# This handles the errors for simulations
.createSimLineObject <- function(x, line) {
.predDf <- get("predDf", x)
if (line > nrow(.predDf)) {
.predLine <- .predDf[line, ]
.ret <- list(x, .predLine, line)
class(.ret) <- c(paste(.predLine$distribution), "rxGetDistributionSimulationLines")
#' This is a S3 method for getting the distribution lines for a rxode2 simulation
#' @param line Parsed rxode2 model environment
#' @return Lines for the simulation of `ipred` and `dv`. This is based
#' on the idea that the focei parameters are defined
#' @author Matthew Fidler
#' @keywords internal
#' @export
rxGetDistributionSimulationLines <- function(line) {
.simulationFun <- list(
.getQuotedDistributionAndSimulationArgs <- function(line) {
env <- line[[1]]
pred1 <- line[[2]]
.dist <- as.character(pred1$distribution)
if (.dist == "LL") {
.nargs <- max(.errDist[[.dist]])
.cnd <- pred1$cond
.argName <- .namedArgumentsToPredDf[[.dist]]
.args <- vapply(seq(1:.nargs), function(.i) {
.curDist <- .argName[.i]
if (!is.na(pred1[[.curDist]])) {
} else {
.curDist <- paste0(.dist, ifelse(.i == 1, "", .i))
.w <- which(env$iniDf$err == .curDist & env$iniDf$condition == .cnd)
if (length(.w) == 1) {
} else {
}, character(1))
as.call(lapply(c(.simulationFun[[.dist]], .args[.args != ""]), str2lang))
#' @rdname rxGetDistributionSimulationLines
#' @export
rxGetDistributionSimulationLines.norm <- function(line) {
env <- line[[1]]
pred1 <- line[[2]]
.errNum <- line[[3]]
.err <- str2lang(paste0("rxerr.", pred1$var))
.ret <- vector("list", 2)
.ret[[1]] <- bquote(ipredSim <- rxTBSi(rx_pred_, rx_lambda_, rx_yj_, rx_low_, rx_hi_))
.ret[[2]] <- bquote(sim <- rxTBSi(rx_pred_+sqrt(rx_r_) * .(.err), rx_lambda_, rx_yj_, rx_low_, rx_hi_))
c(.handleSingleErrTypeNormOrTFoceiBase(env, pred1, .errNum, rxPredLlik=FALSE), .ret)
#' @rdname rxGetDistributionSimulationLines
#' @export
rxGetDistributionSimulationLines.dnorm <- rxGetDistributionSimulationLines.norm
#' @rdname rxGetDistributionSimulationLines
#' @export
rxGetDistributionSimulationLines.t <- function(line) {
env <- line[[1]]
pred1 <- line[[2]]
.errNum <- line[[3]]
.ret <- vector("list", 2)
.ret[[1]] <- bquote(ipredSim <- rxTBSi(rx_pred_, rx_lambda_, rx_yj_, rx_low_, rx_hi_))
.ret[[2]] <- bquote(sim <- rxTBSi(rx_pred_+sqrt(rx_r_) * .(.getQuotedDistributionAndSimulationArgs(line)), rx_lambda_, rx_yj_, rx_low_, rx_hi_))
c(.handleSingleErrTypeNormOrTFoceiBase(env, pred1, .errNum, rxPredLlik=FALSE), .ret)
#' @rdname rxGetDistributionSimulationLines
#' @export
rxGetDistributionSimulationLines.cauchy <- function(line) {
env <- line[[1]]
pred1 <- line[[2]]
.errNum <- line[[3]]
.ret <- vector("list", 2)
.ret[[1]] <- bquote(ipredSim <- rxTBSi(rx_pred_, rx_lambda_, rx_yj_, rx_low_, rx_hi_))
.ret[[2]] <- bquote(sim <- rxTBSi(rx_pred_+sqrt(rx_r_) * .(.getQuotedDistributionAndSimulationArgs(line)), rx_lambda_, rx_yj_, rx_low_, rx_hi_))
