
## NOTE:
## round(1.2355, 3) = 1.236
## but 
## round(1.2345, 3) = 1.234
## perhaps we should add 0.0005 or something to avoid this?

print.psindex.data.frame <- function(x, ..., nd=3) {

    ROW.NAMES <- rownames(x)
    y <- as.data.frame(lapply(x, function(x) {
                              if(is.numeric(x)) round(x, nd) else x}))
    rownames(y) <- ROW.NAMES

    if(!is.null(attr(x, "header"))) {
        cat("\n", attr(x, "header"), "\n\n", sep = "")

    print(y, ...)

print.psindex.list <- function(x, ...) {

    y <- unclass(x)
    attr(y, "header") <- NULL

    header <- attr(x, "header")
    if(!is.null(header)) {
        if(is.character(header)) {
            cat("\n", header, "\n\n", sep = "")
        } else {
            print(header); cat("\n")

    print(y, ...)

# prints only lower triangle of a symmetric matrix
print.psindex.matrix.symmetric <- function(x, ..., nd=3) {
    # print only lower triangle of a symmetric matrix
    # this function was inspired by the `print.correlation' function
    # in package nlme 
    y <- x; y <- unclass(y)
    ll <- lower.tri(x, diag=TRUE)
    y[ll] <- format(round(x[ll], digits=nd)); y[!ll] <- ""
    if (!is.null(colnames(x))) {
      colnames(y) <- abbreviate(colnames(x), minlength = nd + 3)
    print(y, ..., quote = FALSE)

print.psindex.matrix <- function(x, ..., nd=3) {
    y <- unclass(x)
    if (!is.null(colnames(x))) {
      colnames(y) <- abbreviate(colnames(x), minlength = nd + 3)
    print( round(y, nd), ... )

print.psindex.vector <- function(x, ..., nd=3) {
    y <- unclass(x)
    #if(!is.null(names(x))) {
    #    names(y) <- abbreviate(names(x), minlength = nd + 3)
    print( round(y, nd), ... )

print.psindex.character <- function(x) {

print.psindex.parameterEstimates <- function(x, ..., nd = 3L) {

    # format for numeric values
    num.format  <- paste("%", max(8, nd + 5), ".", nd, "f", sep = "")
    char.format <- paste("%", max(8, nd + 5), "s", sep="") 

    # output sections
    GSECTIONS <- c("Latent Variables", 
                   "Scales y*",
                   "Group Weight",
    ASECTIONS <- c("Defined Parameters", 

    # header?
    header <- attr(x, "header")

    if(header) {
        cat("\nParameter Estimates:\n\n")

        # info about standard errors (if we have x$se only)
        # 1. information
        # 2. se
        # 3. bootstrap requested/successful draws
        if(!is.null(x$se)) { 
            # 1.
            t0.txt <- sprintf("  %-35s", "Information")
            tmp.txt <- attr(x, "information")
            t1.txt <- sprintf("  %15s", paste(toupper(substring(tmp.txt,1,1)),
                             substring(tmp.txt,2), sep=""))
            cat(t0.txt, t1.txt, "\n", sep="")

            # 2.
            if(attr(x, "information") %in% c("expected", "first.order") ||
               attr(x, "observed.information") == "h1") { 
                t0.txt <- sprintf("  %-35s", "Information saturated (h1) model")
                tmp.txt <- attr(x, "h1.information")
                t1.txt <- sprintf("  %15s", 
                                          substring(tmp.txt,2), sep=""))
                cat(t0.txt, t1.txt, "\n", sep="")
            if(attr(x, "information") == "observed") {
                t0.txt <- sprintf("  %-35s", "Observed information based on")
                tmp.txt <- attr(x, "observed.information")
                t1.txt <- sprintf("  %15s", 
                                  substring(tmp.txt,2), sep=""))
                cat(t0.txt, t1.txt, "\n", sep="")

