
Defines functions plot_importance print_scoring_table transform_df_fixed get_cut_vec AutoScore_impute induce_informative_missing induce_median_missing check_predictor check_data getmode assign_score add_baseline change_reference compute_descriptive_table split_data plot_auc plot_predicted_risk find_possible_scores make_design_mat find_one_inds

Documented in add_baseline assign_score change_reference check_data check_predictor compute_descriptive_table find_one_inds find_possible_scores get_cut_vec induce_informative_missing induce_median_missing make_design_mat plot_auc plot_importance plot_predicted_risk print_scoring_table split_data transform_df_fixed

# For plotting predicted risk (binary & ordinal) -----

#' Internal function: Find column indices in design matrix that should be 1
#' @param x_inds A list of column indices corresponding to each final variable.
find_one_inds <- function(x_inds) {
  if (length(x_inds) < 2) stop(simpleError("Should have at least 2 variables"))
  for (x1 in x_inds[[1]]) {
    for (x2 in x_inds[[2]]) {
      paste(x1, x2, sep = ";")
  x_first2 <- unlist(lapply(x_inds[[1]], function(x1) {
    lapply(x_inds[[2]], function(x2) paste(x1, x2, sep = ";"))
  if (length(x_inds) == 2) {
  } else {
    unlist(find_one_inds(c(list(x_first2), x_inds[-(1:2)])))
#' Internal function: Based on \code{find_one_inds}, make a design matrix to
#' compute all scores attainable.
#' @param one_inds Output from \code{find_one_inds}.
make_design_mat <- function(one_inds) {
  one_inds_num <- do.call("rbind", lapply(one_inds, function(one_ind) {
    as.integer(unlist(strsplit(x = one_ind, split = ";")))
  x_mat <- matrix(0, nrow = nrow(one_inds_num), ncol = max(one_inds_num))
  for (i in 1:nrow(one_inds_num)) x_mat[i, one_inds_num[i, ]] <- 1
#' Internal function: Compute all scores attainable.
#' @param final_variables	A vector containing the list of selected variables.
#' @param scoring_table The final scoring table after fine-tuning.
#' @return Returns a numeric vector of all scores attainable.
find_possible_scores <- function(final_variables, scoring_table) {
  x_inds <- list()
  n_prev <- 0
  for (i in seq_along(final_variables)) {
    score_table_tmp <- scoring_table[grepl(final_variables[i], names(scoring_table))]
    len <- length(score_table_tmp)
    x_inds[[i]] <- 1:len + n_prev
    n_prev <- n_prev + len
  one_inds <- find_one_inds(x_inds)
  x_mat <- make_design_mat(one_inds = one_inds)
  scores <- x_mat %*% scoring_table
#' AutoScore function for binary and ordinal outcomes: Plot predicted risk
#' @param pred_score Output from \code{\link{AutoScore_testing}} (for binary
#'   outcomes) or \code{\link{AutoScore_testing_Ordinal}} (for ordinal
#'   outcomes).
#' @param link (For ordinal outcome only) The link function used in ordinal
#'   regression, which must be the same as the value used to build the risk
#'   score. Default is \code{"logit"} for proportional odds model.
#' @param max_score Maximum total score (Default: 100).
#' @param final_variables A vector containing the list of selected variables,
#'   selected from Step(ii) \code{\link{AutoScore_parsimony}} (for binary
#'   outcomes) or \code{\link{AutoScore_parsimony_Ordinal}} (for ordinal
#'   outcomes).
#' @param scoring_table The final scoring table after fine-tuning, generated
#'   from STEP(iv) \code{\link{AutoScore_fine_tuning}} (for binary outcomes) or
#'   \code{\link{AutoScore_fine_tuning_Ordinal}} (for ordinal outcomes).
#' @param point_size Size of points in the plot. Default is 0.5.
#' @export
#' @importFrom dplyr mutate
#' @importFrom tidyr pivot_longer
#' @importFrom magrittr %>%
#' @import ggplot2
#' @importFrom plotly ggplotly layout subplot
#' @importFrom rlang .data
plot_predicted_risk <- function(pred_score, link = "logit", max_score = 100,
                                final_variables, scoring_table, point_size = 0.5) {
  n_class <- length(unique(pred_score$Label))
  z <- seq(from = 0, to = max_score, by = 1)
  if (n_class == 2) {
    glm_model <- glm(Label ~ pred_score, family = "binomial", data = pred_score)
    pred_risk <- predict(object = glm_model, newdata = data.frame(pred_score = z),
                         type = "response")
    pred_risk <- data.frame(outcome = pred_risk)
  } else {
    link <- check_link(link = link)
    # Compute theoretical predicted risk
    clm_model <- ordinal::clm(ordered(Label) ~ pred_score, link = link,
                              data = pred_score)
    pred_risk <- estimate_p_mat(theta = clm_model$alpha, z = clm_model$beta * z,
                                link = link)
    names(pred_risk) <- 1:ncol(pred_risk)
  # Proportion of subjects with each score value:
  p_scores <- table(pred_score$pred_score) / nrow(pred_score)
  ps <- data.frame(Score = as.numeric(names(p_scores)),
                   Proportion = as.numeric(p_scores)) %>%
    ggplot(aes_string(x = "Score", y = "Proportion")) +
    coord_cartesian(xlim = c(0, max_score)) +
    geom_bar(stat = "identity") +
    labs(y = "Proportion\nof subjects") +
    theme_classic() +
    theme(panel.grid.major = element_line(color = "grey90"),
          panel.grid.minor = element_line(color = "grey90"),
          axis.text = element_text(size = 12))
  possible_scores <- find_possible_scores(final_variables = final_variables,
                                          scoring_table = scoring_table)
  dat_plot <- data.frame(Score = z, pred_risk, check.names = FALSE) %>%
    pivot_longer(-.data$Score, names_to = "Outcome category",
                 values_to = "Predicted risk") %>%
    mutate(add_point = .data$Score %in% possible_scores)
  p <- dat_plot %>%
    ggplot(aes_string(x = "Score", y = "`Predicted risk`", color = "`Outcome category`")) +
    coord_cartesian(ylim = c(0, 1)) +
    geom_line() +
    geom_point(data = dat_plot[dat_plot$add_point, ],
               aes_string(x = "Score", y = "`Predicted risk`"), size = point_size) +
    labs(title = "Points indicate attainable final scores", x = "Score") +
    theme_classic() +
    theme(legend.position = "bottom",
          panel.grid.major = element_line(color = "grey90"),
          panel.grid.minor = element_line(color = "grey90"),
          axis.text = element_text(size = 12))
  ps_title <- "Proportion of subjects"
  if (n_class == 2) p <- p + theme(legend.position = "none")
    plotly::ggplotly(ps), nrows = 2, heights = c(5, 2) / 7, margin = 0.08,
    shareX = FALSE, shareY = TRUE, titleX = TRUE

