
Defines functions replaceByMonthChar pct_diff_leading pct_diff_lagging find_mode getSignificantDigits `%notin%` getFuturesBusinessDates getMostRecentRebalanceDate getFuturesSymbols getRiskFreeRatesSymbols getDateBreaks getNearestMultipleOf getLatestPerformance getDrawdowns getCorrelations getCorrelationsVerbose reorderCorrelationMatrix getRecessionIntervals getRollingAnnualizedReturns rollingAnnualizedReturns getCumulativeLogReturns getCalendarReturns getWeeklyReturns getMonthlyReturns getDailyReturns getOHLCReturns getCapitalGains isMutualOrIndexFund getMonthlyRiskFreeReturns getRecentReturns getPerformanceMetrics getPerformanceDataList getAnalysisDateRange cumulativeReturnFromWorstDrawdown annualizedSemiDeviation annualizedStandardDeviation annualizedReturns

EPSILON <- 1e-16

annualizedReturns <- function(Z, series_scale = 12) {
    Z <- na.omit(Z)
    numPeriods <- length(Z)
    if(numPeriods > 0) {
        # cumReturn <- cumprod(1.0 + Z)
        cumReturn <- exp(cumsum(log(1.0 + Z)))
        anlReturn <- (cumReturn[length(cumReturn)])^(series_scale/numPeriods) - 1.0
    } else {

annualizedStandardDeviation <- function(Z, series_scale = 12) {
    Z <- na.omit(Z)
    numPeriods <- length(Z)
    if(numPeriods > 0) {
        stdev <- sd(Z) * sqrt(series_scale)
    } else {

annualizedSemiDeviation <- function(Z, series_scale = 12) {
    semidev <- SemiDeviation(Z) * sqrt(series_scale)

cumulativeReturnFromWorstDrawdown <- function(Z) {
    Z <- na.omit(Z)
    numPeriods <- length(Z)
    if(numPeriods > 0) {
        vDrawdowns <- suppressWarnings(Drawdowns(Z))
        bottomIndex <- which.min(vDrawdowns)

        # exclude data prior to worst drawdown
        cumReturn <- 0.0
        if(bottomIndex < numPeriods) {
            Z <- Z[(bottomIndex + 1):numPeriods]
            cumReturn <- (exp(cumsum(log(1.0 + Z))) - 1.0) %>% last()
    } else {

## Return the date range starting and up to the point where all series have non NA values
getAnalysisDateRange <- function(dfDailyReturns) {
    dateRange <- dfDailyReturns %>% filter(!if_any(everything(), ~ is.na(.x))) %>% pull(Date) %>% range()

getPerformanceDataList <- function(dfDailyReturns, dfMonthlyRiskFreeReturns, lPastYears=list("Overall")) {

    dfReturns <- getMonthlyReturns(dfDailyReturns) %>% drop_na()
    numberOfMonths = nrow(dfReturns)

    lPerf <- list() ; lPeriod <- list() ; perfCtr <- 0
    for(yrs in lPastYears) {
        mths <- numberOfMonths
        if(!str_detect(str_to_upper(yrs), "ALL")) mths <- yrs * 12
        if(numberOfMonths < mths) next
        dfReturnsSub <- tail(dfReturns, mths)

        firstDateSub <- dfReturnsSub %>% pull(Date) %>% first() %>% as.Date()
        firstDailyDateSub <- lubridate::make_date(lubridate::year(firstDateSub), lubridate::month(firstDateSub), 1)

        dfDailyReturnsSub <- dfDailyReturns %>% filter(Date >= firstDailyDateSub)

        dfPerf <- getPerformanceMetrics(dfDailyReturnsSub, dfMonthlyRiskFreeReturns)

        firstDate <- dplyr::first(dfReturnsSub$Date)
        lastDate <- dplyr::last(dfReturnsSub$Date)
        tableCaption <- paste(format(firstDate, "%b %Y"), "-", format(lastDate, "%b %Y"))
        tableName <- paste0(yrs, ifelse(yrs == 1, " year", ifelse(yrs == "Overall", "" ," years")))

        perfCtr <- perfCtr + 1
        lPerf[[perfCtr]] <- list(tableName = tableName, tableCaption = tableCaption, tableData = dfPerf)

getPerformanceMetrics <- function(dfDailyReturnsSub, dfMonthlyRiskFreeReturns) {

    dfReturns <- dfMonthlyRiskFreeReturns %>% inner_join(getMonthlyReturns(dfDailyReturnsSub), by = "Date") %>% drop_na()