            # 3.
            t0.txt <- sprintf("  %-31s", "Standard Errors")
            tmp.txt <- attr(x, "se")
            t1.txt <- sprintf("  %19s", paste(toupper(substring(tmp.txt,1,1)),
                                              substring(tmp.txt,2), sep=""))
            cat(t0.txt, t1.txt, "\n", sep="")
            # 4.
            if(attr(x, "se") == "bootstrap" && !is.null(attr(x, "bootstrap"))) {
                t0.txt <- 
                    sprintf("  %-40s", "Number of requested bootstrap draws")
                t1.txt <- sprintf("  %10i", attr(x, "bootstrap"))
                cat(t0.txt, t1.txt, "\n", sep="")
                t0.txt <- 
                    sprintf("  %-40s", "Number of successful bootstrap draws")
                t1.txt <- sprintf("  %10i", attr(x, "bootstrap.successful"))
                cat(t0.txt, t1.txt, "\n", sep="")

    # number of groups
    if(is.null(x$group)) {
        ngroups <- 1L
        x$group <- rep(1L, length(x$lhs))
    } else {
        ngroups <- lav_partable_ngroups(x)

    # number of levels
    if(is.null(x$level)) {
        nlevels <- 1L
        x$level <- rep(1L, length(x$lhs))
    } else {
        nlevels <- lav_partable_nlevels(x)

    # block column
    if(is.null(x$block)) {
        x$block <- rep(1L, length(x$lhs))

    # round to 3 digits after the decimal point
    y <- as.data.frame(
           lapply(x, function(x) {
               if(is.numeric(x)) {
                   sprintf(num.format, x)   
               } else {
           stringsAsFactors = FALSE)

    # always remove /block/level/group/op/rhs/label/exo columns
    y$op <- y$group <- y$rhs <- y$label <- y$exo <- NULL
    y$block <- y$level <- NULL

    # if standardized, remove std.nox column (space reasons only)
    # unless, std.all is already removed
    if(!is.null(y$std.all)) {
        y$std.nox <- NULL

    # convert to character matrix
    m <- as.matrix(format.data.frame(y, na.encode = FALSE, 
                                         justify = "right"))
    # use empty row names
    rownames(m) <- rep("", nrow(m))

    # handle se == 0.0
    if(!is.null(x$se)) {
        se.idx <- which(x$se == 0)
        if(length(se.idx) > 0L) {
            m[se.idx, "se"] <- ""
            if(!is.null(x$z)) {
                m[se.idx, "z"] <- ""
            if(!is.null(x$pvalue)) {
                m[se.idx, "pvalue"] <- ""
            ## for psindex.mi-class objects (semTools)
            if(!is.null(x$t)) {
                m[se.idx, "t"] <- ""
            if(!is.null(x$df)) {
                m[se.idx, "df"] <- ""

        # handle se == NA
        se.idx <- which(is.na(x$se))
        if(length(se.idx) > 0L) {
            if(!is.null(x$z)) {
                m[se.idx, "z"] <- ""
            if(!is.null(x$pvalue)) {
                m[se.idx, "pvalue"] <- ""
            ## for psindex.mi-class objects (semTools)
            if(!is.null(x$t)) {
                m[se.idx, "t"] <- ""
            if(!is.null(x$df)) {
                m[se.idx, "df"] <- ""

    # handle fmi
    if(!is.null(x$fmi)) {
        se.idx <- which(x$se == 0)
        if(length(se.idx) > 0L) {
            m[se.idx, "fmi"] <- ""
            ## for psindex.mi-class objects (semTools)
            if (!is.null(x$riv)) m[se.idx, "riv"] <- ""

        not.idx <- which(x$op %in% c(":=", "<", ">", "=="))
        if(length(not.idx) > 0L) {
            if(!is.null(x$fmi)) {
                m[not.idx, "fmi"] <- ""
                ## for psindex.mi-class objects (semTools)
                if (!is.null(x$riv)) m[not.idx, "riv"] <- ""

    # for bpsindex, handle Post.SD and PSRF
    if(!is.null(x$Post.SD)) {
        se.idx <- which(x$Post.SD == 0)
        if(length(se.idx) > 0L) {
            m[se.idx, "Post.SD"] <- ""
            if(!is.null(x$psrf)) {
                m[se.idx, "psrf"] <- ""
            if(!is.null(x$PSRF)) {
                m[se.idx, "PSRF"] <- ""