# For parsimony plot (all outcomes) -----

#' Internal function: Make parsimony plot
#' @inheritParams AutoScore_parsimony
#' @param AUC A vector of AUC values (or mAUC for ordinal outcomes).
#' @param variables A vector of variable names
#' @param num A vector of indices for AUC values to plot. Default is to plot all.
#' @param ylab Title of y-axis
#' @param title Plot title
#' @import ggplot2
plot_auc <- function(AUC, variables, num = seq_along(variables),
                     auc_lim_min, auc_lim_max,
                     ylab = "Mean Area Under the Curve",
                     title = "Parsimony plot on the validation set") {
  if (auc_lim_max == "adaptive") {
    auc_lim_max <- max(AUC)
  dt <- data.frame(AUC = AUC, variables = factor(variables, levels = variables),
                   num = num)
  p <- ggplot(data = dt, mapping = aes_string(x = "variables", y = "AUC")) +
    geom_bar(stat = "identity", fill = "steelblue") +
    coord_cartesian(ylim = c(auc_lim_min, auc_lim_max)) +
    theme_bw() +
    labs(x = "", y = ylab, title = title) +
    theme(legend.position = "none",
          axis.text = element_text(size = 12),
          axis.text.x = element_text(angle = 90, vjust = 0.5, hjust = 1))
  # Add number of variables to bar (resolves previous warning regarding dt$num):
  if (nrow(dt) >= 100) {
    p + geom_text(data = dt, aes_string(label = "num"),
                  vjust = 1.5, colour = "white", angle = 90)
  } else {
    p + geom_text(data = dt, aes_string(label = "num"),
                  vjust = 1.5, colour = "white")

