.lastNobs <- 0L
.lastCmtCnt <- 0L
#' Convert nlmixr2-compatible data to other formats (if possible)
#' @param model rxode2 model for conversion
#' @param data Input dataset.
#' @param table is the table control; this is mostly to figure out if
#' there are additional columns to keep.
#' @param rxControl is the rxode2 control options; This is to figure
#' out how to handle the addl dosing information.
#' @param env When `NULL` (default) nothing is done. When an
#' environment, the function `nlmixr2est::.foceiPreProcessData(data,
#' env, model, rxControl)` is called on the provided environment.
#' @return
#' With the function `bblDatToMonolix()` return a list with:
#' - Monolix compatible dataset ($monolix)
#' - Monolix ADM information ($adm)
#' With the function `nlmixrDataToNonmem()` return a dataset that is
#' compatible with NONMEM.
#' With the function `nlmixrDataToMrgsolve()` return a dataset that is
#' compatible with `mrgsolve`. Unlike NONMEM, it supports replacement
#' events with `evid=8` (note with `rxode2` replacement `evid` is `5`).
#' With the function `nlmixrDataToRxode()` this will normalize the
#' dataset to use newer `evid` definitions that are closer to NONMEM
#' instead of any classic definitions that are used at a lower level
#' @author Matthew L. Fidler
#' @export
#' @examples
#' pk.turnover.emax3 <- function() {
#' ini({
#' tktr <- log(1)
#' tka <- log(1)
#' tcl <- log(0.1)
#' tv <- log(10)
#' ##
#' eta.ktr ~ 1
#' eta.ka ~ 1
#' eta.cl ~ 2
#' eta.v ~ 1
#' prop.err <- 0.1
#' pkadd.err <- 0.1
#' ##
#' temax <- logit(0.8)
#' tec50 <- log(0.5)
#' tkout <- log(0.05)
#' te0 <- log(100)
#' ##
#' eta.emax ~ .5
#' eta.ec50 ~ .5
#' eta.kout ~ .5
#' eta.e0 ~ .5
#' ##
#' pdadd.err <- 10
#' })
#' model({
#' ktr <- exp(tktr + eta.ktr)
#' ka <- exp(tka + eta.ka)
#' cl <- exp(tcl + eta.cl)
#' v <- exp(tv + eta.v)
#' emax = expit(temax+eta.emax)
#' ec50 = exp(tec50 + eta.ec50)
#' kout = exp(tkout + eta.kout)
#' e0 = exp(te0 + eta.e0)
#' ##
#' DCP = center/v
#' PD=1-emax*DCP/(ec50+DCP)
#' ##
#' effect(0) = e0
#' kin = e0*kout
#' ##
#' d/dt(depot) = -ktr * depot
#' d/dt(gut) = ktr * depot -ka * gut
#' d/dt(center) = ka * gut - cl / v * center
#' d/dt(effect) = kin*PD -kout*effect
#' ##
#' cp = center / v
#' cp ~ prop(prop.err) + add(pkadd.err)
#' effect ~ add(pdadd.err) | pca
#' })
#' }
#' bblDatToMonolix(pk.turnover.emax3, nlmixr2data::warfarin)
#' bblDatToNonmem(pk.turnover.emax3, nlmixr2data::warfarin)
#' bblDatToMrgsolve(pk.turnover.emax3, nlmixr2data::warfarin)
#' bblDatToRxode(pk.turnover.emax3, nlmixr2data::warfarin)
#' @useDynLib babelmixr2, .registration=TRUE
bblDatToMonolix <- function(model, data, table=nlmixr2est::tableControl(), rxControl=rxode2::rxControl(),
env=NULL) {
# https://dataset.lixoft.com/faq/translating-your-dataset-from-nonmem-format-to-the-monolix-suite-format/
model <- rxode2::assertRxUi(model, extra=" to convert the data with 'bblDatToMonolix'")
model <- rxode2::rxUiDecompress(model)
rxode2::assertRxUiPrediction(model, extra=" to convert the data with 'bblDatToMonolix'")
if (is.environment(env)) {
.env <- env
} else {
.env <- new.env(parent=emptyenv())
.env$table <- table
nlmixr2est::.foceiPreProcessData(data, .env, model, rxControl)
.mv <- rxode2::rxModelVars(model)