c(.handleSingleErrTypeNormOrTFoceiBase(env, pred1, .errNum, rxPredLlik=FALSE), .ret)
#' @rdname rxGetDistributionSimulationLines
#' @export
rxGetDistributionSimulationLines.ordinal <- function(line) {
.env <- line[[1]]
.pred1 <- line[[2]]
.errNum <- line[[3]]
.c <- .env$lstExpr[[.pred1$line[1]]][[3]]
.ce <- try(eval(.c), silent=TRUE)
if (inherits(.ce, "try-error")) {
} else if (inherits(.ce, "numeric") &&
!is.null(names(.ce))) {
.n <- names(.ce)
.ln <- length(.n)
if (.n[.ln] != "") {
stop("last element in ordinal simulation of c(p1=0, p2=0.5, ...) must be a number, not a named number",
.n <- .n[.n != ""]
if (length(.n) != .ln - 1) {
stop("names for ordinal simulation incorrect")
.ret <- vector("list", 3)
.ret[[1]] <- quote(ipredSim <- NA)
.ret[[2]] <- str2lang(paste0("rx_sim_~rxord(", paste(.n, collapse=", "), ")"))
.ce <- setNames(.ce, NULL)
.ret[[3]] <- str2lang(paste0("sim<-", paste(vapply(seq_along(.ce), function(i) {
paste("(rx_sim_ == ", i, ")*", .ce[i])
}, character(1), USE.NAMES=FALSE), collapse="+")))
.c[[1]] <- quote(`rxord`)
.ret <- vector("list", 2)
.ret[[1]] <- quote(ipredSim <- NA)
.ret[[2]] <- bquote(sim <- .(.c))
#' @rdname rxGetDistributionSimulationLines
#' @export
rxGetDistributionSimulationLines.default <- function(line) {
env <- line[[1]]
pred1 <- line[[2]]
.errNum <- line[[3]]
.ret <- vector("list", 1)
.ret[[1]] <- bquote(sim <- .(.getQuotedDistributionAndSimulationArgs(line)))
c(.handleSingleErrTypeNormOrTFoceiBase(env, pred1, .errNum, rxPredLlik=FALSE), .ret)
#' @rdname rxGetDistributionSimulationLines
#' @export
rxGetDistributionSimulationLines.rxUi <- function(line) {
.predDf <- get("predDf", line)
lapply(seq_along(.predDf$cond), function(c) {
.mod <- .createSimLineObject(line, c)
#' @export
#' @rdname rxUiGet
rxUiGet.cmtLines <- function(x, ...) {
.x <- x[[1]]
.len <- length(.x$mv0$state)
.predDf <- get("predDf", .x)
lapply(.predDf[.predDf$cmt > .len, "cond"], function(cmt) {
call("cmt", str2lang(cmt))
attr(rxUiGet.cmtLines, "desc") <- "cmt lines for model"
#' @export
#' @rdname rxUiGet
rxUiGet.dvidLine <- function(x, ...) {
.x <- x[[1]]
as.call(c(list(quote(`dvid`)), as.numeric(.x$predDf$cmt)))
attr(rxUiGet.dvidLine, "desc") <- "dvid() line for model"
#' @export
#' @rdname rxUiGet
rxUiGet.paramsLine <- function(x, ...) {
.x <- x[[1]]
.iniDf <- .x$iniDf
.params <- c(.iniDf[is.na(.iniDf$neta1) | .iniDf$neta1 == .iniDf$neta2, "name"],
eval(parse(text=paste0("quote(params(", paste(.params, collapse=", "), "))")))
attr(rxUiGet.paramsLine, "desc") <- "params() line for model"
#' @export
#' @rdname rxUiGet
rxUiGet.interpLines <- function(x, ...){
.ui <- x[[1]]
.interp <- rxModelVars(.ui)$interp
if (!is.factor(.interp) ||
length(.interp) == 0) {
.lvl <- levels(.interp)
if (length(.lvl) != 5L ||
!identical(.lvl, c("default", "linear", "locf", "nocb", "midpoint"))) {
if (any(is.na(.interp))) {
.try <- try(all(.interp == "default"), silent=TRUE)
if (inherits(.try, "try-error") ||