# For non-plot tasks (all outcomes) -----

#' @title AutoScore Function: Automatically splitting dataset to train,
#'   validation and test set, possibly stratified by label
#' @param data The dataset to be split
#' @param ratio The ratio for dividing dataset into training, validation and
#'   testing set. (Default: c(0.7, 0.1, 0.2))
#' @param cross_validation If set to \code{TRUE}, cross-validation would be used
#'   for generating parsimony plot, which is suitable for small-size data.
#'   Default to \code{FALSE}
#' @param strat_by_label If set to \code{TRUE}, data splitting is stratified on
#'   the outcome variable. Default to \code{FALSE}
#' @return Returns a list containing training, validation and testing set
#' @examples
#' data("sample_data")
#' names(sample_data)[names(sample_data) == "Mortality_inpatient"] <- "label"
#' set.seed(4)
#' #large sample size
#' out_split <- split_data(data = sample_data, ratio = c(0.7, 0.1, 0.2))
#' #small sample size
#' out_split <- split_data(data = sample_data, ratio = c(0.7, 0, 0.3),
#'                         cross_validation = TRUE)
#' #large sample size, stratified
#' out_split <- split_data(data = sample_data, ratio = c(0.7, 0.1, 0.2),
#'                         strat_by_label = TRUE)
#' @export
split_data <- function(data, ratio, cross_validation = FALSE,
                       strat_by_label = FALSE) {
  data <- as.data.frame(data)
  ratio <- ratio / sum(ratio)
  if (!strat_by_label) {
    n <- nrow(data)
    test_ratio <- ratio[3]
    validation_ratio <- ratio[2]
    test_index <- sample((1:n), test_ratio * n)
    validate_index <- sample((1:n)[!(1:n) %in% test_index], validation_ratio * n)
    # non cross validation: default
    if (cross_validation == FALSE) {
      train_set <- data[-c(validate_index, test_index), ]
      test_set <- data[test_index, ]
      validation_set <- data[validate_index, ]
    } else {# cross validation: train = validation
      train_set <- data[-c(test_index),]
      test_set <- data[test_index,]
      validation_set <- train_set
  } else {
    index_list <- lapply(levels(data$label), function(j) {
      n_j <- which(data$label == j)
      ind_test <- sample(n_j, round(ratio[3] * length(n_j)), replace = FALSE)
      ind_val <- sample(setdiff(n_j, ind_test), round(ratio[2] * length(n_j)),
                        replace = FALSE)
      list(test = ind_test, val = ind_val)
    index_test <- unlist(lapply(index_list, function(l) l$test))
    index_validation <- unlist(lapply(index_list, function(l) l$val))
    # non cross validation: default
    if (cross_validation == FALSE) {
      train_set <- data[-unlist(index_list), ]
      test_set <- data[index_test, ]
      validation_set <- data[index_validation, ]
    } else {# cross validation: train = validation
      train_set <- data[-c(index_test),]
      test_set <- data[index_test,]
      validation_set <- train_set
  return(list(train_set = train_set, validation_set = validation_set,
              test_set = test_set))
#' @title AutoScore function: Descriptive Analysis
#' @description Compute descriptive table (usually Table 1 in the medical
#'   literature) for the dataset.
#' @param df data frame after checking and fulfilling the requirement of AutoScore
#' @param ... additional parameters to pass to
#'   \code{\link[tableone]{print.TableOne}} and \code{\link[knitr]{kable}}.
#' @examples
#' data("sample_data")
#' names(sample_data)[names(sample_data) == "Mortality_inpatient"] <- "label"
#' compute_descriptive_table(sample_data)
#' # Report median and IQR (instead of default mean and SD) for Age, and add a
#' # caption to printed table:
#' compute_descriptive_table(sample_data, nonnormal = "Age",
#'                           caption = "Table 1. Patient characteristics")
#' @return No return value and the result of the descriptive analysis will be printed out.
#' @export
#' @import tableone
compute_descriptive_table <- function(df, ...) {
  label_name <- "label"
  surv_labels <- c("label_time", "label_status")
  if (all(surv_labels %in% names(df))) label_name <- surv_labels[2]
  descriptive_table <- CreateTableOne(vars = names(df), strata = label_name,
                                      data = df, addOverall = TRUE)
  kableone(descriptive_table, ...)

#' @title Internal Function: Change Reference category after first-step logistic regression (part of AutoScore Module 3)
#' @param df A \code{data.frame} used for logistic regression
#' @param coef_vec Generated from logistic regression
#' @return Processed \code{data.frame} after changing reference category
change_reference <- function(df, coef_vec) {
  # delete label first
  df_tmp <- subset(df, select = names(df)[!names(df) %in% c("label", "label_time", "label_status")])
  names(coef_vec) <- gsub("[`]", "", names(coef_vec)) # remove the possible "`" in the names

  # one loops to go through all variable
  for (i in (1:length(df_tmp))) {
    var_name <- names(df_tmp)[i]
    var_levels <- levels(df_tmp[, i])
    var_coef_names <- paste0(var_name, var_levels)
    coef_i <- coef_vec[which(names(coef_vec) %in% var_coef_names)]
    # if min(coef_tmp)<0, the current lowest one will be used for reference
    if (min(coef_i) < 0) {
      ref <-
        var_levels[which(var_coef_names == names(coef_i)[which.min(coef_i)])]
      df_tmp[, i] <- relevel(df_tmp[, i], ref = ref)
    # char_tmp <- paste("^", names(df_tmp)[i], sep = "")
    # coef_tmp <- coef_vec[grepl(char_tmp, names(coef_vec))]
    # coef_tmp <- coef_tmp[!is.na(coef_tmp)]