.flag <- .mv$flags
.conv0 <- .Call(`_babelmixr2_convertDataBack`, .env$dataSav$ID, .env$dataSav$TIME, .env$dataSav$AMT,
.env$dataSav$II, .env$dataSav$EVID, .env$dataSav$CMT,
model$predDf$cmt, model$predDf$dvid, .flag["ncmt"], .flag["ka"], length(.mv$state),
replaceEvid=5L, zeroDose2 = FALSE)
assignInMyNamespace(".lastNobs", .conv0$nobs)
if (.conv0$hasTinf && .conv0$hasRate) {
stop("monolix does not support a fixed duration (`tinf`) and rate (`rate`) at the same time",
if (.conv0$hasTinf) {
warning("monolix changes infusion times for `tinf` with bioavailability differently than `nlmixr2`, make sure there is no bioavailability changes for this infusion in the model",
if (.conv0$hasPhantom) {
stop("transit compartment phantom events are not supported in babelmixr2 to monolix conversion",
if (.conv0$hasReplace) {
stop("replacement events are not supported in monolix",
if (.conv0$hasMult) {
stop("multiply events are not supported in monolix",
if (.conv0$hasSsRate) {
stop("steady state infusions are not supported in monolix",
if (.conv0$hasSs2) {
stop("complex steady state (ss=2) are not supported in monolix",
.df <- .conv0$df
.new <- .env$dataSav
.new$EVID <-.df$EVID
.new$AMT <- .df$AMT
.new$YTYPE <- .df$DVID
.new$SS <- .df$SS
.new$ADM <- .df$ADM
.col0 <- c("ID", "TIME", "EVID", "AMT", "II", "DV", "ADM", "YTYPE", "SS")
if (.conv0$hasRate) {
.new$RATE <- .df$RATE
.col0 <- c(.col0, "RATE")
} else if (.conv0$hasTinf) {
.new$TINF <- .df$TINF
.col0 <- c(.col0, "TINF")
.censData <- NULL
if (any(names(.new) == "CENS")) {
.censData <- "CENS"
.limitData <- NULL
if (any(names(.new) == "LIMIT")) {
.limitData <- "LIMIT"
.col0 <- c(.col0, model$allCovs, .censData, .limitData, "nlmixrRowNums")
list("monolix"=.new[.df$.nlmixrKeep, .col0],
.bblGetLambda <- function(ui) {
.env <- new.env(parent=emptyenv())
.env$isFixed <- TRUE
.predDf <- ui$predDf
.iniDf <- ui$iniDf
.ret <- vapply(seq_along(.predDf$cond),
function(i) {
.cond <- .predDf$cond[i]
.df <- .iniDf[which(.iniDf$condition == .cond), ]
if (length(.df$cond) == 0) return(1.0)
.w <- which(.df$err == "yeoJohnson")
if (length(.w) == 1) {
if (!.df$fix[.w]) .env$isFixed <- FALSE
.w <- which(.df$err == "boxCox")
if (length(.w) == 1) {
if (!.df$fix[.w]) .env$isFixed <- FALSE
}, numeric(1), USE.NAMES=FALSE)
list(lambda=.ret, allFixed=.env$isFixed)
.bblTransform <- function(dvIn, cmtIn, ui, onlyFixed=TRUE) {
.predDf <- ui$predDf
.l <- .bblGetLambda(ui)
if (onlyFixed & !.l$allFixed) {
stop("all transformations need to be fixed (not estimated) for multiple endpoint models with babelmixr2 NONMEM",
.Call(`_babelmixr2_transDv`, dvIn, cmtIn, .predDf$cmt, .l$lambda,
as.integer(.predDf$transform) - 1,
.predDf$trLow, .predDf$trHi)
.bblDatToNonmem <- function(model, data, table=nlmixr2est::tableControl(), rxControl=rxode2::rxControl(),
fun="bblDatToNonmem", replaceEvid=5L,
replaceOK=FALSE, software="NONMEM", env=NULL) {
on.exit({ nlmixr2est::nmObjUiSetCompressed(TRUE)})
.xtra <- paste0(" to convert the data with '", fun, "'")
model <- rxode2::assertRxUi(model, extra=.xtra)
model <- rxode2::rxUiDecompress(model)
rxode2::assertRxUiPrediction(model, extra=.xtra)
if (is.environment(env)) {
.env <- env
} else {
.env <- new.env(parent=emptyenv())
.env$table <- table