        # handle psrf for defined parameters
        not.idx <- which(x$op %in% c(":=", "<", ">", "=="))
        if(length(not.idx) > 0L) {
            if(!is.null(x$psrf)) {
                m[not.idx, "psrf"] <- ""
            if(!is.null(x$PSRF)) {
                m[not.idx, "PSRF"] <- ""

    # rename some column names
    colnames(m)[ colnames(m) ==    "lhs" ] <- ""
    colnames(m)[ colnames(m) ==     "op" ] <- ""
    colnames(m)[ colnames(m) ==    "rhs" ] <- ""
    colnames(m)[ colnames(m) ==    "est" ] <- "Estimate"
    colnames(m)[ colnames(m) ==     "se" ] <- "Std.Err"
    colnames(m)[ colnames(m) ==      "z" ] <- "z-value"
    colnames(m)[ colnames(m) == "pvalue" ] <- "P(>|z|)"
    colnames(m)[ colnames(m) == "std.lv" ] <- "Std.lv"
    colnames(m)[ colnames(m) == "std.all"] <- "Std.all"
    colnames(m)[ colnames(m) == "std.nox"] <- "Std.nox"
    colnames(m)[ colnames(m) == "prior"  ] <- "Prior"
    colnames(m)[ colnames(m) == "fmi"    ] <- "FMI"
    ## for psindex.mi-class objects (semTools)
    if ("t" %in% colnames(m)) {
      colnames(m)[ colnames(m) == "t"      ] <- "t-value"
      colnames(m)[ colnames(m) == "P(>|z|)"] <- "P(>|t|)"
      colnames(m)[ colnames(m) == "riv"    ] <- "RIV"
    # format column names
    colnames(m) <- sprintf(char.format, colnames(m))

    # exceptions for bpsindex: Post.Mean (width = 9), Prior (width = 14)
    if(!is.null(x$Post.Mean)) {
        tmp <- gsub("[ \t]+", "", colnames(m), perl=TRUE)

        # reformat "Post.Mean" column
        col.idx <- which(tmp == "Post.Mean")
        if(length(col.idx) > 0L) {
            tmp.format <- paste("%", max(9, nd + 5), "s", sep="")
            colnames(m)[col.idx] <- sprintf(tmp.format, colnames(m)[col.idx])
            m[,col.idx] <- sprintf(tmp.format, m[,col.idx])

        # reformat "Prior" column
        col.idx <- which(tmp == "Prior")
        if(length(col.idx) > 0L) {
            MAX <- max( nchar( m[,col.idx] ) ) + 1L
            tmp.format <- paste("%", max(MAX, nd + 5), "s", sep="")
            colnames(m)[col.idx] <- sprintf(tmp.format, colnames(m)[col.idx])
            m[,col.idx] <- sprintf(tmp.format, m[,col.idx])

    b <- 0L
    # group-specific sections
    for(g in 1:ngroups) {

        # group header
        if(ngroups > 1L) {
            group.label <- attr(x, "group.label")
            cat("Group ", g, " [", group.label[g], "]:\n", sep="")

        for(l in 1:nlevels) {

            # block number
            b <- b + 1L

            # ov/lv names
            ov.names <- lavNames(x, "ov", block = b)
            lv.names <- lavNames(x, "lv", block = b)
            # level header
            if(nlevels > 1L) {
                level.label <- attr(x, "level.label")
                cat("Level ", l, " [", level.label[l], "]:\n", sep="")