    # if min(coef_tmp)<0, the current lowest one will be used for reference
    # if (min(coef_tmp) < 0) {
    #   ref <- gsub(names(df_tmp)[i], "", names(coef_tmp)[which.min(coef_tmp)])
    #   df_tmp[, i] <- relevel(df_tmp[, i], ref = ref)
    # }

  # add label again
  if(!is.null(df$label))  df_tmp$label <- df$label
  df_tmp$label_time <- df$label_time
  df_tmp$label_status <- df$label_status}

#' @title Internal Function: Add baselines after second-step logistic regression (part of AutoScore Module 3)
#' @param df A \code{data.frame} used for logistic regression
#' @param coef_vec Generated from logistic regression
#' @return Processed \code{vector} for generating the scoring table
add_baseline <- function(df, coef_vec) {
  names(coef_vec) <- gsub("[`]", "", names(coef_vec)) # remove the possible "`" in the names
  df <- subset(df, select = names(df)[!names(df) %in% c("label", "label_time", "label_status")])
  coef_names_all <- unlist(lapply(names(df), function(var_name) {
    paste0(var_name, levels(df[, var_name]))
  coef_vec_all <- numeric(length(coef_names_all))
  names(coef_vec_all) <- coef_names_all
  # Remove items in coef_vec that are not meant to be in coef_vec_all
  # (i.e., the intercept)
  coef_vec_core <-
    coef_vec[which(names(coef_vec) %in% names(coef_vec_all))]
  i_coef <-
    match(x = names(coef_vec_core),
          table = names(coef_vec_all))
  coef_vec_all[i_coef] <- coef_vec_core

#' @title Internal Function: Automatically assign scores to each subjects given new data set and scoring table (Used for intermediate and final evaluation)
#' @param df A \code{data.frame} used for testing, where variables keep before categorization
#' @param score_table A \code{vector} containing the scoring table
#' @return Processed \code{data.frame} with assigned scores for each variables
assign_score <- function(df, score_table) {
  for (i in setdiff(names(df), c("label", "label_time", "label_status"))) {
    score_table_tmp <-
      score_table[grepl(i, names(score_table))]
    df[, i] <- as.character(df[, i])
    for (j in 1:length(names(score_table_tmp))) {
      df[, i][df[, i] %in% gsub(i, "", names(score_table_tmp)[j])] <-

    df[, i] <- as.numeric(df[, i])


getmode <- function(vect) {
  uniqvect <- unique(vect)
  freq <- tabulate(match(vect, uniqvect))
  mode_tmp <- uniqvect[which.max(freq)]
  if (is.na(mode_tmp)){
    mode_tmp <- uniqvect[order(freq, decreasing=T)[2]]

#' @title AutoScore function for datasets with binary outcomes: Check whether the input dataset fulfill the requirement of the AutoScore
#' @param data The data to be checked
#' @examples
#' data("sample_data")
#' names(sample_data)[names(sample_data) == "Mortality_inpatient"] <- "label"
#' check_data(sample_data)
#' @return No return value, the result of the checking will be printed out.
#' @export
check_data <- function(data) {
  #1. check label and binary
  if (!"label" %in% names(data))
      "ERROR: for this dataset: These is no dependent variable 'label' to indicate the outcome. Please add one first\n"
  if (length(levels(factor(data$label))) != 2)
    warning("Please keep outcome label variable binary\n")