    firstDate <- first(dfReturns$Date) ; lastDate <- last(dfReturns$Date)
    firstYearMonth <- paste(lubridate::month(firstDate, label=T, abbr=T),lubridate::year(firstDate))
    lastYearMonth <- paste(lubridate::month(lastDate, label=T, abbr=T),lubridate::year(lastDate))
    metricsHeading <- paste(firstYearMonth, lastYearMonth, sep = " - ")

    df <- dfReturns %>%
        gather(Symbol, Ra, -Date, -TBILLS) %>%
        mutate(Symbol = factor(Symbol, levels = unique(Symbol))) %>%
        mutate(Excess = Ra - TBILLS) %>%
        mutate(Downside = ifelse((Ra + 1e-12) > TBILLS, NA, Ra)) %>%

    riskFreeRatePercent <- annualizedReturns(df$TBILLS)
    riskFreeRatePercent <- paste0(round(riskFreeRatePercent*100, digits = 2), "%")
    dfAnlReturn <- df %>% dplyr::summarise(AnnualizedReturn = annualizedReturns(Ra))
    dfAnlReturnExcess <- df %>% dplyr::summarise(AnnualizedReturnExcess = annualizedReturns(Excess))
    dfAnlStdev <- df %>% dplyr::summarise(AnnualizedStdDev = annualizedStandardDeviation(Ra))
    dfSemiDev <- df %>% dplyr::summarise(AnnualizedSemidev = annualizedSemiDeviation(Downside))
    dfSkewness <- df %>% dplyr::summarise(Skewness = skewness(Ra))

    # summarise maximum drawdown on daily returns
    dfWorstDD <- dfDailyReturnsSub %>%
        dplyr::summarise_if(is_bare_double, ~ suppressWarnings(maxDrawdown(.x, invert = F))) %>%
        gather(Symbol, WorstDD) %>%
        as_tibble() %>%
        mutate(Symbol = factor(Symbol, levels = levels(df$Symbol)))

    # summarise current drawdown on daily returns
    dfCurrDD <- dfDailyReturnsSub %>%
        dplyr::summarise_if(is_bare_double, ~ suppressWarnings(Drawdowns(.x, invert = F)) %>% last()) %>%
        gather(Symbol, CurrDD) %>%
        mutate(CurrDD = as.numeric(CurrDD)) %>%
        as_tibble() %>%
        mutate(Symbol = factor(Symbol, levels = levels(df$Symbol)))

    # recovery from bottom
    dfRecovery <- dfDailyReturnsSub %>%
        dplyr::summarise_if(is_bare_double, ~ suppressWarnings(cumulativeReturnFromWorstDrawdown(.x))) %>%
        gather(Symbol, Recovery) %>%
        as_tibble() %>%
        mutate(Symbol = factor(Symbol, levels = levels(df$Symbol)))

    dfPerf <- reduce(list(dfAnlReturn, dfAnlReturnExcess, dfAnlStdev, dfSemiDev, dfWorstDD, dfCurrDD, dfRecovery, dfSkewness),
                     inner_join, by = "Symbol") %>%
        mutate(Sharpe = AnnualizedReturnExcess/AnnualizedStdDev,
               Sortino = AnnualizedReturnExcess/AnnualizedSemidev) %>%
        select(-AnnualizedReturnExcess, -AnnualizedSemidev, -Sortino, -Skewness) %>%
        select(Symbol, AnnualizedReturn, AnnualizedStdDev, Sharpe, WorstDD, CurrDD, everything())

    vColNames <- colnames(dfPerf) %>%
        str_replace_all("Annualized", "Annualized ") %>%
        str_replace("Sharpe", sprintf("Sharpe Rf=%s", riskFreeRatePercent)) %>%
        str_replace("Sortino", sprintf("Sortino MAR=%s", riskFreeRatePercent)) %>%
        str_replace("Calmar", "Calmar Ratio") %>%
        str_replace("WorstDD", "Worst Drawdown") %>%
        str_replace("CurrDD", "Current Drawdown") %>%
        str_replace("Recovery", "From Bottom")
    colnames(dfPerf) <- vColNames


getRecentReturns <- function(dfReturns, pastYears = 12) {
    mostRecentMonthNumber <- dfReturns %>% slice(n()) %>% pull(Date) %>% lubridate::month()
    numMonthsFromTail <- pastYears*12 + mostRecentMonthNumber

    dfReturns <- dfReturns %>% tail(numMonthsFromTail)

    dfMTD <- dfReturns %>%
        slice(n()) %>%
        dplyr::rename(Year = Date) %>%
        mutate(Year = paste(lubridate::month(Year, label = TRUE, abbr = TRUE), lubridate::year(Year)))