!checkmate::testLogical(.try, any.missing=FALSE, len=1)) {
if (.try) {
# use default
.ret <- list()
.w <- which(.interp=="linear")
if (length(.w) > 0) {
.ret <- list(str2lang(paste("linear(",paste(names(.interp)[.w], collapse=", "), ")")))
.w <- which(.interp=="locf")
if (length(.w) > 0) {
.ret <- c(.ret, list(str2lang(paste("locf(",paste(names(.interp)[.w], collapse=", "), ")"))))
.w <- which(.interp=="nocb")
if (length(.w) > 0) {
.ret <- c(.ret, list(str2lang(paste("nocb(",paste(names(.interp)[.w], collapse=", "), ")"))))
.w <- which(.interp=="midpoint")
if (length(.w) > 0) {
.ret <- c(.ret, list(str2lang(paste("midpoint(",paste(names(.interp)[.w], collapse=", "), ")"))))
if (length(.ret) == 0) {
return(NULL) #nocov
attr(rxUiGet.interpLines, "desc") <- "interpolation declaration line(s) for model"
#' @export
#' @rdname rxUiGet
rxUiGet.simulationSigma <- function(x, ...) {
.x <- x[[1]]
.exact <- x[[2]]
.predDf <- get("predDf", .x)
.sigmaNames <- vapply(seq_along(.predDf$var), function(i) {
if (.predDf$distribution[i] %in% c("dnorm", "norm")) {
paste0("rxerr.", .predDf$var[i])
} else {
}, character(1))
.sigmaNames <- .sigmaNames[.sigmaNames != ""]
.sigma <- diag(length(.sigmaNames))
dimnames(.sigma) <- list(.sigmaNames, .sigmaNames)
attr(rxUiGet.simulationSigma, "desc") <- "simulation sigma"
.simulationModelAssignTOS <- function(ui, ret) {
assign("theta", ui$theta, envir=ret)
assign("omega", ui$omega, envir=ret)
assign("simulationSigma", ui$simulationSigma, envir=ret)
assign("uiFun", as.function(ui), envir=ret)
class(ret) <- c("rxode2tos", "rxode2")
#' @export
#' @rdname rxUiGet
rxUiGet.simulationModel <- function(x, ...) {
.x <- x[[1]]
.exact <- x[[2]]
.simulationModelAssignTOS(.x, eval(getBaseSimModel(.x)))
attr(rxUiGet.simulationModel, "desc") <- "simulation model from UI"
#' @export
#' @rdname rxUiGet
rxUiGet.symengineModelNoPrune <- function(x, ...) {
.x <- x[[1]]
.exact <- x[[2]]
.simulationModelAssignTOS(.x, eval(getBaseSymengineModel(.x)))
attr(rxUiGet.symengineModelNoPrune, "desc") <- "symengine model without pruning if/else from UI"
#' @export
#' @rdname rxUiGet
rxUiGet.symengineModelPrune <- function(x, ...) {
.x <- x[[1]]
.tmp <- getBaseSymengineModel(.x)
.tmp[[1]] <- quote(`rxModelVars`)
.tmp <- eval(.tmp)
.tmp <- rxode2(rxPrune(.tmp))
.simulationModelAssignTOS(.x, .tmp)
attr(rxUiGet.symengineModelPrune, "desc") <- "symengine model with pruning if/else from UI"
#' @export
#' @rdname rxUiGet
rxUiGet.simulationIniModel <- function(x, ...) {
.x <- x[[1]]
.exact <- x[[2]]
.simulationModelAssignTOS(.x, eval(getBaseIniSimModel(.x)))
attr(rxUiGet.simulationIniModel, "desc") <- "simulation model with the ini values prepended (from UI)"
.rxModelNoErrorLines <- function(uiModel, prefixLines=NULL, paramsLine=NULL,
modelVars=FALSE, cmtLines=TRUE,
lstExpr=NULL) {
if (is.null(lstExpr)) {
.expr <- uiModel$lstExpr
} else {
.expr <- lstExpr
