# this file includes all methods which operate in a stratified fashion,
# i.e. as input they expect the raw p--values and a corresponding factor.
#' gbh: Grouped Benjamini Hochberg
#' @param unadj_p Numeric vector of unadjusted p-values.
#' @param groups Factor to which different hypotheses belong
#' @param alpha Significance level at which to apply method
#' @param method What pi0 estimator should be used (available "TST","LSL")
#' @param pi0_global GBH requires also a pi0 estimate for the marginal p-value distribution. Can either apply pi0 estimation method to
#' all p-values (pi0_global="global") or use a weigted averarage (pi0_global="weighted_average") of the pi0 estimates within each stratum.
#' This is not explicitly stated in the paper, but based on a reproduction of their paper figures it seems to be the weighted_average.
#' @return GBH multiple testing object
#' @examples
#' sim_df <- du_ttest_sim(20000,0.95, 1.5)
#' sim_df$group <- groups_by_filter(sim_df$filterstat, 20)
#' obj <- tst_gbh(sim_df$pvalue, sim_df$group, .1)
#' sum(rejected_hypotheses(obj))
#' @references Hu, James X., Hongyu Zhao, and Harrison H. Zhou. "False discovery rate control with groups."
#' Journal of the American Statistical Association 105.491 (2010).
#' @export
gbh <- function(unadj_p, groups, alpha, method="TST", pi0_global="weighted_average"){
# special care has to be taken for TST GBH, uses alpha/(1+alpha) instead of alpha
groups <- as.factor(groups)
pv_list <- split(unadj_p, groups)
if (method == "TST"){
pi0_fun <- function(pv) tst_pi0_est(pv, alpha) # as described in GBH paper for this case
} else if (method == "LSL") {
pi0_fun <- lsl_pi0_est
m <- length(unadj_p)
m_groups <- sapply(pv_list, length)
pi0_groups <- sapply(pv_list, pi0_fun)
# in this case we reject no hypothesis
if (all(pi0_groups ==1 )){
pi0 <- 1
adj_p <- rep(1,m)
weighted_pvals <- unadj_p
# do actual work
} else {
# get pi0 estimate (unstratified)
if (pi0_global=="weighted_average"){
pi0 <- sum(m_groups*pi0_groups)/m #average pi0 across all strata
} else if (pi0_global=="global"){
pi0 <- pi0_fun(unadj_p)
# helper functions
my_mult <- function(a,b) ifelse(b==Inf, Inf, a*b)
my_bh_adjust <- function(p, adjust_factor){ #standard step-up procedure
i <- length(p):1L
o <- order(p, decreasing = TRUE)
ro <- order(o)
pmin(1, cummin( my_mult(p[o], length(p)/i*adjust_factor))[ro])
weighted_pvals <- unsplit( mapply(function(pi0_g, pv) my_mult(pi0_g/(1-pi0_g), pv), pi0_groups, pv_list, SIMPLIFY=FALSE), groups)
adjust_factor <- if (method == "TST"){
(1-pi0)*(1+alpha) # to make sure that TST GBH is applied at alpha/(1+alpha)
} else if (method=="LSL") {
adj_p <- my_bh_adjust(weighted_pvals, adjust_factor)
obj <- list(weighted_pvals=weighted_pvals, adj_p = adj_p,
pi0_groups = pi0_groups, pi0=pi0,
method=paste(method,"GBH"), alpha=alpha)
class(obj) <- "GBH"
attr(gbh, "testing covariate") <- "stratified" # i.e. covariates can be considered by stratifying based on them
attr(gbh, "fdr_method") <- "GBH"
#' tst_gbh: wrapper for gbh with method="TST"
#' lsl_gbh: wrapper for gbh with method="LSL"
#' @describeIn gbh Wrapper of GBH with TST pi0 estimator
#' @param ... Additional arguments passed from tst_gbh/lsl_gbh to gbh
#' @export
tst_gbh <- function(unadj_p, groups, alpha, ...) gbh(unadj_p, groups, alpha, method="TST", ...)
attr(tst_gbh, "testing covariate") <- "stratified" # i.e. covariates can be considered by stratifying based on them
attr(tst_gbh, "fdr_method") <- "TST GBH"
#' @describeIn gbh Wrapper of GBH with LSL pi0 estimator
#' @export
lsl_gbh <- function(unadj_p, groups, alpha, ...) gbh(unadj_p, groups, alpha, method="LSL", ...)
attr(lsl_gbh, "testing covariate") <- "stratified" # i.e. covariates can be considered by stratifying based on them
attr(lsl_gbh, "fdr_method") <- "LSL GBH"
rejected_hypotheses.GBH <- function(object, alpha= object$alpha){
object$adj_p <= alpha
setMethod("rejected_hypotheses", signature("GBH"), rejected_hypotheses.GBH)
#' stratified_bh: Stratified Benjamini Hochberg
#' @param unadj_p Numeric vector of unadjusted p-values.