nlmixr2est::.foceiPreProcessData(data, .env, model, rxControl)
.mv <- rxode2::rxModelVars(model)
.flag <- .mv$flags
.conv0 <- .Call(`_babelmixr2_convertDataBack`, .env$dataSav$ID, .env$dataSav$TIME, .env$dataSav$AMT,
.env$dataSav$II, .env$dataSav$EVID, .env$dataSav$CMT,
model$predDf$cmt, model$predDf$dvid, .flag["ncmt"], .flag["ka"], length(.mv$state),
replaceEvid=replaceEvid, zeroDose2 = TRUE)
assignInMyNamespace(".lastNobs", .conv0$nobs)
if (!is.na(replaceOK)) {
if (.conv0$hasPhantom) {
stop("transit compartment phantom events are not supported in babelmixr2 to ", software, " conversion",
if (replaceOK) {
} else if (.conv0$hasReplace) {
stop("replacement events are not supported in ", software,
if (.conv0$hasMult) {
stop("multiply events are not supported in ", software,
if (.conv0$hasTinf) {
stop(software, "does not support a duration/tinf data item",
.df <- .conv0$df
.new <- .env$dataSav
.new$EVID <-.df$EVID
.new$AMT <- .df$AMT
.new$DVID <- .df$DVID
.new$SS <- .df$SS
.new$CMT <- .df$CMT
.col0 <- c("ID", "TIME", "EVID", "AMT", "II", "DV", "CMT", "DVID", "SS")
if (.conv0$hasRate) {
.new$RATE <- .df$RATE
.col0 <- c(.col0, "RATE")
} else if (.conv0$hasTinf) {
.new$TINF <- .df$TINF
.col0 <- c(.col0, "TINF")
.censData <- NULL
.w <- which(toupper(names(.new)) == "CENS")
if (length(.w) == 1) {
names(.new)[.w] <- "CENS"
.censData <- "CENS"
.limitData <- NULL
.w <- which(toupper(names(.new)) == "LIMIT")
if (length(.w) == 1) {
names(.new)[.w] <- "LIMIT"
.limitData <- "LIMIT"
.col0 <- c(.col0, model$allCovs, .censData, .limitData, "nlmixrRowNums")
.new[.df$.nlmixrKeep, .col0]
#' @rdname bblDatToMonolix
#' @export
bblDatToNonmem <- function(model, data, table=nlmixr2est::tableControl(),
rxControl=rxode2::rxControl(), env=NULL) {
.xtra <- paste0(" to convert the data with 'bblDatToNonmem'")
model <- rxode2::assertRxUi(model, extra=.xtra)
model <- rxode2::rxUiDecompress(model)
.ret <- .bblDatToNonmem (model, data, table, rxControl,
fun="bblDatToNonmem", replaceEvid=5L,
replaceOK=FALSE, software="NONMEM", env=env)
.ret <- .ret[, names(.ret) != "DVID"]
if (any(names(.ret) == "LIMIT")) {
# This converts LIMIT to NONMEM's definition of infinity
# (according to manual for $THETA)
.ret$LIMIT <- ifelse(is.finite(.ret$LIMIT),
ifelse(.ret$LIMIT < 0, -1000000, 1000000))
.ui <- model
env$nobs <- .lastNobs
env$nmLikAdj <- 0
env$nmNcmt <- .lastNobs
if (length(model$predDf$cond) > 1) {
.dv2 <- .bblTransform(.ret$DV, .ret$CMT, model)
.ret$DV <- .dv2$dv
.ret$CMT <- .dv2$cmt
.ret$DVID <- .dv2$dvid
env$nmLikAdj <- .dv2$likAdj
env$nmNcmt <- .dv2$nCmt
.names <- c(
"ID", "TIME", "EVID", "AMT",
ifelse(rxode2::rxGetControl(.ui, ".hasIi", FALSE), "II", ""),
"DV", "CMT",
ifelse(length(.ui$predDf$cond) > 1, "DVID", ""),
ifelse(rxode2::rxGetControl(.ui, ".hasSs", FALSE), "SS", ""),
ifelse(rxode2::rxGetControl(.ui, ".hasRate", FALSE), "RATE", ""),
vapply(.ui$allCovs, .nmGetVar, character(1), ui=.ui,
ifelse(rxode2::rxGetControl(.ui, ".hasCens", FALSE), "CENS", ""),
ifelse(rxode2::rxGetControl(.ui, ".hasLimit", FALSE), "LIMIT", ""),
.names <- .names[.names != ""]
.allCovs <- .ui$allCovs
names(.ret) <- vapply(names(.ret), function(n) {
if (any(n == .allCovs)) return(.nmGetVar(n, ui=.ui))
}, character(1), USE.NAMES=FALSE)
.ret <- .ret[, .names]
