
# routines for numerical intregration

# integrate (-infty to +infty) a product of univariate Gaussian densities
# with givens means (mus) and standard deviations (sds) (or variances, vars)
lav_integration_gaussian_product <- function(mus = NULL, sds = NULL, vars = NULL) {

    n <- length(mus)
    if(is.null(vars)) {
        vars <- sds^2

    # variance product
    var.prod <- 1/sum(1/vars)
    # mean product
    mu.prod <- sum(mus/vars)*var.prod

    # normalization constant
    const <- 1/sqrt((2*pi)^(n-1)) * sqrt(var.prod) * sqrt(1/prod(vars)) * exp(-0.5 * (sum(mus^2/vars) - mu.prod^2/var.prod))


# return Gauss-Hermite quadrature rule for given order (n)
# return list: x = nodes, w = quadrature weights

# As noted by Wilf (1962, chapter 2, ex 9), the nodes are given by 
# the eigenvalues of the Jacobi matrix; weights are given by the squares of the
# first components of the (normalized) eigenvectors, multiplied by sqrt(pi)
# (This is NOT identical to Golub & Welsch, 1968: as they used a specific 
#  method tailored for tridiagonal symmetric matrices)
# TODO: look at https://github.com/ajt60gaibb/FastGaussQuadrature.jl/blob/master/src/gausshermite.jl
# featuring the work of Ignace Bogaert (UGent)
# approximation of the integral of 'f(x) * exp(-x*x)' from -inf to +inf
# by sum( f(x_i) * w_i )
# CHECK: sum(w_i) should be always sqrt(pi) = 1.772454
lav_integration_gauss_hermite_xw <- function(n = 21L, revert = FALSE) {

    # force n to be an integer
    n <- as.integer(n); stopifnot(n > 0L)

    if(n == 1L) {
        x <- 0
        w <- sqrt(pi)
    } else {
        # construct symmetric, tridiagonal Jacobi matrix
        # diagonal = 0, -1/+1 diagonal is sqrt(1:(n-1)/2)
        u <-  sqrt(seq.int(n-1L)/2) # upper diagonal of J
        Jn <- matrix(0, n, n); didx <- lav_matrix_diag_idx(n)
        Jn[(didx+1)[-n]] <- u
        #Jn[(didx-1)[-1]] <- u # only lower matrix is used anyway

        # eigen decomposition
        # FIXME: use specialized function for tridiagonal symmetrix matrix
        ev <- eigen(Jn, symmetric = TRUE)
        x <- ev$values
        tmp <- ev$vector[1L,]
        w <- sqrt(pi)*tmp*tmp

    # revert? (minus to plus)
    if(revert) {
        x <- -x

    list(x = x, w = w)

# generate GH points + weights
lav_integration_gauss_hermite <- function(n = 21L,
                                          dnorm = FALSE,
                                          mean = 0, sd = 1,
                                          ndim = 1L,
                                          revert = TRUE,
                                          prune = FALSE) {

    XW <- lav_integration_gauss_hermite_xw(n = n, revert = revert)

    # dnorm kernel?
    if(dnorm) {
        # scale/shift x
        x <- XW$x * sqrt(2) * sd + mean

        # scale w
        w <- XW$w / sqrt(pi)
    } else {
        x <- XW$x
        w <- XW$w

    if(ndim > 1L) {
        # cartesian product
        x <- as.matrix(expand.grid(rep(list(x), ndim), KEEP.OUT.ATTRS = FALSE))
        w <- as.matrix(expand.grid(rep(list(w), ndim), KEEP.OUT.ATTRS = FALSE))
        w <- apply(w, 1, prod)
    } else {
        x <- as.matrix(x)
        w <- as.matrix(w)

    # prune?
    if(is.logical(prune) && prune) {
        # always divide by N=21
        lower.limit <- XW$w[1] * XW$w[floor((n+1)/2)] / 21
        keep.idx <- which(w > lower.limit)
        w <- w[keep.idx]
        x <- x[keep.idx,, drop = FALSE]
    } else if(is.numeric(prune) && prune > 0) {
        lower.limit <- quantile(w, probs = prune)
        keep.idx <- which(w > lower.limit)
        w <- w[keep.idx]
        x <- x[keep.idx,, drop = FALSE]

    list(x=x, w=w)

# backwards compatibility
lav_integration_gauss_hermite_dnorm <- function(n = 21L, mean = 0, sd = 1,
                                                ndim = 1L,
                                                revert = TRUE,
                                                prune = FALSE) {
    lav_integration_gauss_hermite(n = n, dnorm = TRUE, mean = mean, sd = sd,
                                  ndim = ndim, revert = revert, prune = prune)

# plot 2-dim
# out <- psindex:::lav_integration_gauss_hermite_dnorm(n = 20, ndim = 2)
# plot(out$x, cex = -10/log(out$w), col = "darkgrey", pch=19)

# integrand g(x) has the form g(x) = f(x) dnorm(x, m, s^2)
lav_integration_f_dnorm <- function(func       = NULL,  # often ly.prod
                                    dnorm.mean = 0,     # dnorm mean
                                    dnorm.sd   = 1,     # dnorm sd
                                    XW         = NULL,  # GH points
                                    n          = 21L,   # number of nodes
                                    adaptive   = FALSE, # adaptive?
                                    iterative  = FALSE, # iterative?
                                    max.iter   = 20L,   # max iterations
                                    verbose    = FALSE, # verbose?
                                    ...) {              # optional args for 'f'