            # group-specific sections
            for(s in GSECTIONS) {
                if(s == "Latent Variables") {
                        row.idx <- which( x$op == "=~" & !x$lhs %in% ov.names & 
                                      x$block == b)
                    if(length(row.idx) == 0L) next
                    m[row.idx,1] <- .makeNames(x$rhs[row.idx], x$label[row.idx])
                } else if(s == "Composites") {
                    row.idx <- which( x$op == "<~" & x$block == b)
                    if(length(row.idx) == 0L) next
                    m[row.idx,1] <- .makeNames(x$rhs[row.idx], x$label[row.idx])
                } else if(s == "Regressions") {
                    row.idx <- which( x$op == "~" & x$block == b)
                    if(length(row.idx) == 0L) next
                    m[row.idx,1] <- .makeNames(x$rhs[row.idx], x$label[row.idx])
                } else if(s == "Covariances") {
                    row.idx <- which(x$op == "~~" & x$lhs != x$rhs & !x$exo &
                                     x$block == b)
                    if(length(row.idx) == 0L) next
                    # make distinction between residual and plain
                    y.names <- unique( c(lavNames(x, "eqs.y"),
                                         lavNames(x, "ov.ind")) )
                    PREFIX <- rep("", length(row.idx))
                    PREFIX[ x$rhs[row.idx] %in% y.names ] <- "  ."
                    m[row.idx,1] <- .makeNames(x$rhs[row.idx], x$label[row.idx],
                                               PREFIX = PREFIX)
                    #m[row.idx,1] <- .makeNames(x$rhs[row.idx], x$label[row.idx])
                } else if(s == "Intercepts") {
                    row.idx <- which(x$op == "~1" & !x$exo & x$block == b)
                    if(length(row.idx) == 0L) next
                    # make distinction between intercepts and means
                    y.names <- unique( c(lavNames(x, "eqs.y"),
                                         lavNames(x, "ov.ind")) )
                    PREFIX <- rep("", length(row.idx))
                    PREFIX[ x$lhs[row.idx] %in% y.names ] <- "  ."
                        m[row.idx,1] <- .makeNames(x$lhs[row.idx], x$label[row.idx],
                                               PREFIX = PREFIX)
                    #m[row.idx,1] <- .makeNames(x$lhs[row.idx], x$label[row.idx])
                } else if(s == "Thresholds") {
                    row.idx <- which(x$op == "|" & x$block == b)
                    if(length(row.idx) == 0L) next
                    m[row.idx,1] <- .makeNames(paste(x$lhs[row.idx], "|", 
                        x$rhs[row.idx], sep=""), x$label[row.idx])
                } else if(s == "Variances") {
                    row.idx <- which(x$op == "~~" & x$lhs == x$rhs & !x$exo &
                                     x$block == b)
                    if(length(row.idx) == 0L) next
                    # make distinction between residual and plain
                    y.names <- unique( c(lavNames(x, "eqs.y"),
                                         lavNames(x, "ov.ind")) )
                    PREFIX <- rep("", length(row.idx))
                    PREFIX[ x$rhs[row.idx] %in% y.names ] <- "  ."
                    m[row.idx,1] <- .makeNames(x$rhs[row.idx], x$label[row.idx],
                                               PREFIX = PREFIX)
                } else if(s == "Scales y*") {
                    row.idx <- which(x$op == "~*~" & x$block == b)
                    if(length(row.idx) == 0L) next
                    m[row.idx,1] <- .makeNames(x$rhs[row.idx], x$label[row.idx])
                } else if(s == "Group Weight") {
                        row.idx <- which(x$lhs == "group" & x$op == "%" & x$block == b)
                    if(length(row.idx) == 0L) next
                    m[row.idx,1] <- .makeNames(x$rhs[row.idx], x$label[row.idx])
                } else if(s == "R-Square") {
                        row.idx <- which(x$op == "r2" & x$block == b)
                    if(length(row.idx) == 0L) next
                    m[row.idx,1] <- .makeNames(x$rhs[row.idx], x$label[row.idx])
                } else {
                        row.idx <- integer(0L)
                # do we need special formatting for this section?
                # three types:
                #  - regular (nothing to do, except row/colnames)
                #  - R-square
                #  - Latent Variables (and Composites), Regressions and Covariances
                #    'bundle' the output per lhs element
                # bundling
                if(s %in% c("Latent Variables", "Composites", 
                            "Regressions", "Covariances")) {
                    nel <- length(row.idx)
                    M <- matrix("", nrow = nel*2, ncol = ncol(m))
                    colnames(M) <- colnames(m)
                    rownames(M) <- rep("", NROW(M))
                    #colnames(M)[1] <- sprintf("%-17s", paste(s, ":", sep = ""))
                    LHS <- paste(x$lhs[row.idx], x$op[row.idx])
                    lhs.idx <- seq(1, nel*2L, 2L)
                    rhs.idx <- seq(1, nel*2L, 2L) + 1L
                    if(s == "Covariances") {
                        # make distinction between residual and plain
                        y.names <- unique( c(lavNames(x, "eqs.y"),
                                             lavNames(x, "ov.ind")) )
                            PREFIX <- rep("", length(row.idx))
                        PREFIX[ x$lhs[row.idx] %in% y.names ] <- "."
                    } else {
                        PREFIX <- rep("", length(LHS))
                    M[lhs.idx, 1] <- sprintf("%1s%-15s", PREFIX, LHS)
                    M[rhs.idx,  ] <- m[row.idx,]
                    # avoid duplicated LHS labels
                        if(nel > 1L) {
                        del.idx <- integer(0)
                        old.lhs <- ""
                        for(i in 1:nel) {
                            if(LHS[i] == old.lhs) {
                                del.idx <- c(del.idx, lhs.idx[i])
                            old.lhs <- LHS[i]
                            if(length(del.idx) > 0L) {
                            M <- M[-del.idx,,drop=FALSE]
                    cat("\n", s, ":\n", sep = "")
                    print(M, quote = FALSE)
                # R-square
                } else if(s == "R-Square") {
                    M <- m[row.idx,1:2,drop=FALSE]
                    colnames(M) <- colnames(m)[1:2]
                    rownames(M) <- rep("", NROW(M))
                    #colnames(M)[1] <- sprintf("%-17s", paste(s, ":", sep = ""))
                    cat("\n", s, ":\n", sep = "")
                    print(M, quote = FALSE)
                # Regular
                } else {
                    #M <- rbind(matrix("", nrow = 1L, ncol = ncol(m)),
                    #           m[row.idx,])
                    M <- m[row.idx,,drop=FALSE]
                    colnames(M) <- colnames(m)
                    rownames(M) <- rep("", NROW(M))
                    #colnames(M)[1] <- sprintf("%-17s", paste(s, ":", sep = ""))
                    cat("\n", s, ":\n", sep = "")
                    print(M, quote = FALSE)
            } # GSECTIONS
        } # levels

