EPSILON <- 1e-16
annualizedReturns <- function(Z, series_scale = 12) {
Z <- na.omit(Z)
numPeriods <- length(Z)
if(numPeriods > 0) {
# cumReturn <- cumprod(1.0 + Z)
cumReturn <- exp(cumsum(log(1.0 + Z)))
anlReturn <- (cumReturn[length(cumReturn)])^(series_scale/numPeriods) - 1.0
} else {
annualizedStandardDeviation <- function(Z, series_scale = 12) {
Z <- na.omit(Z)
numPeriods <- length(Z)
if(numPeriods > 0) {
stdev <- sd(Z) * sqrt(series_scale)
} else {
annualizedSemiDeviation <- function(Z, series_scale = 12) {
semidev <- SemiDeviation(Z) * sqrt(series_scale)
cumulativeReturnFromWorstDrawdown <- function(Z) {
Z <- na.omit(Z)
numPeriods <- length(Z)
if(numPeriods > 0) {
vDrawdowns <- suppressWarnings(Drawdowns(Z))
bottomIndex <- which.min(vDrawdowns)
# exclude data prior to worst drawdown
cumReturn <- 0.0
if(bottomIndex < numPeriods) {
Z <- Z[(bottomIndex + 1):numPeriods]
cumReturn <- (exp(cumsum(log(1.0 + Z))) - 1.0) %>% last()
} else {
## Return the date range starting and up to the point where all series have non NA values
getAnalysisDateRange <- function(dfDailyReturns) {
dateRange <- dfDailyReturns %>% filter(!if_any(everything(), ~ is.na(.x))) %>% pull(Date) %>% range()
getPerformanceDataList <- function(dfDailyReturns, dfMonthlyRiskFreeReturns, lPastYears=list("Overall")) {
dfReturns <- getMonthlyReturns(dfDailyReturns) %>% drop_na()
numberOfMonths = nrow(dfReturns)
lPerf <- list() ; lPeriod <- list() ; perfCtr <- 0
for(yrs in lPastYears) {
mths <- numberOfMonths
if(!str_detect(str_to_upper(yrs), "ALL")) mths <- yrs * 12
if(numberOfMonths < mths) next
dfReturnsSub <- tail(dfReturns, mths)
firstDateSub <- dfReturnsSub %>% pull(Date) %>% first() %>% as.Date()
firstDailyDateSub <- lubridate::make_date(lubridate::year(firstDateSub), lubridate::month(firstDateSub), 1)
dfDailyReturnsSub <- dfDailyReturns %>% filter(Date >= firstDailyDateSub)
dfPerf <- getPerformanceMetrics(dfDailyReturnsSub, dfMonthlyRiskFreeReturns)
firstDate <- dplyr::first(dfReturnsSub$Date)
lastDate <- dplyr::last(dfReturnsSub$Date)
tableCaption <- paste(format(firstDate, "%b %Y"), "-", format(lastDate, "%b %Y"))
tableName <- paste0(yrs, ifelse(yrs == 1, " year", ifelse(yrs == "Overall", "" ," years")))
perfCtr <- perfCtr + 1
lPerf[[perfCtr]] <- list(tableName = tableName, tableCaption = tableCaption, tableData = dfPerf)
getPerformanceMetrics <- function(dfDailyReturnsSub, dfMonthlyRiskFreeReturns) {
dfReturns <- dfMonthlyRiskFreeReturns %>% inner_join(getMonthlyReturns(dfDailyReturnsSub), by = "Date") %>% drop_na()
firstDate <- first(dfReturns$Date) ; lastDate <- last(dfReturns$Date)
firstYearMonth <- paste(lubridate::month(firstDate, label=T, abbr=T),lubridate::year(firstDate))
lastYearMonth <- paste(lubridate::month(lastDate, label=T, abbr=T),lubridate::year(lastDate))
metricsHeading <- paste(firstYearMonth, lastYearMonth, sep = " - ")
df <- dfReturns %>%
gather(Symbol, Ra, -Date, -TBILLS) %>%
mutate(Symbol = factor(Symbol, levels = unique(Symbol))) %>%
mutate(Excess = Ra - TBILLS) %>%
mutate(Downside = ifelse((Ra + 1e-12) > TBILLS, NA, Ra)) %>%
riskFreeRatePercent <- annualizedReturns(df$TBILLS)
riskFreeRatePercent <- paste0(round(riskFreeRatePercent*100, digits = 2), "%")