#' Internal function: Check predictors
#' @param data_predictor Predictors to be checked
#' @return No return value, the result of the checking will be printed out.
check_predictor <- function(data_predictor) {
  data <- data_predictor
  data <- as.data.frame(data, check.names = FALSE)
  symbol_vec <- c(",", "\\[", "]", "\\(", ")")
  any_error <- FALSE
  # Check for error ----
  # 1. Checking variable names
  name_has_symbol <- lapply(names(data), function(x_name) {
    unlist(lapply(symbol_vec, function(s) grepl(pattern = s, x = x_name)))
  if (any(unlist(name_has_symbol))) {
    any_error <- TRUE
      "WARNING: Special character detected in variable names -----\n"
    for (i in seq_along(names(data))) {
      has_symb <- name_has_symbol[[i]]
      if (any(has_symb)) {
          " * Variable name '%s' has symbols '%s'.\n", names(data)[i], paste(symbol_vec[which(has_symb)], collapse = "','")
    message(simpleMessage("SUGGESTED ACTION: For each variable name above, consider relpacing special characters by '_'.\n"))
  # Check for duplicated/nested name
  name_dup <- lapply(names(data), function(i) {
    # If any variable name has opening bracket but no closing bracket, cannot
    # search for it. Manually handle these
    if (grepl(pattern = "\\(", x = i) && !grepl(pattern = ")", x = i)) {
      i <- paste(unlist(strsplit(x = i, split = "\\(")), collapse = "\\(")
    if (grepl(pattern = "\\[", x = i) && !grepl(pattern = "]", x = i)) {
      i <- paste(unlist(strsplit(x = i, split = "\\[")), collapse = "\\[")
    if (sum(grepl(i, names(data))) > 1) {
      a <- names(data)[grepl(i, names(data))]
      a[a != i]
  n_name_dup <- unlist(lapply(name_dup, length))
  if (sum(n_name_dup) > 0) {
    i_dup <- which(n_name_dup > 0)
      "\nWARNING: Duplicated/nested variable names detected: -----\n"
    for (i in i_dup) {
        " * Variable name '%s' duplicated/nested in variables: '%s'.\n", 
        names(data)[i], paste(name_dup[[i]], collapse = "','")
    message(simpleMessage("SUGGESTED ACTION: For each variable above, please rename them using 'names(*your_data*)' before using the AutoScore. Consider appending '_1', '_2', etc, to variable names.\n"))
  # 2. Check levels for factors 
  i_factors <- which(unlist(lapply(data, is.factor)))
  if (length(i_factors) > 0) {
    data_f <- data[, i_factors]
    if (length(i_factors) == 1) {
      data_f <- data.frame(data_f)
      names(data_f) <- names(data)[i_factors]
    nlevels_gt_10 <- unlist(lapply(data_f, nlevels)) > 10
    if (any(nlevels_gt_10)) {
      any_error <- TRUE
        "\nWARNING: Too many categories (>10) in variables: '%s' -----\n",
        paste(names(i_factors[which(nlevels_gt_10)]), collapse = "','")
    level_has_symbol <- unlist(lapply(data_f, function(x) {
      any(grepl(pattern = ",", x = levels(x)))
    if (any(level_has_symbol)) {
      any_error <- TRUE
        "\nWARNING: Special character ',' detected in categorical variables: '%s'. -----\nSUGGESTED ACTION: For each variable above, use 'levels(*your_variable*)' to change the name of the levels before using the AutoScore. Consider replacing ',' with '_'.\n",
  # 3. Check if any variable is character instead of factor
  i_character <- which(unlist(lapply(data, function(x_i) {
    (!is.factor(x_i) && !is.numeric(x_i) && !is.integer(x_i) && 
  if (length(i_character) > 0) {
    any_error <- TRUE
      "\nWARNING: Variables coded as character instead of factor: '%s' -----\nSUGGESTED ACTION: Convert each variable above to factor (using 'data$xxx  <- as.factor(data$xxx))') or numeric (using 'data$xxx  <- as.numeric(data$xxx))') as appropriate before using AutoScore.\n",
      paste(names(i_character), collapse = "','")
  # If no error, print message
  if (!any_error) {
    message(simpleMessage("Data type check passed. \n"))
  } else {
    message(simpleMessage("\n!!IMPORTANT: Please check data again for other potential issues after handling all issues reported above.\n"))
  # Check for missing ----
  missing_rate <- colSums(is.na(data))
  if (sum(missing_rate) == 0) {
    message(simpleMessage("No NA in data. \n"))
  } else {
    n_missing <- missing_rate[which(missing_rate > 0)]
    tb_missing <- data.frame(
      `Variable name` = names(n_missing), 
      `No. missing` = n_missing, 
      `%missing` = round(n_missing / nrow(data) * 100, 2),
      check.names = FALSE
    message(simpleMessage("\nWARNING: NA detected in data: -----\n"))
    message(simpleMessage("SUGGESTED ACTION:\n * Consider imputation and supply AutoScore with complete data.\n"))
      " * Alternatively, AutoScore can handle missing values as a separate 'Unknown' category, IF:\n", 
      "    - you believe the missingness in your dataset is informative, AND\n",
      "    - missing is prevalent enough that you prefer to preserve them as NA rather than removing or doing imputation, AND\n",
      "    - missing is not too prevalent, which may make results unstable.\n"

#' Internal function: induce informative missing in a single variable
#' @param x Variable to induce missing in.
#' @inheritParams induce_informative_missing
induce_median_missing <- function(x, prop_missing) {
  if (anyNA(x)) stop(simpleError("x already has missing."))
  x_mdn <- median(x)
  sqr_diff <- (x - x_mdn) ^ 2
  # Probability of missing is based on square difference from median: smaller
  # difference means higher probability
  # Handle 0 difference:
  p <- 1 / sqr_diff
  p <- ifelse(sqr_diff == 0, min(p), p)
  i_na <- sample(x = 1:length(x), size = round(prop_missing * length(x)),
                 replace = FALSE, prob = p)
  x[i_na] <- NA

