
# new version of lavSimulateData (replaced simulateData)
# from psindex 0.6-1
# YR 23 March 2018
# - calls psindex directly to get model-implied statistics
# - allows for groups with different sets of variables
# - 

lavSimulateData <- function(model  = NULL,
                            cmd.pop    = "sem",

                            # data properties
                            sample.nobs     = 1000L,
                            cluster.idx     = NULL,

                            # control
                            empirical       = FALSE,
                            # output
                            add.labels      = TRUE,
                            return.fit      = FALSE,
                            output          = "data.frame") {

    # dotdotdot
    dotdotdot <- list(...)
    dotdotdot.orig <- dotdotdot

    # remove/override some options
    dotdotdot$verbose <- FALSE
    dotdotdot$debug <- FALSE
    dotdotdot$data <- NULL
    dotdotdot$sample.cov <- NULL
    # add sample.nobs/group.label to psindex call
    dotdotdot$sample.nobs <- sample.nobs

    # remove 'ordered' argument: we will first pretend we generate
    # continuous data only
    dotdotdot$ordered <- NULL

    # 'fit' population model
    fit.pop <- do.call(cmd.pop, args = c(list(model = model), dotdotdot))

    # categorical?
    if(fit.pop@Model@categorical) {
        # refit, as if continuous only
        dotdotdot$ordered <- NULL
        fit.con <- do.call(cmd.pop, args = c(list(model = model), dotdotdot))
        # restore
        dotdotdot$ordered <- dotdotdot.orig$ordered
    } else {
        fit.con <- fit.pop

    # extract model implied statistics and data slot
    lavimplied  <- fit.con@implied # take continuous mean/cov
    lavdata     <- fit.pop@Data
    lavmodel    <- fit.pop@Model
    lavpartable <- fit.pop@ParTable

    # number of groups/levels
    ngroups <- lavdata@ngroups
    nblocks <- length(fit.pop@implied$cov) # usually ngroups * nlevels
    # check sample.nobs argument
    if(lavdata@nlevels > 1L) {
        # multilevel
        if(is.null(cluster.idx)) {
            # default? -> 1000 per block
            if(is.null(sample.nobs)) {
                sample.nobs <- rep.int( c(1000L, 
                                          rep.int(100L, lavdata@nlevels - 1L)),
                                        times = ngroups )
            } else {
                # we assume sample.nobs only contains a single number
                sample.nobs <- rep.int( c(sample.nobs,
                                          rep.int(100L, lavdata@nlevels - 1L)),
                                        times = ngroups )
        } else {
            # we got a cluster.idx argument
            if(!is.list(cluster.idx)) {
                cluster.idx <- rep(list(cluster.idx), ngroups)

            if(!is.null(sample.nobs) && (length(sample.nobs) > 1L ||
                                         sample.nobs != 1000L) ) {
                warning("psindex WARNING: sample.nobs will be ignored if cluster.idx is provided")
            sample.nobs <- numeric( nblocks )
            for(g in seq_len(ngroups)) {
                gg <- (g - 1)*lavdata@nlevels + 1L
                sample.nobs[gg]   <- length(cluster.idx[[g]])
                sample.nobs[gg+1] <- length( unique(cluster.idx[[g]]) )
    } else {
        # single level
        if(length(sample.nobs) == ngroups) {
            # nothing to do
        } else if(ngroups > 1L && length(sample.nobs) == 1L) {
            sample.nobs <- rep.int(sample.nobs, ngroups)
        } else {
            stop("psindex ERROR: ngroups = ", ngroups, " but sample.nobs has length = ", length(sample.nobs))

    # check if ov.names are the same for each group
    if(ngroups > 1L) {
        N1 <- lavdata@ov.names[[1]]
                       function(x) all(x %in% N1)))) {
            if(output == "data.frame") {
                output <- "matrix"
                warning("psindex WARNING:",
                        " groups do not contain the same set of variables;",
                        "\n\t\t  changing output= argument to \"matrix\"")

    # prepare data containers
    X <- vector("list", length = nblocks)

    # generate data per BLOCK
    for(b in seq_len(nblocks)) {

        COV <- lavimplied$cov[[b]]
        MU  <- lavimplied$mean[[b]]

        # if empirical = TRUE, rescale by N/(N-1), so that estimator=ML 
        # returns exact results
        if(empirical) {
            # check if sample.nobs is large enough
            if(sample.nobs[b] < NCOL(COV)) {
                stop("psindex ERROR: empirical = TRUE requires sample.nobs = ",
                     sample.nobs[b], " to be larger than",
                     "\n\t\tthe number of variables = ", NCOL(COV),
                     " in block = ", b)    
            if(lavdata@nlevels > 1L && (b %% lavdata@nlevels == 1L)) {
                COV <- COV * sample.nobs[b] / (sample.nobs[b] - sample.nobs[b+1])
            } else {
                COV <- COV * sample.nobs[b] / (sample.nobs[b] - 1)

        # generate normal data
        tmp <- try(MASS::mvrnorm(n = sample.nobs[b],
                          mu = MU, Sigma = COV, empirical = empirical), 
                          silent = TRUE)

        if(inherits(tmp, "try-error")) {
            # something went wrong; most likely: non-positive COV?
            ev <- eigen(COV, symmetric = TRUE, only.values = TRUE)$values
            if(any(ev < 0)) {
                stop("psindex ERROR: ",
                     "model-implied covariance matrix is not positive-definite",
                     "\n\t\tin block = ", b, "; ",
                     "smallest eigen value = ", round(min(ev), 5), "; ",
                     "\n\t\tchange the model parameters.")
            } else {
                stop("psindex ERROR: data generation failed for block = ", b)
        } else {
            X[[b]] <- unname(tmp)