#' @rdname bblDatToMonolix
#' @export
bblDatToRxode <- function(model, data, table=nlmixr2est::tableControl(),
rxControl=rxode2::rxControl(), env=NULL) {
.bblDatToNonmem(model, data, table, rxControl,
fun="bblDatToRxode", replaceEvid=5L,
replaceOK=NA, software="rxode2", env=env)
#' @rdname bblDatToMonolix
#' @export
bblDatToMrgsolve <- function(model, data, table=nlmixr2est::tableControl(),
rxControl=rxode2::rxControl(), env=NULL) {
.bblDatToNonmem(model, data, table, rxControl,
fun="bblDatToMrgsolve", replaceEvid=8L,
replaceOK=TRUE, software="mrgsolve", env=env)
#' @rdname bblDatToMonolix
#' @export
bblDatToPknca <- function(model, data, table=nlmixr2est::tableControl(),
rxControl=rxode2::rxControl(), env=NULL) {
newData <-
model, data, table, rxControl,
fun="bblDatToPknca", replaceEvid=5L,
replaceOK=TRUE, software="pknca", env=env
# When we have columns in both the old and new data, which should be
# preferred?
betterNewCols <- c("time", "amt", "rate", "dur", "evid", "ss", "ii", "addl", "dv", "mdv", "cens", "limit")
betterOldCols <- c("id", "cmt", "dvid")
oldData <- data
oldData$nlmixrRowNums <- seq_len(nrow(oldData))
oldStdNames <- na.omit(getStandardColNames(oldData))
newStdNames <- na.omit(getStandardColNames(newData))
# Standardized column names to drop from the old and new data
prepDropFromOld <- betterNewCols[betterNewCols %in% names(newStdNames)]
prepDropFromNew <- betterOldCols[betterOldCols %in% names(oldStdNames)]
# Actual column names to drop from the old and new data
dropFromOld <- oldStdNames[prepDropFromOld]
dropFromNew <- newStdNames[prepDropFromNew]
# Prepare for merging and merge
oldDataPrep <- oldData[, setdiff(names(oldData), dropFromOld), drop=FALSE]
newDataPrep <- newData[, setdiff(names(newData), dropFromNew), drop=FALSE]
stopifnot(intersect(names(oldDataPrep), names(newDataPrep)) == "nlmixrRowNums")
# Some data may be dropped by .bblDatToNonmem above, so only keep the rows
# that are maintained for both datasets.
mergedData <- merge(oldDataPrep, newDataPrep, by = "nlmixrRowNums", all = FALSE)
cleanStdNames <- getStandardColNames(mergedData)
# Extract out the observation and dosing data
obsData <- mergedData[mergedData[[cleanStdNames[["evid"]]]] == 0, ]
if (nrow(obsData) < 1) {
cli::cli_abort("no observation rows (EVID = 0) detected")
doseData <- mergedData[mergedData[[cleanStdNames[["evid"]]]] %in% c(1, 4), ]
if (nrow(doseData) < 1) {
cli::cli_abort("no dosing rows (EVID = 1 or 4) detected")
obsCmt <- unique(obsData[[cleanStdNames[["cmt"]]]])
doseCmt <- unique(doseData[[cleanStdNames[["cmt"]]]])
stopifnot(length(obsCmt) == 1)
stopifnot(length(doseCmt) == 1)
# Drop subjects using ADDL for dosing
idWithAddl <- unique(doseData[[cleanStdNames["id"]]][doseData[[cleanStdNames["addl"]]] > 0])
dropDoseAddl <- doseData[[cleanStdNames["id"]]] %in% idWithAddl
if (any(dropDoseAddl)) {
cli::cli_alert_info(paste("ADDL dosing not supported with PKNCA estimation, dropping subjects using ADDL:", sum(dropDoseAddl), "rows"))
doseData <- doseData[!dropDoseAddl, ]
if (!is.na(cleanStdNames["cens"])) {
# Drop subjects using right-censored data or LIMIT > 0 with left-censored data
rowsRightCens <- !is.na(obsData[[cleanStdNames["cens"]]]) & obsData[[cleanStdNames["cens"]]] == -1