dfAnlReturn <- df %>% dplyr::summarise(AnnualizedReturn = annualizedReturns(Ra))
dfAnlReturnExcess <- df %>% dplyr::summarise(AnnualizedReturnExcess = annualizedReturns(Excess))
dfAnlStdev <- df %>% dplyr::summarise(AnnualizedStdDev = annualizedStandardDeviation(Ra))
dfSemiDev <- df %>% dplyr::summarise(AnnualizedSemidev = annualizedSemiDeviation(Downside))
dfSkewness <- df %>% dplyr::summarise(Skewness = skewness(Ra))
# summarise maximum drawdown on daily returns
dfWorstDD <- dfDailyReturnsSub %>%
dplyr::summarise_if(is_bare_double, ~ suppressWarnings(maxDrawdown(.x, invert = F))) %>%
gather(Symbol, WorstDD) %>%
as_tibble() %>%
mutate(Symbol = factor(Symbol, levels = levels(df$Symbol)))
# summarise current drawdown on daily returns
dfCurrDD <- dfDailyReturnsSub %>%
dplyr::summarise_if(is_bare_double, ~ suppressWarnings(Drawdowns(.x, invert = F)) %>% last()) %>%
gather(Symbol, CurrDD) %>%
mutate(CurrDD = as.numeric(CurrDD)) %>%
as_tibble() %>%
mutate(Symbol = factor(Symbol, levels = levels(df$Symbol)))
# recovery from bottom
dfRecovery <- dfDailyReturnsSub %>%
dplyr::summarise_if(is_bare_double, ~ suppressWarnings(cumulativeReturnFromWorstDrawdown(.x))) %>%
gather(Symbol, Recovery) %>%
as_tibble() %>%
mutate(Symbol = factor(Symbol, levels = levels(df$Symbol)))
dfPerf <- reduce(list(dfAnlReturn, dfAnlReturnExcess, dfAnlStdev, dfSemiDev, dfWorstDD, dfCurrDD, dfRecovery, dfSkewness),
inner_join, by = "Symbol") %>%
mutate(Sharpe = AnnualizedReturnExcess/AnnualizedStdDev,
Sortino = AnnualizedReturnExcess/AnnualizedSemidev) %>%
select(-AnnualizedReturnExcess, -AnnualizedSemidev, -Sortino, -Skewness) %>%
select(Symbol, AnnualizedReturn, AnnualizedStdDev, Sharpe, WorstDD, CurrDD, everything())
vColNames <- colnames(dfPerf) %>%
str_replace_all("Annualized", "Annualized ") %>%
str_replace("Sharpe", sprintf("Sharpe Rf=%s", riskFreeRatePercent)) %>%
str_replace("Sortino", sprintf("Sortino MAR=%s", riskFreeRatePercent)) %>%
str_replace("Calmar", "Calmar Ratio") %>%
str_replace("WorstDD", "Worst Drawdown") %>%
str_replace("CurrDD", "Current Drawdown") %>%
str_replace("Recovery", "From Bottom")
colnames(dfPerf) <- vColNames
getRecentReturns <- function(dfReturns, pastYears = 12) {
mostRecentMonthNumber <- dfReturns %>% slice(n()) %>% pull(Date) %>% lubridate::month()
numMonthsFromTail <- pastYears*12 + mostRecentMonthNumber
dfReturns <- dfReturns %>% tail(numMonthsFromTail)
dfMTD <- dfReturns %>%
slice(n()) %>%
dplyr::rename(Year = Date) %>%
mutate(Year = paste(lubridate::month(Year, label = TRUE, abbr = TRUE), lubridate::year(Year)))
dfYearly <- getCalendarReturns(dfReturns, as.perc = F, digits = 4) %>%
timetk::tk_tbl(rename_index = "Year", silent = TRUE) %>%
arrange(desc(Year)) %>%
mutate(Year = as.character(Year)) %>%
dfRecentReturns <- bind_rows(dfMTD, dfYearly) %>% # transpose the tibble
as_tibble() %>%
pivot_longer(cols = c(-Year), names_to = "Symbol") %>%
pivot_wider(names_from = c(Year))
getMonthlyRiskFreeReturns <- function(symbol = "DTB3", startDownloadDate = "2009-01-01") {
dfRiskFree <- tq_get(symbol, get = "economic.data", from = startDownloadDate) %>%
set_names(c("Symbol","Date","TBILLS")) %>%
mutate(Year = lubridate::year(Date)) %>%
add_count(Year) %>%
