
Defines functions .rxMuRef .muRefSeparateCalculatedMuRefCovs .checkForAtLeastOneEstimatedOrModeledParameterPerEndpoint .checkForInfiniteOrNaParameters .checkForIniParametersMissingFromModelBlock .checkAndAdjustErrInformation .rxMuRefSetupInitialEnvironment .muRefSetCurEval .rxMuRef0 .rxMuRefHandleNonPlusCall .handleSingleEtaIfExists .muRefHandlePlus .muRefHandlePlusNoop .muRefHandleSingleThetaMuRef .muRefSetNonMuEta .muRefHandleSingleThetaCovAndExtra .muRefHandleSingleThetaExtraOnly .muRefHandleSingleThetaCovOnly .muRefDowngradeEvalToAdditive .muRefNextAdditiveExpression .muRefExtractMultiplyMuCovariates .muRefExtractSingleVariableNames .muRefExtractTheta .rxMuRefHandleLimits .rxIsLogicalOp .rxMuRefLineHasEta .rxMuRefLineIsClean .rxMuRefHasThetaEtaOrCov .rxMuRefIsClean

#' Determine if expression x is "clean"
#' Clean means that it is free from calculated variables (lhs), and state.
#' The expression needs to be clean of these calculated variables and
#' states to safely extract into a mu expression at the top of the
#' model.
#' @param x The expression that is evaluated; must include an `info`
#'   that has a list of defined states and lhs values
#' @param env Environment for assigning information
#' @return A boolean indicating if the environment is clean from
#'   confounding elements
#' @author Matthew Fidler
#' @examples
#' env <- new.env(parent=emptyenv())
#' env$info <- list(state= c("depot", "center"), lhs=c("ka", "cl", "v", "cp"))
#' .rxMuRefIsClean(quote(exp(tka + eta.ka)), env)
#' .rxMuRefIsClean(quote(exp(tka + eta.ka + depot)), env)
#' .rxMuRefIsClean(quote(exp(tka + eta.ka + cp)), env)
#' @noRd
.rxMuRefIsClean <- function(x, env) {
  if (is.name(x) ) {
    .n <- as.character(x)
    if (any(.n == env$info$state)) {
    } else if (any(.n == env$info$lhs)) {
  } else if (is.call(x)) {
    return(all(unlist(lapply(x[-1], .rxMuRefIsClean, env=env))))
  } else {
#' Does this have an eta parameter or covariate in the expression?
#' @inheritParams .rxMuRefIsClean
#' @return boolean saying if the expression has an eta parameter or
#'   covariate
#' @author Matthew Fidler
#' @examples
#' env <- new.env(parent=emptyenv())
#' env$info <- list(theta="tka", eta="eta.ka", cov="wt")
#' .rxMuRefHasThetaEtaOrCov(quote(exp(tka + eta.ka)/v), env)
#' .rxMuRefHasThetaEtaOrCov(quote(cp/v), env)
#' @noRd
.rxMuRefHasThetaEtaOrCov <- function(x, env) {
  if (is.name(x)) {
    .n <- as.character(x)
    .lhs <- deparse1(env$curLhs)
    if (any(.n == env$info$eta)) {
      .w <- which(env$etaLhsDf$lhs == .lhs &
                    env$etaLhsDf$eta == .n)
      if (length(.w) == 0) {
        env$etaLhsDf <- rbind(env$etaLhsDf,
                              data.frame(lhs=.lhs, eta=.n))
    } else if (any(.n == env$info$theta)) {
      .w <- which(env$thetaLhsDf$lhs == .lhs &
                    env$thetaLhsDf$theta == .n)
      if (length(.w) == 0) {
        env$thetaLhsDf <- rbind(env$thetaLhsDf,
                              data.frame(lhs=.lhs, theta=.n))
    } else if (any(.n == env$info$cov)) {
      .w <- which(env$covLhsDf$lhs == .lhs &
                    env$covLhsDf$cov == .n)
      if (length(.w) == 0) {
        env$covLhsDf <- rbind(env$covLhsDf,
                                data.frame(lhs=.lhs, cov=.n))
  } else if (is.call(x)) {
    return(any(unlist(lapply(x[-1], .rxMuRefHasThetaEtaOrCov, env=env))))
  } else {

#' This determines if a whole line is "clean"
#' This not only determines if the lhs of the line is independent of
#' any prior declarations (by `.rxMuRefIsClean()`), but it makes sure
#' that the rhs is not a special rxode2 expression like `d/dt(depot)`
#' or `rate(depot)` `depot(0)` etc.
#' This also assigns the line status in the enviroment `env` to
#' `.curLineClean` and also resets the current evaluation function to
#' `.curEval`
#' @inheritParams .rxMuRefIsClean
#' @return boolean indicating if the line is clean
#' @author Matthew Fidler
#' @noRd
.rxMuRefLineIsClean <- function(x, env) {
  # First figure out if the mu reference line is clean
  .clean <- FALSE
  if (length(x[[2]]) == 1L && is.name(x[[2]])) {
    env$info$lhs <- c(as.character(x[[2]]), env$info$lhs)
    .clean <- TRUE
  if (.clean) .clean <- .rxMuRefIsClean(x[[3]], env)
  assign(".curLineClean", .clean, env)
  assign(".curEval", "", env)