    } # groups

    # asections
    for(s in ASECTIONS) {
        if(s == "Defined Parameters") {
            row.idx <- which(x$op == ":=")
            m[row.idx,1] <- .makeNames(x$lhs[row.idx], "")
            M <- m[row.idx,,drop=FALSE]
            colnames(M) <- colnames(m)
        } else if(s == "Constraints") {
            row.idx <- which(x$op %in% c("==", "<", ">"))
            if(length(row.idx) == 0) next
            m[row.idx,1] <- .makeConNames(x$lhs[row.idx], x$op[row.idx], 
                                          x$rhs[row.idx], nd = nd)
            m[row.idx,2] <- sprintf(num.format, abs(x$est[row.idx]))
            M <- m[row.idx,1:2,drop=FALSE]
            colnames(M) <- c("", sprintf(char.format, "|Slack|"))
        } else {
            row.idx <- integer(0L)

        if(length(row.idx) == 0L) {

        rownames(M) <- rep("", NROW(M))
        #colnames(M)[1] <- sprintf("%-17s", paste(s, ":", sep = ""))
        cat("\n", s, ":\n", sep = "")
        print(M, quote = FALSE)


.makeNames <- function(NAMES, LABELS, PREFIX = NULL) {

    W <- 14
    if(is.null(PREFIX)) {
        PREFIX <- rep("", length(NAMES))