# For missing-realted issues -----

#' Internal function: induce informative missing to sample data in the package
#' to demonstrate how AutoScore handles missing as a separate category
#' @details Assume subjects with normal values (i.e., values close to the
#'   median) are more likely to not have measurements.
#' @param df A data.frame of sample data.
#' @param vars_to_induce Names of variables to induce informative missing in.
#'   Default is c("Lab_A", "Vital_A").
#' @param prop_missing Proportion of missing to induce for each
#'   \code{vars_to_induce}. Can be a single value for a common proportion for
#'   all variables (default is 0.4), or a vector with same length as
#'   \code{vars_to_induce}.
#' @return Returns \code{df} with selected columns modified to have missing.
induce_informative_missing <- function(df, vars_to_induce = c("Lab_A", "Vital_A"),
                                       prop_missing = 0.4) {
  # Only work on variable names that can be found in df:
  vars_not_in <- vars_to_induce[which(!vars_to_induce %in% names(df))]
  if (length(vars_not_in) > 0) {
      "The following variables are not in df and are ignored:", toString(vars_not_in)
  vars_to_induce <- setdiff(vars_to_induce, vars_not_in)
  prop_missing <- unlist(as.numeric(prop_missing))
  if (length(prop_missing) == 1) {
    prop_missing <- rep(prop_missing, length = length(vars_to_induce))
  if (length(prop_missing) != length(vars_to_induce)) {
      "prop_missing should be either a single value or a vector of length",
  names(prop_missing) <- vars_to_induce
  # Induce missing to each variable:
  for (var in vars_to_induce) {
    df[, var] <- induce_median_missing(x = df[, var], prop_missing = prop_missing[var])

AutoScore_impute <- function(train_set, validation_set = NULL){
  n_train <- nrow(train_set)
  df <- rbind(train_set, validation_set)
  for (i in 1:ncol(df)){
    # print(names(df)[i])
    if (names(df)[i] == "label" & sum(is.na(df[, i])) > 0){
      stop("There are missing values in the outcome: label! Please fix it and try again")

    if (names(df)[i] == "label_time" & sum(is.na(df[, i])) > 0){
      stop("There are missing values in the outcome: label_time!Please fix it and try again")

    if (names(df)[i] == "label_status" & sum(is.na(df[, i])) > 0){
      stop("There are missing values in the outcome:lable_status!Please fix it and try again")

    var = df[1:n_train, i]
    if (is.factor(df[, i]) & sum(is.na(df[, i])) > 0){
      df[is.na(df[, i]), i] <- getmode(var)
    } else if (is.numeric(var) & sum(is.na(var)) > 0) {
      df[is.na(df[, i]), i] <- median(var, na.rm=T)

  if (is.null(validation_set)){
  } else {
    train_set <- df[1:n_train, ]
    validation_set <- df[(n_train+1):nrow(df), ]
    return(list("train" = train_set, "validation" = validation_set))

#' @title Internal function: Calculate cut_vec from the training set (AutoScore Module 2)
#' @param df training set to be used for calculate the cut vector
#' @param categorize  Methods for categorize continuous variables. Options include "quantile" or "kmeans" (Default: "quantile").
#' @param quantiles Predefined quantiles to convert continuous variables to categorical ones. (Default: c(0, 0.05, 0.2, 0.8, 0.95, 1)) Available if \code{categorize = "quantile"}.
#' @param max_cluster The max number of cluster (Default: 5). Available if \code{categorize = "kmeans"}.
#' @return cut_vec for \code{transform_df_fixed}
get_cut_vec <-
           quantiles = c(0, 0.05, 0.2, 0.8, 0.95, 1),
           #by default
           max_cluster = 5,
           categorize = "quantile") {
    # Generate cut_vec for downstream usage
    cut_vec <- list()

    for (i in setdiff(names(df), c("label", "label_time", "label_status"))) {
      # for factor variable
      if (is.factor(df[, i])) {
        if (length(levels(df[, i])) < 10)
          #(next)() else stop("ERROR: The number of categories should be less than 10")
          warning("WARNING: The number of categories should be less than 10",

      ## mode 1 - quantiles
      if (categorize == "quantile") {
        # options(scipen = 20)
        #print("in quantile")
        cut_off_tmp <- quantile(df[, i], quantiles, na.rm=T)
        cut_off_tmp <- unique(cut_off_tmp)
        cut_off <- signif(cut_off_tmp, 3)  # remain 3 digits

        ## mode 2 k-means clustering
      } else if (categorize == "k_means") {
        #print("using k-means")
        clusters <- kmeans(na.omit(df[, i]), max_cluster)
        cut_off_tmp <- c()
        for (j in unique(clusters$cluster)) {
          cut_off_tmp <-
            append(cut_off_tmp, min(df[, i][clusters$cluster == j], na.rm=T))
        cut_off_tmp <- append(cut_off_tmp, max(df[, i], na.rm=T))
        cut_off_tmp <- sort(cut_off_tmp)
        #assert (length(cut_off_tmp) == 6)
        cut_off_tmp <- unique(cut_off_tmp)
        cut_off <- signif(cut_off_tmp, 3)
        cut_off <- unique(cut_off)
        #print (cut_off)