rowsLeftCens <- !is.na(obsData[[cleanStdNames["cens"]]]) & obsData[[cleanStdNames["cens"]]] == 1
idWithRightCens <- unique(obsData[[cleanStdNames["id"]]][rowsRightCens])
idWithLeftCensNonzero <- c()
if (!is.na(cleanStdNames["limit"])) {
rowsWithLeftCensNonzero <-
rowsLeftCens &
!is.na(obsData[[cleanStdNames["limit"]]]) &
obsData[[cleanStdNames["limit"]]] > 0
idWithLeftCensNonzero <- unique(obsData[[cleanStdNames["id"]]][rowsWithLeftCensNonzero])
dropIdCens <- c(idWithRightCens, idWithLeftCensNonzero)
dropObsCens <- obsData[[cleanStdNames["id"]]] %in% dropIdCens
if (any(dropObsCens)) {
cli::cli_alert_info(paste("Right censoring and left censoring with a value above zero is not supported with PKNCA estimation, dropping subjects with those censoring types:", sum(dropObsCens), "rows"))
obsData <- obsData[!dropObsCens, ]
rowsLeftCens <- rowsLeftCens[!dropObsCens]
# Modify LIMIT <= 0 so that DV is 0
if (!is.na(cleanStdNames["limit"])) {
rowsWithLeftCensZero <-
rowsLeftCens &
!is.na(obsData[[cleanStdNames["limit"]]]) &
obsData[[cleanStdNames["limit"]]] <= 0
} else {
rowsWithLeftCensZero <- rowsLeftCens
if (any(rowsWithLeftCensZero)) {
cli::cli_alert_info(paste("Setting DV to zero for PKNCA estimation with left censoring:", sum(rowsWithLeftCensZero), "rows"))
obsData[[cleanStdNames["dv"]]][rowsWithLeftCensZero] <- 0
# Drop subjects in only one dataset
dropDoseData <- !(doseData[[cleanStdNames["id"]]] %in% unique(obsData[[cleanStdNames["id"]]]))
dropObsData <- !(obsData[[cleanStdNames["id"]]] %in% unique(doseData[[cleanStdNames["id"]]]))
if (any(dropDoseData)) {
cli::cli_alert_info(paste("Dropping", sum(dropDoseData), "dosing rows with no observations for the subject with PKNCA estimation"))
doseData <- doseData[!dropDoseData, ]
if (any(dropObsData)) {
# This is mostly handled with the original data mapping above with
# .bblDatToNonmem, but in some cases, the subject may be dropped subsequent
# to that.
cli::cli_alert_info(paste("Dropping", sum(dropObsData), "observation rows with no doses for the subject with PKNCA estimation"))
obsData <- obsData[!dropObsData, ]
if (nrow(obsData) < 1) {
cli::cli_abort("No observation rows after filtering for analysis")
} else if (nrow(doseData) < 1) {
cli::cli_abort("No dose rows after filtering for analysis")
#' Determine standardized rxode2 column names from data
#' @param data A data.frame as the source for column names
#' @return A named character vector where the names are the standardized names
#' and the values are either the name of the column from the data or \code{NA}
#' if the column is not present in the data.
#' @examples
#' getStandardColNames(data.frame(ID=1, DV=2, Time=3, CmT=4))
#' @export
getStandardColNames <- function(data) {
stdCols <-
# rxode2 columns
"id", "time", "amt", "rate", "dur", "evid", "cmt", "ss", "ii", "addl",
# nlmixr2 columns
"dv", "mdv", "dvid", "cens", "limit"
stdCols <- setNames(rep(NA_character_, length(stdCols)), nm = stdCols)
lowerNames <- tolower(names(data))
for (nm in names(stdCols)) {
found <- which(lowerNames %in% nm)
if (length(found) == 1) {
stdCols[nm] <- names(data)[found]
} else if (length(found) > 1) {
cli::cli_abort(paste("Multiple data columns match", nm, "when converted to lower case"))
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