#' Does this line have an eta?
#' @inheritParams .rxMuRefIsClean
#' @return boolean indicating the line has etas
#' @author Matthew Fidler
#' @noRd
.rxMuRefLineHasEta <- function(x, env) {
  if (is.name(x)) {
    .n <- as.character(x)
    if (any(.n == env$info$eta)) {
  } else if (is.call(x)) {
    return(any(unlist(lapply(x[-1], .rxMuRefLineHasEta, env=env))))
  } else {

.rxIsLogicalOp <- function(x) {
  (identical(x[[1]], quote(`==`)) ||
     identical(x[[1]], quote(`>`)) ||
     identical(x[[1]], quote(`<`)) ||
     identical(x[[1]], quote(`<=`)) ||
     identical(x[[1]], quote(`>=`)) ||
     identical(x[[1]], quote(`!=`)) ||
     identical(x[[1]], quote(`&&`)) ||
     identical(x[[1]], quote(`||`)) ||
     identical(x[[1]], quote(`|`)) ||
     identical(x[[1]], quote(`&`)))
#' Handle the limit for logit/expit types of functions
#' @param x This is the parsed expression tree (from R) that has limits
#' @param env environment where parsing information is saved
#' @return Nothing; Called for its side effects
#' @author Matthew Fidler
#' @noRd
.rxMuRefHandleLimits <- function(x, env) {
  if (length(x) == 4) {
    # expit(x, 1, 2)
    if (is.numeric(x[[3]])) {
      assign("curLow", as.numeric(x[[3]]), envir=env)
    } else {
      assign("err", unique(c(env$err,
                             paste0("syntax error '", deparse1(x),
                                    "': limits must be numeric"))))
      assign("curLow", -Inf, envir=env)
    if (is.numeric(x[[4]])) {
      assign("curHi", as.numeric(x[[4]]), envir=env)
    } else {
      env$err <- unique(c(env$err,
                          paste0("syntax error '", deparse1(x),
                                 "': limits must be numeric")))
      assign("curHi", Inf, envir=env)
    x <- x[1:2]
  } else if (length(x) == 3) {
    # expit(x, 1)
    if (is.numeric(x[[3]])) {
      assign("curLow", as.numeric(x[[3]]), envir=env)
    } else {
                      paste0("syntax error '", deparse1(x),
                             "': limits must be numeric"))),
      assign("curLow", -Inf, envir=env)
    assign("curHi", 1, envir=env)
    x <- x[1:2]
  } else {
    assign("curLow", 0, envir=env)
    assign("curHi", 1, envir=env)
  if (env$curLow >= env$curHi) {
                    paste0("syntax error '", deparse1(x),
                           "': limits must be lower, higher"))),

.muRefExtractTheta <- function(x, env) {
  if (is.name(x)) {
    .n <- as.character(x)
    .lhs <- deparse1(env$curLhs)
    if (any(.n == env$info$theta)) {
  } else if (is.call(x)) {
    return(do.call(`c`, lapply(x[-1], .muRefExtractTheta, env=env)))
  } else {

#' Extract single variable names from a expression
#' @param x Expression
#' @param names Names to prepend to the final names output
#' @param env Environment that contains a boolean `.found` that
#'   indicates if an interesting expression has been found
#' @return character vector of names that are uncomplicated, like
#'   "a", "b"; If the names are part of a larger expression these
#'   names are skipped.
#' @author Matthew Fidler
#' @noRd
.muRefExtractSingleVariableNames <- function(x, names, env) {
  c(names, do.call(`c`, lapply(x, function(y) {
    if(is.name(y)) {
      env$found <- TRUE
      .th <- as.character(y)
      if (.th %in% env$info$theta &&
            !(.th %in% env$singleTheta)) {
        env$singleTheta <- c(env$singleTheta, .th)
#' Extract mu-style covariates that is theta + eta + cov*theta.cov
#' @param x expression to evaluate
#' @param doubleNames A list of the covariates with the estimates
#'   attached.  This is in a single expression so wt*theta.cov1 +
#'   wt*theta.cov2 will add an error at the end of the expression
#' @param env Environment with $info that has information about the
#'   parsed model
#' @return A list of covariates with estimates attached
#' @author Matthew Fidler
#' @noRd
.muRefExtractMultiplyMuCovariates <- function(x, doubleNames, env) {
  c(doubleNames, do.call(`c`, lapply(x, function(y) {
    if(is.call(y) && identical(y[[1]], quote(`*`))) {
      .y2 <- y[-1]
      if (length(.y2) == 2) {
        if (is.name(.y2[[1]]) && is.name(.y2[[2]])) {
          .y2 <- vapply(.y2, as.character, character(1))
          if (any(.y2[1] == env$info$cov) &&
                any(.y2[2] == env$info$theta)) {
            if (any(.y2[1] == names(doubleNames))) {
              env$err <- unique(c(env$err,
                                  paste0("syntax error: covariate '", .y2[1],
                                         "' is duplicated in mu-referenced expression for '",
                                         .y2[2], "' and '", doubleNames[[.y2[1]]], "'")))
            env$.found <- TRUE
            return(setNames(list(.y2[2]), .y2[1]))
          } else if (any(.y2[2] == env$info$cov) &&
                       any(.y2[1] == env$info$theta)) {
            if (any(.y2[2] == names(doubleNames))) {
              env$err <- unique(c(env$err,
                                  paste0("syntax error: covariate '", .y2[2],
                                         "' is duplicated in mu-referenced expression for '",
                                         .y2[1], "' and '", doubleNames[[.y2[2]]], "'")))
            env$.found <- TRUE
            return(setNames(list(.y2[1]), .y2[2]))
      .thetas <- try(.muRefExtractTheta(y, env), silent=TRUE)
      if (inherits(.thetas, "try-error")) .thetas <- NULL
      if (length(.thetas) == 1L) {
        .d <- try(symengine::D(get("rxdummyLhs", rxS(paste0("rxdummyLhs=", deparse1(y)))), .thetas),
        .extra <- try(str2lang(rxFromSE(.d)),
        .thetaD <- try(.muRefExtractTheta(.extra, env), silent=TRUE)
        if (inherits(.thetaD, "try-error")) .thetaD <- NULL
        if (is.null(.thetaD)) {
          # mu2 expression
          env$.found <- TRUE
          env$mu2RefCovariateReplaceDataFrame <-
          return(setNames(list(.thetas), deparse1(.extra)))

