i] == FALSE, na.rm = TRUE) > (nsim * .25) &
                i > 50) {
              stop("more than 25% of simulations are singular fit: check model specifications")
        if (max(sigma_sq) == min(sigma_sq) &&
            max(sigma_b_sq) == min(sigma_b_sq)) {
          if (i == 1) {
            my.mod <- lmerTest::lmer(y ~ trt + (1 | clust), REML = FALSE,
                                     data = sim.dat[[1]])
            if (optmethod == "auto") {
              goodopt <- optimizerSearch(my.mod)
            } else {
              goodopt <- optmethod
          counter <- 0
          while (counter < 2 & converge.vector[i] == FALSE) {
            my.mod <-  lmerTest::lmer(
              y ~ trt + (1 | clust),
              REML = FALSE,
              data = sim.dat[[i]],
                optimizer = "nloptwrap",
                optCtrl  = list(algorithm = goodopt)
            # get the overall p-values (>Chisq)
            null.mod <- update.formula(my.mod, y ~ 1 + (1 | clust))
            # option to stop the function early if fits are singular
            converge.vector[i] <-
            counter <- counter + 1
          } #end of while loop
          if (poor.fit.override == FALSE) {
            if (sum(converge.vector[1:i] == FALSE, na.rm = TRUE) > (nsim * .25) &
                i > 50) {
              stop("more than 25% of simulations are singular fit: check model specifications")
        #time limit override (for Shiny)
        if (i == 10) {
          avg.iter.time = as.numeric(difftime(Sys.time(), start.time, units = 'secs'))
          time.est = (avg.iter.time / 10) * (nsim - 10) / 60
          hr.est = time.est %/% 60
          min.est = round(time.est %% 60, 3)
          if (min.est > 2 && timelimitOverride == FALSE) {
              "Estimated completion time: ",
        model.values[[i]] <-  summary(my.mod)
      } #end of glmm options
      # Fit GEE (geeglm)
      if (method == 'gee') {
        data.holder = dplyr::arrange(sim.dat[[i]], clust)
        # Iterate progress bar
        # prog.bar$update(i / nsim)
        #  Sys.sleep(1 / 100)
        my.mod = geepack::geeglm(
          y ~ as.factor(trt),
          data = data.holder,
          id = clust,
          corstr = "exchangeable"
        null.mod = geepack::geeglm(y ~ 1,
                                   data = data.holder,
                                   id = clust,
                                   corstr = "exchangeable")
        model.values[[i]] = summary(my.mod)
        # check for gee convergence
        converge.vector[i] <-
          ifelse(summary(my.mod)$error == 0, TRUE, FALSE)
      model.compare[[i]] <- try(anova(my.mod, null.mod))
      # stop the loop if power is <0.5
      if (low.power.override == FALSE) {
        if (i > 50 & (i %% 10 == 0)) {
          temp.power.checker <-
              ncol = 6,
              nrow = i,
              byrow = TRUE
          sig.val.temp <-
            ifelse(temp.power.checker[, 6][1:i] < alpha, 1, 0)
          pval.power.temp <- sum(sig.val.temp) / i
          if (pval.power.temp < 0.5) {
                "Calculated power is < ",
                ", auto stop at simulation ",
                ". Set low.power.override==TRUE to run the simulations anyway.",
                sep = ""
      if (i == nsim) {
        total.est = as.numeric(difftime(Sys.time(), start.time, units = 'secs'))
        hr.est = total.est %/% 3600
        min.est = total.est %/% 60
        sec.est = round(total.est %% 60, 3)
            "Simulations Complete! Time Completed: ",
            "\nTotal Runtime: ",
    } # end of loop
    ## Output objects
    if (all.sim.data == TRUE) {
      complete.output.internal <-  list(
        "estimates" = try(model.values)
        "model.comparisons" = try(model.compare)
        "converged" = converge.vector,
        "sim.data" = sim.dat
    } else {
      complete.output.internal <-  list(
        "estimates" = try(model.values)
        "model.comparisons" = try(model.compare)
        "converged" = converge.vector
    # turn off parallel computing
    if (!exists("cores", mode = "NULL")) {
nickreich/clusterPower documentation built on Feb. 3, 2021, 6:54 p.m.