.cmtLines <- NULL
if (cmtLines) {
.cmtLines <- uiModel$cmtLines
.lenLines <- length(uiModel$lstExpr) + length(.cmtLines) + length(prefixLines)
.k <- 2
if (is.null(paramsLine)) {
} else if (is.na(paramsLine)) {
.lenLines <- .lenLines - 1
.ret <- vector("list", .lenLines + .k)
.curErrLine <- 1
.ret[[1]] <- quote(`{`)
.k <- 3
if (is.null(paramsLine)) {
.ret[[2]] <- uiModel$paramsLine
} else if (is.na(paramsLine)) {
.k <- 2
} else {
.ret[[2]] <- paramsLine
for (.i in seq_along(prefixLines)) {
.ret[[.k]] <- prefixLines[[.i]]
.k <- .k + 1
for (.i in seq_along(.expr)) {
.ret[[.k]] <- .expr[[.i]]
.k <- .k + 1
for(.i in seq_along(.cmtLines)) {
.ret[[.k]] <- .cmtLines[[.i]]
.k <- .k + 1
if (modelVars) {
as.call(list(quote(`rxModelVars`), as.call(.ret)))
} else {
as.call(list(quote(`rxode2`), as.call(.ret)))
#' Filter out properties and adjust predDf
#' @param predDf predDf from the ui model
#' @param lstExpr list of expressions for model or NULL, if NULL
#' defaults to the model expressions accessible by ui$lstExpr
#' @param ui original ui model or NULL
#' @return a list containing the adjusted predDf and lstExpr, or if
#' predDf is null simply the lstExpr
#' @noRd
#' @author Matthew L. Fidler
.rxFilterOutPropsAndAdjustPredDf <- function(ui, lstExpr, predDf=NULL) {
if (is.null(lstExpr)) {
.expr <- ui$lstExpr
} else {
.expr <- lstExpr
## remove interpolation lines from .expr
.f <- vapply(seq_along(.expr), function(i) {
.e <- .expr[[i]]
if (is.call(.e)) {
identical(.e[[1]], quote(`linear`)) ||
identical(.e[[1]], quote(`locf`)) ||
identical(.e[[1]], quote(`nocb`)) ||
identical(.e[[1]], quote(`midpoint`))
} else {
}, logical(1))
.df <- data.frame(filter =.f, origLine=seq_along(.f))
.predDf <- predDf
if (any(.df$filter)) {
.expr <- lapply(seq_along(.expr)[!.df$filter], function(i) {
.df <- .df[!.df$filter, , drop=FALSE]
.df$newLine <- seq_along(.df$filter)
if (!is.null(.predDf)) {
.predDf$line <- vapply(.predDf$line, function(i) {
.df$newLine[.df$origLine == i]
}, integer(1))
if (is.null(.predDf)) return(.expr)
list(predDf=.predDf, lstExpr=.expr)
#' Combine Error Lines and create rxode2 expression
#' @param uiModel UI model
#' @param errLines Error lines; If missing, get the error lines from
#' `rxGetDistributionSimulationLines()`
#' @param prefixLines Prefix lines, after param statement
#' @param paramsLine Params line, if not present.
#' @param modelVars Return model vars instead of rxode2 statement
#' @param cmtLines Include trailing `cmt` lines
#' @param dvidLine Include trailing `dvid()` specification
#' @param lstExpr A list of expressions for model, or NULL. When NULL
#' defaults to the model expressions accessible by
#' `uiModel$lstExpr`.
#' @param useIf Use an `if (CMT == X)` for endpoints
#' @param interpLines Interpolation lines, if not present
#' @param levelLines Levels lines for assigned strings. If not
#' present, use the interpolation lines from the current model.