.muRefNextAdditiveExpression <- function(x) {
  .expr <- NULL
  for (i in seq_along(length(x))) {
    if(is.call(x[[i]])) {
      .expr <- x[[i]]
      if (identical(.expr[[1]], quote(`+`))) {
        if (length(.expr) == 2L) {
          .expr <- NULL
        } else {
          .expr <- .expr[-1]
      } else {
        .expr <- NULL
#' Downgrade the mu reference to additive
#' @param .we which eta values
#' @param .wt which theta values
#' @param .names names
#' @param env rxode2 ui environment (incomplete)
#' @return Nothing, called for side effects
#' @author Matthew L. Fidler
#' @noRd
.muRefDowngradeEvalToAdditive <- function(.we, .wt, .names, env) {
  .w <- c(.we, .wt)
  if (length(.w) > 0) {
    lapply(.w, function(i) {
      .muRefSetCurEval(.names[i], env, "")
#'  Mu reference handle single theta covariates
#' @param .we Which etas
#' @param .wt which thetas
#' @param .names which  names
#' @param .doubleNames These are the double names
#' @param .extraItems Extra items
#' @param env rxode2 incomplete environment
#' @return Nothing called for side effects
#' @author Matthew L. Fidler
#' @noRd
.muRefHandleSingleThetaCovOnly <- function(.we, .wt, .names, .doubleNames, .extraItems, env) {
  .w <- which(env$muRefCovariateDataFrame$theta == .names[.wt])
  .w0 <- which(env$muRefCovariateEmpty == .names[.wt])

  if (length(.doubleNames) == 0) {
    # here mu referenced covariates are not present.
    if (length(.w0) == 0) {
      env$muRefCovariateEmpty <- c(env$muRefCovariateEmpty, .names[.wt])
    if (length(.w) != 0) {
      # Previously, this was thought to have mu referenced
      # variables, could be an error in coding, perhaps a warning
      # should be issued?
      env$muRefDropParameters <- rbind(env$muRefDropParameters,
                                                  term=with(env$muRefCovariateDataFrame[.w, ],
                                                            paste0(covariate, "*", covariateParameter))))
      env$muRefCovariateDataFrame <- env$muRefCovariateDataFrame[-.w, ]
      .muRefDowngradeEvalToAdditive(.we, .wt, .names, env)
  } else if (length(.w0) != 0) {
    # Here double names are present, but had been previously flagged
    # as not having covariates.  Perhaps a warning should be
    # issued for this condition
    .covariate <- names(.doubleNames)
    .covariateParameter <- setNames(unlist(.doubleNames), NULL)
    env$muRefDropParameters <- rbind(env$muRefDropParameters,
                                     data.frame(parameter=.names[.wt], term=paste0(.covariate, "*", .covariateParameter)))
    .muRefDowngradeEvalToAdditive(.we, .wt, .names, env)
  } else {
    .covariate <- names(.doubleNames)
    .covariateParameter <- setNames(unlist(.doubleNames), NULL)
    if (length(.w) > 0) {
      # Here there are covariates defined, but perhaps not the same
      # ones as defined in the past.  Check the intersect of what is
      # defined now and what was defined previously
      .covariatePrior <- env$muRefCovariateDataFrame[.w, ]
      .covariateParameterPrior <- .covariatePrior$covariateParameter
      .covariatePrior <- .covariatePrior$covariate
      .multPrior <- paste0(.covariatePrior, "*", .covariateParameterPrior)
      .mult <- paste0(.covariate, "*", .covariateParameter)
      .multBoth <- intersect(.mult, .multPrior)
      if (length(.multBoth) == 0) {
        # Nothing in common, assume that there are no mu referenced covariates from now on
        env$muRefDropParameters <- rbind(env$muRefDropParameters,
                                                    term=c(.mult, .multPrior)))