      } else {
        stop('ERROR: please specify correct method for categorizing:  "quantile" or "k_means".')

      l <- list(cut_off)
      names(l)[1] <- i
      cut_vec <- append(cut_vec, l)
    ## delete min and max for each cut-off (min and max will be captured in the new dataset)
    if (length(cut_vec) != 0) { ## in case all the variables are categorical
      for (i in 1:length(cut_vec)) {
        if (length(cut_vec[[i]]) <= 2)
          cut_vec[[i]] <- c("let_binary")
          cut_vec[[i]] <- cut_vec[[i]][2:(length(cut_vec[[i]]) - 1)]


#' @title Internal function: Categorizing continuous variables based on cut_vec (AutoScore Module 2)
#' @param df dataset(training, validation or testing) to be processed
#' @param cut_vec fixed cut vector
#' @return  Processed \code{data.frame} after categorizing based on fixed cut_vec
#' @export
transform_df_fixed <- function(df, cut_vec) {
  j <- 1

  # for loop going through all variables
  for (i in setdiff(names(df), c("label", "label_time", "label_status"))) {
    if (is.factor(df[, i])) {
      df[, i] <- factor(car::recode(var = df[, i], recodes = "NA = 'Unknown'"))
      if (length(levels(df[, i])) < 10)
        stop("ERROR: The number of categories should be less than 9")

    ## make conresponding cutvec for validation_set: cut_vec_new
    vec <- df[, i]
    cut_vec_new <- cut_vec[[j]]

    if (cut_vec_new[1] == "let_binary") {
      vec[vec != getmode(vec)] <- paste0("not_", getmode(vec))
      vec <- as.factor(vec)
      df[, i] <- vec
    } else{
      if (min(vec, na.rm=T) < cut_vec[[j]][1])
        cut_vec_new <- c(floor(min(df[, i], na.rm=T)) - 100, cut_vec_new)
      if (max(vec, na.rm=T) >= cut_vec[[j]][length(cut_vec[[j]])])
        cut_vec_new <- c(cut_vec_new, ceiling(max(df[, i], na.rm=T) + 100))

      cut_vec_new_tmp <- signif(cut_vec_new, 3)
      cut_vec_new_tmp <- unique(cut_vec_new_tmp)  ###revised update##
      df_i_tmp <-  cut(
        df[, i],
        breaks = cut_vec_new_tmp,
        right = F,
        include.lowest = F,
        dig.lab = 3
      # xmin<-as.character(min(cut_vec_new_tmp)) xmax<-as.character(max(cut_vec_new_tmp))

      ## delete min and max for the Interval after discretion: validation_set
      if (min(vec, na.rm=T) < cut_vec[[j]][1])
        levels(df_i_tmp)[1] <- gsub(".*,", "(,", levels(df_i_tmp)[1])
      if (max(vec, na.rm=T) >= cut_vec[[j]][length(cut_vec[[j]])])
        levels(df_i_tmp)[length(levels(df_i_tmp))] <-
        gsub(",.*", ",)", levels(df_i_tmp)[length(levels(df_i_tmp))])

      df[, i] <- as.factor(ifelse(is.na(df[, i]), "*Unknown", as.character(df_i_tmp)))


    j <- j + 1

#' @title AutoScore Function: Print scoring tables for visualization
#' @param scoring_table Raw scoring table generated by AutoScore step(iv) \code{\link{AutoScore_fine_tuning}}
#' @param final_variable Final included variables
#' @return Data frame of formatted scoring table
#' @seealso \code{\link{AutoScore_fine_tuning}}, \code{\link{AutoScore_weighting}}
#' @export
#' @importFrom knitr kable
print_scoring_table <- function(scoring_table, final_variable) {
  table_tmp <- data.frame()
  var_name <- names(scoring_table)
  var_name_tmp<-gsub("\\*.*","",var_name_tmp) # for "Unknown" category
  for (i in 1:length(final_variable)) {
    var_tmp <- final_variable[i]
    # num <- grepl(var_tmp, var_name)
    # rank_indicator[which(rank_indicator=="")]<-max(as.numeric(rank_indicator[-which(rank_indicator=="")]))+1
      num <- grep(var_tmp, var_name_tmp)
      if (sum(grepl(",", var_name[num])) == 0) {
        # for categorical variable
        table_1 <-
          data.frame(name = var_name[num], value = unname(scoring_table[num]))
        table_1$rank_indicator <- c(seq(1:nrow(table_1)))
        interval <-
            pattern = var_tmp,
            replacement = "",
        table_1$interval <- interval
        table_2 <- table_1[order(table_1$interval),]
        table_2$variable <- c(var_tmp, rep("", (nrow(table_2) - 1)))
        table_3 <- rbind(table_2, rep("", ncol(table_2)))
        table_tmp <- rbind(table_tmp, table_3)
        num <- grep(paste("^",var_tmp,"$", sep=""), var_name_tmp)
        table_1 <-
          data.frame(name = var_name[num], value = unname(scoring_table[num]))
        rank_indicator <- gsub(".*,", "", table_1$name)
        rank_indicator <-
          gsub(")", "", rank_indicator)
        rank_indicator <-
          gsub(".*\\*", "", rank_indicator) # for "Unknown" category
        rank_indicator[which(rank_indicator == "")] <-
          max(as.numeric(rank_indicator[-which(rank_indicator %in% c("", "Unknown"))])) + 1