    dfYearly <- getCalendarReturns(dfReturns, as.perc = F, digits = 4) %>%
        timetk::tk_tbl(rename_index = "Year", silent = TRUE) %>%
        arrange(desc(Year)) %>%
        mutate(Year = as.character(Year)) %>%

    dfRecentReturns <- bind_rows(dfMTD, dfYearly) %>%               # transpose the tibble
        as_tibble() %>%
        pivot_longer(cols = c(-Year), names_to = "Symbol") %>%
        pivot_wider(names_from = c(Year))

getMonthlyRiskFreeReturns <- function(symbol = "DTB3", startDownloadDate = "2009-01-01") {
    dfRiskFree <- tq_get(symbol, get = "economic.data", from = startDownloadDate) %>%
        set_names(c("Symbol","Date","TBILLS")) %>%
        mutate(Year = lubridate::year(Date)) %>%
        add_count(Year) %>%
        mutate(TBILLS = if_else(n > 250, TBILLS/(100*n), TBILLS/(100*261))) %>%
        select(Date, TBILLS) %>%

# Check for a mutual or index fund based on the symbol
isMutualOrIndexFund <- function(symbol) {
    return(!is.na(str_extract(symbol, "^[A-Za-z]+$")) & (str_count(symbol) >= 5))

# Download capital gains from Yahoo Finance
getCapitalGains <- function(symbol, startDownloadDate = "1971-01-01", endDownloadDate = Sys.Date()) {
    print(paste("Downloading capital gains data for", symbol))

    startEpoch <- as.numeric(as.POSIXlt(startDownloadDate))
    endEpoch <- as.numeric(as.POSIXlt(endDownloadDate))

    urlPath <- glue::glue("https://finance.yahoo.com/quote/{symbol}/history?period1={startEpoch}&period2={endEpoch}&interval=capitalGain%7Cdiv%7Csplit&filter=capitalGain&frequency=1d&includeAdjustedClose=true")
    htmldoc <- read_html(urlPath)

    dfCapGains <- htmldoc %>%
        html_table() %>%
        .[[1]] %>%
        drop_na() %>%
        select(Date = 1, CapitalGain = 2) %>%
        mutate(SecurityID = symbol) %>%
        select(SecurityID, Date, CapitalGain)

    if(nrow(dfCapGains) > 0) {
        dfCapGains <- dfCapGains %>%
            mutate(Date = anytime::anydate(Date)) %>%
            mutate(CapitalGain = parse_number(CapitalGain)) %>%
    } else {
        dfCapGains <- tibble(SecurityID = character(), Date = as.Date(character()), CapitalGain = double())


getOHLCReturns <- function(symbol, startDownloadDate = "1965-01-01", endDownloadDate = Sys.Date(), downloadCapGains = T) {

    dfOHLC <- NULL
    if(str_detect(symbol, "/")) {
        print(paste("Reading data for", symbol))
        dfSymbol <- dbReadQueryData(sprintf("SELECT * FROM EquitiesData WHERE SecurityID = '%s';", symbol)) %>%
            select(Date = DailyDate, Adjusted = PriceAdjClose) %>%
            as_tibble() %>%
            mutate(Date = as.Date(Date)) %>%
            mutate(Open=NA_real_, High=NA_real_, Low=NA_real_, Close=NA_real_, Volume=NA_real_) %>%
            mutate(Symbol = symbol) %>%
            select(Symbol, Date, Open:Volume, Adjusted) %>%
            tq_mutate(select = Adjusted, mutate_fun = Delt, col_rename = "Return")

        # dfSymbol <- Quandl::Quandl(symbol, start_date = startDownloadDate, end_date = endDownloadDate, collapse = "daily", order = "asc")
        # dfSymbol <- dfSymbol %>%
        #     select(Date = 1, Adjusted = 2) %>%
        #     as_tibble() %>%
        #     mutate(Open=NA_real_, High=NA_real_, Low=NA_real_, Close=NA_real_, Volume=NA_real_) %>%
        #     select(Date, Open:Volume, Adjusted) %>%
        #     tq_mutate(select = Adjusted, mutate_fun = Delt, col_rename = "Return")
    } else {
        print(paste("Downloading data for", symbol))
        dfSymbol <- tq_get(symbol, get = "stock.prices", from = startDownloadDate, to = endDownloadDate)
        if(is.data.frame(dfSymbol)) {
            dfSymbol <- dfSymbol %>%
                rename_all(str_to_title) %>%
                dplyr::filter(abs(Open) > EPSILON | abs(High) > EPSILON | abs(Low) > EPSILON | abs(Close) > EPSILON | abs(Adjusted) > EPSILON) %>%
                tq_mutate(select = Adjusted, mutate_fun = Delt, col_rename = "Return")