    multiB <- FALSE
    if(any(nchar(NAMES) != nchar(NAMES, "bytes")))
        multiB <- TRUE
    if(any(nchar(LABELS) != nchar(LABELS, "bytes")))
        multiB <- TRUE
    # labels?
    l.idx <- which(nchar(LABELS) > 0L)
    if(length(l.idx) > 0L) {
        if(!multiB) {
            LABELS <- abbreviate(LABELS, 4)
            LABELS[l.idx] <- paste(" (", LABELS[l.idx], ")", sep="")
            MAX.L <- max(nchar(LABELS))
            NAMES <- abbreviate(NAMES, minlength = (W - MAX.L),
                                strict = TRUE)
        } else {
            # do not abbreviate anything (eg in multi-byte locales)
            MAX.L <- 4L
        NAMES <- sprintf(paste("%-", (W - MAX.L), "s%", MAX.L, "s",
                               sep=""), NAMES, LABELS)
    } else {
        if(!multiB) {
            NAMES <- abbreviate(NAMES, minlength = W, strict = TRUE)
        } else {
            NAMES <- sprintf(paste("%-", W, "s", sep=""), NAMES)

    char.format <- paste("%3s%-", W, "s", sep = "")
    sprintf(char.format, PREFIX, NAMES)

.makeConNames <- function(lhs, op, rhs, nd) {

    nd <- max(nd, 3)
    W <- 41 + (nd - 3)*3

    nel <- length(lhs)
    if(length(nel) == 0L) return(character(0))
    NAMES <- character(nel)
    for(i in 1:nel) {
        if(rhs[i] == "0" && op[i] == ">") {
            con.string <- paste(lhs[i], " - 0", sep="")
        } else if(rhs[i] == "0" && op[i] == "<") {
            con.string <- paste(rhs[i], " - (", lhs[i], ")", sep="")
        } else if(rhs[i] != "0" && op[i] == ">") {
            con.string <- paste(lhs[i], " - (", rhs[i], ")", sep="")
        } else if(rhs[i] != "0" && op[i] == "<") {
            con.string <- paste(rhs[i], " - (", lhs[i], ")", sep="")
        } else if(rhs[i] == "0" && op[i] == "==") {
            con.string <- paste(lhs[i], " - 0", sep="")
        } else if(rhs[i] != "0" && op[i] == "==") {
            con.string <- paste(lhs[i], " - (", rhs[i], ")", sep="")
        con.string <- abbreviate(con.string, W, strict = TRUE)
        char.format <- paste("   %-", W, "s", sep = "")
        NAMES[i] <- sprintf(char.format, con.string)


summary.psindex.fsr <- function(object, ...) {
    dotdotdot <- list(...)
    if(!is.null(dotdotdot$nd)) {
        nd <- dotdotdot$nd
    } else {
        nd <- 3L

    print.psindex.fsr(x = object, nd = nd, mm = TRUE, struc = TRUE)

print.psindex.fsr <- function(x, ..., nd = 3L, mm = FALSE, struc = FALSE) {

    y <- unclass(x)
    # print header
    if(!is.null(y$header)) {

    if(mm && !is.null(y$MM.FIT)) {
        nblocks <- length(y$MM.FIT)
        for(b in seq_len(nblocks)) {
            cat("Measurement block for latent variable(s):",
                paste(lavNames(y$MM.FIT[[b]], "lv")), "\n")
            # fit measures?
            b.options <- lavInspect(y$MM.FIT[[b]], "options")
            if(b.options$test != "none") {
                print(fitMeasures(y$MM.FIT[[b]], c("chisq", "df", "pvalue", "cfi", "rmsea", "srmr")))

            # parameter estimates
            PE <- parameterEstimates(y$MM.FIT[[b]], add.attributes = TRUE,
                                     ci = FALSE)
            print.psindex.parameterEstimates(PE, ..., nd = nd)

    # print PE
    if(struc) {
        cat("Structural Part\n")
        #print.psindex.parameterEstimates(y$PE, ..., nd = nd) 

        FIT <- fitMeasures(y$STRUC.FIT, fit.measures="default")
        if(FIT["df"] > 0) {
            print.fit.measures( FIT )
    PE <- parameterEstimates(y$STRUC.FIT, ci = FALSE, 
                             remove.eq = FALSE, remove.system.eq = TRUE,
                             remove.ineq = FALSE, remove.def = FALSE,
                             add.attributes = TRUE)
    print.psindex.parameterEstimates(PE, ..., nd = nd)

nietsnel/psindex documentation built on June 22, 2019, 10:56 p.m.