.rxIndLinStrategy <- "curState"
#' This sets the inductive linearization strategy for matrix building
#' When there is more than one state in a ODE that cannot be
#' separated this specifies how it is incorporated into the matrix
#' exponential.
#' @param strategy The strategy for inductive linearization matrix building
#' * `curState` Prefer parameterizing in terms of the current
#' state, followed by the first state observed in the term.
#' * `split` Split the parameterization between all states in the
#' term by dividing each by the number of states in the term and then
#' adding a matrix term for each state.
#' @return Nothing
#' @author Matthew L. Fidler
#' @export
rxIndLinStrategy <- function(strategy = c("curState", "split")) {
assignInMyNamespace(".rxIndLinStrategy", match.arg(strategy))
.rxIndLinState <- NULL
#' Set the preferred factoring by state
#' @param preferred A list of each state's preferred factorization
#' @return Nothing
#' @author Matthew Fidler
#' @export
rxIndLinState <- function(preferred = NULL) {
if (is.null(preferred)) {
return(assignInMyNamespace(".rxIndLinState", preferred))
checkmate::assertList(preferred, names = "unique")
lapply(seq_along(preferred), function(x) {
if (!checkmate::checkCharacter(preferred[[x]],
names = "unnamed"
)) {
stop(sprintf(gettext("'rxIndLinState' list element '%s' must be a unnamed character vector"), names(preferred)[x]),
call. = FALSE
assignInMyNamespace(".rxIndLinState", preferred)
.rxIndLinLine <- function(line, states, state0) {
.tmp <- symengine::expand(line) ## Expand line
.tmp <- rxFromSE(.tmp) ## Convert SE->rxode2; Changes things like X^1 -> X
.ret <- eval(parse(text = paste0("rxSplitPlusQ(quote(", .tmp, "))")))
.lst <- list()
.fullIndLin <- FALSE
## This adds the x to the name environment in the .lst list above.
.addIt <- function(x, name) {
.cur <- .lst
if (any(names(.lst) == name)) {
.cur[[name]] <- c(.cur[[name]], x)
} else {
.cur[[name]] <- x
.lst <<- .cur
## This fixes the multiplication so that -1*x becomes -x and *1* becomes *
## Also changes y^2*z*1/y to y^1 to y
## This collapses a character vector with "*" between it
## If we have *1/x this becomes simply /x
.multCollapse <- function(x) {
as.character(symengine::S(paste(x, collapse = "*")))
sapply(.ret, function(x) {
.mult <- eval(parse(text = paste0("rxSplitPlusQ(quote(", x, "),mult=TRUE)")))
.mult <- unlist(lapply(.mult, function(x) {
if (x == "-1") {
.min <- substr(x, 0, 1)
if (.min == "-") {
c("-1", substr(x, 2, nchar(x)))
} else {
.curStates <- unlist(lapply(.mult, function(x) {
.pars <- rxModelVars(paste0("rx_expr=", x))$params
return(.pars[.pars %in% states])
.addState <- function(.state, .mult) {
.num <- which(.mult == .state)
if (length(.num) == 0) {
.fullIndLin <<- TRUE
.rest <- c(.mult, paste0("1/", .state))
.expr <- .multCollapse(.rest)
.addIt(.expr, .state)
} else {
if (length(.num) > 1) .fullIndLin <<- TRUE
.num <- .num[1]
.rest <- .mult[-.num]
if (length(.rest) == 0) {
.addIt("1", .state)
} else if (length(.rest) == 1 && .rest[1] == "-1") {
.addIt("-1", .state)
} else {
if (!.fullIndLin) {
## Check to see if this is inductive or
## depends on other states.
.otherStates <- unlist(lapply(.rest, function(x) {
.pars <- rxModelVars(paste0("rx_expr=", x))$params
return(.pars[.pars %in% states])
if (length(.otherStates) > 0) .fullIndLin <<- TRUE
.expr <- .multCollapse(.rest)
.addIt(.expr, .state)
if (length(.curStates) == 1) {
.addState(.curStates, .mult)
} else if (length(.curStates) > 1) {
if (.rxIndLinStrategy == "split") {
## Use strategy #3, split between all the compartments
.extra <- paste0("1/", length(.curStates))
for (.s in .curStates) {
.addState(.s, c(.mult, .extra))
} else {
.pref <- .rxIndLinState[[state0]]
.addPref <- FALSE
if (!is.null(.pref)) {
.pref <- intersect(.pref, .curStates)
if (length(.pref) > 0) {
.addState(.pref[1], .mult)
.addPref <- TRUE
if (!.addPref) {
if (any(.curStates == state0)) {
## If there is d/dt(state1) = ... (state1*state2*state3) ...
## or some other complex expression prefer expressing
.addState(state0, .mult)
} else {
## Otherwise just use the first state identified.
## Strategy #1 just add the first
.addState(.curStates[1], .mult)
} else {
## This is some "constant" or time-base experssion that
## does not depend on state. Hence it is the extra constant
.expr <- .multCollapse(.mult)
.addIt(.expr, "_rxF")
.ret <- sapply(c(states, "_rxF"), function(x) {
if (any(names(.lst) == x)) {
return(gsub("[+][-]", "-", paste(.lst[[x]], collapse = "+")))
return(c(.ret, paste0(.fullIndLin)))
.indLinInfo <- list()
#' This creates the inductive linearization pieces to integrate into
#' a rxode2 model.
#' @param model rxode2 model type of object
#' @param doConst Replace constants with values; By default this is
#' `FALSE`.
#' @return List:
#' * Matrix Exponential initial matrix A for exp(t*A)
#' * Inductive Linerization vector for F
#' * Extra rxode2 code for model generation
#' * Generated C code for model variables; With ME only this will
#' be a list of size 1, otherwise it is a list of size 2.
#' @author Matthew Fidler
#' @noRd
.rxIndLin <- function(model, doConst = FALSE) {
.env <- .rxLoadPrune(model, doConst = doConst)
.states <- rxState(.env)
.minfo("create inductive linearization matrices")
.ret <- eval(parse(text = rxIndLin_(.states)))
.w <- setNames(which(.ret[, "indLin"] == "TRUE") - 1, NULL)
.fullIndLin <- length(.w) > 0
.ret0 <- .ret[.states, .states, drop = FALSE]
.ret1 <- .ret[, "_rxF", drop = FALSE]
.code <- c(paste0("_rxM=", as.vector(.ret0), ";"))
if (all(.ret1 == "0")) {
.ret <- list(
A = .ret0,
f = NULL,
fullIndLin = .fullIndLin,
wIndLin = .w
} else {
.ret <- list(
A = .ret0,
f = .ret1,
fullIndLin = .fullIndLin,
wIndLin = .w
.code <- c(.code, paste("_rxF=", as.vector(.ret1)))
assignInMyNamespace(".indLinInfo", .ret)
.malert("indLin is in development and results subject to change")
return(paste(.code, collapse = "\n"))
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