        env$muRefCovariateEmpty <- c(env$muRefCovariateEmpty, .names[.wt])
        env$muRefCovariateDataFrame <- env$muRefCovariateDataFrame[-.w,, drop = FALSE]
        .muRefDowngradeEvalToAdditive(.we, .wt, .names, env)
      } else {
        .w2 <- .w[which(!(.multPrior %in% .multBoth))]
        if (length(.w2) > 0) {
          # Maybe warn that these are dropped
          env$muRefDropParameters <-
                             term=with(env$muRefCovariateDataFrame[.w2, ],
                                       paste0(covariate, "*", covariateParameter))))
          env$muRefCovariateDataFrame <- env$muRefCovariateDataFrame[-.w2,, drop = FALSE]
          .muRefDowngradeEvalToAdditive(.we, .wt, .names, env)
    } else {
      .df <- data.frame(theta=.names[.wt],
      env$muRefCovariateDataFrame <- rbind(env$muRefCovariateDataFrame, .df)
#' Handle the extra items that are not part of the mu referencing, but may be added
#' @param .we This is the index of the etas that are being processed
#' @param .wt This is the index of the thetas that are being processed
#' @param .names This is the names of the single items that need to be processed
#' @param .doubleNames This is the double names of the mu referenced covariates
#' @param .extraItems This is the extra items in the mu reference extressions
#' @param env This represents the mu referencing environment where things are stored and modified
#' @param eta When `FALSE` this processes the thetas, when `TRUE` this processes the etas
#' @return Nothing, called for the side effects
#' @author Matthew Fidler
#' @noRd
.muRefHandleSingleThetaExtraOnly <- function(.we, .wt, .names, .doubleNames, .extraItems, env, eta=FALSE)  {
  .wcur <- .wt
  if (eta) .wcur <- .we
  .w <- which(env$muRefExtra$parameter == .names[.wcur])
  .w0 <- which(env$muRefExtraEmpty == .names[.wcur])
  if (length(.extraItems) == 0) {
    # here mu referenced covariates are not present.
    if (length(.w0) == 0) {
      env$muRefExtraEmpty <- c(env$muRefExtraEmpty, .names[.wcur])
    if (length(.w) != 0) {
      # Previously, this was thought to have mu referenced
      # variables, could be an error in coding, perhaps a warning
      # should be issued?
      .extraDrop <- data.frame(parameter=.names[.wcur],
      env$muRefDropParameters <- rbind(env$muRefDropParameters,
      env$muRefExtra <- env$muRefExtra[-.w, ]
      .muRefDowngradeEvalToAdditive(.we, .wt, .names, env)
  } else if (length(.w0) != 0) {
    # Here extra items are present, but had been previously flagged
    # as not having double names.  Perhaps a warning should be
    # issued for this condition
    env$muRefDropParameters <- rbind(env$muRefDropParameters,
    .muRefDowngradeEvalToAdditive(.we, .wt, .names, env)
  } else {
    if (length(.w) > 0) {
      # Here there are extra items defined, but perhaps not the same
      # ones as defined in the past.  Check the intersect of what is
      # defined now and what was defined previously
      .extraItemsPrior <- env$muRefExtra$extra[.w]
      .extraBoth <- intersect(.extraItems, .extraItemsPrior)
      if (length(.extraBoth) == 0) {
        # Nothing in common, assume that there are no mu referenced covariates from now on
        env$muRefDropParameters <- rbind(env$muRefDropParameters,
                                                    term=c(.extraItems, .extraItemsPrior)))

        env$muRefExtraEmpty <- c(env$muRefExtraEmpty, .names[.wcur])
        env$muRefExtra <- env$muRefExtra[-.w,, drop = FALSE]
        .muRefDowngradeEvalToAdditive(.we, .wt, .names, env)
      } else {
        .w2 <- .w[which(!(.extraItemsPrior %in% .extraBoth))]
        if (length(.w2) > 0) {
          # Maybe warn that these are dropped
          env$muRefDropParameters <- rbind(env$muRefDropParameters,
          env$muRefExtra <- env$muRefExtra[-.w2,, drop = FALSE]
          .muRefDowngradeEvalToAdditive(.we, .wt, .names, env)
    } else {
      .df <- data.frame(parameter=.names[.wcur],
      env$muRefExtra <- rbind(env$muRefExtra, .df)

.muRefHandleSingleThetaCovAndExtra <- function(.we, .wt, .names, .doubleNames, .extraItems, env) {
  if (length(.wt) == 1) {
    .muRefSetCurEval(.names[.wt], env)
    .doubleNames <- .doubleNames[names(.doubleNames) != ""]
    .muRefHandleSingleThetaCovOnly(.we, .wt, .names, .doubleNames, .extraItems, env)
    .muRefHandleSingleThetaExtraOnly(.we, .wt, .names, .doubleNames, .extraItems, env)
    .wmu <- which(env$muRefDataFrame$theta == .names[.wt] &
                    env$muRefDataFrame$level == "id")
    if (length(.wmu) == 1 && length(.we) == 0L) {
      .curEta <- env$muRefDataFrame$eta[.wmu]
      .muRefSetNonMuEta(.curEta, env)
      .muRefSetCurEval(.curEta, env, set="")

#' This sets the non mu etas
#' @param .curEta The eta to set as a non-mu eta
#' @param env mu ref environtment
#' @return Nothing, called for its side effects
#' @author Matthew Fidler
#' @noRd
.muRefSetNonMuEta <- function(.curEta, env) {
  if (!any(env$nonMuEtas == .curEta)) {
    env$nonMuEtas <- c(env$nonMuEtas, .curEta)
    .wEtaInDf <- which(env$muRefDataFrame$eta == .curEta)
    if (length(.wEtaInDf) > 0) {
      env$muRefDataFrame <- env$muRefDataFrame[-.wEtaInDf,, drop = FALSE]
# This function handles the extra information in a theta based mu referenced