    # check additional capital gains returns for mutual and index funds
    # if(isMutualOrIndexFund(symbol)) {
    #     if(downloadCapGains) {
    #         dfCapGains <- getCapitalGains(symbol)
    #     } else {
    #         print(paste("Reading capital gains data for", symbol))
    #         dfCapGains <- dbReadCapitalGainsData(symbol)
    #     }
    #     if(nrow(dfCapGains) > 0) {
    #         dfSymbol <- dfSymbol %>%
    #             left_join(dfCapGains %>% select(-SecurityID), by = "Date") %>%
    #             arrange(Date) %>%
    #             mutate(CapitalReturn = CapitalGain/dplyr::lag(Close)) %>%
    #             mutate(Return = Return + coalesce(CapitalReturn, 0)) %>%
    #             select(-CapitalGain, -CapitalReturn)
    #     }
    # }

    if(is.data.frame(dfSymbol)) dfOHLC <- dfSymbol

# Download daily returns from Yahoo Finance or Quandl (deprecated)
getDailyReturns <- function(symbol, symbolPrior = NA, startDownloadDate = "1965-01-01", downloadCapGains = T) {
    dfSymbol <- getOHLCReturns(symbol, startDownloadDate = startDownloadDate, downloadCapGains = downloadCapGains)

    # combine with data of previous symbol
    if(!is.na(symbolPrior)) {
        endDownloadDate <- min(dfSymbol$Date) + 1
        dfSymbolPrior <- getOHLCReturns(symbolPrior,
                                        startDownloadDate = startDownloadDate,
                                        endDownloadDate = endDownloadDate,
                                        downloadCapGains = downloadCapGains)

        print(paste("Merging data of", symbol, "and", symbolPrior))
        dfSymbol <- dfSymbolPrior %>% bind_rows(dfSymbol[2:nrow(dfSymbol),])

    if(!is.null(dfSymbol)) dfSymbol <- dfSymbol %>% mutate(LogReturn = log(1 + Return))

# Returns a data frame of monthly returns in the format: Date, <colname_initial> with month end date,
# from a data frame containing daily returns in the format:
# Date, <colname_initial> OR <colname_initial> with Date in rownames
getMonthlyReturns <- function(dfDailyReturns, removeNAs = T) {

    if(ncol(dfDailyReturns)==1L) {
        dfDailyReturns <- dfDailyReturns %>% rownames_to_column(var = "DailyDate")
    else {
        colnames(dfDailyReturns)[1] <- "DailyDate"

    cumreturn <- function(Z) {if(sum(is.na(Z))==length(Z)) return(NA) else return(prod(1L + Z, na.rm = T) - 1L)}

    dfMonthlyReturns <- dfDailyReturns %>%
        mutate(MonthlyDate = ceiling_date(DailyDate, "month") - days(1))  %>%
        group_by(MonthlyDate) %>%
        dplyr::summarise_if(is_bare_double, list(cumreturn)) %>%
        dplyr::rename(Date = MonthlyDate)

    if(removeNAs) dfMonthlyReturns <- dfMonthlyReturns %>% drop_na()


# Returns a data frame of weekly returns in the format: Date, <colname_initial> with weekend Sunday date,
# from a data frame containing daily returns in the format:
# Date, <colname_initial> OR <colname_initial> with Date in rownames
getWeeklyReturns <- function(dfDailyReturns, removeNAs = T) {

    if(ncol(dfDailyReturns)==1L) {
        dfDailyReturns <- dfDailyReturns %>% rownames_to_column(var = "DailyDate")
    else {
        colnames(dfDailyReturns)[1] <- "DailyDate"

    cumreturn <- function(Z) {if(sum(is.na(Z))==length(Z)) return(NA) else return(prod(1L + Z, na.rm = T) - 1L)}

    dfWeeklyReturns <- dfDailyReturns %>%
        mutate(WeeklyDate = ceiling_date(DailyDate, "week"))  %>%
        group_by(WeeklyDate) %>%
        dplyr::summarise_if(is_bare_double, list(cumreturn)) %>%
        dplyr::rename(Date = WeeklyDate)

    if(removeNAs) dfWeeklyReturns <- dfWeeklyReturns %>% drop_na()