mutate(TBILLS = if_else(n > 250, TBILLS/(100*n), TBILLS/(100*261))) %>%
select(Date, TBILLS) %>%
# Check for a mutual or index fund based on the symbol
isMutualOrIndexFund <- function(symbol) {
return(!is.na(str_extract(symbol, "^[A-Za-z]+$")) & (str_count(symbol) >= 5))
# Download capital gains from Yahoo Finance
getCapitalGains <- function(symbol, startDownloadDate = "1971-01-01", endDownloadDate = Sys.Date()) {
print(paste("Downloading capital gains data for", symbol))
startEpoch <- as.numeric(as.POSIXlt(startDownloadDate))
endEpoch <- as.numeric(as.POSIXlt(endDownloadDate))
urlPath <- glue::glue("https://finance.yahoo.com/quote/{symbol}/history?period1={startEpoch}&period2={endEpoch}&interval=capitalGain%7Cdiv%7Csplit&filter=capitalGain&frequency=1d&includeAdjustedClose=true")
htmldoc <- read_html(urlPath)
dfCapGains <- htmldoc %>%
html_table() %>%
.[[1]] %>%
drop_na() %>%
select(Date = 1, CapitalGain = 2) %>%
mutate(SecurityID = symbol) %>%
select(SecurityID, Date, CapitalGain)
if(nrow(dfCapGains) > 0) {
dfCapGains <- dfCapGains %>%
mutate(Date = anytime::anydate(Date)) %>%
mutate(CapitalGain = parse_number(CapitalGain)) %>%
} else {
dfCapGains <- tibble(SecurityID = character(), Date = as.Date(character()), CapitalGain = double())
getOHLCReturns <- function(symbol, startDownloadDate = "1965-01-01", endDownloadDate = Sys.Date(), downloadCapGains = T) {
if(str_detect(symbol, "/")) {
print(paste("Reading data for", symbol))
dfSymbol <- dbReadQueryData(sprintf("SELECT * FROM EquitiesData WHERE SecurityID = '%s';", symbol)) %>%
select(Date = DailyDate, Adjusted = PriceAdjClose) %>%
as_tibble() %>%
mutate(Date = as.Date(Date)) %>%
mutate(Open=NA_real_, High=NA_real_, Low=NA_real_, Close=NA_real_, Volume=NA_real_) %>%
mutate(Symbol = symbol) %>%
select(Symbol, Date, Open:Volume, Adjusted) %>%
tq_mutate(select = Adjusted, mutate_fun = Delt, col_rename = "Return")
# dfSymbol <- Quandl::Quandl(symbol, start_date = startDownloadDate, end_date = endDownloadDate, collapse = "daily", order = "asc")
# dfSymbol <- dfSymbol %>%
# select(Date = 1, Adjusted = 2) %>%
# as_tibble() %>%
# mutate(Open=NA_real_, High=NA_real_, Low=NA_real_, Close=NA_real_, Volume=NA_real_) %>%
# select(Date, Open:Volume, Adjusted) %>%
# tq_mutate(select = Adjusted, mutate_fun = Delt, col_rename = "Return")
} else {
print(paste("Downloading data for", symbol))
dfSymbol <- tq_get(symbol, get = "stock.prices", from = startDownloadDate, to = endDownloadDate)
if(is.data.frame(dfSymbol)) {
dfSymbol <- dfSymbol %>%
rename_all(str_to_title) %>%
dplyr::filter(abs(Open) > EPSILON | abs(High) > EPSILON | abs(Low) > EPSILON | abs(Close) > EPSILON | abs(Adjusted) > EPSILON) %>%
tq_mutate(select = Adjusted, mutate_fun = Delt, col_rename = "Return")
# check additional capital gains returns for mutual and index funds
# if(isMutualOrIndexFund(symbol)) {
# if(downloadCapGains) {
# dfCapGains <- getCapitalGains(symbol)
# } else {
# print(paste("Reading capital gains data for", symbol))
# dfCapGains <- dbReadCapitalGainsData(symbol)
# }
# if(nrow(dfCapGains) > 0) {
# dfSymbol <- dfSymbol %>%
# left_join(dfCapGains %>% select(-SecurityID), by = "Date") %>%
# arrange(Date) %>%
# mutate(CapitalReturn = CapitalGain/dplyr::lag(Close)) %>%
# mutate(Return = Return + coalesce(CapitalReturn, 0)) %>%
# select(-CapitalGain, -CapitalReturn)
# }
# }
if(is.data.frame(dfSymbol)) dfOHLC <- dfSymbol