#' @param groups Factor to which different hypotheses belong
#' @param alpha Significance level at which to apply method
#' @return SBH multiple testing object
#' @examples
#' sim_df <- du_ttest_sim(20000,0.95, 1.5)
#' sim_df$group <- groups_by_filter(sim_df$filterstat, 20)
#' obj <- stratified_bh(sim_df$pvalue, sim_df$group, .1)
#' sum(rejected_hypotheses(obj))
#' @references Sun, Lei, et al. "Stratified false discovery control for large-scale hypothesis testing with application to genome-wide
#' association studies." Genetic epidemiology 30.6 (2006): 519-530.
#' @references Yoo, Yun J., et al. "Were genome-wide linkage studies a waste of time? Exploiting candidate regions within genome-wide
#' association studies." Genetic epidemiology 34.2 (2010): 107-118.
#' @export
stratified_bh <- function(unadj_p, groups, alpha){
groups <- as.factor(groups)
pv_list <- split(unadj_p, groups)
m <- length(unadj_p)
m_groups <- sapply(pv_list, length)
adj_pv_list <- lapply(pv_list, function(pv) p.adjust(pv, method="BH"))
adj_p <- unsplit(adj_pv_list, groups)
obj <- list(adj_p = adj_p, alpha=alpha)
class(obj) <- "SBH"
attr(stratified_bh, "testing covariate") <- "stratified" # i.e. covariates can be considered by stratifying based on them
attr(stratified_bh, "fdr_method") <- "SBH"
rejected_hypotheses.SBH <- function(object, alpha= object$alpha){
object$adj_p <= alpha
setMethod("rejected_hypotheses", signature("SBH"), rejected_hypotheses.SBH)
#' clfdr: Cai's local fdr based method
#' @param unadj_p Numeric vector of unadjusted p-values.
#' @param groups Factor to which different hypotheses belong
#' @param alpha Significance level at which to apply method
#' @param lfdr_estimation Method used to estimate the loca fdr, defaults to "fdrtool"
#' @return Clfdr multiple testing object
#' @examples
#' sim_df <- du_ttest_sim(20000,0.95, 1.5)
#' sim_df$group <- groups_by_filter(sim_df$filterstat, 20)
#' obj <- clfdr(sim_df$pvalue, sim_df$group, .1)
#' sum(rejected_hypotheses(obj))
#' @references Cai, T. Tony, and Wenguang Sun. "Simultaneous testing of grouped hypotheses: Finding needles in multiple haystacks."
#' Journal of the American Statistical Association 104.488 (2009).
#' @export
clfdr <- function(unadj_p, groups, alpha, lfdr_estimation="fdrtool"){
# estimate local fdr within each stratum first
lfdr_res <- lfdr_fit(unadj_p, groups, lfdr_estimation=lfdr_estimation)
lfdrs <- lfdr_res$lfdr
# now use the rejection rule described in Cai's paper
# Remark:
# When sorting lfdrs, we break ties by pvalues so that in the end within each stratum
# we get monotonic adjusted p-values as a function of the p-values
# This is mainly needed for grenander based lfdrs, with most other
# lfdr estimation methods lfdr ties are not a problem usually
o <- order(lfdrs, unadj_p)
lfdrs_sorted <- lfdrs[o]
fdr_estimate <- cumsum(lfdrs_sorted)/(1:length(unadj_p))
adj_p <- rev(cummin(rev(fdr_estimate)))
adj_p <- adj_p[order(o)]
obj <- list(adj_p = adj_p, alpha=alpha, lfdr_estimation=lfdr_estimation)
class(obj) <- "Clfdr"
attr(clfdr, "testing covariate") <- "stratified" # i.e. covariates can be considered by stratifying based on them
attr(clfdr, "fdr_method") <- "Clfdr"
rejected_hypotheses.Clfdr <- function(object, alpha= object$alpha){
object$adj_p <= alpha
setMethod("rejected_hypotheses", signature("Clfdr"), rejected_hypotheses.Clfdr)
# helper function for cai
#' @importFrom fdrtool fdrtool
lfdr_fit <- function(unadj_p, group, lfdr_estimation="fdrtool"){
pvals_list <- split(unadj_p, group)
if (lfdr_estimation == "fdrtool"){
lfdr_fun <- function(pv) fdrtool(pv, statistic="pvalue",plot=FALSE,verbose=FALSE)$lfdr
} else if (lfdr_estimation == "locfdr"){
if (!requireNamespace("locfdr", quietly=TRUE)){
stop("locfdr package required for this function to work.")
lfdr_fun <- function(pv) locfdr::locfdr(qnorm(pv), nulltype=0, plot=0)$fdr
} else {
stop("This lfdr estimation method is not available.")
lfdr_list <- lapply(pvals_list, lfdr_fun)
lfdrs <- unsplit(lfdr_list, group)
fit_obj <- data.frame(pvalue=unadj_p, lfdr=lfdrs, group=group)
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