# Returns a table of returns by calendar year
getCalendarReturns <- function(dfReturns, as.perc = TRUE, digits = 1) {
    dfMonthly <- dfReturns %>% getMonthlyReturns()
    vColnames <- colnames(dfMonthly[-1])
    dfMonthly <- data.frame(dfMonthly, row.names = 1)
    tblReturns <- PerformanceAnalytics::table.CalendarReturns(dfMonthly, as.perc = as.perc, digits = digits)
    if(ncol(dfMonthly)>1) {
        tblReturns <- tblReturns[13:ncol(tblReturns)]
        colnames(tblReturns) <- vColnames

# Returns a data frame of cumulative log returns
getCumulativeLogReturns <- function(dfReturns) {
    dfCumReturns <- dfReturns %>%
        map_if(is_bare_double, function(Z) {cumsum(ifelse(is.na(Z), 0, log(1.0 + Z))) + Z*0}) %>%


# Rolling Annualized Returns
# dfReturns: Date, TBILLS.MonthlyReturns, Stock.MonthlyReturns, SP500TR.MonthlyReturns
# return: list of data frames of rolling annualized returns by rolling period
rollingAnnualizedReturns <- function(Z, rollingMonths) {
    Z <- na.omit(Z)
    cumReturn <- cumprod(1.0 + Z)
    rollAnlReturn <- (cumReturn/dplyr::lag(cumReturn, n = rollingMonths))^(12/rollingMonths) - 1

getRollingAnnualizedReturns <- function(dfReturns, rollingMonths) {
    numberOfMonths = nrow(dfReturns)

    dfReturns <- dfReturns %>%
        drop_na() %>%
        gather(Security, Return, -Date) %>%
        mutate(Security = factor(Security, levels = unique(Security))) %>%

    dfRollingReturns <- dfReturns %>%
        mutate(RollingReturn = rollingAnnualizedReturns(Return, rollingMonths)) %>%
        select(-Return) %>%
        ungroup() %>%
        spread(Security, RollingReturn) %>%


# PRE: dfReturns has monthly returns
# POST: Returns a data frame <date_from, date_to> of the recession intervals during this time series
getRecessionIntervals <- function(dfReturns, dfRecessions) {
    dfRecessions <- dfReturns %>%
        full_join(dfRecessions, by = "Date") %>%
        filter(Date >= min(dfReturns$Date) & Date <= max(dfReturns$Date)) %>%
        arrange(Date) %>%
        fill(Recession, .direction = "down") %>%
        # mutate(Recession = na.locf(Recession, na.rm = F)) %>%
        replace_na(list(Recession = 0)) %>%
        select(Date, Recession)

    runs <- rle(as.logical(dfRecessions$Recession == 1))
    l <- list(start = cumsum(runs$lengths)[which(runs$values)] - runs$lengths[which(runs$values)] + 1,
              end = cumsum(runs$lengths)[which(runs$values)])
    dfRect <- tibble(date_from = dfRecessions$Date[l$start], date_to = dfRecessions$Date[l$end])

# Reorder correlation matrix by hierarchical clustering
reorderCorrelationMatrix <- function(mCor) {
    dd <- as.dist((1-mCor)/2)
    hc <- hclust(dd)
    mCor <- mCor[hc$order, hc$order]

# Returns correlations of monthly returns of a given strategy with other strategies, in the given time frames
getCorrelationsVerbose <- function(dfReturns, lPastYears=list('ALL'), strategyName) {
    firstDate <- as.Date(first(dfReturns$Date)) ; lastDate <- as.Date(last(dfReturns$Date))
    firstYearMonth <- paste(lubridate::month(firstDate, label=T, abbr=T),lubridate::year(firstDate))
    lastYearMonth <- paste(lubridate::month(lastDate, label=T, abbr=T),lubridate::year(lastDate))
    numberOfMonths = nrow(dfReturns)

    strategyColIndex <- which(colnames(dfReturns)==strategyName)
    lCor <- list()
    lCorNames <- list()
    i <- 0
    for(yrs in lPastYears) {
        if(str_detect(str_to_upper(yrs), "ALL")) mths = numberOfMonths else mths = yrs*12
        if(mths > numberOfMonths) next
        dfReturnsPast <- tail(dfReturns, n=mths)
        firstDatePast <- as.Date(first(dfReturnsPast$Date))
        firstYearMonthPast <- paste(lubridate::month(firstDatePast, label=T, abbr=T), lubridate::year(firstDatePast))

        colnames_prefix <- ifelse(str_detect(str_to_upper(yrs), "ALL"),

        lCorPast <- map(dfReturnsPast %>% select(-all_of(c(1, strategyColIndex))), cor.test, y = dfReturnsPast[[strategyColIndex]])
        i <- i + 1
        lCor[[i]] <- lCorPast
        lCorNames[[i]] <- colnames_prefix
    names(lCor) <- lCorNames

    dfCor <- map(lCor, ~ .x %>% map_dfr(broom::tidy, .id = "predictor")) %>%
        bind_rows(.id = "time_frame") %>%
        mutate(time_frame = fct_inorder(time_frame))