# Download daily returns from Yahoo Finance or Quandl (deprecated)
getDailyReturns <- function(symbol, symbolPrior = NA, startDownloadDate = "1965-01-01", downloadCapGains = T) {
dfSymbol <- getOHLCReturns(symbol, startDownloadDate = startDownloadDate, downloadCapGains = downloadCapGains)
# combine with data of previous symbol
if(!is.na(symbolPrior)) {
endDownloadDate <- min(dfSymbol$Date) + 1
dfSymbolPrior <- getOHLCReturns(symbolPrior,
startDownloadDate = startDownloadDate,
endDownloadDate = endDownloadDate,
downloadCapGains = downloadCapGains)
print(paste("Merging data of", symbol, "and", symbolPrior))
dfSymbol <- dfSymbolPrior %>% bind_rows(dfSymbol[2:nrow(dfSymbol),])
if(!is.null(dfSymbol)) dfSymbol <- dfSymbol %>% mutate(LogReturn = log(1 + Return))
# Returns a data frame of monthly returns in the format: Date, <colname_initial> with month end date,
# from a data frame containing daily returns in the format:
# Date, <colname_initial> OR <colname_initial> with Date in rownames
getMonthlyReturns <- function(dfDailyReturns, removeNAs = T) {
if(ncol(dfDailyReturns)==1L) {
dfDailyReturns <- dfDailyReturns %>% rownames_to_column(var = "DailyDate")
else {
colnames(dfDailyReturns)[1] <- "DailyDate"
cumreturn <- function(Z) {if(sum(is.na(Z))==length(Z)) return(NA) else return(prod(1L + Z, na.rm = T) - 1L)}
dfMonthlyReturns <- dfDailyReturns %>%
mutate(MonthlyDate = ceiling_date(DailyDate, "month") - days(1)) %>%
group_by(MonthlyDate) %>%
dplyr::summarise_if(is_bare_double, list(cumreturn)) %>%
dplyr::rename(Date = MonthlyDate)
if(removeNAs) dfMonthlyReturns <- dfMonthlyReturns %>% drop_na()
# Returns a data frame of weekly returns in the format: Date, <colname_initial> with weekend Sunday date,
# from a data frame containing daily returns in the format:
# Date, <colname_initial> OR <colname_initial> with Date in rownames
getWeeklyReturns <- function(dfDailyReturns, removeNAs = T) {
if(ncol(dfDailyReturns)==1L) {
dfDailyReturns <- dfDailyReturns %>% rownames_to_column(var = "DailyDate")
else {
colnames(dfDailyReturns)[1] <- "DailyDate"
cumreturn <- function(Z) {if(sum(is.na(Z))==length(Z)) return(NA) else return(prod(1L + Z, na.rm = T) - 1L)}
dfWeeklyReturns <- dfDailyReturns %>%
mutate(WeeklyDate = ceiling_date(DailyDate, "week")) %>%
group_by(WeeklyDate) %>%
dplyr::summarise_if(is_bare_double, list(cumreturn)) %>%
dplyr::rename(Date = WeeklyDate)
if(removeNAs) dfWeeklyReturns <- dfWeeklyReturns %>% drop_na()
# Returns a table of returns by calendar year
getCalendarReturns <- function(dfReturns, as.perc = TRUE, digits = 1) {
dfMonthly <- dfReturns %>% getMonthlyReturns()
vColnames <- colnames(dfMonthly[-1])
dfMonthly <- data.frame(dfMonthly, row.names = 1)
tblReturns <- PerformanceAnalytics::table.CalendarReturns(dfMonthly, as.perc = as.perc, digits = digits)
if(ncol(dfMonthly)>1) {
tblReturns <- tblReturns[13:ncol(tblReturns)]
colnames(tblReturns) <- vColnames
# Returns a data frame of cumulative log returns
getCumulativeLogReturns <- function(dfReturns) {
dfCumReturns <- dfReturns %>%