#' @return quoted expression that can be evaluated to compiled rxode2
#' model
#' @export
#' @author Matthew L. Fidler
#' @keywords internal
#' @details
#' This is exported to allow other functions to mangle the error lines
#' to make other types of estimation methods (if needed)
#' @examples
#' \donttest{
#' one.cmt <- function() {
#' ini({
#' ## You may label each parameter with a comment
#' tka <- 0.45 # Log Ka
#' tcl <- log(c(0, 2.7, 100)) # Log Cl
#' ## This works with interactive models
#' ## You may also label the preceding line with label("label text")
#' tv <- 3.45; label("log V")
#' ## the label("Label name") works with all models
#' eta.ka ~ 0.6
#' eta.cl ~ 0.3
#' eta.v ~ 0.1
#' add.sd <- 0.7
#' })
#' model({
#' ka <- exp(tka + eta.ka)
#' cl <- exp(tcl + eta.cl)
#' v <- exp(tv + eta.v)
#' linCmt() ~ add(add.sd)
#' })
#' }
#' f <- rxode2(one.cmt)
#' # You can get the simulation model easily by
#' rxCombineErrorLines(f)
#' # You can then get the compiled model by simply evaluting the model:
#' r <- eval(rxCombineErrorLines(f))
#' # This also works with multile endpoint models:
#' pk.turnover.emax <- function() {
#' ini({
#' tktr <- log(1)
#' tka <- log(1)
#' tcl <- log(0.1)
#' tv <- log(10)
#' ##
#' eta.ktr ~ 1
#' eta.ka ~ 1
#' eta.cl ~ 2
#' eta.v ~ 1
#' prop.err <- 0.1
#' pkadd.err <- 0.1
#' ##
#' temax <- logit(0.8)
#' tec50 <- log(0.5)
#' tkout <- log(0.05)
#' te0 <- log(100)
#' ##
#' eta.emax ~ .5
#' eta.ec50 ~ .5
#' eta.kout ~ .5
#' eta.e0 ~ .5
#' ##
#' pdadd.err <- 10
#' })
#' model({
#' ktr <- exp(tktr + eta.ktr)
#' ka <- exp(tka + eta.ka)
#' cl <- exp(tcl + eta.cl)
#' v <- exp(tv + eta.v)
#' ##
#' emax=expit(temax+eta.emax)
#' ec50 = exp(tec50 + eta.ec50)
#' kout = exp(tkout + eta.kout)
#' e0 = exp(te0 + eta.e0)
#' ##
#' DCP = center/v
#' PD=1-emax*DCP/(ec50+DCP)
#' ##
#' effect(0) = e0
#' kin = e0*kout
#' ##
#' d/dt(depot) = -ktr * depot
#' d/dt(gut) = ktr * depot -ka * gut
#' d/dt(center) = ka * gut - cl / v * center
#' d/dt(effect) = kin*PD -kout*effect
#' ##
#' cp = center / v
#' cp ~ prop(prop.err) + add(pkadd.err)
#' effect ~ add(pdadd.err)
#' })
#' }
#' f <- rxode2(pk.turnover.emax)
#' rxCombineErrorLines(f)
#' # Note that in the parsed form, you can also get the compiled rxode2
#' # model with $simulationModel
#' f$simulationModel
#' }
rxCombineErrorLines <- function(uiModel, errLines=NULL, prefixLines=NULL, paramsLine=NULL,
modelVars=FALSE, cmtLines=TRUE, dvidLine=TRUE,
interpLines=NULL, levelLines=NULL) {
if(!inherits(uiModel, "rxUi")) {
stop("uiModel must be a evaluated UI model by rxode2(modelFunction) or modelFunction()",
uiModel <- rxUiDecompress(uiModel)
.predDf <- uiModel$predDf
if (is.null(.predDf)) {
return(.rxModelNoErrorLines(uiModel, prefixLines=prefixLines, paramsLine=paramsLine,