# Returns a data frame of correlation estimates only within each time frame
getCorrelations <- function(dfReturns, lPastYears=list('ALL'), strategyName) {
    vSymbols <- colnames(dfReturns[-1])
    dfCor <- getCorrelationsVerbose(dfReturns, lPastYears, strategyName) %>%
        select(time_frame, predictor, estimate) %>%
        unique() %>%
        spread(predictor, estimate) %>%
        select(time_frame, any_of(vSymbols)) %>%
        data.frame(row.names = 1)


# Generate a data.frame of drawdowns
getDrawdowns <- function(dfReturns, colIndex=NA, colName, top=5) {
    if(!is.na(colIndex)) {
        df <- data.frame(dfReturns[c(1, colIndex)], row.names = 1)
    } else {
        df <- data.frame(dfReturns[c("Date", colName)], row.names = 1)

    dfDrawdowns <- suppressWarnings(table.Drawdowns(df, top = top)) %>% as_tibble() %>%
        set_names(c("Peak","Trough","Recovery","Depth","Length","ToTrough","ToRecovery")) %>%
        mutate_at(.vars = c("Length","ToTrough","ToRecovery"), as.integer) %>%
        mutate(PeakDate = Peak, TroughDate = Trough, RecoveryDate = Recovery) %>%
        mutate_at(.vars = c("Peak", "Trough", "Recovery"),
                  function(Z) ifelse(!is.na(Z), paste(lubridate::month(Z, label=T, abbr=T),lubridate::year(Z)), NA)) %>%
        arrange(PeakDate) %>%
        mutate(Peak = factor(Peak, levels = unique(Peak))) %>%
        arrange(TroughDate) %>%
        mutate(Trough = factor(Trough, levels = unique(Trough))) %>%
        arrange(RecoveryDate) %>%
        mutate(Recovery = factor(Recovery, levels = unique(Recovery))) %>%
        select(-PeakDate, -TroughDate, -RecoveryDate) %>%

#PRE: dfReturns is a data frame of monthly returns
#POST: prints data frame of performance in each period in lPastYears list
getLatestPerformance <- function(dfDailyReturns, lPastYears=list('ALL'), ishtmlOutput = FALSE, showReturnsOnly = FALSE, showRecovery = FALSE) {
    dfReturns <- dfDailyReturns %>% getMonthlyReturns() %>% data.frame(row.names = 1) %>% na.omit()

    hasRiskFreeReturns <- FALSE
    vRiskFreeRates <- getRiskFreeRatesSymbols()
    if(colnames(dfReturns)[1] %in% vRiskFreeRates) hasRiskFreeReturns <- TRUE

    firstDate <- as.Date(first(rownames(dfReturns)))
    lastDate <- as.Date(last(rownames(dfReturns)))
    firstYearMonth <- paste(lubridate::month(firstDate, label=T, abbr=T),lubridate::year(firstDate))
    lastYearMonth <- paste(lubridate::month(lastDate, label=T, abbr=T),lubridate::year(lastDate))

    dfPerfFinal <- data.frame()
    numberOfMonths = nrow(dfReturns) ; numberOfAssets = ncol(dfReturns)
    ctr <- 1
    lPastMonths <- list()
    for(yrs in lPastYears) {
        if(str_detect(str_to_upper(yrs), "ALL")) mths = numberOfMonths else mths = yrs*12
        lPastMonths[[ctr]] <- mths
        ctr <- ctr + 1

    # keep unique values only
    lPastMonths <- unique(lPastMonths)
    ctr <- 1
    for(mths in lPastMonths) {
        if(numberOfMonths >= mths) {
            dfReturnsPast <- tail(dfReturns, n=mths)

            firstDatePast <- as.Date(first(rownames(dfReturnsPast)))
            firstYearMonthPast <- paste(lubridate::month(firstDatePast, label=T, abbr=T), lubridate::year(firstDatePast))
            firstDailyDatePast <- lubridate::make_date(lubridate::year(firstDatePast), lubridate::month(firstDatePast), 1)

            dfDailyReturnsPast <- dfDailyReturns %>% filter(Date >= firstDailyDatePast) %>% data.frame(row.names = 1)