map_if(is_bare_double, function(Z) {cumsum(ifelse(is.na(Z), 0, log(1.0 + Z))) + Z*0}) %>%
# Rolling Annualized Returns
# dfReturns: Date, TBILLS.MonthlyReturns, Stock.MonthlyReturns, SP500TR.MonthlyReturns
# return: list of data frames of rolling annualized returns by rolling period
rollingAnnualizedReturns <- function(Z, rollingMonths) {
Z <- na.omit(Z)
cumReturn <- cumprod(1.0 + Z)
rollAnlReturn <- (cumReturn/dplyr::lag(cumReturn, n = rollingMonths))^(12/rollingMonths) - 1
getRollingAnnualizedReturns <- function(dfReturns, rollingMonths) {
numberOfMonths = nrow(dfReturns)
dfReturns <- dfReturns %>%
drop_na() %>%
gather(Security, Return, -Date) %>%
mutate(Security = factor(Security, levels = unique(Security))) %>%
dfRollingReturns <- dfReturns %>%
mutate(RollingReturn = rollingAnnualizedReturns(Return, rollingMonths)) %>%
select(-Return) %>%
ungroup() %>%
spread(Security, RollingReturn) %>%
# PRE: dfReturns has monthly returns
# POST: Returns a data frame <date_from, date_to> of the recession intervals during this time series
getRecessionIntervals <- function(dfReturns, dfRecessions) {
dfRecessions <- dfReturns %>%
full_join(dfRecessions, by = "Date") %>%
filter(Date >= min(dfReturns$Date) & Date <= max(dfReturns$Date)) %>%
arrange(Date) %>%
fill(Recession, .direction = "down") %>%
# mutate(Recession = na.locf(Recession, na.rm = F)) %>%
replace_na(list(Recession = 0)) %>%
select(Date, Recession)
runs <- rle(as.logical(dfRecessions$Recession == 1))
l <- list(start = cumsum(runs$lengths)[which(runs$values)] - runs$lengths[which(runs$values)] + 1,
end = cumsum(runs$lengths)[which(runs$values)])
dfRect <- tibble(date_from = dfRecessions$Date[l$start], date_to = dfRecessions$Date[l$end])
# Reorder correlation matrix by hierarchical clustering
reorderCorrelationMatrix <- function(mCor) {
dd <- as.dist((1-mCor)/2)
hc <- hclust(dd)
mCor <- mCor[hc$order, hc$order]
# Returns correlations of monthly returns of a given strategy with other strategies, in the given time frames
getCorrelationsVerbose <- function(dfReturns, lPastYears=list('ALL'), strategyName) {
firstDate <- as.Date(first(dfReturns$Date)) ; lastDate <- as.Date(last(dfReturns$Date))
firstYearMonth <- paste(lubridate::month(firstDate, label=T, abbr=T),lubridate::year(firstDate))
lastYearMonth <- paste(lubridate::month(lastDate, label=T, abbr=T),lubridate::year(lastDate))
numberOfMonths = nrow(dfReturns)
strategyColIndex <- which(colnames(dfReturns)==strategyName)
lCor <- list()
lCorNames <- list()
i <- 0
for(yrs in lPastYears) {
if(str_detect(str_to_upper(yrs), "ALL")) mths = numberOfMonths else mths = yrs*12
if(mths > numberOfMonths) next
dfReturnsPast <- tail(dfReturns, n=mths)
firstDatePast <- as.Date(first(dfReturnsPast$Date))
firstYearMonthPast <- paste(lubridate::month(firstDatePast, label=T, abbr=T), lubridate::year(firstDatePast))
colnames_prefix <- ifelse(str_detect(str_to_upper(yrs), "ALL"),
lCorPast <- map(dfReturnsPast %>% select(-all_of(c(1, strategyColIndex))), cor.test, y = dfReturnsPast[[strategyColIndex]])
i <- i + 1
lCor[[i]] <- lCorPast
lCorNames[[i]] <- colnames_prefix
names(lCor) <- lCorNames
dfCor <- map(lCor, ~ .x %>% map_dfr(broom::tidy, .id = "predictor")) %>%