        # rank_indicator <- as.numeric(rank_indicator)
        table_1$rank_indicator <- rank_indicator
        if ("Unknown" %in% rank_indicator){
          table_unknown <- table_1[rank_indicator == "Unknown", ]
          table_unknown$interval <- "Unknown"
          table_1 <- table_1[rank_indicator != "Unknown", ]
          table_1$rank_indicator <- as.numeric(table_1$rank_indicator)
        } else {
          table_unknown <- data.frame()
          table_1$rank_indicator <- as.numeric(table_1$rank_indicator)
        table_2 <- table_1[order(table_1$rank_indicator),]

          if (length(rank_indicator[rank_indicator != "Unknown"]) == 2) {
            # table_1$rank_indicator <- rank_indicator
            # table_2 <- table_1[order(table_1$rank_indicator),]
            interval <- c(paste0("<", table_2$rank_indicator[1]))
            interval <-
              c(interval, paste0(">=", table_2$rank_indicator[length(rank_indicator) -
            # table_2$interval <- interval
            # table_2 <- rbind(table_2, table_unknown)
            # table_2$variable <- c(var_tmp, rep("", (nrow(
            #   table_2
            # ) - 1)))
            # table_3 <- rbind(table_2, rep("", ncol(table_2)))
            # table_tmp <- rbind(table_tmp, table_3)
          } else{
            interval <- c(paste0("<", table_2$rank_indicator[1]))
            for (j in 1:(length(table_2$rank_indicator) - 2)) {
              interval <-
                    table_2$rank_indicator[j + 1],
            interval <-
              c(interval, paste0(">=", table_2$rank_indicator[length(rank_indicator) -

          table_2$interval <- interval
          table_2 <- rbind(table_2, table_unknown)
          table_2$variable <- c(var_tmp, rep("", (nrow(
          ) - 1)))
          table_3 <- rbind(table_2, rep("", ncol(table_2)))
          table_tmp <- rbind(table_tmp, table_3)
  table_tmp <- table_tmp[1:(nrow(table_tmp) - 1),]
  table_final <-
      variable = table_tmp$variable,
      interval = table_tmp$interval,
      point = table_tmp$value
  table_kable_format <-
          align = "llc",
          caption = "AutoScore-created scoring model",
          format = "rst")

#' @title Internal Function: Print plotted variable importance
#' @param ranking vector output generated by functions: AutoScore_rank, AutoScore_rank_Survival or AutoScore_rank_Ordinal
#' @seealso \code{\link{AutoScore_rank}}, \code{\link{AutoScore_rank_Survival}}, \code{\link{AutoScore_rank_Ordinal}}
#' @export
#' @import ggplot2
plot_importance <- function(ranking){

  df = data.frame(Imp = ranking, Index = factor(names(ranking), levels = rev(names(ranking))))
  p <- ggplot(data = df, mapping = aes_string(y = "Index", x = "Imp")) +
    geom_bar(stat = "identity", fill = "deepskyblue") +
    scale_y_discrete(expand = expansion(mult = 0, add = 1)) +
    labs(x = "Importance", y = "", title = "Importance Ranking") +
    theme(plot.title = element_text(hjust = 0.5, vjust = 0.3),
          panel.grid.major = element_blank(),
          panel.grid.minor = element_blank(),
          panel.background = element_blank(),
          axis.line = element_line(colour = "black"),
          axis.text = element_text(size = 13.5),
          axis.text.x = element_text(angle = 0, vjust = 0, hjust = 0))
  if(nrow(df) > 25){
    p <- p + theme(axis.text.y = element_text(size = 13.5 - 1.5 * (floor(nrow(df)/21))-1))

nliulab/AutoScore documentation built on July 30, 2024, 5:37 a.m.