            if(hasRiskFreeReturns) {
                dfDailyReturnsAssets <- subset(dfDailyReturnsPast, select = c(2:numberOfAssets))
                dfReturnsAssets <- subset(dfReturnsPast, select=c(2:numberOfAssets))
                dfReturnsRiskFree <- dfReturnsPast[,1,drop=F]
            else {
                dfDailyReturnsAssets <- dfDailyReturnsPast
                dfReturnsAssets <- dfReturnsPast
                dfReturnsRiskFree <- data.frame(vector(mode='numeric', length=nrow(dfReturnsPast)))

            dfCurrDD <- NA; dfRecovery <- NA
            dfMaxDD <- maxDrawdown(dfDailyReturnsAssets, invert = F) * 100
            dfCurrDD <- dfDailyReturnsAssets %>%
                dplyr::summarise_if(is_bare_double, ~ suppressWarnings(Drawdowns(.x, invert = F)) %>% last()) * 100
            rownames(dfCurrDD) <- "Current Drawdown"

            dfRecovery <- dfDailyReturnsAssets %>%
                dplyr::summarise_if(is_bare_double, ~ suppressWarnings(cumulativeReturnFromWorstDrawdown(.x))) * 100
            rownames(dfRecovery) <- "From Bottom"
            if(is.null(dim(dfMaxDD))) {
                dim(dfMaxDD) <- c(1, 1)
                colnames(dfMaxDD) <- colnames(dfReturnsAssets)
                rownames(dfMaxDD) <- "Worst Drawdown"

            dfPerf <- table.AnnualizedReturns(dfReturnsAssets, scale=12, Rf=dfReturnsRiskFree)
            dfPerf[c(1,2),] <- dfPerf[c(1,2),] * 100
            rownames(dfPerf)[3] <- str_replace(row.names(dfPerf)[3], "Annualized ", "")

            dfPerf <- rbind(dfPerf, dfMaxDD, dfCurrDD, dfRecovery)
            dfPerf <- format(round(dfPerf, digits = 2), justify = 'right', nsmall = 2, scientific = F)
            dfPerf[1,] <- paste0(dfPerf[1,], "%")
            dfPerf[2,] <- paste0(dfPerf[2,], "%")
            dfPerf[4,] <- paste0(dfPerf[4,], "%")
            dfPerf[5,] <- paste0(dfPerf[5,], "%")
            dfPerf[6,] <- paste0(dfPerf[6,], "%")

            if(showReturnsOnly) {
                dfPerf <- dfPerf %>% head(1)
            } else if(!showRecovery) {
                dfPerf <- dfPerf %>% head(5)

            rownames_prefix <- paste(firstYearMonthPast,"-",lastYearMonth)
            rownames(dfPerf) <- paste(rownames_prefix,rownames(dfPerf))

            # add an empty line between performance segments
            mEmpty <- matrix(data=colnames(dfPerf), nrow=1, ncol=ncol(dfPerf)) ; dfEmpty <- data.frame(mEmpty)
            colnames(dfEmpty) <- colnames(dfPerf)
            rownames(dfEmpty) <- paste0(rep(" ", ctr), collapse="")

            ctr <- ctr+1

            if(ishtmlOutput) {
                if(nrow(dfPerfFinal)==0) dfPerfFinal <- dfPerf else dfPerfFinal <- rbind(dfPerfFinal, dfPerf)
            } else {
                if(nrow(dfPerfFinal)==0) dfPerfFinal <- dfPerf else dfPerfFinal <- rbind(dfPerfFinal, dfEmpty, dfPerf)

# Returns the nearest number from raw number that is a multiple of m
getNearestMultipleOf <- function(rawNumber, m) {
    remainder <- rawNumber %% m
    nearestNumber <- ifelse((remainder + 1e-10) > (m/2), rawNumber + m - remainder, rawNumber - remainder)

# Returns date breaks depending upon the span
getDateBreaks <- function(vDates) {
    firstYear <- lubridate::year(first(vDates))
    lastYear <- lubridate::year(last(vDates))
    yearDiff <- lastYear - firstYear
    yearLabels <- c(firstYear:lastYear)
    yearBreaks <- "1 year"
    if(yearDiff > 70) {
        yearLabels <- yearLabels[yearLabels %% 10 == 0]
        yearBreaks <- "10 years"
    else if(yearDiff > 12) {
        yearLabels <- yearLabels[yearLabels %% 4 == 0]
        yearBreaks <- "4 years"
    } else if(yearDiff > 1) {
        yearLabels <- yearLabels[yearLabels %% 2 == 0]
        yearBreaks <- "2 years"
    dateBreaks <- seq.Date(from = as.Date(paste0(first(yearLabels), "-01-01")),
                           to = as.Date(paste0(last(yearLabels), "-12-31")),
                           by = yearBreaks)