    # create GH rule
    if(is.null(XW)) {
        XW <- lav_integration_gauss_hermite_xw(n = n, revert = TRUE)

    if(!adaptive) {
        w.star <- XW$w / sqrt(pi)
        x.star <- dnorm.sd*(sqrt(2)*XW$x) + dnorm.mean
        out <- sum( func(x.star, ...) * w.star )
    } else {
        # Naylor & Smith (1982, 1988)
        if(iterative) {
            mu.est <- 0; sd.est <- 1

            for(i in 1:max.iter) {
                w.star <- sqrt(2) * sd.est * dnorm(sqrt(2)*sd.est*XW$x + mu.est,dnorm.mean, dnorm.sd) * exp(XW$x^2) * XW$w
                x.star <- sqrt(2)*sd.est*XW$x + mu.est
                LIK <- sum( func(x.star, ...) * w.star )

                # update mu
                mu.est <- sum(x.star * (func(x.star, ...) * w.star)/LIK)

                # update sd
                var.est <- sum(x.star^2 * (func(x.star, ...) * w.star)/LIK) - mu.est^2
                sd.est <- sqrt(var.est)

                if(verbose) {
                    cat("i = ", i, "LIK = ", LIK, "mu.est = ", mu.est,
                         "sd.est = ", sd.est, "\n")
            out <- LIK

        # Liu and Pierce (1994)
        } else {
            # integrand g(x) = func(x) * dnorm(x; m, s^2)
            log.g <- function(x, ...) {
                ## FIXME: should we take the log right away?
                log(func(x, ...) * dnorm(x, mean = dnorm.mean, sd = dnorm.sd))
            # find mu hat and sd hat
            mu.est <- optimize(f = log.g, interval = c(-10,10),
                    maximum = TRUE, tol=.Machine$double.eps, ...)$maximum
            H <- as.numeric(numDeriv::hessian(func = log.g, x = mu.est, ...))
            sd.est <- sqrt(1/-H)

            w.star <- sqrt(2) * sd.est * dnorm(sd.est*(sqrt(2)*XW$x) + mu.est,dnorm.mean,dnorm.sd) * exp(XW$x^2) * XW$w
            x.star <- sd.est*(sqrt(2)*XW$x) + mu.est

            out <- sum( func(x.star, ...) * w.star )


# integrand g(z) has the form g(z) = f(sz+m) dnorm(z, 0, 1)
lav_integration_f_dnorm_z <- function(func       = NULL,  # often ly.prod
                                      f.mean     = 0,     # f mean
                                      f.sd       = 1,     # f sd
                                      XW         = NULL,  # GH points
                                      n          = 21L,   # number of nodes
                                      adaptive   = FALSE, # adaptive?
                                      iterative  = FALSE, # iterative?
                                      max.iter   = 20L,   # max iterations
                                      verbose    = FALSE, # verbose?
                                     ...) {             # optional args for 'f'

    # create GH rule
    if(is.null(XW)) {
        XW <- lav_integration_gauss_hermite_xw(n = n, revert = TRUE)

    if(!adaptive) {
        w.star <- XW$w / sqrt(pi)
        x.star <- sqrt(2)*XW$x
        out <- sum( func(f.sd*x.star + f.mean, ...) * w.star )
    } else {
        # Naylor & Smith (1982, 1988)
        if(iterative) {
            mu.est <- 0; sd.est <- 1

            for(i in 1:max.iter) {
                w.star <- sqrt(2) * sd.est * dnorm(sd.est*sqrt(2)*XW$x + mu.est,0, 1) * exp(XW$x^2) * XW$w
                x.star <- sd.est*(sqrt(2)*XW$x) + mu.est
                LIK <- sum( func(f.sd*x.star + f.mean, ...) * w.star )

                # update mu
                mu.est <- sum(x.star * (func(f.sd*x.star + f.mean, ...) * w.star)/LIK)

                # update sd
                var.est <- sum(x.star^2 * (func(f.sd*x.star + f.mean, ...) * w.star)/LIK) - mu.est^2
                sd.est <- sqrt(var.est)

                if(verbose) {
                    cat("i = ", i, "LIK = ", LIK, "mu.est = ", mu.est,
                         "sd.est = ", sd.est, "\n")
            out <- LIK

        # Liu and Pierce (1994)
        } else {
            # integrand g(x) = func(x) * dnorm(x; m, s^2)
            log.gz <- function(x, ...) {
                ## FIXME: should we take the log right away?
                log(func(f.sd*x + f.mean, ...) * dnorm(x, mean = 0, sd = 1))
            # find mu hat and sd hat
            mu.est <- optimize(f = log.gz, interval = c(-10,10),
                    maximum = TRUE, tol=.Machine$double.eps, ...)$maximum
            H <- as.numeric(numDeriv::hessian(func = log.gz, x = mu.est, ...))
            sd.est <- sqrt(1/-H)

            w.star <- sqrt(2) * sd.est * dnorm(sd.est*(sqrt(2)*XW$x) + mu.est,0,1) * exp(XW$x^2) * XW$w
            x.star <- sd.est*(sqrt(2)*XW$x) + mu.est

            out <- sum( func(f.sd*x.star + f.mean, ...) * w.star )

nietsnel/psindex documentation built on June 22, 2019, 10:56 p.m.