#' This handles the case where there is a mu referenced single theta
#' with a reference population eta
#' @param .we this represents the item number in `.names` that is the
#'   mu-referenced population eta
#' @param .wt this represents the item number in `.names` that is the
#'   mu-referenced population theta
#' @param .names This is the names of the single item names in the
#'   additive expression that may be a mu-referenced expression
#' @param .doubleNames The double names of the covariate and
#'   estimated theta for the mu referenced covariate.
#' The double names is a list. The elements of this list are the
#' population parameter estimates for a data-based covariate. The
#' names of the list are the covariate that the population parameters
#' are estimating an effect for.
#' @param .extraItems This represents the extra items that are in the
#'   additive expression that may be part of the full additive
#'   expression
#' @param env This is the mu-reference environment where mu reference
#'   information is saved
#' @return Nothing; Called for its side effects and modifications in
#'   the mu reference environment `env`
#' @author Matthew Fidler
#' @noRd
.muRefHandleSingleThetaMuRef <- function(.we, .wt, .names, .doubleNames, .extraItems, env) {
  # Here the mu reference is possible
  if (length(.we) == 1) {
    # Simple theta/eta mu-referencing
    .curEta <- .names[.we]
    .muRefSetCurEval(.curEta, env)
    if (!any(.curEta == env$nonMuEtas)) {
      .wEtaInDf <- which(env$muRefDataFrame$eta == .curEta)
      if (length(.wEtaInDf) > 0) {
        # duplicated ETAs, if everything is not the same then it isn't really mu-referenced

        # The duplicated ETAs can occur for shared etas for 2
        # different population parameters.  This can make sense for 2
        # different treatments with a similar between subject
        # variability that can be pooled, like:
        # emaxA = tv.emaxA + eta.emax
        # emaxB = tv.emaxB + eta.emax
        # In this case, the eta.emax is no longer mu-referenced
        if (!all(env$muRefDataFrame$theta[.wEtaInDf] == .names[.wt]) ||
              !all(env$muRefDataFrame$eta[.wEtaInDf] == .curEta)) {
          .muRefSetNonMuEta(.curEta, env)
      } else {
        env$muRefDataFrame <-
  } else if (length(.we) != 0) {
    stop("currently do not support IOV etc")
  .muRefHandleSingleThetaCovAndExtra(.we, .wt, .names, .doubleNames, .extraItems, env)

#' Handle unary plus as a noop. Also recursively handle calls that are not additive expressions
#' @param expr parameter expression
#' @param env environment for assigning items
#' @return return plus
#' @author Matthew L. Fidler
#' @noRd
.muRefHandlePlusNoop <- function(expr, env) {
  if (is.symbol(expr)) return(expr)
  if (identical(expr[[1]], quote(`+`)) &&
        length(expr) == 2L) {
  } else if (is.call(expr) && !identical(expr[[1]], quote(`+`))) {
    # save curEval
    .curEval <- env$.curEval
    .rxMuRefHandleNonPlusCall(expr, env)
    assign(".curEval", .curEval, envir=env) # restore curEval

#' Handle the + expressions to determine mu-reference expressions
#' @param x additive Call Expression
#' @param env Environment information
#' @return nothing
#' @author Matthew Fidler
#' @noRd
.muRefHandlePlus <- function(x, env) {
  .x2 <- x[-1]
  .names <- NULL
  .doubleNames <- list(0)
  .extraItems <- NULL
  while (!is.null(.x2)) {
    env$.found <- FALSE
    .x2[[1]] <- .muRefHandlePlusNoop(.x2[[1]], env)
    .names <- .muRefExtractSingleVariableNames(.x2, .names, env)
    .doubleNames <- .muRefExtractMultiplyMuCovariates(.x2, .doubleNames, env)
    if (length(.x2) >= 2) {
      if (!env$.found && !is.name(.x2[[2]])) {
        .extraItems <- c(.extraItems, deparse1(.x2[[2]]))
    .x2 <- .muRefNextAdditiveExpression(.x2)
  .wt <- which(.names %in% env$info$theta)
  .we <- which(.names %in% env$info$eta)
  if (length(.wt) >= 2) {
    env$err <- unique(c(env$err,
                        paste0("syntax error: 2+ single population parameters in a single mu-referenced expression: '",
                               paste(env$info$theta[.wt], collapse="', '"),
                               "'\nthis could occur when a between subject variability parameter is not initialized with a '~'")))
  } else if (length(.wt) == 1) {
    if (!is.null(.extraItems)) {
      .ord <- order(vapply(.extraItems, nchar, integer(1)))
      .extraItems <- .extraItems[.ord]
    .muRefHandleSingleThetaMuRef(.we, .wt, .names, .doubleNames, .extraItems, env)
  } else if (length(.we) == 1) {
    .curEta <- .names[.we]
    .muRefSetCurEval(.curEta, env)
    .muRefSetNonMuEta(.curEta, env)
    .muRefHandleSingleThetaExtraOnly(.we, .wt, .names, .doubleNames, .extraItems, env, eta=TRUE)
#'  Handle single eta value if it exists
#' @param expr r language expression
#' @param env environment for saving information
#' @return Called for side effects
#' @author Matthew L. Fidler
#' @noRd
.handleSingleEtaIfExists <- function(expr, env) {
  .curEta <- deparse1(expr)
  if (any(.curEta == env$info$eta)) {
    ## eta singlet, not mu referenced
    .muRefSetCurEval(.curEta, env)
    .muRefSetNonMuEta(.curEta, env)
  } else if (any(.curEta == env$info$theta)) {
    .muRefSetCurEval(.curEta, env)
#' Handle non plus calls
#' @param x expression
#' @param env Environment for saving information
#' @author Matthew L. Fidler
#' @noRd
.rxMuRefHandleNonPlusCall <- function(x, env) {
  .curEval <- as.character(x[[1]])
  assign(".curEval", .curEval, env)
  env$curHi <- NA_real_
  env$curLow <- NA_real_
  if (env$.curEval == "probitInv" ||
        env$.curEval == "expit" ||
        env$.curEval == "logit" ||
        env$.curEval == "probit") {
    x <- .rxMuRefHandleLimits(x, env)
  .handleSingleEtaIfExists(x[[2]], env)
  lapply(x[-1], .rxMuRef0, env=env)