bind_rows(.id = "time_frame") %>%
mutate(time_frame = fct_inorder(time_frame))
# Returns a data frame of correlation estimates only within each time frame
getCorrelations <- function(dfReturns, lPastYears=list('ALL'), strategyName) {
vSymbols <- colnames(dfReturns[-1])
dfCor <- getCorrelationsVerbose(dfReturns, lPastYears, strategyName) %>%
select(time_frame, predictor, estimate) %>%
unique() %>%
spread(predictor, estimate) %>%
select(time_frame, any_of(vSymbols)) %>%
data.frame(row.names = 1)
# Generate a data.frame of drawdowns
getDrawdowns <- function(dfReturns, colIndex=NA, colName, top=5) {
if(!is.na(colIndex)) {
df <- data.frame(dfReturns[c(1, colIndex)], row.names = 1)
} else {
df <- data.frame(dfReturns[c("Date", colName)], row.names = 1)
dfDrawdowns <- suppressWarnings(table.Drawdowns(df, top = top)) %>% as_tibble() %>%
set_names(c("Peak","Trough","Recovery","Depth","Length","ToTrough","ToRecovery")) %>%
mutate_at(.vars = c("Length","ToTrough","ToRecovery"), as.integer) %>%
mutate(PeakDate = Peak, TroughDate = Trough, RecoveryDate = Recovery) %>%
mutate_at(.vars = c("Peak", "Trough", "Recovery"),
function(Z) ifelse(!is.na(Z), paste(lubridate::month(Z, label=T, abbr=T),lubridate::year(Z)), NA)) %>%
arrange(PeakDate) %>%
mutate(Peak = factor(Peak, levels = unique(Peak))) %>%
arrange(TroughDate) %>%
mutate(Trough = factor(Trough, levels = unique(Trough))) %>%
arrange(RecoveryDate) %>%
mutate(Recovery = factor(Recovery, levels = unique(Recovery))) %>%
select(-PeakDate, -TroughDate, -RecoveryDate) %>%
#PRE: dfReturns is a data frame of monthly returns
#POST: prints data frame of performance in each period in lPastYears list
getLatestPerformance <- function(dfDailyReturns, lPastYears=list('ALL'), ishtmlOutput = FALSE, showReturnsOnly = FALSE, showRecovery = FALSE) {
dfReturns <- dfDailyReturns %>% getMonthlyReturns() %>% data.frame(row.names = 1) %>% na.omit()
hasRiskFreeReturns <- FALSE
vRiskFreeRates <- getRiskFreeRatesSymbols()
if(colnames(dfReturns)[1] %in% vRiskFreeRates) hasRiskFreeReturns <- TRUE
firstDate <- as.Date(first(rownames(dfReturns)))
lastDate <- as.Date(last(rownames(dfReturns)))
firstYearMonth <- paste(lubridate::month(firstDate, label=T, abbr=T),lubridate::year(firstDate))
lastYearMonth <- paste(lubridate::month(lastDate, label=T, abbr=T),lubridate::year(lastDate))
dfPerfFinal <- data.frame()
numberOfMonths = nrow(dfReturns) ; numberOfAssets = ncol(dfReturns)
ctr <- 1
lPastMonths <- list()
for(yrs in lPastYears) {
if(str_detect(str_to_upper(yrs), "ALL")) mths = numberOfMonths else mths = yrs*12
lPastMonths[[ctr]] <- mths
ctr <- ctr + 1
# keep unique values only
lPastMonths <- unique(lPastMonths)
ctr <- 1
for(mths in lPastMonths) {
if(numberOfMonths >= mths) {
dfReturnsPast <- tail(dfReturns, n=mths)
firstDatePast <- as.Date(first(rownames(dfReturnsPast)))
firstYearMonthPast <- paste(lubridate::month(firstDatePast, label=T, abbr=T), lubridate::year(firstDatePast))
firstDailyDatePast <- lubridate::make_date(lubridate::year(firstDatePast), lubridate::month(firstDatePast), 1)
dfDailyReturnsPast <- dfDailyReturns %>% filter(Date >= firstDailyDatePast) %>% data.frame(row.names = 1)
if(hasRiskFreeReturns) {