modelVars=modelVars, cmtLines=cmtLines,
if (is.null(errLines)) {
errLines <- rxGetDistributionSimulationLines(uiModel)
.if <- FALSE
if (length(.predDf$line) > 1) {
.lenLines <- length(.predDf$line)
.if <- useIf
} else {
.lenLines <- sum(vapply(seq_along(errLines), function(i) {
}, integer(1)))
.cmtLines <- NULL
if (cmtLines) {
.cmtLines <- uiModel$cmtLines
.predDf <- uiModel$predDf
.tmp <- .rxFilterOutPropsAndAdjustPredDf(uiModel, predDf=.predDf, lstExpr=lstExpr)
.predDf <- .tmp$predDf
.expr <- .tmp$lstExpr
.lenLines <- .lenLines + length(.expr) -
length(.predDf$line) + length(.cmtLines) + length(prefixLines)
.k <- 2 + dvidLine * 1
if (is.null(paramsLine)) {
} else if (is.na(paramsLine)) {
.lenLines <- .lenLines - 1
.k <- 1 + dvidLine * 1
if (is.null(levelLines)) {
.levelLines <- rxUiGet.levels(list(uiModel))
.lenLines <- .lenLines - length(.levelLines)
.k <- .k + length(.levelLines)
} else if (is.na(levelLines)) {
.levelLines <- list()
} else {
.levelLines <- levelLines
.lenLines <- .lenLines - length(.levelLines)
.k <- .k + length(.levelLines)
if (is.null(interpLines)) {
.interpLines <- rxUiGet.interpLines(list(uiModel))
.lenLines <- .lenLines - length(.interpLines)
.k <- .k + length(.interpLines)
} else if (is.na(interpLines)) {
.interpLines <- list()
} else {
.interpLines <- interpLines
.lenLines <- .lenLines - length(.interpLines)
.k <- .k + length(.interpLines)
.ret <- vector("list", .lenLines + .k)
.curErrLine <- 1
.ret[[1]] <- quote(`{`)
.k <- 3
if (is.null(paramsLine)) {
.ret[[2]] <- uiModel$paramsLine
} else if (is.na(paramsLine)) {
.k <- 2
} else {
.ret[[2]] <- paramsLine
if (length(.levelLines) > 0) {
for (.i in seq_along(.levelLines)) {
.ret[[.k]] <- .levelLines[[.i]]
.k <- .k + 1
if (length(.interpLines) > 0) {
for (.i in seq_along(.interpLines)) {
.ret[[.k]] <- .interpLines[[.i]]
.k <- .k + 1
for (.i in seq_along(prefixLines)) {
.ret[[.k]] <- prefixLines[[.i]]
.k <- .k + 1
for (.i in seq_along(.expr)) {
if (.i %in% .predDf$line) {
.curErr <- errLines[[.curErrLine]]
if (.if) {
.ret[[.k]] <- as.call(list(quote(`if`),
as.call(list(quote(`==`), quote(`CMT`),
as.call(c(list(quote(`{`)), .curErr))))
.k <- .k + 1
} else {
for (.j in seq_along(.curErr)) {
.ret[[.k]] <- .curErr[[.j]]
.k <- .k + 1
.curErrLine <- .curErrLine + 1
} else {
.ret[[.k]] <- .expr[[.i]]
.k <- .k + 1
for (.i in seq_along(.cmtLines)) {
.ret[[.k]] <- .cmtLines[[.i]]
.k <- .k + 1
if (dvidLine) {
.ret[[.k]] <- uiModel$dvidLine
.drop <- which(vapply(seq_along(.ret), function(.i) {
identical(.ret[[.i]], quote(`_drop`))
}, logical(1), USE.NAMES=FALSE))
if (length(.drop) > 0) {
.ret <- .ret[-.drop]
if (modelVars) {
as.call(list(quote(`rxModelVars`), as.call(.ret)))
} else {
as.call(list(quote(`rxode2`), as.call(.ret)))
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