.rxMuRef0 <- function(x, env) {
  if (env$top) {
    env$top <- FALSE
    y <- x
    for (.i in seq_along(y)) {
      x <- y[[.i]]
      if (identical(x[[1]], quote(`=`)) ||
            identical(x[[1]], quote(`~`))) {
        env$curLhs <- x[[2]]
        #.handleSingleEtaIfExists(x[[3]], env)
        if (.rxMuRefHasThetaEtaOrCov(x[[3]], env)) {
          # This line has etas or covariates and might need to be
          # separated into mu-referenced line
          .rxMuRefLineIsClean(x, env)
          if (rxode2.debug) {
            .tmp <- lapply(x, function(y, env) {
              assign(".curEval", "", env)
              .rxMuRef0(y, env=env)
            }, env=env)
          } else {
            .tmp <- try(lapply(x, function(y, env) {
              assign(".curEval", "", env)
              .rxMuRef0(y, env=env)
            }, env=env), silent=TRUE)
          if (inherits(.tmp, "try-error")) {
            .msg <- paste0("mu-ref err: ", attr(.tmp,"condition")$message)
            if (!is.null(env$lstErr[[.i]])) {
              .msg <- paste(env$lstErr[[.i]], "\n", .msg)
            env$lstErr[[.i]] <- .msg
            env$hasErrors <- TRUE
        } else {
          # This line does not depend on etas or covariates
          # simply add to the body
          env$body <- c(env$body, list(x))
      } else {
        ## This line is a special statement, simply add to the body
        env$body <- c(env$body, list(x))
  } else if (is.call(x)) {
    if (identical(x[[1]], quote(`+`))) {
      .muRefHandlePlus(x, env)
    } else {
      .rxMuRefHandleNonPlusCall(x, env)
  } else if (is.name(x)) {
    .name <- as.character(x)
    if (any(.name == env$info$theta)) {
      env$oneTheta <- unique(.name, env$oneTheta)

#' This sets the current evaluation for a single parameter, either a theta or an eta
#' @param parameter The parameter is the string for theta or eta
#'   value
#' @param env Mu referencing parsing environment
#' @param set if a character, set the evalutaion to this value
#'   regardless of the internal value of `env$.curEval`
#' @return Nothing, called for its side effects
#' @author Matthew Fidler
#' @noRd
.muRefSetCurEval <- function(parameter, env, set=NULL) {
  .w <- which(env$muRefCurEval == parameter)
  .curEval <- env$.curEval
  .blankEval <- ""
  if (inherits(set, "character")) {
    if (length(.w) == 0L) {
      env$muRefCurEval <-
              data.frame(parameter=parameter, curEval=set, low=env$curLow, hi=env$curHi))
    } else {
      env$muRefCurEval$curEval[.w] <- set
  } else {
    if (length(.w) == 0L) {
      if (is.null(env$curLow)) {
        env$curLow <- NA_real_
      if (is.null(env$curHi)) {
        env$curHi <- NA_real_
      env$muRefCurEval <-
              data.frame(parameter=parameter, curEval=.curEval, low=env$curLow, hi=env$curHi))
    } else if (env$muRefCurEval$curEval[.w] != env$.curEval) {
      env$muRefCurEval$curEval[.w] <- .blankEval

#'  Setup the initial environment for mu-referencing calculations
#' @param mod Model environment
#' @param ini parsed lotri ini
#' @return model environment to setup rxUi
#' @author Matthew L. Fidler
#' @noRd
.rxMuRefSetupInitialEnvironment <- function(mod, ini=NULL) {
  if (is.null(ini)) {
    .eta <- mod$eta
    .iniDf <- mod$iniDf
    .mv <- mod$mv0
    .env <- mod
  } else {
    .eta <- dimnames(ini)[[1]]
    .iniDf <- as.data.frame(ini)
    .mv  <- rxModelVars(mod)
    .env <- new.env(parent=emptyenv())
  .theta <- .iniDf$name[!is.na(.iniDf$ntheta)]
  .expr <- eval(parse(text=paste0("quote({",rxNorm(.mv),"})")))
  .expr <- .expr[-1]
  .state <- .mv$state

  .params <- .mv$params
  .lhs <- .mv$lhs

  # Covariates are model based parameters not described by theta/eta
  .info <- list(state=.state,
                cov=setdiff(.params, c(.theta, .eta, names(rxInits(.mv)))))

  .env$param <- list()
  .env$singleTheta <- NULL
  .env$body <- list()
  .env$info <- .info
  .env$top <- TRUE
  if (!exists("hasErrors", envir=.env)) {
    .env$hasErrors <- FALSE

  # probit/probitInv
  .env$probit.theta.low <- NULL
  .env$probit.theta.hi <- NULL
  .env$probit.theta <- NULL

  .env$probitInv.theta.low <- NULL
  .env$probitInv.theta.hi <- NULL
  .env$probitInv.theta <- NULL

  # logit/expit
  .env$logit.theta <- NULL
  .env$logit.theta.low <- NULL
  .env$logit.theta.hi <- NULL

  .env$expit.theta <- NULL
  .env$expit.theta.low <- NULL
  .env$expit.theta.hi <- NULL