dfDailyReturnsAssets <- subset(dfDailyReturnsPast, select = c(2:numberOfAssets))
dfReturnsAssets <- subset(dfReturnsPast, select=c(2:numberOfAssets))
dfReturnsRiskFree <- dfReturnsPast[,1,drop=F]
else {
dfDailyReturnsAssets <- dfDailyReturnsPast
dfReturnsAssets <- dfReturnsPast
dfReturnsRiskFree <- data.frame(vector(mode='numeric', length=nrow(dfReturnsPast)))
dfCurrDD <- NA; dfRecovery <- NA
dfMaxDD <- maxDrawdown(dfDailyReturnsAssets, invert = F) * 100
dfCurrDD <- dfDailyReturnsAssets %>%
dplyr::summarise_if(is_bare_double, ~ suppressWarnings(Drawdowns(.x, invert = F)) %>% last()) * 100
rownames(dfCurrDD) <- "Current Drawdown"
dfRecovery <- dfDailyReturnsAssets %>%
dplyr::summarise_if(is_bare_double, ~ suppressWarnings(cumulativeReturnFromWorstDrawdown(.x))) * 100
rownames(dfRecovery) <- "From Bottom"
if(is.null(dim(dfMaxDD))) {
dim(dfMaxDD) <- c(1, 1)
colnames(dfMaxDD) <- colnames(dfReturnsAssets)
rownames(dfMaxDD) <- "Worst Drawdown"
dfPerf <- table.AnnualizedReturns(dfReturnsAssets, scale=12, Rf=dfReturnsRiskFree)
dfPerf[c(1,2),] <- dfPerf[c(1,2),] * 100
rownames(dfPerf)[3] <- str_replace(row.names(dfPerf)[3], "Annualized ", "")
dfPerf <- rbind(dfPerf, dfMaxDD, dfCurrDD, dfRecovery)
dfPerf <- format(round(dfPerf, digits = 2), justify = 'right', nsmall = 2, scientific = F)
dfPerf[1,] <- paste0(dfPerf[1,], "%")
dfPerf[2,] <- paste0(dfPerf[2,], "%")
dfPerf[4,] <- paste0(dfPerf[4,], "%")
dfPerf[5,] <- paste0(dfPerf[5,], "%")
dfPerf[6,] <- paste0(dfPerf[6,], "%")
if(showReturnsOnly) {
dfPerf <- dfPerf %>% head(1)
} else if(!showRecovery) {
dfPerf <- dfPerf %>% head(5)
rownames_prefix <- paste(firstYearMonthPast,"-",lastYearMonth)
rownames(dfPerf) <- paste(rownames_prefix,rownames(dfPerf))
# add an empty line between performance segments
mEmpty <- matrix(data=colnames(dfPerf), nrow=1, ncol=ncol(dfPerf)) ; dfEmpty <- data.frame(mEmpty)
colnames(dfEmpty) <- colnames(dfPerf)
rownames(dfEmpty) <- paste0(rep(" ", ctr), collapse="")
ctr <- ctr+1
if(ishtmlOutput) {
if(nrow(dfPerfFinal)==0) dfPerfFinal <- dfPerf else dfPerfFinal <- rbind(dfPerfFinal, dfPerf)
} else {
if(nrow(dfPerfFinal)==0) dfPerfFinal <- dfPerf else dfPerfFinal <- rbind(dfPerfFinal, dfEmpty, dfPerf)
# Returns the nearest number from raw number that is a multiple of m
getNearestMultipleOf <- function(rawNumber, m) {
remainder <- rawNumber %% m
nearestNumber <- ifelse((remainder + 1e-10) > (m/2), rawNumber + m - remainder, rawNumber - remainder)
# Returns date breaks depending upon the span
getDateBreaks <- function(vDates) {
firstYear <- lubridate::year(first(vDates))
lastYear <- lubridate::year(last(vDates))
yearDiff <- lastYear - firstYear
yearLabels <- c(firstYear:lastYear)
yearBreaks <- "1 year"
if(yearDiff > 70) {
yearLabels <- yearLabels[yearLabels %% 10 == 0]
yearBreaks <- "10 years"
else if(yearDiff > 12) {
yearLabels <- yearLabels[yearLabels %% 4 == 0]
yearBreaks <- "4 years"
} else if(yearDiff > 1) {
yearLabels <- yearLabels[yearLabels %% 2 == 0]
yearBreaks <- "2 years"
dateBreaks <- seq.Date(from = as.Date(paste0(first(yearLabels), "-01-01")),
to = as.Date(paste0(last(yearLabels), "-12-31")),
by = yearBreaks)
# get Risk Free Symbols
getRiskFreeRatesSymbols <- function() {
# get Futures Symbols
getFuturesSymbols <- function() {
