
Defines functions uniq_variants

Documented in uniq_variants

#' uniq_variants
#' @description
#' Lineage report for variants overlapping
#' @param hits_table
#' A tab-delimited table containing the identified overlaps/hits between the i
#' nput files and the lineages' reports
#' @param print.out
#' Logical value indicating if the produced table should be printed
#' @param AF_threshold
#' A parameter indicating the AF threshold that is going to applied in order to
#' identify the presence or not of a variant. This is used to compute the number
#' of variants in a sample and eventually the proportion of a lineage.
#' @param file.out
#' Given name for the output file
#' @return A data table with metrics assessing the
#' abundance of every lineage in each samples
#' @export
#' @examples
#' variants_table = merge_vcf(vcf_folder = system.file("extdata", "vcf-files",
#'                                                     package = "lineagespot"),
#'                            gff3_path = system.file("extdata",
#'                                                    "NC_045512.2_annot.gff3",
#'                                                    package = "lineagespot"))
#' lineage_hits_table = lineagespot_hits(vcf_table = variants_table,
#'                                       voc = c("B.1.1.7", "B.1.617.2"))
#' report = uniq_variants(hits_table = lineage_hits_table)
#' head(report)

uniq_variants <- function(hits_table = NULL,
                          AF_threshold = 0.8,
                          file.out = paste0("lineage_report_",
                                            Sys.Date(), ".txt"),
                          print.out = FALSE) {

    if( is.null(hits_table) ) {

        stop('Please provide a tab-delimited table containing SARS-CoV-2 overlaps')


    # lineage overview ---------------------------------------------------------

    lineage_stats = unique(hits_table[, c("Gene_Name", "AA_alt", "lineage"),
                                      with = FALSE])

    lineage_stats = lineage_stats[, .N, by = lineage]

    count_lineages = hits_table[which(hits_table$AF >= AF_threshold), ]

    count_lineages = unique(count_lineages[, c("Gene_Name", "AA_alt",
                                               "sample", "lineage"),
                                           with = FALSE])

    count_lineages = count_lineages[, .N, by = .(lineage, sample)]

    # mean AF of all variants --------------------------------------------------

    meanAF = hits_table[, .(meanAF = mean(AF)), by = .(lineage, sample)]

    # Find unique variants per lineage -----------------------------------------

    count_uniq = hits_table[, c("Gene_Name", "AA_alt", "lineage"), with = FALSE]
    count_uniq = unique(count_uniq)
    count_uniq = count_uniq[order(count_uniq$Gene_Name, count_uniq$AA_alt), ]
    count_uniq = count_uniq[, .N, by = .(Gene_Name, AA_alt)]

    count_uniq = count_uniq[which(count_uniq$N == 1), ]

    hits_table_uniq = hits_table[which(hits_table$Gene_Name %in% count_uniq$Gene_Name &
                                           hits_table$AA_alt %in% count_uniq$AA_alt), ]

    # mean AF of unique variants -----------------------------------------------

    meanAF_uniq = hits_table_uniq[, .(meanAF_uniq = mean(AF)),
                                  by = .(lineage, sample)]

    # filter out zero-AF variants ----------------------------------------------

    hits_table_uniq = hits_table_uniq[which(hits_table_uniq$AF != 0), ]

    # min AF of non zeror unique variants

    minAF_uniq = hits_table_uniq[, .(minAF_uniq_nonzero = min(AF)),
                                 by = .(lineage, sample)]

    # create output table ------------------------------------------------------

    overall = rbindlist(list(meanAF, meanAF_uniq, minAF_uniq, count_lineages),
    use.names = TRUE,
    fill = TRUE)

    overall = overall[order(overall$lineage, overall$sample), ]

    overall = overall[, lapply(.SD, sum, na.rm = TRUE), by = .(lineage, sample)]

    overall[which(overall$minAF_uniq_nonzero == 0), ]$minAF_uniq_nonzero = NA

    who = base::match(overall$lineage, lineage_stats$lineage)

    overall$`lineage N. rules` = lineage_stats[who, ]$N

    overall$`lineage prop.` = overall$N / overall$`lineage N. rules`

    if( print.out ) {

        file = file.out,
        row.names = FALSE,
        quote = FALSE,
        sep = "\t")



nikopech/lineagespot documentation built on Dec. 28, 2021, 12:15 a.m.