  .env$log.theta <- NULL
  .env$exp.theta <- NULL

  .env$cov.ref <- NULL
  .env$err <- NULL
  .env$.expr <- .expr
  # This records the evaluation status of single parameters like thetas and etass
  .env$muRefCurEval <- data.frame(parameter=character(0), curEval=character(0))
  # This records the mu reference relationship between eta
  # variability and the population parameters
  .env$muRefDataFrame <- data.frame(eta=character(0), theta=character(0), level=character(0))
  .env$muRefExtra <- data.frame(parameter=character(0), extra=character(0))
  .env$muRefExtraEmpty <- NULL
  .env$muRefCovariateDataFrame <- data.frame(theta=character(0), covariate=character(0), covariateParameter=character(0))
  .env$mu2RefCovariateReplaceDataFrame <- data.frame(covariate=character(0), covariateParameter=character(0), modelExpression=character(0))
  .env$muRefDropParameters <- data.frame(parameter=character(0), term=character(0))
  .env$muRefCovariateEmpty <- NULL
  .env$nonMuEtas <- NULL
  .env$covariates <- .info$cov
  .env$etaLhsDf <- data.frame(lhs=character(0), eta=character(0))
  .env$thetaLhsDf <- data.frame(lhs=character(0), theta=character(0))
  .env$covLhsDf <- data.frame(lhs=character(0), cov=character(0))
  .env$curLhs <- NULL
#' Check/adjust ranges for error parameters
#' This will throw an error of an error parameter is defined out of
#' range. It also will update `iniDf` to match the parameter description
#' @param env rxode ui environment (likely before fianlization)
#' @return Nothing, called for side effects
#' @author Matthew L. Fidler
#' @noRd
.checkAndAdjustErrInformation <- function(env) {
  .iniDf <- env$iniDf
  .w <- which(!is.na(.iniDf$err))
  for (.err in .w) {
    .curErr <- .iniDf$err[.err]
    .wN <- which(names(.errDistArgRanges) == .curErr)
    if (length(.wN) == 1L) {
      .range <- .errDistArgRanges[[.curErr]]
      .est <- .iniDf$est[.err]
      .lower <- .iniDf$lower[.err]
      .name <- .iniDf$name[.err]
      .upper <- .iniDf$upper[.err]
      if (.range[1] > .est) {
        env$err <- c(env$err,
                     paste0("'", .name, "' estimate (",
                            .est, ") needs to be above ", .range[1]))
      if (.range[2] < .est) {
        env$err <- c(env$err,
                     paste0("'", .name, "' estimate (",
                            .est, ") needs to be below ", .range[2]))
      if (.lower < .range[1]) {
        if (isTRUE(getOption("rxode2.verbose.pipe", TRUE)) && is.finite(.lower)) {
          .minfo(paste0("'", .name, "' lower bound (",
                        .lower, ") needs to be equal or above ", .range[1],
                        "; adjusting"))
        .lower <- .range[1]
      if (.upper > .range[2]) {
        if (isTRUE(getOption("rxode2.verbose.pipe", TRUE)) && is.finite(.upper)) {
          .minfo(paste0("'", .name, "' upper bound (", .upper,
                        ") needs to be equal or below ", .range[2],
                        "; adjusting"))
        .upper <- .range[2]
      .iniDf$lower[.err] <- .lower
      .iniDf$upper[.err] <- .upper
  env$iniDf <- .iniDf
#' Check for ini({}) parameters that are missing in the model({})
#' @param ui rxode2 ui model
#' @return Nothing, called for side effects
#' @author Matthew L. Fidler
#' @noRd
.checkForIniParametersMissingFromModelBlock <- function(ui) {
  .iniDf <- ui$iniDf
  .mv <- ui$mv0
  if (is.null(ui$predDf)) {
    .errEsts <- NULL
  } else {
    .errEsts <- .iniDf[.iniDf$condition %in% ui$predDf$cond, "name"]
  .estName <- .iniDf$name[!is.na(.iniDf$ntheta) |
                            (!is.na(.iniDf$neta1) & .iniDf$neta1 == .iniDf$neta2)]
  .estName <- c(.estName, .errEsts)
  .missingPars <- setdiff(.estName, c(.mv$params, .errEsts))
  if (length(.missingPars) > 0) {
    ui$err <-
        paste0("the following parameter(s) were in the ini block but not in the model block: ",
               paste(.missingPars, collapse=", ")))

#' Check for infinite or missing parameters
#' @param ui rxode2 ui function
#' @return Nothing called for side effects
#' @author Matthew L. Fidler
#' @noRd
.checkForInfiniteOrNaParameters <- function(ui) {
  .iniDf <- ui$iniDf
  .bad <- .iniDf$name[is.infinite(.iniDf$est) | is.na(.iniDf$est)]
  if (length(.bad) > 0) {
    ui$err <-
        paste0("infinite/NA initial parameters: ", paste(.bad, collapse=", ")))