vCURR <- c("AD","BP","CD","CU","JY","MP","NE","RF","RP","RY","SF")
names(vCURR) <- rep("CURR", length(vCURR))
vRATE <- c("BAX","ED","FEI","FES","FSS","JEY","YBA")
names(vRATE) <- rep("RATE", length(vRATE))
vBOND <- c("CGB","EBL","EBM","EBS","FLG","FV","JGB","TU","TY","US","YTC","YTT")
names(vBOND) <- rep("RATE", length(vBOND))
vSTOX <- c("EMD","ES","FCH","FDX","FFI","HCE","HSI","IFS","JNI","JTI","KOS","MFX","NQ","SIN","SMI","SSG","STW","SXE","SXF","TF","YAP","YM")
names(vSTOX) <- rep("STOX", length(vSTOX))
vAGRI <- c("BO","C","CC","CT","FC","JRU","KC","KW","LB","LC","LH","O","OJ","PB","RR","RS","S","SB","SM","W")
names(vAGRI) <- rep("AGRI", length(vAGRI))
vENMT <- c("CL2","HO2","LCO","LGO","NG2","RB2","GC2","HG2","PA2","PL2","SI2")
names(vENMT) <- rep("ENMT", length(vENMT))
vSymbols <- c(vCURR, vRATE, vBOND, vSTOX, vAGRI, vENMT)
# get most recent rebalance date: Last month if the current date is within 3 weeks from the beginning of month, else latest rebalance date
getMostRecentRebalanceDate <- function(vRebalanceDates) {
vRebalanceDates <- as.Date(as.character(vRebalanceDates))
currentDate <- Sys.Date()
if(lubridate::mday(currentDate) < 25 & (month(currentDate) == month(dplyr::last(vRebalanceDates)))) {
lastRebalanceDate <- dplyr::nth(vRebalanceDates, -2)
} else {
lastRebalanceDate <- dplyr::nth(vRebalanceDates, -1)
# get business days calendar for futures
getFuturesBusinessDates <- function(startDate, endDate) {
dts <- seq.Date(as.Date(startDate), as.Date(endDate), by=1)
weekdts <- weekdays(dts)
bizdts <- dts[!(weekdts %in% c("Sat","Sun","Saturday","Sunday"))] # exclude Saturdays & Sundays
bizdts <- bizdts[!(lubridate::month(bizdts)==1 & lubridate::day(bizdts)==1)] # exclude Jan 1
#PRE: User-defined operator - x and y are vectors
#POST: returns a logical vector of length(x) where x is not in y
`%notin%` <- function(x, y) !(`%in%`(x, y))
#PRE: x is a numeric vector with arbitrary number of decimal places
#POST: returns a character vector with values upto d significant decimals
getSignificantDigits <- function(x, d=8) {
format(round(x, d), nsmall=d, scientific=F)
#PRE: x is a numeric or character/factor vector
#POST: returns the value which has the highest frequency, i.e. mode
find_mode <- function(x) {
ux <- unique(x)
ux[which.max(tabulate(match(x, ux)))]
#PRE: x is a numeric vector
#POST: returns the k-period percent difference similar to quantmod::Delt function
pct_diff_lagging <- function(x, k = 1) {
return(x/dplyr::lag(x, n = k) - 1)
pct_diff_leading <- function(x, k = 1) {
return(x/dplyr::lead(x, n = k) - 1)
#PRE: contract is of the form where last 6 digits are 201403
#POST: convert the month digits to characters 2014H
replaceByMonthChar <- function(contract) {
vMthDigits <- c("01", "02", "03", "04", "05", "06", "07", "08", "09", "10", "11", "12")
vMthChar <- c("F", "G", "H", "J", "K", "M", "N", "Q", "U", "V", "X", "Z")
names(vMthDigits) <- vMthChar
mthChar <- ""
mthDigits <- substr(contract, nchar(contract)-1, nchar(contract)) # last 2 characters
i <- match(mthDigits, vMthDigits)
mthChar <- names(vMthDigits[i])
contract <- paste(substr(contract, 1, nchar(contract)-2), mthChar, sep="")
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