    } # block

    if(output == "block") {

    # if multilevel, make a copy, and create X[[g]] per group
    if(lavdata@nlevels > 1L) {
        X.block <- X
        X <- vector("list", length = ngroups)
    # assemble data per group
    for(g in 1:ngroups) {
        # multilevel?
        if(lavdata@nlevels > 1L) {

            # which block?
            bb <- (g - 1)*lavdata@nlevels + 1L

            Lp <- lavdata@Lp[[g]]
            p.tilde <- length(lavdata@ov.names[[g]])
            tmp1 <- matrix(0, nrow(X.block[[bb]]), p.tilde + 1L) # one extra for
            tmp2 <- matrix(0, nrow(X.block[[bb]]), p.tilde + 1L) # the clus id

            # level 1
            #if(empirical) {
            if(FALSE) {
                # force the within-cluster means to be zero (for both.idx vars)
                Y2 <- unname(as.matrix(aggregate(X.block[[bb]],
                  # NOTE: cluster.idx becomes a factor
                  # should be 111122223333...
                  by = list(cluster.idx[[g]]), FUN = mean, na.rm = TRUE)[,-1]))
                # don't touch within-only variables
                w.idx <- match(Lp$within.idx[[2]], Lp$ov.idx[[1]])
                Y2[, w.idx] <- 0

                # center cluster-wise
                Y1c <- X.block[[bb]] - Y2[cluster.idx[[g]], ,drop = FALSE]

                # this destroys the within covariance matrix
                sigma.sqrt <- lav_matrix_symmetric_sqrt(lavimplied$cov[[bb]])
                NY <- NROW(Y1c)
                S <- cov(Y1c) * (NY-1)/NY
                S.inv <- solve(S)
                S.inv.sqrt <- lav_matrix_symmetric_sqrt(S.inv)

                # transform
                X.block[[bb]] <- Y1c %*% S.inv.sqrt %*% sigma.sqrt  
            tmp1[, Lp$ov.idx[[1]] ] <- X.block[[bb]]

            # level 2
            tmp2[, Lp$ov.idx[[2]] ] <- X.block[[bb + 1L]][cluster.idx[[g]],, 
                                                          drop = FALSE]
            # final
            X[[g]] <- tmp1 + tmp2

            # cluster id
            X[[g]][, p.tilde + 1L] <- cluster.idx[[g]]

        # add variable names?
        if(add.labels) {
            if(lavdata@nlevels > 1L) {
                colnames(X[[g]]) <- c(lavdata@ov.names[[g]], "cluster")
            } else {
                colnames(X[[g]]) <- lavdata@ov.names[[g]]

        # any categorical variables?
        ov.ord <- lavNames(fit.pop, "ov.ord", group = g)
        if(is.list(ov.ord)) {
            # multilvel -> use within level only
            ov.ord <- ov.ord[[1L]]
        if(length(ov.ord) > 0L) {
            ov.names <- lavdata@ov.names[[g]]

            # which block?
            bb <- (g - 1)*lavdata@nlevels + 1L

            # th/names
            TH.VAL <- as.numeric(fit.pop@implied$th[[bb]])
            if(length(lavmodel@num.idx[[bb]]) > 0L) {
                NUM.idx <- which(lavmodel@th.idx[[bb]] == 0)
                TH.VAL <- TH.VAL[-NUM.idx]
            th.names <- fit.pop@pta$vnames$th[[bb]]
            TH.NAMES <- sapply(strsplit(th.names, split = "|", 
                                        fixed = TRUE), "[[", 1L)

            # use thresholds to cut
            for(o in ov.ord) {
                o.idx <- which(o == ov.names)
                th.idx <- which(o == TH.NAMES)
                th.val <- c(-Inf, sort(TH.VAL[th.idx]), +Inf)
                # center (because model-implied 'mean' may be nonzero)
                tmp <- X[[g]][,o.idx]
                tmp <- tmp - mean(tmp, na.rm = TRUE)
                X[[g]][,o.idx] <- cut(tmp, th.val, labels = FALSE)

    # output
    if(output == "matrix") {
        if(ngroups == 1L) {
            out <- X[[1L]]
        } else {
            out <- X

    } else if (output == "data.frame") {

        if(ngroups == 1L) {

            # convert to data.frame
            out <- as.data.frame(X[[1L]], stringsAsFactors = FALSE)

        } else if(ngroups > 1L) {

            # rbind
            out <- do.call("rbind", X)

            # add group column
            group <- rep.int(1:ngroups, times = sapply(X, NROW))
            out <- cbind(out, group)

            # convert to data.frame
            out <- as.data.frame(out, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)

    } else if (output == "cov") {
        if(ngroups == 1L) {
            out <- cov(X[[1L]])
        } else {
            out <- lapply(X, cov)
    } else {
        stop("psindex ERROR: unknown option for argument output: ", output)

    if(return.fit) {
        attr(out, "fit") <- fit.pop

nietsnel/psindex documentation built on June 22, 2019, 10:56 p.m.