# get Risk Free Symbols
getRiskFreeRatesSymbols <- function() {

# get Futures Symbols
getFuturesSymbols <- function() {
    vCURR <- c("AD","BP","CD","CU","JY","MP","NE","RF","RP","RY","SF")
    names(vCURR) <- rep("CURR", length(vCURR))

    vRATE <- c("BAX","ED","FEI","FES","FSS","JEY","YBA")
    names(vRATE) <- rep("RATE", length(vRATE))

    vBOND <- c("CGB","EBL","EBM","EBS","FLG","FV","JGB","TU","TY","US","YTC","YTT")
    names(vBOND) <- rep("RATE", length(vBOND))

    vSTOX <- c("EMD","ES","FCH","FDX","FFI","HCE","HSI","IFS","JNI","JTI","KOS","MFX","NQ","SIN","SMI","SSG","STW","SXE","SXF","TF","YAP","YM")
    names(vSTOX) <- rep("STOX", length(vSTOX))

    vAGRI <- c("BO","C","CC","CT","FC","JRU","KC","KW","LB","LC","LH","O","OJ","PB","RR","RS","S","SB","SM","W")
    names(vAGRI) <- rep("AGRI", length(vAGRI))

    vENMT <- c("CL2","HO2","LCO","LGO","NG2","RB2","GC2","HG2","PA2","PL2","SI2")
    names(vENMT) <- rep("ENMT", length(vENMT))

    vSymbols <- c(vCURR, vRATE, vBOND, vSTOX, vAGRI, vENMT)

# get most recent rebalance date: Last month if the current date is within 3 weeks from the beginning of month, else latest rebalance date
getMostRecentRebalanceDate <- function(vRebalanceDates) {
    vRebalanceDates <- as.Date(as.character(vRebalanceDates))
    currentDate <- Sys.Date()

    if(lubridate::mday(currentDate) < 25 & (month(currentDate) == month(dplyr::last(vRebalanceDates)))) {
        lastRebalanceDate <- dplyr::nth(vRebalanceDates, -2)
    } else {
        lastRebalanceDate <- dplyr::nth(vRebalanceDates, -1)

# get business days calendar for futures
getFuturesBusinessDates <- function(startDate, endDate) {
    dts <- seq.Date(as.Date(startDate), as.Date(endDate), by=1)
    weekdts <- weekdays(dts)
    bizdts <- dts[!(weekdts %in% c("Sat","Sun","Saturday","Sunday"))]               # exclude Saturdays & Sundays
    bizdts <- bizdts[!(lubridate::month(bizdts)==1 & lubridate::day(bizdts)==1)]    # exclude Jan 1

#PRE: User-defined operator - x and y are vectors
#POST: returns a logical vector of length(x) where x is not in y
`%notin%` <- function(x, y) !(`%in%`(x, y))

#PRE: x is a numeric vector with arbitrary number of decimal places
#POST: returns a character vector with values upto d significant decimals
getSignificantDigits <- function(x, d=8) {
    format(round(x, d), nsmall=d, scientific=F)

#PRE: x is a numeric or character/factor vector
#POST: returns the value which has the highest frequency, i.e. mode
find_mode <- function(x) {
    ux <- unique(x)
    ux[which.max(tabulate(match(x, ux)))]

#PRE: x is a numeric vector
#POST: returns the k-period percent difference similar to quantmod::Delt function
pct_diff_lagging <- function(x, k = 1) {
    return(x/dplyr::lag(x, n = k) - 1)

pct_diff_leading <- function(x, k = 1) {
    return(x/dplyr::lead(x, n = k) - 1)

#PRE: contract is of the form where last 6 digits are 201403
#POST: convert the month digits to characters 2014H
replaceByMonthChar <- function(contract) {
    vMthDigits <- c("01", "02", "03", "04", "05", "06", "07", "08", "09", "10", "11", "12")
    vMthChar <- c("F", "G", "H", "J", "K", "M", "N", "Q", "U", "V", "X", "Z")
    names(vMthDigits) <- vMthChar

    mthChar <- ""
    mthDigits <- substr(contract, nchar(contract)-1, nchar(contract)) # last 2 characters
        i <- match(mthDigits, vMthDigits)
        mthChar <- names(vMthDigits[i])
    contract <- paste(substr(contract, 1, nchar(contract)-2), mthChar, sep="")
nitingupta2/nglib documentation built on Nov. 21, 2024, 10:41 a.m.