.checkForAtLeastOneEstimatedOrModeledParameterPerEndpoint <- function(ui) {
  .iniDf <- ui$iniDf
  .predDf <- ui$predDf
  if (is.null(.predDf)) return(NULL)
  .mv <- ui$mv0
  lapply(seq_along(.predDf$cond), function(i) {
    .cond <- .predDf$cond[i]
    .w <- which(.iniDf$condition == .cond)
    # endpoint has no estimated parameters, see if they are modeled
    # parameters
    .ret <- as.character(.predDf[i, c("a", "b", "c", "d", "e", "f", "lambda")])
    .ret <- .ret[!is.na(.ret)]
    .ini <- .mv$ini
    .ini <- .ini[!is.na(.ini)]
    .names <- c(.mv$lhs, names(.ini))
    .ret <- setdiff(.ret, .names)
    if (length(.ret) > 0L) {
      ui$err <- c(ui$err,
                  paste0("endpoint '", .userEndpointNames(.predDf$cond[i]), "' needs the following parameters estimated or modeled: ",
                         paste(.ret, collapse=", ")))
    if (.predDf$distribution[i] %in% c("norm", "t") && !(.predDf$var[i] %in% c(.mv$lhs, .mv$state, "rxLinCmt"))) {
      ui$err <- c(ui$err,
                  paste0("endpoint '", .userEndpointNames(.predDf$cond[i]), "' is not defined in the model"))

.muRefSeparateCalculatedMuRefCovs <- function(.env) {
  if (length(.env$mu2RefCovariateReplaceDataFrame$covariate) == 0L) {
    .env$mu2RefCovariateReplaceDataFrame$theta <- character(0)
  } else {
    .env$mu2RefCovariateReplaceDataFrame$theta <- NA_character_
           function(i) {
             .cov <- .env$mu2RefCovariateReplaceDataFrame$covariate[i]
             .covPar <- .env$mu2RefCovariateReplaceDataFrame$covariateParameter[i]
             .wmu <- which(.env$muRefCovariateDataFrame$covariate == .cov &
                             .env$mu2RefCovariateReplaceDataFrame$covariateParameter[i] == .covPar)
             if (length(.wmu) == 1L) {
               .theta <- .env$muRefCovariateDataFrame$theta[.wmu]
               .env$muRefCovariateDataFrame <- .env$muRefCovariateDataFrame[-.wmu,]
               .env$mu2RefCovariateReplaceDataFrame$theta[i] <- .theta
  .env$mu2RefCovariateReplaceDataFrame <- .env$mu2RefCovariateReplaceDataFrame[,c("theta", "covariate", "covariateParameter", "modelExpression")]
  row.names(.env$muRefCovariateDataFrame) <- NULL
  row.names(.env$mu2RefCovariateReplaceDataFrame) <- NULL

#' Get mu-referencing model from model variables
#' The rxMuRef is the core of the nlmixr ui functions
#' This function takes the initialization values from `lotri()` the
#' parsed rxode2 model to generate mu-referenced models adding
#' mu-references for etas that do not have them to allow saem to
#' support non mu-referenced models by a parsing trick.
#' @param mod Model
#' @param ini lotri initialization information
#' @return parsed environment
#' @author Matthew Fidler
#' @examples
#' # First lets get a lotri initialization block:
#' ini <- lotri({
#'   ## You may label each parameter with a comment
#'   tka <- 0.45 # Log Ka
#'   tcl <- log(c(0, 2.7, 100)) # Log Cl
#'   ## This works with interactive models
#'   ## You may also label the preceding line with label("label text")
#'   tv <- 3.45; label("log V")
#'   ## the label("Label name") works with all models
#'   eta.ka ~ 0.6
#'   eta.cl + eta.v ~ c(0.3,
#'                      0.001, 0.1)
#'   add.sd <- 0.7
#' })
#' ini2 <- lotri({
#'   ## You may label each parameter with a comment
#'   tka <- 0.45 # Log Ka
#'   tcl <- log(c(0, 2.7, 100)) # Log Cl
#'   ## This works with interactive models
#'   ## You may also label the preceding line with label("label text")
#'   tv <- 3.45; label("log V")
#'   add.sd <- 0.7
#' })
#' @noRd
.rxMuRef <- function(mod, ini=NULL) {
  .env <- .rxMuRefSetupInitialEnvironment(mod, ini)
  .rxMuRef0(.env$.expr, env=.env)
  if (.env$hasErrors) {
    .errMsg <- paste0(crayon::bold$blue("\nmodel"), "({}) errors:\n",
                                   function(i) {
                                     sprintf(paste0("%s", crayon::bold("%03d:"), " %s"),
                                             ifelse(is.null(.env$lstErr[[i]]), "",
                                                    sprintf(paste0(crayon::bold("%s"), "\n"), .env$lstErr[[i]])),
                                             i, deparse1(.env$lstExpr[[i]]))
                                   }, character(1), USE.NAMES=FALSE), collapse="\n"))
  if (length(.env$err) > 0) {
    stop(paste0(ifelse(.env$hasErrors, "syntax/parsing errors (see above) and additionally:\n", "syntax/parsing errors:\n"),
                paste(.env$err, collapse="\n")),
  } else if (.env$hasErrors) {
    stop("syntax/parsing errors, see above", call.=FALSE)
  .rm <- intersect(c(".curEval", ".curLineClean", ".expr", ".found", "body", "cov.ref",
                     "err", "exp.theta", "expit.theta", "expit.theta.hi", "expit.theta.low",
                     "found", "info", "log.theta", "logit.theta", "logit.theta.hi",
                     "logit.theta.low", "param", "probit.theta", "probit.theta.hi",
                     "probit.theta.low", "probitInv.theta", "probitInv.theta.hi",
                     "probitInv.theta.low", "top", "dupErr", "lstErr", "lstChr", "curLhs"),
                   ls(envir=.env, all.names=TRUE))
  if (length(.rm) > 0) rm(list=.rm, envir=.env)
nlmixr2/rxode2 documentation built on Jan. 11, 2025, 8:48 a.m.